Things I remember from the old days, some fondly and some not so fondly...
-guild titles that could be more than 16 characters long. I remember mine at one point read "Guildmaster's Girlfriend & Adept of the Forge" or something like that, and it all showed up above my head, along with the full name of the guild.
-spending hours outside the Brit forge repairing and smithing for tips. The greatest times I've had playing UO were doing that. I met so many nice people that way, some that I still have contact with.
-GMing smithing the long, hard way in 1997 and 1998, where not only did you have to go through layers of menus, but also have to wait up to 8 hammer strikes to make your item. With no smelting possible, and with skill gain rates that make today's look like the express train.
-almost GMing cooking because I gained tremendous amounts of Int from doing it. And you always cooked fish steaks one at a time because that is all you could do.
-buying iron ingots for 5 each, and doing the miner 2-step for screens at a time (drag the ore pile, walk 2 steps, repeat) and praying to God that I did not get PKed along the way.
-finally having enough money to buy my small house on Ocllo.
-getting a large forge house later, and watching a small house right next to it fall and being able to place a new one there, so I owned two houses right next to each other for a while.
-selling my first GM valorite archer suit for 30K. I felt like the richest woman on Chesapeake.
-buying "Clean Up Britannia" points from other players because I was 20K points short of getting the furniture dye tub, which I desparately wanted for my tavern.
-having dozens of potted plants and clothing bless deeds from shard trading Christmas presents from Christmas '99.
And many more memories that are priceless to me, including many friends that I would dearly love to meet again, in-game or out-of-game.