"Using blue bards against tamers is not an exploit
I have to say that using a blue bard is not an exploit. It's totally valid game mechanics.
To people that says "then how come if red bards do the same thing, they are flagged". My opinion is that, being red means you are now a wanted murderer. It's one more penalty for being red, and more reason to stay blue. I am sorry to say that wonton murderers should not expect the same courtesy normally afforded to the blues to be extended to you.
As a tamer, you alone (even without your weakened pet) should be able to take out the bard if neither of you are hugging a guardzone.
Templates wise, - in theory, a tamer has devoted only 2-3 skills: taming/lore plus maybe vet in his template. The rest of the 4-5 skills can be uses on magery/eval/resists/med (or their warrior equivalents weaponskill/tactics/resists/chiv/bushido).
A bard has devoted the same 2-3 skills: music/discord plus maybe peace. He also has 4-5 remaining skills for the rest of his template.
So even with the tamers' pet taken out of the equation, the tamer still has the same remaining skill points to go toe to toe with the bard.
Further, note that the skillpoints invested into the barding skills are much less useful in a PvP situation compared to taming."
Wow...just wow. I would shoot this down in flames but the entire statement is wrong on so many levels I just wanted to sit it out by itself.
I have to say that using a blue bard is not an exploit. It's totally valid game mechanics.
To people that says "then how come if red bards do the same thing, they are flagged". My opinion is that, being red means you are now a wanted murderer. It's one more penalty for being red, and more reason to stay blue. I am sorry to say that wonton murderers should not expect the same courtesy normally afforded to the blues to be extended to you.
As a tamer, you alone (even without your weakened pet) should be able to take out the bard if neither of you are hugging a guardzone.
Templates wise, - in theory, a tamer has devoted only 2-3 skills: taming/lore plus maybe vet in his template. The rest of the 4-5 skills can be uses on magery/eval/resists/med (or their warrior equivalents weaponskill/tactics/resists/chiv/bushido).
A bard has devoted the same 2-3 skills: music/discord plus maybe peace. He also has 4-5 remaining skills for the rest of his template.
So even with the tamers' pet taken out of the equation, the tamer still has the same remaining skill points to go toe to toe with the bard.
Further, note that the skillpoints invested into the barding skills are much less useful in a PvP situation compared to taming."
Wow...just wow. I would shoot this down in flames but the entire statement is wrong on so many levels I just wanted to sit it out by itself.