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Attn Devs: Siege Needs Your Help!!

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Old and in the way
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I already have a home.
*smiles* My home is dying.

We need that energy of old.

In the past, people would get burned out with what they did on another Shard. Some of these folks were not well connected. They were not members of large successful guilds. The game became routine and dull.

Some of these folks were members of guilds that faded with time. Members dwindled, friends left.

Some of these folks yearned for the days of old. They sought to recapture that feeling. Some call it "risk vs reward" or danger or not knowing what might happen next.

So many reasons. Even more if you wish to ever read my ramblings... Role playing, room, a chance to be someone and leave a mark on a shard.

The game has changed a lot in the past very few years... *puffs pipe and thinks* There was a dull stretch of years. This benefited Siege.

The worlds are no longer dull. So many changes in recent times. The past couple of years have been exciting. So many changes. Yet... very few for Siege.

Yes, we have seen some accommodations. Those are always greatly appreciated. Starving folk always enjoy a biscuit. The game has changed, it is time for Siege to change with it.

*tips hat to Morgana and the Classic Crew* We do not want to be the Classic Shard. I think I can safely say that. Some Siege folk may go for that. Just as some folk from every other shard will. That is their choice.

I am one of the last few hard core don't want to change the Siege rules players there are. I love/hate RoT. I love one character. I love depending on and helping other folks.

Devs... If you are reading this, we are receptive to change. We have given you a list of acceptable changes that are all ready coded. Well, for the most part...

We of siege are unique. Give us some unique things. Things that are already there, just turned off. Look though the list. Most of us know RoT changes and housing are complicated...

There are some easy ones though. Just asking.

There could be a Dev team that saves Siege. Just wondering when that team will be...


Please help siege someone.
I dont care what you have to do, well actually no trammy land other than that I really dont care. I will not go back to a prodo shard where I have to wait in line to farm the creature I want to, or where everyone is blippin across my screen.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
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*puts Kelmo on the endangered species list*

Lets give Siege some love....



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Its a shame a certain individual, /cough slaveone /cough, has to come in and troll a thread by shouting that it should be shut down.

We're not asking for budget busting changes here. Just a bit of tinkering under the bonnet of Siege.

In fact, as a start, I'd just love to see a discussion thread opened by a Dev. An official thread would be a good gesture by Mythic and would be a good start to the process.

Patty Pickaxe

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First, I would like to thank the non-Siegers for your support and an extra big thank you for {mostly} keeping out the trolls and hate.

Second, we know that Siege is not for everyone. I know that we have get overzealous with our "Come to Siege Campaigns" but that is only because sometimes you don't know if you'll like it until you try it. We don't want you to stay away because of the negative stories you've heard. We want you to experience it for yourself. I came to Siege almost 5 years ago. I had never PVPed in my life, but I needed a change from Atlantic. I still don't PVP, but I made a home there as a crafter and a wanna-be PVMer :mf_prop: I don't want to take this thread off topic, so I should get back to the point .

I don't play much anymore, mostly because of RL but I am sad to see the state Siege is in. IT NEEDS HELP! There is a saying- "The Silence is deafening". Is the lack of communication from anyone at Mythic a message to us? Is there a community rep that can chime in here? Please give us some indication that you have heard our pleas!!!


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Okay, Lets simplify this Siege is a neglected pet as all of my fellow members of Siege have implied it is dying, And I wonder why. Everything imaginable is being done on these production shards, you know what fine help them but while your doing that while your adding things for them think of this shard and heres the reason why. Siege is the only shard of it's kind that anyone can play on and enjoy some of the old times.. We can't consider mugen one of those shards for the simple fact that if most of us went to play there we would have enormous lag. So you have a shard a one of a kind shard for this region of players and you barely even look into it? And to make matters worse from what i Understand you guys plan on taking more away from us. Siege is a resilliant body of players thats all, but we are not immortal eventually you will kill us off we will starve from the lack of attention and Siege Perillious will die and after that happens alot of us will be done with Ultima Online.

This is a serious mistake, and it needs to be rectified. As part of this Issue I believe While siege does need it's own special care that despite it being a Fluid shard [Meaning : not everyone is on at the exact same time] If we had that special care [This includes Event Moderation] We can bring siege back from the brink of Oblivion and once more bring it back to the pinnicle of it's time. Look, Don't leave siege in the dark don't forget about us. Because after we lose siege I for one Am probably done with Ultima Online.

