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Chesapeake PVP Thread


Stratics Veteran
That fight was a lot of fun and kudos Gareth for raiding. Hats off to you on the gameplay EVI and PITS have certainly stepped it up.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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gareths come a long way from fighting with just his fishing pole in his hand.
THanks and Don't knock my pole!
I have to get better at healing myself and hitting the right potion buttons


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Who pages on people for swearing nowadays?
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Stratics Veteran
Sorry bud I really don't think it was one of us. We need pvpers not whittle them down to nothing.

That is some very lame stuff right there.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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It happens..especially when your surrounded by haters :)
Just blame EA thats what I do.... I use to have a really funny saying until my character started instant dieing every time I used it​

EA Games!
We ______ Up Everything!
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just blame EA thats what I do.... I use to have a really funny saying until my character started instant dieing every time I used it​

EA Games!
We ______ Up Everything!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We do need players. So it's with that in mind that I keep my chat: game relative and without vulgar offence. If we all think as we type I believe we can all say the same thing we are thinking without endangering our accounts. BIG KUDOS 4 getting away with it too!!

I've seen hate/dislike bring more pvp then respect/friendly enemies.


Slightly Crazed
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would like to see riley lay off the real life crap. talking about girlfriends and arrests just has no place in the game.

u know u getting under someones skin when they go down that road.


Grand Inquisitor
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I'm just sad my account didn't get banned..atleast then I wouldn't have to continue logging in because I paid for 6 months..ugh few more..then maintenance mode baby! Ill give you plenty more oppurtunities though Nicky np bro..not all of us need the page queue to beat someone in game..but with that said ill be learning that system quite well and frequently over these next few months so keep it clean son, wouldn't want to see your "escape" from reality be jeopardized..see y'all "explicits" in fel..noobs teehee


Grand Inquisitor
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would like to see riley lay off the real life crap. talking about girlfriends and arrests just has no place in the game.

u know u getting under someones skin when they go down that road.
I agree..but I also would like to see EA add pack donkeys to game but unfortunately some things just don't make the dev cut..

Ill insert for ya

Derp di derp derp


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I've only paged once on a fellow player, sorry u didn't make the cut army. As for this particular time I don't think I was on, I learned about it the following day from a guildie who had read your post. It's cool to blame me though, wouldn't b the first time.

As for your comments on "only 6 months more"; if it's really that much of a dislike to you to play then why play? Seems to me you really just can't fess up and say what many of us have for umpteen years, UO just has a hook into some of us despite flaws and frustrations. Your personal struggle really means nothing to me, however I do feel for your guildies (and my past guildies) that just want to play and are hounded by a negative presence.


Grand Inquisitor
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Haha..if it wasn't against TOS or whatever I'd so post the screenie quite unfortunate

As for a negative presence haha..

I build suits for guildies never ask for anything in return

I never rage log..well that's a lie I raged one time during a Harry defense due to somebody saying they were going to call the fight, we run in vent is silent and we get planted = peace have fun nubs..

I help WHOEVER asks whenever wether it's a question helping make a piece or anything

So as for being negative even after the split ask most of those guys how often I spent time working out things just to be helpful..

Notice how many pits or whatever you considered yourself up and left when you were BOOTED not quit..and yet I'm negative heh, I left pain because of ONE person, who happens to hold the stone and has an inflated ego for some apparent reason, for which he seems to be the only one who doesn't see it, I have those logs too, different story tho...

Enjoy being around people who just plainly dislike you, of which only some admit in public but all say in ICQ lol

So next time you accuse people of negativity, check your own play style/attitude lol clowns


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

army never built me a suit....

but then again to be fair to army i never asked
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Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thats like the same people from ld who gripe to us about being allied with pits and pk.

door swingeth both ways.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm army so lets get this straight, You got a warning and then get on here and say wish it had been a ban, yet u could make that happen real easy if that's what u wanted. Instead you say your going to choose to watch what you type. Which side is it and how are any of us to believe what u say?

Nothing is ever definet but I personally find it hard to believe that u are willing to bad talk UO on these boards and nowhere else.

I for one enjoy my UO time and like playing with others that do too.

As for being part of a guild and developing friends: there's one pits in particular that I shared a lot with and was for most of our playtime together a very mutual beneficial friendship, was just fun. Over time I really found our play styles to be different(wasn't just him either, was my whole guild I didn't feel confident with). Now that same person is the quickest to blow up gen chat with false remarks and immaturity. Believe what you want from who you want, but don't forget that people get rather bitter when u leave them.
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Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
whatever you do just remember to have both game clients running. that way you can have an excuse when you get face planted.


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
whatever you do just remember to have both game clients running. that way you can have an excuse when you get face planted.
The amount of ram UO/vent/cart take up I don't think that could be an excuse hehe..although I do have a bone to pick how you can't toggle clients while in map..that is something that SUCKS!

The comment..footed at army's dot.."uh dude your in malas"...oh


Stratics Veteran
Haha..if it wasn't against TOS or whatever I'd so post the screenie quite unfortunate
Feel free to post this stuff on the P@!N forum, no Stratics or EA ToS to worry about there..

I left pain because of ONE person, who happens to hold the stone and has an inflated ego for some apparent reason, for which he seems to be the only one who doesn't see it, I have those logs too, different story tho...
Post these logs on the P@!N forum too, I have nothing to hide from but am curious what you have as proof of my... ego (lol)?? The only ego I have is the one you say I have, not one I live or portray. So Army Poodle, post it up to prove your point... or stfu!

