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Artisan Festival Tree Statuses


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I got the Trinsic tree on Lake Austin up to the giant tree with no ornaments yesterday evening, but couldn't convince anyone to try to push it further.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Trinsic tree status as of Monday morning around 11:30 a.m. EST:

  1. Asuka (no bag yet)
  2. Catskills
  3. Chesapeake
  4. Europa
  5. Great Lakes
  6. Hokuto (no bag yet)
  7. Izumo (no bag yet)
  8. Mizuho (no bag yet)
  9. Sakura (no bag yet)
  10. Siege Perilous
  11. Sonoma
  12. Yamato (no bag yet)

  1. Mugen (Vesper tree)
  2. Wakoku

  1. Atlantic
  2. Lake Austin
  3. Lake Superior
  4. Pacific

  1. Drachenfels
  1. Arirang
  2. Baja
  3. Balhae
  4. Formosa
  5. Legends
  6. Napa Valley
  7. Oceania
  8. Origin

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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These are the shards that have not yet had a tree with a star and how they did with the Yew, Vesper, and Trinsic trees:
  • Arirang (none, none, none)
  • Balhae (none, none, none)
  • Formosa (none, giant tree with ornaments but no star, none)
  • Lake Austin (small, charlie brown, giant tree with no ornaments or star)
  • Napa Valley (charlie brown, charlie brown, none)
  • Oceania (charlie brown, none, none)
  • Origin (charlie brown, charlie brown, none)
  • Pacific (giant tree with no ornaments or star, giant tree with no ornaments or star, giant tree with no ornaments or star)
I think Lake Austin is going to try to do the tree in Jhelom, but I don't know if any of these other shards have plans to focus on a particular town to try to finish a tree. Has anyone heard anything? Any suggestions on how to help these shards finish at least one tree this month?

Tildi Daintree

@Tina Small Thank you very much for your regular updates on Tree Status's.
I am from Oceania & we just don't have the population to get a tree completed :(
But I am extremely fortunate, to be able to contribute to a tree, on another shard & have a veteran friend ship my reward home.
Your updates, are genuinely appreciated, from afar :)


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Well you were doing pretty well till ya got to the "little fella" toss back. Soooo close to having the moral high ground for a brief moment ;)
i just hate when trolls call other people trolls.
its funny too cause i was like..... ohhh little fella? that might punch it up a level, bah leave it in, no one will notice.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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the HK shards are hitting the tree hard this year.


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It's easy on a small shard to get at least a charlie brown tree.

I was able to do it solo on LA, using just 9-10 20 count EX cloth LBODs.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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@Tina Small Thank you very much for your regular updates on Tree Status's.
I am from Oceania & we just don't have the population to get a tree completed :(
But I am extremely fortunate, to be able to contribute to a tree, on another shard & have a veteran friend ship my reward home.
Your updates, are genuinely appreciated, from afar :)
Thank you, Tildi. It's been fun watching people on the different shards. It's nice to have an event like this that helps prove UO isn't dead yet.

Do you think you folks on Oceania could put your heads together and pick a town a little further up the alphabet that you want to focus on? I'm sure there are people who don't necessarily have a house on Oceania that would be willing to help you all complete a tree, especially if there's some time to get some large BODs filled.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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If legends gets it's Skara tree full grown, I should have a few small bods leftover to give to anyone from another small shard to turn in on Legends and get a reward. Just ask in general chat for me, usually between 7-9pm Centtral. Can't help get it home tho :(

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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It's about 8:30 p.m. EST Monday evening and Skara Brae on Europa and Drachenfels has the next elf. Does anyone know when the Skara Brae elf showed up on those shards? Was it at midnight GMT or CET or was it later? Just trying to establish when the "3 days" for dropping off BODs actually started.

Also, I've checked Atlantic, Sonoma, Arirang, and Oceania in the last 10 minutes and none of them have an elf in Skara Brae yet. Would be nice if we can establish when those shards get their next elf. Are the elves appearing at a set time every four days or is their appearance tied to the end of the 17-hour pickup period for the previous city's tree?

