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Chesapeake PVP Thread


Slightly Crazed
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watch Orb win the derby tomorrow. you heard it here first. like Verrazano as well as revolutionary and itsmyluckyday.

flame as appropriate Saturday Nite forward. :)


Slightly Crazed
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Yea, well, at least he is consistent and predictable...
lol. I think you have me mistaken for someone else. I only quit UO once, that was after I was hacked. Everytime I'm on you guys do nothing, we do spawns, maybe get 1 fight, then no one comes back. I haven't seen you sadist in months, unless you changed char names and playstyle. School will be over shortly, and you all will continue to die to me like you always do. Someone tell Orion to play his mage, he just can't be me on a thrower.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend

here is sciron dying to Lucian twice. nice strategy but in the end a fail.
Last edited:


Grand Inquisitor
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You just posted a video of a tamer dueling a mage, with 2 pets and still doesn't know how to duel and stand behind a wall..why post that?


Seasoned Veteran
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And using bard masteries..... wow that's impressive.


Seasoned Veteran
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here is sciron dying to Lucian twice. nice strategy but in the end a fail.
Lol have been thinking of coming back and trying out UO again, haven't played since right before SA came out, and yet seeing that "duel" reminded me why I quit. Thanks.

Don't Tread on Me

Lore Keeper
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Lol have been thinking of coming back and trying out UO again, haven't played since right before SA came out, and yet seeing that "duel" reminded me why I quit. Thanks.
ha ha ha! wow, pvp vid making people not want to play. who'd have thought... usually it's motivational or at least fun to watch. this one not so much.... watching tamers fight other players is righteously less than fun.


Grand Inquisitor
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he asked me to post it so I did.

don't go shooting the messenger.
Silly part is, he thinks he is good with his all kill..kid doesn't even duel like your supposed to, while using his pet crutch..kid sucks! Fitting he's the mascot!


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
while you may hate the style and template he plays, he is damn effective at playing it.

Racks up more kills on that template then seal team six.

I've seen quite a few other guys run that temp. I have, some in my guild have, as well as several in your alliance. don't see anyone with the effect that he has.


Grand Inquisitor
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(Fan boy Alert)
Nuts meet mouth, mouth meet nuts..

Jk steverino


Grand Inquisitor
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lmao, ur a ****** army.

but u made me laugh, hes from Alabama.... as if....
Not for nothing man..it's a brainless template

A few of us were messing around at chaos and I brought my dread tamer archer..who has "no suit, no imbued weapons" and I did dismount all kill para and it insta hits for like 3/4 life..it's a puss template and always will be..don't worry you'll get a chance to see my dread/bake combo in these next few weeks..whenever I get around to tweaking temp and making a suit/weapons

Just currently busy with RL stuff and when I do log into UO I been working an account, all my chars skills on all the shards to make for an easier sale


Slightly Crazed
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your a macroing fool than.

been busy myself. good weather here finally and I have been doing some outside projects.

chatted up a bit with amit yesterday.

ill try to get on a bit tonite.



Grand Inquisitor
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Working a toon on siege has been by far the hardest..but will def be fun killing someone and looting all their shinies :)


Slightly Crazed
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good fights last nite. kills on both sides, but I would call the whole thing in P@IN's favor.

you guys seem to love despise and those choke fights. pop a dastard once in a while.


Grand Inquisitor
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Really Stevie?? Lol the reason we went down was to raid your spawn in DSP hehe..killed y'all literally waited 10-15 chit chatting in vent u guys came back while we stood there not attacking the coon got a nice surprise attack killed us(which was a job well done we had no clue), and before we could get back coon was dead and u guys hit star..heh
(Mind you 3 or 4 of us were afk when u rushed from handicap) it literally was that long but good job taking it down

But all in all it was a nice looooong fight which was good..

After that we hit up ATL where there was literally 50 people at an IDOC that was fun as hell move to where the massive fights are


Slightly Crazed
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yeah. so many of our guys hate atl. don't like the lag and such. even I get hit with it for some reason..

sorta beat cause I got all these toons dressed to the nines and never get out to play em.

anyways thanks for the fights. was fun. I didn't know u were on fearme.

Don't Tread on Me

Lore Keeper
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wait wait wait. y'all had a fight without me. oh wait, i haven't logged in... maybe i should do that.

hey, steve, can i get a suit on atl? i mean, if you're not playing them and all....


