You do understand that with each passing day, you continue to lose credibility as an effective leader of the UO Development Team with answers like these,
[/ QUOTE ]
First off he is not the leader of the UO Development Team
[/ QUOTE ]First off, I didn't say he was THE leader, I said he was failing to be an effective leader. He is the person in charge of community relations, the liason between the playerbase and the development team. The word "director" does appear in the thesaurus as a synonym for leader if we want to go to base definitions. In the end, leadership is more than being the guy in charge, and I stand by my statement that he is failing to be AN effective leader.
He is....UO Community Relations Director Community Relations Director
[/ QUOTE ]Yep. I got that from his little title under his post.
He is Jeremy's boss. Who is also not on the dev team......UO Community Coordinator.
[/ QUOTE ]Who also liases information between community and dev team, yes?
They can generally only tell you what they know. Which granted is frustrating but given the move and everything else they haven't exactly been silent during this time either. 2007 was a great year for UO. No not everything got fixed but communications were wide open and they did the best they humanly could to get content flowing and get fixes in.
[/ QUOTE ]2007 was not a great year for UO by any stretch of the definition for the word "great." UO was a great year for potential and promise, none of which were lived up to. I walked into UO:KR as excited, and in fact, more excited than most people. I paid for that excitement with faith in the new, improved DevTeam. What resulted was typical EA bull of pre-releasing a buggy, incomplete product that smacked of the last UO client released (which, as those who were there on the day that UO:3D went live, was actually MISSING TILES!). But in the end, the 3D client was more useful within a couple of months after release than the KR client is, and actually had features that weren't in the 2D client, but was otherwise compatible with the experience of the 2D client. KR still has things that can't be done in it. Seven months after the thing went live. If that's your definition of great, well, then, great. I have higher standards than that.
Now having said that, lets get to the cutting remarks to Bob and Jeremy. If they give details and it winds up not happening, you flame them. If they say nothing, you flame them, they at least say hey we know you're there, sorry for the delays, but something is happening, you flame them. So really what is it you people want? I mean honestly. They can only give the information they have and relay our input to the devs. I'm frustrated too. But good God calm down and be grateful they respond at all. It hasn't been 6 months since the last content btw....Magencia ring a bell? Halloween anyone? And yes even though the Christmas gifts were recycled at least they thought enough of us to put the code back in. And Draconi bless his heart was working all through the holidays to create a lil fun on Test. The Holiday Party for one, The New Years Ball drop with awesome fireworks, throwing Apples at the devs. I mean come on. Go do some exploring around Britainnia. Check out your shards unique places. Organize something for your shard to do. Redesign your house or help a new char. There is alot to do in UO while waiting if you put your mind to it. It shouldn't be hand fed to us all the time.
[/ QUOTE ]No, I will NOT be grateful that they respond at all. I don't have to go begging the other games I play for information about the future of the game. While I may be upset at times that something's pushed off a bit, I at least know what's going on in them, and can have patience because there's something to look forward to. And, uh, not to put too fine a point on it, but if we stopped playing UO tomorrow, just what job would our Community Coordinators have? That's right: Not Community Coordinator.
Magincia ring a bell? Yeah. You mean the event that was going to happen at one time, and ended up happening at another? The event that a large number of people have lost items from because no one fully tested it? The event that left old museums in shambles? The event that's a one-off thing that's over and done with and yet Magincia still looks like something that a second-grader designed with a Lego set?
Test center? No. Unlike people who think that logging in on a test center to play around for a bit, I'm not one bit excited about things that are test-shard only, because I believe the focus should be on LIVE events, not on one-off testing stuff that will never been seen in the game itself.
And, no, it was not "thoughtful" to put last year's gifts back in the game. It was an afterthought. Thoughtful would have had them on the schedule by September, coded, designed, and implemented, ready and waiting to fire off in December.
Good lord, please stop defending them.
And while I've seen a couple of flames here, by and large, there's nothing flameworthy of these things. If you are calling most of these responses "flames," no offense, you need to go back to flame school.