When you could still cast spells and attack when someone cast paralyze on you...
When PKs would sit outside of Covetous 1 and cast paralyze fields.
When you could run around with 5 or 10 dragons and kill things.
When Lich Lords were the best loot in the game...tons of people packed into Deceit all trying to grab that one pouch.
When your own EV would attack you if you had higher magery than anyone/anything else around.
When pet commands didn't always work correctly...and a rogue (tamed) dragon would eat someone for dinner.
When heavy crossbows were viable because swing speed hadn't been introduced and nor did it matter.
When DP was still a fairly new tactic...I killed my first "PK" because he didn't know what to do about it. That was back when you could heal through it, too.
When a melee character could very well have archery because paralyze would stick you in one spot for a good 20 seconds.
When I could run around with a short spear because it might paralyze my opponent.
When mages would run around with halberds because of precasting combos.
When the Del Orc Fort was -the- place to be...grab that silver weapon and take down those liches!
When tamers camped Elder Gazers in Shame for phat lewt.
When you could tell someone was training parry in Power Hour because they had 8 guildmates beating on them with daggers.
When I got guard-whacked for pressing my attack-last macro in town