Slightly Crazed
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Those are the dumbest videos I've ever seen. The fact you guys consider that "skill", saddens me and everyone who plays a mage regularly. I like the fact that he won't stand on other side of wall, wraps around him before wall drops so he can use his 1 click amcro to all kill attack last target. Pathetic.

BTW I'm 2 / 0 vs Nicky and 2/0 in field vs Brian on my thrower, (Worth noting brian didn't have bake)

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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UnBANNED! WOOTSKI! Where the begin..
Glade your back from your short suspension and the next time a little old lady asks for help getting crossing the road, please don't pick her up and throw her into the middle of the busy intersection :-(


Grand Inquisitor
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Profanity..who'd a thunk it..apparently the ban hammer found it to be E-Productive idk..


Slightly Crazed
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^^ Exact reason I don't care to play UO. The panzies in P@!N like to page for language because they can't beat me any other way. Pathetic. What is even more saddening about my suspension, was the people who were there. Was all people I'd used to consider friends... But **** happens, you move on, more suspensions and bans to come I'm sure.... I have to find the care to pick my orange petals....


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ladies and gentlemen,

we now bring you the ''you started it first'' thread.

brought to you by butt hurt whiney cotton, whose old friends have all apparently have sold him out despite the fact
that it was he who took his merry band of men and left in the first place without even discussing if relationships could
be repaired though council reached out repeatedly.

your the biggest revisionist of history that I've ever met bro.


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
We did talk about it..I came into vent and had a discussion with cotton and Orion..I made it clear there was no mending out broken hearts..hahaha jk..but no seriously we did come in


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I never have and never will page on anyone. its just not the way I roll. hell im not even sure how to manipulate the gump to do it.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Wiki Moderator
We did talk about it..I came into vent and had a discussion with cotton and Orion..I made it clear there was no mending out broken hearts..hahaha jk..but no seriously we did come in
Hold up.... I thought this was about the forums not your UO Account


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It was...24 hours for both lol..except forums were more like 28..tsk tsk on me


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
ladies and gentlemen,

we now bring you the ''you started it first'' thread.

brought to you by butt hurt whiney cotton, whose old friends have all apparently have sold him out despite the fact
that it was he who took his merry band of men and left in the first place without even discussing if relationships could
be repaired though council reached out repeatedly.

your the biggest revisionist of history that I've ever met bro.
You sir make me laugh. I kept true to my close friends, Claire, Navi, Amitlu, Chris, and Army. Now Army I knew a little bit before, but I got to know him alot more while in P@!N and I like to say we grew a nice friendship from there, as I did with a lot of people. Since I talked Claire and Amitlu into coming back to UO, there were atleast FIVE posts of Sadist wanting to boot, one, or both in the "council" section. Sadist also wanted to boot Counsla 100 times. Which is why it surprised us all, when he decided to stay. (He joined us, then ran back to P@!N, kind of like Apple Jacks, just not so publicly). Lets look back at all the big decisions that happened that went against the majority of council support, shall we? Boot Midnight Sky (Myst), 3 Yes, 5 No's. Boot shelly and Conan 2 Yes's 6 no's. Boot Justin - not even discussed, a council member was straight kicked out without even talking it over. Its decisions like this is why Mash left. When Mash left, it was clear to me, that this wasn't going to work out. Booting the above people caused massive chain reactions of people going with their "clicks" to other guilds / off shard. This wasn't good for chessy, wasn't good for P@!N, wasn't good for anyone, but one person.

I stick with who I trust 100%. You can come on the forums and try and make it sound like you guys are unstoppable, and perfect, but we all know the truth. You all hide behind large numbers, and are ALL sub-par pvpers. This is proven by you posting a video of Brian on a tamer, w/ two pets, fighting a mage, and he can't even wait for wall to drop to get right on top of the mage. And you claim it was an ass kicking good duel... lol. Do not get me wrong, Brian is one of the best archer tamers to play the game, Top 5 for sure. I give credit where credit is due, but to say he is good in a duel against a mage, with the tactics shown in that video is a joke.

On a side note, there are still TWO P@!N members, who are very active in the PK/PITS alliance. I won't mention their names, but I do find it surprisingly funny.

I had the mindset of NOT paging on people, but then you guys paged on me for saying 1 thing after kicking your asses, like I do everytime I log in. But now, I will page. I will stoop to the new levels of Steve-o and friends and page on anyone so I don't have anyone to fight on chessy! And then I'll claim to be the best that ever played UO!