Edited to add: Just checked Skara on Origin and it has an elf. It's about 8:45 p.m. ET Monday evening.
Last edited:

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
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I decided to block the location on great lakes by standing on the spot so the elf won't be able to recall in HAHA!!!!!!!!!!

Tina Small

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Just checked Atlantic and it has a snow patch in Skara Brae. I've been checking there off and on all evening, so I think it showed up some time between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. EST. Legends also has one, but nothing yet on the other East coast shards of Siege, Cats, Chessy, Lake Superior, or Great Lakes, as of 11:04 p.m. EST.

Edited to add the following instead of separate posts:

Catskills: Between 11:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. EST on Monday evening.

Siege: Sometime between midnight and 12:07 a.m. EST on Tuesday morning.

Lake Superior and Great Lakes: Between 12:15 a.m. and 12:20 a.m. EST on Tuesday morning

Chesapeake: Around 12:25 a.m. EST on Tuesday morning.

Lake Austin and Napa Valley: Around 1:50 a.m. EST on Tuesday morning.

Baja: At 2:00 a.m. EST on Tuesday morning.

Sonoma: About 2:05 a.m. EST on Tuesday morning.
Last edited:

Tildi Daintree

If legends gets it's Skara tree full grown, I should have a few small bods leftover to give to anyone from another small shard to turn in on Legends and get a reward. Just ask in general chat for me, usually between 7-9pm Centtral. Can't help get it home tho :(
Thank you for your kind offer for me or others in need.
I cannot transfer from Legends, but think it is lovely that you made the offer.
Happy Holidays to you!

Tildi Daintree

Thank you, Tildi. It's been fun watching people on the different shards. It's nice to have an event like this that helps prove UO isn't dead yet.

Do you think you folks on Oceania could put your heads together and pick a town a little further up the alphabet that you want to focus on? I'm sure there are people who don't necessarily have a house on Oceania that would be willing to help you all complete a tree, especially if there's some time to get some large BODs filled.
I think everyone is feeling discouraged on Oceania, but I will put the idea out there & see if it "floats".
Thank you for your kind suggestion :)

Tina Small

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I think everyone is feeling discouraged on Oceania, but I will put the idea out there & see if it "floats".
Thank you for your kind suggestion :)
I know I have smith and tailor bods stashed in the bank on Oceania from when I used to have a house there and can use some of my untrained characters to pick up small bods to help with the filling of large bods. If you folks can pick a town a little later in the rotation and have the people doing the large bods post on the Oceania forum which bods they might need to complete them, I suspect people will be willing to help out with getting you all a finished tree.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Don't feel bad Tildi...Origin isn't fairing any better...I have offered to give/exchange BOD's to at least get one tree this year....alas no one seems to care...

I now have 2...yes TWO! Filled large 20 cloth BOD's....~sighs~ And about 40 smalls.......but not gonna give em up if I'm the only one....

Sadly, I fear Origin will not see a tree this year.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Don't feel bad Tildi...Origin isn't fairing any better...I have offered to give/exchange BOD's to at least get one tree this year....alas no one seems to care...

I now have 2...yes TWO! Filled large 20 cloth BOD's....~sighs~ And about 40 smalls.......but not gonna give em up if I'm the only one....

Sadly, I fear Origin will not see a tree this year.
Larisa, can we just pick a city that will come up maybe next week and go for it? Maybe Moonglow? I think we'd be dropping off BODs from Wednesday morning to Friday evening next week and collecting gifts Saturday.

Tildi Daintree

It's about 8:30 p.m. EST Monday evening and Skara Brae on Europa and Drachenfels has the next elf. Does anyone know when the Skara Brae elf showed up on those shards? Was it at midnight GMT or CET or was it later? Just trying to establish when the "3 days" for dropping off BODs actually started.