Everyone here on Siege might have Ideas as to how to bring Siege back what you can offer us to help siege, If you'd only listen and pay attention we will help. Our hearts are here on Siege and we plan to fight for it, don't make it any harder on us than it already is.

Just my two cents. I know i'm a bit late in giving my opinion but I want to Improve not only Siege but every shard here on ultima, I have been playing Since beta and i have enjoy countless hours of fun here on Ultima and I wish to continue to do so, So let us Improve our "Little world"

Thank you,
Phantroneous Cat​

John Connelly

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I played in siege Perilous Shard, but the ping is horrible for Spain (Western Europe)
I know many players that do not play there for this problem.
would be a dream for me to play there with acceptable ping.
I ping around 300 to Siege and that has not stopped me playing there for the last 6 years. I have 3 accounts therefore 3 characters and each is fairly successful in their profession.

My crafter / gatherer has tailoring, blacksmith, imbuing, fletching, inscription, carpentry, tinkering, alchemy, lumberjack, mining, fishing and t hunting skills. I also trained music, peace and magery which allows him to hunt or defend himself against most monsters (not PK ones). Since the chat system came in to play this character is busy any time I log him on with people needing items made or imbued. He is a good source of income.

My tamer also has music, peace and discord. Peace is quite an important skill with a high ping as often an area peace is needed to escape from a difficult situation. I hunt often in the abyss, or anywhere on Siege and I don't really notice my ping is bad. It's never stopped me challenging the hardest creatures in the game.

Mr red is a ninja archer with a couple of hundred counts. None of the counts came from New characters or helpless miners. He is useless in a 1 v 1 PvP fair fight but if he gets the first shot in, and uses the element of surprise he can be quite deadly. He is quite effective against PvM tamers and is especially fun to play during events like the Tokuna event where everyone is concentrated in one place hunting artis. The GM of my guild (who no longer plays) put in a "low loot" policy which I still stick to as I realise few of my kills are honorable.

Do not be mistaken in to thinking Siege is only about PvP. If you want to PvP it is there, and if you need a start there are plenty that will give you advice, training, support and the equipment to get you started. However siege is about more than PvP. It is about community, risk, excitement and achievement. I die sometimes, and lose my stuff, but I just bounce back, resuit and get into the game again.

The shard needs does need some love from the devs. Kat has posted a list of things that would help the shard. From a personal point of view, nobody agrees with everything on the list, but from a collective point of view we are all agreed that the changes would benefit Siege and should be put in place as soon as possible. That's how a community works.

I have a small house quite near to Moonglow gate I don't use if any guild needs a temporary place to squat and store stuff while it gives siege a trial.


Sorry for not reading all the replies, but I would gladly play siege if three things were addressed. 1: ROT scares me! I don't feel like spending that amount of time working a char, when I make a char I prefer to go nuts and build him as quick as possible, rather than take my time and get promised gains every so often.
2: Housing, I own a keep on atlantic, which is no small thing. I don't wanna pay for a second account or give up my keep for siege housing.
3: The siege faction item issue. Either get rid of em or make them a bit easier to come by.

Oh and PK's!, siege shouldn't have pks!

(I cannot believe I'm saying this, but I know someone is going to think that last comment was serious. IT WASN'T!)


Always Present
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Siege does need some decent attention and help from the Dev. Team.

There may be a myriad of reasons WHY someone would try Siege Perilous, before they leave Ultima Online as a paying customer for good.

I can only give my own reasons for first trying Siege Perilous back in 2004, after playing on Chesapeake since 1998.

I never liked Insurance. When folks even insured the gm mark thigh boots I had made on Chesapeake, for what 600gp insurance for 100gp costing thigh boots, insurance to me seemed to also be a way to put crafters OUT of business. Siege had no insurance. The ecomomy is unique there too. You will not enter any vendor home and find plain wood tables sold for 2k, nor essences of SA sold for zillons of gp either. How a true new player even affords some of the ingredients sold for heavy millions of gp on Luna mall prices upon other shards is mind boggling !! Or risk buying something that maybe was duped by another risking their own acct. to even buy it if they had the millions to purchase it at a luna mall. The other shards all seem to be going the way of Donald Trump prices for even the simplest items over inflated over priced till your mind cringes at what UO has become ...elsewhere.

