Whoops, yeah, my posts are somwhat incoherent at times coz I would type halfway, get interrupted to do something else, then try to continue where I left off. Often haphazardly...Hm not sure I understand this statement.
The fireball can and will hit you from an EXTREMLY far distance. Mind you even if we agreed it was only 1 screen. For those of you that don't play mages, their casting range is alot less than 1 screen. So for something to hit you off screen is just unbelievable.
I can't count the times, iv circles around tamers trying to kill them, while getting wracked by the dragon, only to run away with plenty of hp, go to cast a G heal and be hit by the damn fireball.
For those newbie tamers that don't think there is anyway to synergise a greater dragons ability, try necromancy.
There is a certain tamer that will corpse skin/evil omen/all kill you all day. You know why? You know what kind of damage the firebreath alone does to you that that stuff on you? I was evil omened firebreathed the other day and I believe it did 85 with 70 fire. That is crazy. I have never been hit by the firebreath fire corpse skinned but I can only imagen the devastation.
Right, what I meant was that there may be some confusion on what's going on here.
A) The graphical glitch where you see a fireball chasing your behind while you attempt to run away, is just a graphical glitch. In this case, yes, the fireball went off before the the player ran off screen. It's just that the animation is a bit slow.
You can tell if this is indeed what happened by looking at your HP as you are still running away from the fireball, it will show that you already took damage. This is different and easily distinguishable from the issue that the OP described:
B) Monsters can use ranged attacks off screen and even while the player has hidden himself. You can tell that it's a different issue because this time, the damage occurs after you have been hidden and ofter reveals you. So this time it's not just delayed animations like scenario A. The monster targetted you while you were hidden and the damage was done while you were hidden, revealing you at that time.
Scenario B is what the OP is referring to. As someone else said, I think it's a bug with how monster casting is programmed in general, and not meant as an anti-pvm measure to prevent PvM'ers from using cheap tactics by running offscreen.
The monster seem to have already determined what spell and target to cast on, then it delays the casting for 1 sec (in order to conform to the same spellcasting delay that players are faced with). And during that 1 sec delay, sometimes, they seem to be able to queue a second spell/breath weapon.
The correct sequence should be,
1) Determine target and spell,
2) Delay 1 sec
3) Monster freezes on the spot and cannot queue another breath/spell attack, only melee defend
4) After 1 sec is up, check if target is still in range
5) If yes, spell is cast on target. Otherwise, spell is aborted.
I suspect what's happening now is that step 3 and step 4 is not done. If they can fix this, I believe that PvM'ers and PvP'ers alike would rejoice.