In case you forgot the link:


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
Feel free to post this stuff on the P@!N forum, no Stratics or EA ToS to worry about there..

Post these logs on the P@!N forum too, I have nothing to hide from but am curious what you have as proof of my... ego (lol)?? The only ego I have is the one you say I have, not one I live or portray. So Army Poodle, post it up to prove your point... or stfu!

In case you forgot the link:
I will gladly post the screenshot that I just assume would violate the stratics TOS

As for logs of your "ego" I never sad they were from you..so odds are I probably won't

PoodleZ out..


Slightly Crazed
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whatever you do just remember to have both game clients running. that way you can have an excuse when you get face planted.
Two darkfall clients max out my video card :( So in uo I move slow as ****. And since there are tons of things that take time in Darkfall (like making wood, ingots, leather, salvaging, etc), it tempts me to log in to UO. Then I get in a fight and die :(


Stratics Veteran
As for logs of your "ego" I never sad they were from you..so odds are I probably won't. PoodleZ out..
Hmm, I shall read this again..
I left pain because of ONE person, who happens to hold the stone and has an inflated ego for some apparent reason, for which he seems to be the only one who doesn't see it, I have those logs too, different story tho...
Hmm, seems this is about me.. since you left the guild because of me, I was the stone holder at the time you left, and also held the stone at the time you typed this comment.

You get called out on a comment you make, now you dodge.. Lying again Army Poodle?

Don't Tread on Me

Lore Keeper
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The amount of ram UO/vent/cart take up I don't think that could be an excuse hehe..although I do have a bone to pick how you can't toggle clients while in map..that is something that SUCKS!

The comment..footed at army's dot.."uh dude your in malas"...oh
i toggle client in map all the time and my dot jumps on cart to the active client. maybe that's another plus for the ec... who knows

Don't Tread on Me

Lore Keeper
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Two darkfall clients max out my video card :( So in uo I move slow as ****. And since there are tons of things that take time in Darkfall (like making wood, ingots, leather, salvaging, etc), it tempts me to log in to UO. Then I get in a fight and die :(
i die because, and purely because, i don't have the intestinal fortitude required to survive UO's grueling pvp action

Don't Tread on Me

Lore Keeper
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so, how expensive will my internet connection have to be in phoenix to be able to effectively pvp on chessy?

i must admit that i did not enjoy my 1000+ ping from iraq a few years ago...


Seasoned Veteran
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Between work and other rl stuff, its hard to find time to play, especially when I live on the west coast which is a 4 hour time difference. When I do get a chance to play nobody is on. Even so UO is getting pretty boring... I'm sure a few guild mates will say the same thing.


Stratics Veteran
Between work and other rl stuff, its hard to find time to play, especially when I live on the west coast which is a 4 hour time difference. When I do get a chance to play nobody is on. Even so UO is getting pretty boring... I'm sure a few guild mates will say the same thing.
UO WILL get boring for PvP'ers when no one logs in. Tell your alliance to log in even when there aren't 40 others in vent.. I bet a bunch stopped playing because 20 people were trying to split up rolling on a single 120, and frankly I don't blame them.
I think it's funny actually.. PITs has not changed at all.. unless they have the numbers, no one goes to Fel.. and without PK and LD behind them.. VANISHED!!


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
What has happened to -PK-??

it is not going well for Pits being left all alone in Fel.
Wait who's rolling on 20 mages?? Nobody told me :(..been on atl of late and building a toon on siege (I don't know why..mostly navis idea) everytime I log on I ask if any fights they say no, so I move along in my day..pretty basic actually..anywho #SoTA

Don't Tread on Me

Lore Keeper
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What has happened to -PK-??

it is not going well for Pits being left all alone in Fel.
Well, I'm moving. 750 of 1900 miles with 2 cars, 2 kids, and cat & dog. I miss fighting tho. We'll see when I can get back on from phoenix.

Of course.... everyone knows that I'm the key to our sucess. Ha ha


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
least we got some conversation back on these boards, though fighting has slowed for the moment.

don't be strangers.

P@IN once again stands un opposed. :)

don't hand me the dog moving, pizza delivering, rl working, derp di di derp derp stuff.



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
darkfall, bah.

man some guys in our vent really have u pegged. I don't mean this disrespectfully but they were like, yeah cotton quit our guild, he has done that twice before in champs and somewhere else (could be fuzzy on the somewhere else). so I ask, you think we can get him back. I liked playing with him. they said no chance. he will try to ally the shard against us and when that fails he will leave uo and go play another game.

I should get these guys to pick my lotto numbers tonite.

have a good one.


Stratics Veteran
So I heard Amit was on yesterday when it was 4 of us vs 8 of you.. then when it became a 6 vs 6 Amit disappeared!! Go figure!! (and by disappeared I mean he either logged off or got on his stealther and stayed hidden while his guildies fought - cuz he was never seen again)

darkfall, bah.

man some guys in our vent really have u pegged. I don't mean this disrespectfully but they were like, yeah cotton quit our guild, he has done that twice before in champs and somewhere else (could be fuzzy on the somewhere else). so I ask, you think we can get him back. I liked playing with him. they said no chance. he will try to ally the shard against us and when that fails he will leave uo and go play another game.

I should get these guys to pick my lotto numbers tonite.

have a good one.
Yea, well, at least he is consistent and predictable...