While most all of my many chrs. on Chesapeake are fighters, ie born pre trammel, I really did wish to try to make a crafter somewhere, where folks just could NOT insure a pair of boots I made thus I tried Siege.

Being an older UO customer, I also wanted challenges. My Chesapeake chrs. were ALL DONE. Could I even dare attempt to make viable chrs. on a shard that had ROT ? Would mere crafters even survive a fel ruleset which I was used to anyhow from playing pre tram on Ches. on a shard like SIEGE ? The old UO player customer within me wanted to try, to see if I even could survive playing a shard unique like Siege Perilous, or recapture something that reminded me of UO a bit older school, like UO used to be, before I perhaps left UO for good as a paying customer.

My lil crafter was killed pkd and so on and so forth. Yet she became part of a great guild, she made friends, and comically she clicked on the suits of those whom pkd her to see if they maybe needed repairs as she died. She built a lil rep and business for herself repairing armor for even murderers. One day instead of killing her they just uttered ... "Miranda fix my armor please ! "

And the wee crafter became part of the Siege community.

Population dwindles cuz players whom were there are there, are leaving Ultima Online cuz the last shard they play upon that they fell in love with playin upon is has been feels like it has been utterly ignored, it needs help, and for many Siege Perilous IS the last shard they will try, before exiting UO for forever .........for whatever reasons they came to Siege, their last reasons for remaining paying customers of Ultima Online vanish due to neglect. Yes we fathom the dev. team may not have the time or time for the attention to give Siege what it may need. But we still have to plea and ask, cuz for many of us, Siege is remains, for whatever reasons a place we have enjoyed playing, enjoyed being part of it's community, and it is dying !!

We want Siege Perilous some how, saved, rejuvenated, so we 'can' keep payin EA to play their game !

Offering us chr. transfers OFF Siege should they opt to shut Siege down, probably will NOT keep those customers, cuz they all came from other regular shards as it was, most do not want to go back full time from where they did come from, for whatever unique reasons they fell for Siege, those reasons are why they hope for a solution to STAY THERE and not leave Ultima Online, reasons, needing solutions, that may even help grow the shard population as well as keep whom we have left paying EA to play on Siege, rather than deplete it further of it's customer base.

I am just a very old school UO customer. Born pre trammel, born before the age of need all these pricey items to make even anything worth wearing, type of chr. if Siege DIES I will not make anymore, any plain wooden storage chests again, upon Chesapeake [for 1.5k +] going rate of them there now, when they sell like crazy for 350gp for me, on Siege, where folks do not only shop LUNA to buy em either, and where they may even risk dying to buy the chests, but I think they find it more fun to make em or buy them, on the economy that is uniquely Siege Perilous. Please help SIEGE !

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

*sigh* .... I hate to say this, but did anyone read the thread I started about understanding your fellow players? The problem with Siege, as I see it, is that it is nothing different from a regular shard, except that it has a lot of limitations that put people off...and open PvP...which according to the response I got, most players not only don't enjoy, but they literally hate it.

So what can be done to help Siege?

That is a great question...and I don't have any real answers. Siege was supposed to be an 'advanced' shard. Most UO players today don't want things to be 'advanced', they want things to be as easy as possible. I can't say much, I don't play on Siege because of the limitations (1 character, RoT, economic limits).

The first thing that pops into my mind is...make it easier...that's what people seem to want. But in doing that, the shard is fundamentally changed. I can't speak for Siege players...but that seems to be against the grain of what they stand for.

The next thing that pops into my mind is...make it different from regular shards. Of course, being the Classic UO fan that I am, my thoughts go to stripping out AoS properties and things like that...but again, that does not seem to be what the Siege community wants...at least not all of them.

But coming at that from a different angle, what if something could be added to Siege that the other shards don't have? Is there something that players in UO want that they don't have on other shards that they would be willing to jump ship and join Siege to get? Nothing comes to mind...and I fear that anything the devs added to Siege that they did not add to the other shards would be complained about ad nauseam by the general playerbase.

I am not aware of the list of changes that some are proposing for Siege...I'd like to see them personally, because unfortunately, I am having a really, really hard time coming up with something that is going to really help this shard...and I really don't want to see it die. Siege is a piece of UO, and if it dies, so dies an important part of UO's long history.

