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Chesapeake PVP Thread


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
we were laughing in vent watching tao own sciron last nite and sciron pissing and moaning. tao's like this dude doesnt realize im in a guild with him on atl.
What was even funnier I was in vent with him at the time and didn't realize it..I was what you call extremely intoxicated


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What was even funnier I was in vent with him at the time and didn't realize it..I was what you call extremely intoxicated
dude. im serious here. we see u get in the arena, and tao goes, watch army kill him. then u die. then u duel again, tao goes army was in protection that time and hell surely kill him now. u die again. tao's like wth i bet army is drunk.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
dude. im serious here. we see u get in the arena, and tao goes, watch army kill him. then u die. then u duel again, tao goes army was in protection that time and hell surely kill him now. u die again. tao's like wth i bet army is drunk.
Oh no I wasn't drunk..I was HAMMERED last night, keep forgetting I'm getting too old for the party scene, not as mentally nimble as I used to be when it comes to mixing boos and UO


Seasoned Veteran
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How many non alcoholic beers does it take to get drunk army?

Don't Tread on Me

Lore Keeper
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where's the poo talk. i got completely smashed in last night. i was sooooo aloooooone.

i think tao killed me like 20 times in a row. i should learn to use my mage


Seasoned Veteran
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I don't think anyone plays this game anymore. I may be wrong?


Slightly Crazed
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I know Saturday no one was on.. I did a solo dsp and no one even came to check :(
Was a poop-tastic day to take off.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
game of thrones for me last nite. slow start to the season im afraid.

we raided poor nivak soling a rat at oasis over the weekend. wasnt much action this weekend.
sunday morning we did a destard, destard and a ricky someone left at damwin i believe. noone around. drops have sucked root too. best was a 120 busido.


Stratics Veteran
wasnt much action this weekend.
sunday morning we did a destard, destard and a ricky someone left at damwin i believe. noone around. drops have sucked root too. best was a 120 busido.
Yesterday we had a total (that I know of) of 8 Raids - and we took all. Later, though, LD came in with 8 people to do two despise spawns. Fulc solo destroyed a bunch of them, took the pinks, drops and scrolls on the first. The second one I went in solo and was 1 - 1 against Ender Sai, who promptly put me on foot and then ran for the hills as he was immediately tooled by me, running 1/4 life and poisoned (not even DP'd). That 1 -1 lasted about 15-20 seconds before a tamer was there attacking me too. I was on foot willing to fight Ender and the Archer/Tamer solo.. but apparently they didn't like those odds either. So, a swarm of LD came, with spells etc already pre-loaded - 3 dismounters, a Pet, two archers, and a couple mages. Since I don't have ninja and stealth I didn't fare well, being that I was already on foot, mortal'd, 1/2 life, with a Dread, an archer, and a mage on me.

Sad that these so-called 'gods of PvP' suck terribly 1 on 1.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lol sadist what were you on your 4/6 Chiv necro dper? Because I know you can't kill anyone 1v1 with your Mage...


Stratics Veteran
Lol sadist what were you on your 4/6 Chiv necro dper? Because I know you can't kill anyone 1v1 with your Mage...
Yes, I was on Sadist.. but remember this.. I TOTALLY suck on my mage.. but I somehow managed to kill Chris 8 out of 9 duels..

I also chased you off to your house while we were solo fighting at my house. I was totally wrecking you and YOU RAN AWAY TO YOUR HOUSE at 10% life sucking down potions like a cheap beer on a hot day!

I let you run away while Duper and I laughed at you!
Then, while Duper and I were dueling, you had the gumption to come running up and dump on me (but didn't kill me on the dump). So, I fight you, STARTING with 40 mana and also on foot. You are on mount, precasted, and potted up. It took you over 10 minutes to finally kill me, while you were on mount, drinking potions to live, while I fought you on my mage, no potions.. which I admit I suck on..

So, to reply to your quote again.. i have killed no less than 10 of your allies on my mage, 1 vs 1 - not to mention Chris in almost a dozen duels..and also ran you off to your little Poodle House with yer tail tucked between your legs..