Seasoned Veteran
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Wow I didn't know I was in danger of being booted from pain. Lol

Anyway man it's getting to the point where we don't even worry about chessy anymore. Atlantic is where all the action is and it is easy to find. You should log on once in awhile cotton. Atlantic misses peytr baelish


Stratics Veteran
Since I talked Claire and Amitlu into coming back to UO, there were atleast FIVE posts of Sadist wanting to boot, one, or both in the "council" section. Sadist also wanted to boot Counsla 100 times. Which is why it surprised us all, when he decided to stay. (He joined us, then ran back to P@!N, kind of like Apple Jacks, just not so publicly). Lets look back at all the big decisions that happened that went against the majority of council support, shall we? Boot Midnight Sky (Myst), 3 Yes, 5 No's. Boot shelly and Conan 2 Yes's 6 no's. Boot Justin - not even discussed, a council member was straight kicked out without even talking it over.
You mistake posts discussing concerns and questions about members for desires to boot people.

As you proof you have zero clue what you are talking about, here is just one example of your apparent and obvious lack of any clue as to what really happened - Shelly and Conan quit, you moron... Everything else you stated is just as inaccurate.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow I didn't know I was in danger of being booted from pain. Lol

Anyway man it's getting to the point where we don't even worry about chessy anymore. Atlantic is where all the action is and it is easy to find. You should log on once in awhile cotton. Atlantic misses peytr baelish
you weren't.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
another thing. it wasn't the ''sub par'' pvp'rs that went running to LD to save them when the plan of ruining our guild
didn't come to fruition.

have fun on darkfall.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well you know My ICQ# just take a PayPal
payment and be done so I don't have to hear you whine anymore on here


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First of all...Cotton, you must have forgotten that myself, Tao, Kylun, and Valmar are all still in P@!N. So obviously, we're not ALL sub-par PvPers! I doubt there's a single one of us you could beat continuously on a mage, or even on a dexer (depending on temps). As for the numbers issue, I believe you have that flip-flopped. We've actually figured out a formula for whether or not PK/PITS will show up for a raid:

If ( PITS&PK vent count ) >= ( P@!N vent count * 2.0 ) --> PITS/PK shows up
OR (PITS&PK vent count + LD vent count ) >= ( P@!N vent count * 1.5) --> PITS/PK and LD show up
Else --> No one shows up

So yea...P@!N doesn't "hide behind large numbers." I'd offer a 5v5 of any PK/PITS vs some of us P@!N guys, but I know 5 LD would show up instead.


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
First of all...Cotton, you must have forgotten that myself, Tao, Kylun, and Valmar are all still in P@!N. So obviously, we're not ALL sub-par PvPers! I doubt there's a single one of us you could beat continuously on a mage, or even on a dexer (depending on temps). As for the numbers issue, I believe you have that flip-flopped. We've actually figured out a formula for whether or not PK/PITS will show up for a raid:

If ( PITS&PK vent count ) >= ( P@!N vent count * 2.0 ) --> PITS/PK shows up
OR (PITS&PK vent count + LD vent count ) >= ( P@!N vent count * 1.5) --> PITS/PK and LD show up
Else --> No one shows up

So yea...P@!N doesn't "hide behind large numbers." I'd offer a 5v5 of any PK/PITS vs some of us P@!N guys, but I know 5 LD would show up instead.
Are you really talking dude..you have 1 1/2 mages that even are close kid..lol

All I read was garbage,Tao,decent,trash

..and that's your best :/

Don't Tread on Me

Lore Keeper
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the hate's running deep. i just want to play again...

as for numbers, from my perspective, both sides tend to stack the numbers when they can. PK fights when they're on... PITS and EVI spend a lot of their time doing other things than pvp... I haven't seen LD in a minute... but they only log in when a fight's in progress.

and, talking about numbers, i think there are 7 guys in pk... is that right? maybe 8. but come on, with what pain fields (can field) hard to compete with a max of 8 without allies. of course, i didn't really dig the alliance (not that i don't love you guys!), but i'm just a super-sub-par pvper and my opinion means poo.

I :heart: everyone... well, except sadist. that's not allowed in my guild, sorry.

:pint: ahhh, that's nice


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you really talking dude..you have 1 1/2 mages that even are close kid..lol

All I read was garbage,Tao,decent,trash

..and that's your best :/
I don't know what you find so funny since they all beat you like a rented mule.



Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
I don't know what you find so funny since they all beat you like a rented mule.

I don't know what you're talking about Stevie..really? I've offered duels for gold/items to any Pain Mage..I'm not sure who has beaten me in pain since Tao on my scribe