Petra Fyde

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Actually, Morgana, it's different on Siege. No, I don't pvp anywhere, and no I don't enjoy it. But most Siege players don't feel the need to humiliate you and gloat over your corpse. That makes it a whole lot less of a bad experience, one that's easily shrugged off.
There's a lot less annimosity. I died within my first two hours on the shard. The same person has killed me at least a couple more times, but we've also traded amicably for various items and he sold me a moongate house for my shop.
Yes, we've our share of idiots who no one has a lot of time or a good word for. But every shard has those. We've got a lot less than the others.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Don't get me wrong Petra, I am not saying that Siege is full of 13 year old acting PKs...

...I just think that is the misconception that players have about it. In fact, I think that is a misconception that players have about PvP in UO as a whole.

I PvPed for the first 6 years I played UO. Never once did I trash talk anyone, (except for MastaKilla, Scar, Lice, Tone Loc, and Grady...and every single one of them had it coming, and they know why).

Not everyone that engages in PvP is some foul-mouthed braggart that wants to "grief" people. Not even all of the PKs back in the old days were like that.

But that is the impression that a lot of players have about PvP...and unfortunately, I think that hurts Siege.


Actually, Morgana, it's different on Siege. No, I don't pvp anywhere, and no I don't enjoy it. But most Siege players don't feel the need to humiliate you and gloat over your corpse. That makes it a whole lot less of a bad experience, one that's easily shrugged off.
There's a lot less annimosity. I died within my first two hours on the shard. The same person has killed me at least a couple more times, but we've also traded amicably for various items and he sold me a moongate house for my shop.
Yes, we've our share of idiots who no one has a lot of time or a good word for. But every shard has those. We've got a lot less than the others.
My own play style in UO is not too dissimilar to your own. I do enjoy PvP though, when it has a point to it and is amongst consenting adults ;)

My own PvP interaction has usually been as part of a team, within factions or when Order/Chaos was around, or warring guilds. I probably got the least number of kills of any player, but got plenty of "assists" by working out good strategies and planning, or "spying" on opponents with my stealther. It's the team ethic I enjoyed most of all. I digress though...

Essentially, Morgana has pretty much hit the nail on the head. The "majority" of your average production shard players, simply have no time whatsoever, for anything that involves PvP.

No matter how much you, me, or anyone, praises the deep sense of community and player interaction, with Siege or potentially with any single facet classic offering, those with such strong and blinkered views about anything relating to PvP content, simply won't try it. They won't bat an eyelid if Siege dies, or classic never gets past the talking. They also feel that we, even long time players and subscribers, are taking something away from their "needs", by having the audacity to ask for something for once ourselves.

I remain more hopeful than positive about the survival of Siege and for any classic shard offering. We are a minority. In this virtual country of ours, it seems that borderline hatred for that minority, when we raise our voices, is perfectly acceptable.

You all know I would like to see a classic option. I make no bones about that. I think it's unlikely to happen, though I will keep supporting the cause. In the meantime, I watch closely with regards to Siege. Your shard is an important part of what's great about UO. If it dies, the last great challenge, option for deeper gameplay, deeper community, dies with it.

Sadly, I fear that if Siege is allowed to die, then Ultima Online will die with it. The production shards might survive, but the game won't be Ultima Online any more. It will be a poor "re-imagining" (seems to be a buzz word these days...) of what Ultima Online once was. They might as well change the name of the game to Sims Online Fantasy Edition. Each time the past is neglected, it's a step further away from what the game was once about.

Classic shards might be a pipe-dream. Siege is a reality. The here and now. If that goes, what little is left of my faith in the game and it's interest in a good portion of it's player base, will finally go with it.

Rant Over. :gee:


Old and in the way
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Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
If a rant falls in an unpopulated forest, does it make a sound?

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

It makes me really sad to admit it, but I think he is right.

Look how many players complained because they "had" to electively go to Fel to finish a quest recently. Are those the types of players that are going to move to an entire shard that is Fel-based?

Siege players, like Classic players, are in the dying minority I am afraid.

I have a status meeting at 3...so I will have plenty of time to sort of doze off and think about other things...so I will see if I can come up with any ideas for Siege :)


Old and in the way
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You could move to Siege to support alternative play styles? *laughs* I know... pipe dream.