But you're right, i suck.. Hell, you won't even fight me if i use Sadist. At least I try to use a character I suck on, against anyone.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you ****ing delusional LMFAO!!!

Omg you are, I bet you actually believe that milky stool that just dribbled out of your mouth..recap son

Like 3 months ago I was on my mystic Mage and was snooping around the P@!N city looking for fights and you came out or around your castle,which I don't remember with a precasted wind then castes explosion Flamestrike like 4 times as I chugged and Ghealed through it..

Then we stood a screen down and went back and forth for about 20 minutes while you chugged chugged chugged and then when Duper showed up was like oh ill wreck you and I said ok brb..FULL Life! Came back on my scribe who at the time had a half assed suit that required a shield..I destroyed you on your Mage while you chugged chugged chugged and then directly after killed duper starting with less than half mana and about 3/4 life he then cried that he wasn't ready and his oath/strangle/corpse pain spike chain spam finally got me in a duel..please hush up lol half of what you said is complete ******** or just some wet fantasy you conjured with that lil ponytail and posted as fact..

Like I've said "MULTIPLE" times you whine DP weaken..ill drop Poisoning and fight with a book put your money your mouth is or just STFU..next you say you want to fight on Sadist no problem ill bring my wrestle parry Mage np put up some gold and ill waste my time putting a suit together for him


Stratics Veteran
Are you ******* delusional LMFAO!!!

Omg you are, I bet you actually believe that milky stool that just dribbled out of your mouth..recap son

Like 3 months ago I was on my mystic Mage and was snooping around the P@!N city looking for fights and you came out or around your castle,which I don't remember with a precasted wind then castes explosion Flamestrike like 4 times as I chugged and Ghealed through it..

Then we stood a screen down and went back and forth for about 20 minutes while you chugged chugged chugged and then when Duper showed up was like oh ill wreck you and I said ok brb..FULL Life! Came back on my scribe who at the time had a half assed suit that required a shield..I destroyed you on your Mage while you chugged chugged chugged and then directly after killed duper starting with less than half mana and about 3/4 life he then cried that he wasn't ready and his oath/strangle/corpse pain spike chain spam finally got me in a duel..please hush up lol half of what you said is complete ******** or just some wet fantasy you conjured with that lil ponytail and posted as fact..

Like I've said "MULTIPLE" times you whine DP weaken..ill drop Poisoning and fight with a book put your money your mouth is or just STFU..next you say you want to fight on Sadist no problem ill bring my wrestle parry Mage np put up some gold and ill waste my time putting a suit together for him
And if you bring your Wrestle parry Mage, I'll bring my, umm, Nox Myst Mage. And if I do that, you'll bring you're..bla bla bla WHO THE F CARES? My sister beat up your dad while your mom watched and cheered her on... To quote you - "Derp Di Derp Derp"

PSST, Army Poodle, in all seriousness I'll let you in on a secret (well, its not really a secret because there were witnesses, but let's pretend since you pretend so easily) - I told the story accurately!
You getting so worked up about it just proves my point, and frankly, makes me laugh even more at you. I'd call you a Tool, but my hammer will get mad at me for insulting it..

wow. feel the testosterone here. whip out those epeens
I am a little hesitant to whip it out in front of him, for two reasons..
1) He would be embarrassed with his compared to mine ;)
2) I am afraid he would try to do something to mine because he has made some pretty funky propositions to me in PMs. (FYI Army Poodle, I know you think I paged on you for the second to last PM, but the Moderators messaged me independently and told me your PMs were against ToS, and they would be speaking to you. How did that conversation go?)


Slightly Crazed
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Mods are taking place of the DHS? Reading our messages without the proper chain of command to approve this monitoring! Revolt I say!


Slightly Crazed
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lol Roger is a cool guy. But if I didn't quit (in 2006/7), he'd still be chasing my coat tails :)


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Everyone is always referencing these hypothetic pixel coat tails..I need me a pair!

