And Leurocian, and Mesanna, and Supreem, and Serado, and Grimm, and Yvette, whose handle I can NEVER remember, and Chrissay, who's new to the dev side but kicking ass and taking names, and a number of other people that I have to go remind to write intro posts for themselves.
[/ QUOTE ]
I hate to get embroiled in something like this, but it seems a good enough place to put some opinions, how many are developers, how many are artists and how many are engineers?
How big are each of these individual teams as apposed to all of them rolled into one to sound better?
I've been sitting back waiting to see what the next set of long term goals will be, the ones that have taken a month create, which will replace the other long term goals recently scrapped before the end of the last short term ones were complete.
To me, not once in this game's history has the situation appeared so dire, and yet the playerbase is hung out to dry with no solid information, not even scraps of speculation.
This patch we should be heralding for example, it sounds to me like it's simply maintenance with some stuff created before it's designers were fired over 2 months ago pushed in for measure.
Oh, and an event..
I like events, I've commented on this several times in the past, I think they're great, even when I don't get involved personally, they're a real benefit to the game, but how many have we ever played out from start to finish, continuously?
How many have been allowed to run the course and actually cash in on their potential benefit?
They're never allowed to play out properly and truly live up to their potential, at this point I have little interest in another event we'll never see the end of, or one who's mechanics will be converted to fairground rides on a test center by a single devoted developer, willing to sacrifice free time just so we can at least see them.
We have heard nothing for over 2 months while the team, that giant team, moved, and got settled in. Well they are now, what's the plan?
I know marketing and management can be a pancake, but I don't see why in this case. Why aren't you allowed to tell the players of the game the plans for it's future, you've already come up with them, right?
Who has to approve them still?
Why does it take them so long?
Explain the process to us, and exactly why it's held up. There's no promises involved there, it's solid information about the game. I can't imagine any possible reason why it'd be secret, it's not like it could demoralize people, when you've been laying in bull dung for 2 months, being rolled into horse dung won't change your outlook on the situation, if anything it'd be a nice change of scenery.