Old and in the way
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You would not even have to drop houses. I have have the resourses and friends to host entire guilds.


Siege is a hopeless cause.

I was a UO player from release. Atlantic until Chesapeake opened, but Chessy & Siege mainly. I'm currently playing Darkfall which has lost enough population it's on death's door. I will continue playing it simply because there are no other harsh worlds to game in. I am a PvPer, but I don't enjoy FPS. I need either content or community for the PvP to be based around to have fun.

I am exactly what you guys are saying Siege appeals to. When I gave UO another try a few years ago I never even considered SP. I will never go back to SP.

I read another post on here where some guy (Freely I think?) talks about how unblemished Siege is as a server. Siege Perilous has been damaged goods from the start. Do you remember when it first came up and all the top guilds put in a massive effort to show they were the best? And when they wiped it not long after? Or how about try #2 where some guilds made a repeat attempt and a particular guild was owning the server. Remember how that ended? Over 200 accounts banned for IP links to duping. Gold was all over the place even though people weren't. If you've forgotten look up Lum the Mad's old blog and check the December '99 archives for "Hammerfall" submissions. From that point on Siege was a lot of talk with very little action. BattleVortex forums made it sound like the remaining guilds had hard battles and drawn out wars, but anyone who transfered to the server found they had low activity and prefered to play together and fight the new guy. And if the new guy/guild won? They'd collectively disappear for a while. I guess a downside to low population is everyone gets to know one another and the competitive edge dulls. I'm sure every time UO put in a patch that was drastically different a new group of people decided to try Siege, but as a gambling man I would say the smart money is it was never enough to revive the community for long. And even if it was, it's clearly back on life support now. Siege is UO's retirement home. It's where bored and disgusted UOers go to pretend they're playing the game they used to enjoy.

That whole paragraph about why I won't play siege doesn't matter. I typed it solely to show I've been where you guys are at. The important part of my post is that I won't go there. Improvements won't draw me back. The server mechanics aren't the issue. I am your target audience yet I have no interest. On the other hand, I have a forum full of old gamers who are keeping their eye on a UO Classic shard. The hype of Classic would bring back so many people the server would be over crowded until the less interested started drifting away. It would be an unparalleled gaming experience for a couple months, but even as the hype faded there would be a chance at a community that Siege was never given. I empathize with the SP players. I've been there. You're screwed.

Hattori Hanzo

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At its best, only a couple of years ago, we played extended faction battles almost every week on SP. It was worth sitting in the base for a few hours, chatting on Vent, just to have the thrill of a battle that could last a couple of hours. It was awesome to log on with a bunch of people and go raid a guarded base. We lost some and won some. But one thing for sure, it was fun.

I don't know why the fights moved to Luna and people started leaving, but it happened and it is hard to turn back the clock. If there was some reason to play factions again, maybe we could capture that moment.

I have kicked around the idea of going to Atlantic (where I have considerable resources) or a Freeshard with my guild and / or everyone who wants to shutter their Siege castles and move. But I would much rather play SP. In fact I am close to just moving on from UO altogether rather than go somewhere else to play.

That is how much Siege means to me. I don’t want to be in the room when it dies and I don’t want to go pretend I can replace it.


Stratics Veteran
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ive played from nearly the beginning . biggest mistake ever in my opinion was the creation of trammel . it split the community in two. yes something needed to be done to help the crafters and newbies , there should have been a way to protect the new players without splitting the community. increased guard zones, a few safe places maybe but when you created an exact copy of the world, of course almost everyone went there ... it was easier. i went there till it got so boring i almost quit .

siege is the last remnant of that undivided community .
even when uo turned a deaf ear , the community itself created a "young status" alternative . a guild devoted specificly to supporting new players for 1 month. most players here support NEW and will not attack a NEW member. (some will of course , but many who do will res the poor soul afterwards and tell him what he did wrong)

yes we have our dirt bags , but we also have a fine bunch of people who contribute to the community . some contribute by playing the bad guy and thats fine . good must have a foe to vanquish after all. but even these traditional "enemies" will band together if someone tries to hurt our world .

ea has done just that thru neglect and while kat may be my foe on the field i fully support her here . i willingly sign her petition .

please devs . lets have a little attention and save the last united uo community .

i currently run 3 accounts and if siege falls that will be the end for me and my subscription dollars.