Don't Tread on Me

Lore Keeper
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whaaaaaa? where's the poo talk from the harry. i figured this would be rockin already. i dunno what happened before i showed up, but i know that it was fugly for pain. though i guess we lost the harry to begin with... i dunno, again, wasn't there... but wow, um, wow.

before people talk mad crap about numbers... we probably had a little, but lots of duel/triple clienting going on. the most we had in vent was 12 and i'm not sure all were there, but maybe, i dunno.

i did notice that pain likes to sneak 1's and 2's through the fields and wreck havoc in the backfield. that's not a bad tactic if you can make it work. the wraith form helps you not get stuck. oh well, definately not the first time i seen that, no no. happy harry. i think we got 7 25s.... not sure, don't pay a lot of attention to that stuff. night y'all


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
u dont want to talk numbers but fact is they come into play. even up we destroyed your crew before you even placed the skulls in star and than promptly pushed you down the hall in the keep. this was mainly a pain vs ld affair so we destroyed your best guys. after that you set up in destard and we rolled you two more times again even numbers. after that we lost two guys and you gained like 7. we showed a total of 19 on your side but we knew army was duel on his asher char and one or two others so, essentially still almost a 2 v 1 advantage for you. so yeah given the advantage we than got rolled. i logged prior to midnite as did several others. nib logged at 10:30 cause he gets up for work at 4:30am. good fight though just the same. how many 25's you get? we got a kick out of the 4x teleport bola move that some of the ld kids were using. very slick.


Stratics Veteran
u dont want to talk numbers but fact is they come into play. even up we destroyed your crew before you even placed the skulls in star and than promptly pushed you down the hall in the keep. this was mainly a pain vs ld affair so we destroyed your best guys. after that you set up in destard and we rolled you two more times again even numbers. after that we lost two guys and you gained like 7. we showed a total of 19 on your side but we knew army was duel on his asher char and one or two others so, essentially still almost a 2 v 1 advantage for you. so yeah given the advantage we than got rolled. i logged prior to midnite as did several others. nib logged at 10:30 cause he gets up for work at 4:30am. good fight though just the same. how many 25's you get? we got a kick out of the 4x teleport bola move that some of the ld kids were using. very slick.
Yea, what he said, except your alliance numbers hit 21 (with only Army dual-clienting) so that's 20.
Too bad you guys always want to pop Harrowers at, or after, midnight during the week. At best, on a weekend, we field 11-14. Last night was a really good weeknight showing at 11. But as Steve said, during the week most of us log off at midnight the latest cuz of work in the morning, so if we get 5-7 we are lucky. What's even better about last night is we only had about 1/2 our Elite crew - no Tao, Silencer, Kylun, Game, XXX, Niblock, or Counsla.. not to mention we didn't have a single one of Lynk's guys on.

And to repeat.. even numbers (even a little outnumbered) we consistently destroy you guys if not around a Guard Zone.
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Stratics Veteran
i dunno what happened before i showed up, but i know that it was fugly for pain. though i guess we lost the harry to begin with... i dunno, again, wasn't there... but wow, um, wow.

before people talk mad crap about numbers... we probably had a little, but lots of duel/triple clienting going on. the most we had in vent was 12 and i'm not sure all were there, but maybe, i dunno.
It was very much in our favor until after 12:30am when half the people logged off to get sleep. By that I mean your alliance got destroyed repeatedly. As for the numbers, you do realize that your 12 in vent matched our 11, but that didn't account for the numerous LD, right? You guys DO understand that just because your vent has 12 doesn't mean that we are only fighting against 12, right?


Stratics Veteran
Sounds like I missed alot of fun guys, sorry had to log RL>UO.

Except the part where I get to flamestrike people. For some reason when I do it in Rl its not the same...
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Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can u name the 20 please? Or show a screenie with 20 people at our peak there was 12 in vent and 2 LD not in vent(Wally and Joey but Joey came after you decided not to come back) while Nicky stood there dead in his lil death shroud..talkin **** in gen chat, then saying he'd duel me then poof while I waited..so I went to bed..I think we got 7 25's Steve

And sadist silencer was there the whole fight..

