Which would just lead to more whining about casting, then the hitting, etc.
It all comes down to one thing, and one thing only...non-tamers want superiority over tamers. The sad thing is, they already have it, if they know how to play their templates.
You are incredibly biased, it has been explained time and time again.
Run max str with hp increase, and hp regen, 50 enhance potions
Throw bolas, all kill/all guard me. Smoke bomb when you get attacked. There is no character that has any chance in a 1v1 scenario.
Hell on siege iv seen shakaja ( a very infamous player and tamer) taking on an entire pvp group.
You have to put tracking and detect just to get the tamer to show, which gimps you because you really wont have the damage output to kill a max hp regen, 150 hp character swinging a bola with a greater dragon next to him.
Sure there are ways to get away from the dragon ( houses, fields ect) but just because you can actually get away from it doest mean anything. Thats like saying " well at least I can get away from you without dying, even though it takes me and 3 other people just to put up a worthy fight against you, yeah thats fair"
It makes no sence. Do you need me to make a video demonstrating how to play a tamer?
Lets look at some templates....
classic mage (wrestle scribe) - Well lets see...I can run around earthquaking while you easily walk away from me...nope that won't work.
Necromage - see above
Stealth bokker - well some of these have tracking...so I can run around tossing conflags randomly hoping i reveal you for a split second before you smoke bomb.
Bushido dexxer - Hm no track, only conflags, see above
Ok Ok lets add detect and track. Sweet, now 1/3 of my temp is just to reveal you.
So lets go with
120 swords
90 tactics
120 bushido
120 resist
100 track
100 detect
70 med
Ok kinda a BS temp I juss threw together, just your average bokker. Ok So now I can track and reveal you! Awesome, though your still in animal form and able to run at mount speed...Hmm...
Oh wait I'm a melee character, even if you stand still and LET me hit you, i'm gonna have a greater dragon hitting me for 35 a hit.... and since I actually need mana and dex I have less hp than you do.
Well thats a done deal.
The point i'm making is simple. The tamer simply needs to stay next to the dragon and nothing can get near him, even if they can reveal him.
So generally to take down a tamer, you need:
a tracker detecter, someone to run the dragon around while not dying, and like 3 mages to put actually mana vamp him and kill him.
Why three mages? attack someone with 17 hpr and 150 hp, and 50 EP and see how frickin hard it is to kill them.
You speak on the minorities of tamers? Tjere was a time on Siege were all you saw were greater dragons. The only reason you dont see them much now is because it got so incredably lame that we pretty much agreed as a shard to not run tamers because it was killing the shard.
Don't even get me started on what happens when you have a tamer in a group fight, or multiple tamers.
Can you name a template that when ran on two players can hit you for 120 damage as your running away? I can! Its called double fireballed from two greater drags and its one of the sadest things iv seen in pvp.
Or when a tamer has a stealth dismounter on his team. One minute you think your juss gonna run from the dragon, and the next your on a silver plate. Or a mage to throw para fields around the drag to give it more time to catch up to you.
Bottem line, tamers have always been a problem and the additon of greater dragons was a slap in the face to an already overwhelming problem.