I would consider going to Siege and dedicating some playtime there if I could have a house there and not have it count against my house on Chessy.

As far as the Classic Shard arguement goes, I think folks should earnestly play on Siege to get a quick glimpse on how things would be on a Classic Shard.

Just my 2 cents.


Stratics Legend
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I'm not sure why any of you make this plead anymore. Don't you get it? The developers are not listening. They never have. They have their ideas about what will make UO a better game, and release after release they are proven incorrect.

Sure they may come here and post a few posts, but can you honestly say you have seen something from this board come to the actual game that was an idea originated by a player?

Along with UO, Siege is going to die. Enough players will quit and their subscriptions cancelled without anyone to replace them. Sure there will be enough players to stick it out to give EA a profit and keep the server up, but the game itself is dead, and has died. The community just refuses to see it. I'll admit, I was one of you for many years that thought with enough player support, the developers would listen. I too was mistaken, I just saw it before many of you did...and I saw it much later than many of the thousands of players who quit the game before I did.

Create these posts all you want, get the post count up as much as you want...they will change nothing. I'm sorry for the truth...la

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

As far as the Classic Shard arguement goes, I think folks should earnestly play on Siege to get a quick glimpse on how things would be on a Classic Shard.
Really? A Classic Shard would have only 1 character slot, Malas, AoS Properties, Tokuno, that dumb elf-tree-thingy, the Abyss, neon colored weapons, pastel ridable dogs, ninjas, vampires, elves, gargoyles, and RoT?

Here is some advice...get a "quick glimpse" of how things were in UO before all of those things were added, and then you might understand that a Classic Shard is not just about PvP. rolleyes:


Slightly Crazed
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forgive this question in advance because I don't play siege.

but what does siege offer people that regular fel shards do not ?
it's not a classic shard is it ?

again please forgive my neophyte question but I really don't understand the allure of siege.


Its still silent from their end. Its the same old story from them. I respect what everyone is doing and the effort being put into the shard but its the same amount of effort we had put in years ago. Without something from the devs all the effort is for nothing.
From what I understand most of my crew is now on atlantic and im too lazy/busy to recreate. Siege had a good run, but maybe its time to throw in the towel. Like Hattori said, we used to have fun times, fighting for hours non stop, raiding, faction drama, the conflicts between this individual and that one. It was like a drama show, only more interesting cause we were all part of it. It just seems like its time to move on, hell I did and I am enjoying the customer support from WoW big time(I was even hacked once and got my stuff back!)
I hate to say it, but Siege is a sinking ship and we are running out of life jackets.


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Nothing to add really, but love. Siege is all that UO is to me. :heart:

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

forgive this question in advance because I don't play siege.

but what does siege offer people that regular fel shards do not ?
it's not a classic shard is it ?

again please forgive my neophyte question but I really don't understand the allure of siege.
When Siege launched, it was supposed to be an 'advanced' (meaning more difficult) server. And it was. Many of the features of Siege include: 1 character slot only, tougher skill gain system, NPCs will not buy anything from players, things are more expensive to buy from NPCs.

At the time it launched...no shards had Trammel. That became the primary difference between Siege and regular shards after Trammel was introduced, although there are other differences as well.

What does Siege offer people that regular shards do not?

- A more realistic and challenging gaming experience.
- A better sense of community, since it was never destroyed by Trammel like the regular shards.
- No insurance...and thieves actually have purpose other than being "rares collectors".

Essentially, Siege is a shard for players that want more challenge out of the present game...so no, it is not a Classic Shard. A lot of players don't understand the difference. The two are completely seperate.


I don't see how Siege is done to be honest HaHa. As it has been stated, the world of Ultima Online has changed-With all the new expansions, came all the new templates and items. With Siege Perilous current rule set, Siege just will not survive.

I for one, love the full-on loot that Siege Perilous offers and I love the risk of completely gearing out my character(s), only to cry about it later on when or if I die! It gives a high when you're risking high end items in PvP or PvM.

That's why I have always suggested why not raise the drop rate of items, bring back cursed artifacts, and decrease faction artifacts back down to 1k silver per rank. I personally suggest removing the evil/good hue system or at least allow the non-faction player to equip hued items (obviously not faction items, if they're non-faction).