12 is counting the 3 LD that were in vent lol 2 were not to reiterate that..we only popped a Harry because you had so many at the gate..but yet no crying on our part when y'all had 9 at the gate vs our 4 at the time lol as a matter of fact I had game,silencer,AJ chasing me around for a good 8 minutes while the "Trammies" dropped you 4-5 remaining till you regrouped lol

Btw Steve why you run from my 1v1 I was very disappointed..although my dragon did get u that one time..too bad that toon is rocking a luck suit


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i saw you. caller was telling us to get back on point so i was trying to listen. was i on amber?

ill duel you anytime you want some gold, though u probably not find it much of a challenge. amber's really set up to be a field helper/fighter. i'd rather fight you dexxer v dexxer or dexxer v w/e. i dont care though.

do we really need to go through the exhaustive exercise of naming everyone you had there??


Stratics Veteran
And sadist silencer was there the whole fight..
And no, he wasn't. He logged after we took the Harrower from you guys the first time. I assume he got tired and walked away after his 14 hour work day. You know, for most of us playing past midnight is actually quite difficult when we get up at 6am (or 4:30am for Nib)


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
Ok bro...the last time we took the Harry before you didn't come back against our 40+ Nicky died first and him and AJ right after..but it's ok your right..damn I miss cotton and his screen shot skills..such ****in tools!

I'd like those 20 names now..if not ill post everyone in vent and not shortly


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i saw you. caller was telling us to get back on point so i was trying to listen. was i on amber?

ill duel you anytime you want some gold, though u probably not find it much of a challenge. amber's really set up to be a field helper/fighter. i'd rather fight you dexxer v dexxer or dexxer v w/e. i dont care though.

do we really need to go through the exhaustive exercise of naming everyone you had there??
No I kno amber is ur winder/witherer I was jus sayin and no I'd rather not Mage duel you bc it would be boring for me..no offense we both know that..if you want to do a dexvsdex that's fine unfortunately I just have a death striker suited ATM but I'm down even though that temp relies on 90% disarm which is lame for a dex vs dex

And yes I'd like to see the 20 people spoken of..I was in vent at the most at the "end/last push" we only had 12 in vent and 2 not..and that's including the 2 we had just on spawners not dual clienting Jess and Drecko I believe


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
It is what it is guys cry all u want, we can have a 3v3 4v4 pain/PK Mage duels when we actually have any on..ill even front the cost of gold for our whole side just let me know how much..I only have about 300-400 left on chess so no more pls


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
we could do a 4 v 4. figure tao, val, kylun, silencer a good crew from our side. id see if there interested. well i know one of them definately is....


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hrm..silencer really isn't a Mage..but ok i assume u mean his mage lol..well he did a good job counting *clap clap* and we didn't even have to pay him for his time..what is it like 11$ a minute or something


Stratics Veteran
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at the time I counted...spellstick,pepsi,ender,fatkids,swagger,admundson,nivek,salt,xhenia,tanis,babycakes,jess,duff,sciron,army,sexykilla,smokem...that's 17. we had 2 people counting because it just seemed that you guys were everywhere, and it was basicly confirmed in general chat last night as I sat in monotone grey amongst you.

sorry I didn't get an instant reply to your duel offer, it maybe took 30 secs for me to respond. Nivek accepted tho. He lost. Then he cried chugging and razor :) Told him he could snoop my pack to see a lack of pots and he refused :( IMO there are few people even worth dueling these days due to immaturity....wish we could all be as TAO.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Pwnting Hanky yesterday Morning with someone whose name I forgot. While they Red-lined the B.C I attempted to make it look like my dumb RP Trammy butt was trying to get past their E-fields and onto the island. With B.C down to his last few hits the guy who I was with popped out and attacked them on the Island while I got into position in the Star room and helped kill them before they could make it out.

After basking in the pride of my accomplishment I failed to realize whatever his name was gone and I was in the Star room alone....thats when.....TAO popped in.....After a very short and powerful heart to heart TAO and I settled our differences and I left the Star room with my ghost figure intact.

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