Everyone has their version of what would revive Siege Perilous and I truly believe these ideas are an easy fix until the DEVs decided when or if they can dedicate more time to Siege Perilous. It will update us to current Ultima Online play, allowing the mediocre and/or casual players to keep up with the more extreme players-Giving them the ease of suiting up, giving everyone the joy of possibly looting awesome stuff to re-use, sell, or even give back!

I know my ideas are based around PvP, but that is what interest me!

Just my .02.


Hattori Hanzo

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When Siege launched, it was supposed to be an 'advanced' (meaning more difficult) server. And it was. Many of the features of Siege include: 1 character slot only, tougher skill gain system, NPCs will not buy anything from players, things are more expensive to buy from NPCs.

At the time it launched...no shards had Trammel. That became the primary difference between Siege and regular shards after Trammel was introduced, although there are other differences as well.

What does Siege offer people that regular shards do not?

- A more realistic and challenging gaming experience.
- A better sense of community, since it was never destroyed by Trammel like the regular shards.
- No insurance...and thieves actually have purpose other than being "rares collectors".

Essentially, Siege is a shard for players that want more challenge out of the present game...so no, it is not a Classic Shard. A lot of players don't understand the difference. The two are completely seperate.
Well stated answer.


Slightly Crazed
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When Siege launched, it was supposed to be an 'advanced' (meaning more difficult) server. And it was. Many of the features of Siege include: 1 character slot only, tougher skill gain system, NPCs will not buy anything from players, things are more expensive to buy from NPCs.

At the time it launched...no shards had Trammel. That became the primary difference between Siege and regular shards after Trammel was introduced, although there are other differences as well.

What does Siege offer people that regular shards do not?

- A more realistic and challenging gaming experience.
- A better sense of community, since it was never destroyed by Trammel like the regular shards.
- No insurance...and thieves actually have purpose other than being "rares collectors".

Essentially, Siege is a shard for players that want more challenge out of the present game...so no, it is not a Classic Shard. A lot of players don't understand the difference. The two are completely seperate.
all of this i knew about except the ONE CHARACTER SLOT ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? !

so ... either you purchase more than one account for siege or everyone's temp is half mule and half soldier ?


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
all of this i knew about except the ONE CHARACTER SLOT ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? !

so ... either you purchase more than one account for siege or everyone's temp is half mule and half soldier ?
Well, several have more than one account. Mostly we rely on friends and allies. I shop for items at vendors rather than make them myself. We help one another rather than merely helping ourselves.


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i think the one character slot makes us rely on one another . thats the main reason the community is so strong . i myself dont have crafting skills . but thats ok because i have friends that do . they in turn may not have the fighting skills to gather new resources . so one hand washes the other .

we cant just do everything ourselves.

i had my 3 accounts when i played lake austin . i had a character for every skill. i could do everything myself . i could go weeks without speaking to another player . i turned into quite the loner.

the thing that impressed me most when i came to siege was the people i found . they took me in and treated me like family. people get to know you here and your actions have consequences .
with only one guy , your reputation gets around.

siege challenges us to live with each other ... to get along or duke it out . you cant just run to trammel and play another guy.

of course there a some who buy name change deeds . but its kinda funny how quickly the community catches on . hehe


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
I'll consider it!
*smiles* I have a trusted ally on Siege that has a keep that is basically empty. His name is Bruin, you can find him on Siege. Even if for just a lark, consider it. Atlantic will not miss you for a day or so in your week.

Make it an adventure. You will lose nothing as you will bring nothing. You will gain plenty. Trust me. Here is an offer for an all paid holiday adventure that will inspire stories.

An intrepid crew venturing into a strange land... Meeting hostiles and friendlies. Learning to live off of the land and making alliances, friends and enemies with the natives.

Be yourselves. You have nothing to lose. You might gain something. *smiles*

If the answer is a definant no, this offer is still out there for any crew that wants a holiday on Siege. I know Bruin pretty well. He will not boot you until you totally give up and stop playing.

Just Do It

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ANYONE interested in COMING to SP please let me know and ill supply you with a 18 x 18 plot for free

We have a guild for new people called NEW

*That will be my only requirement is that your in the guild NEW please contact Shalimar then once your in NEW ill give you the gold for your FREE 18 x 18 plot


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
ANYONE interested in COMING to SP please let me know and ill supply you with a 18 x 18 plot for free
Are you willing to hold it for them? Most will not drop a house to place right off the bat.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
You are doing fine, Nike. Pledge support and we will go from there. Bruin has a keep. I have resourses. We all want to offer the Siege expeince.


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Siege is my home and always will be... I have inactive due to the population issues but continue to pay for 2 accounts and normally run 4 when i am playing full time. I just recently decided to start playing again because of my love for the game and because of the people of siege. Please help make Siege what it was originally created to be .... whatever it takes to bring life back to Siege I fully support as long as the shards identity and intent remains.


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There is alot that could be done. They just need to be willing to bare what we have in mind and actually write it down and listen. Making faction items easier to come by is a waste of time, It will just make it more like a production shard with everyone running great stuff all the time. Look, there are ways to handle it and ways to screw everything up. So far most of what has been done so far has made it harder on Siege. People complain about RoT people complain about this that or the other. RoT is a genius idea it prevents people from scripting up a full character in a mere few days. So you have to work on it at little bit, but have we lost all sense of gratification when we fully complete a character? I understand for you prodo people it's hard to go to a shard where only one character is available, and it's even harder when you already are setup on another shard. I Myself have played virtually every shard including some of the Japanese shards, And it is here on siege that i have the most fun. We need people to come here, but to get those people we need to Insure that they are taken care of at the beginning we even have a guild for that called NEW. Yes it is true siege can be an unforgiving place but compaired to the people on production shards we usually have a higher quality people usually willing to help out anyone willing to come join us. We all rant about this and apparently i'm one of them. But it's not my intention All i'm saying is simply this. Siege has the possibility to be one of the best shards of ultima, If we can simply recieve the proper care that doesn't only apply to the Devs Editting things for siege alone. But almost every patch and expansion has never taken siege into account. Besides that It's the internal things as well.. Siege doesn't have much going for it besides what the players themselves decide needs to be done. As far as i can tell It's simply the players that have kept siege going all this time, but if someone were to prove me wrong i'd gladdly apologize to that. I believe this might all be a waste of our time posting all of this, If none of them care to even bother and read what we have to write it won't help. To my fellow Siege players It might be that WE need to take this into our own hands and set things up. P.Ks and Crafters alike and if that be the case we need to Think of several different ways to get things rolling. Not just one attempt, but Many it will take. I' have every intention of trying to bring Siege back to the way it used to be, but I cannot do it myself. I have ideas, but I wish for the rest of you to help me. Please Icq Me 340771984 or Msn [email protected] We need to start setting things up.

Thank you all, sorry again for my looong rant i guess but please get to me and help me with ideas.

Thank You,
Phantroneous Cat​


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We all want to offer the Siege expeince.
Horse pucky!

Siege players dont want "production" players. Siege players seem to think they are elite! And yes I do have a couple chars there that will never see the light of day ever again.


I have undeveloped characters on siege. Here are the reasons they are undeveloped.

1. The game is item dependant.
I don't care if it is GM armor or trapped boxes and apples or imbued stuff or faction arties. You can not escape it!

2. Siege is not and never will be the pk shard.
The players that are huge pk'rs are also greedy bastards. They not only have the best gear, they want the most gp's. It's an e-penis contest.

3. There is not, and never will be, a true replacement to former UO glory.
Remember one-shotting people?
How about town raids?
The no pants army?

Dude, those times are gone, make a freakin' imbuer.


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I am sure this has been suggested many times over the years and I saw someone recently post something very similar ...

how about scaling down the impact of properties in PvP?
e.g. DCI 45 in PvM becomes DCI 9 in PvP, DCI 20 in PvM becomes DCI 4 in PvP. etc

Then people with uber suits still have an advantage but it is only a small advantage

It is not even a precedent because SDI item max is 15% in PvP and unlimited in PvM


Most people think Siege sucks.. That's why nobody plays there. Sure they can do some things, but the root of the problem is the whole idea behind it, no?

People whine for a classic server, but the closest thing to do it right now is Siege, which no one plays... :(


>> i did not enjoy that my newb who skill gains were not fun, was slaughtered

My experience exactly, never went back, never looked back, i won't play in fel either, so from my standpoint, they can do away w/ it all. but any shards that have clients should be revisited from time to time to make sure they are still viable, so good luck w/ your quest.
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