Also, I've checked Atlantic, Sonoma, Arirang, and Oceania in the last 10 minutes and none of them have an elf in Skara Brae yet. Would be nice if we can establish when those shards get their next elf. Are the elves appearing at a set time every four days or is their appearance tied to the end of the 17-hour pickup period for the previous city's tree?

Edited to add: Just checked Skara on Origin and it has an elf. It's about 8:45 p.m. ET Monday evening.
OCEANIA UPDATE - At 10pm ADST (6am EST), the Elf is still at Trinsic, with his bag.


Seasoned Veteran
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The tree in Skara Brae on Great Lakes is completed already?!?!?! OMG, that is awesome!!! Congratulations to everyone that contributed. That may be a record.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Larisa, can we just pick a city that will come up maybe next week and go for it? Maybe Moonglow? I think we'd be dropping off BODs from Wednesday morning to Friday evening next week and collecting gifts Saturday.
I will gladly do that if I know at least one other person is helping me lol....I will also get with Aumakua to see how she might be able to help, thanks Tina.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
The tree in Skara Brae on Great Lakes is completed already?!?!?! OMG, that is awesome!!! Congratulations to everyone that contributed. That may be a record.
Legends held back to concentrate on Skara. We have a large right now. But I have to go outside and shovel so I'm taking a break. Uriah might finish it while I'm outside :p But congratulations on GLs, that's amazing! I plan on doing some grinding later. We started with a large tree within a few hours in Yew also but it still took us a couple days to put a star on it. So we're looking good but we ain't there yet.

Tina Small

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Assuming that New Magincia is the next city in the rotation and not Moonglow, it looks like the date ranges below are when a few different small shards are going to be trying to complete full trees and could use whatever help anyone can give to make it happen:

Tuesday, December 12th thru Thursday, December 14th - Skara Brae: Legends

Saturday, December 16th thru Monday, December 18th - New Magincia:

Wednesday, December 20th thru Friday, December 22nd - Moonglow: Baja, Origin

Sunday, December 24th thru Tuesday, December 26th - Minoc:

Thursday, December 28th thru Saturday, December 30th - Jhelom: Baja, Lake Austin

Are there any other small shards we can add to this list so people can work on large BODs on these shards in time to have them ready to drop?

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Uriah reports Legends Skara tree is done. I haven't actually looked at it yet. I know he had been stashing deeds forever to get it done in his home town. I think it was the tree Uriah and Devil's Own built. But as always there are many people involved.

Tina Small

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It's day 2 for the Skara Brae trees (Trinsic on Mugen) and here's what they look like this morning between 9:30 a.m. and 9:45 a.m. EST:

  1. Great Lakes
  2. Hokuto
  3. Izumo
  4. Legends
  5. Sonoma
  1. Lake Superior
  2. Siege Perilous
  1. Atlantic
  1. Asuka
  2. Catskills
  3. Sakura
  4. Yamato
  1. Chesapeake
  2. Mizuho
  3. Mugen (in Fel Trinsic)
  4. Napa Valley
  5. Pacific
  6. Wakoku
  1. Arirang
  2. Baja
  3. Balhae
  4. Drachenfels
  5. Europa
  6. Formosa
  7. Lake Austin
  8. Oceania
  9. Origin

I logged onto Izumo just as they finished their tree. There was a crowd of people setting off fireworks. Couldn't snap a screenshot fast enough to catch the fireworks, but did get some of the speech.

izumo artisan festival 20171213.JPG

Tildi Daintree

It's day 2 for the Skara Brae trees (Trinsic on Mugen) and here's what they look like this morning between 9:30 a.m. and 9:45 a.m. EST:

I logged onto Izumo just as they finished their tree. There was a crowd of people setting off fireworks. Couldn't snap a screenshot fast enough to catch the fireworks, but did get some of the speech.

View attachment 75118
I was at Izumo, for the last 15 mins, before the tree was completed.
The tree was at "Charlie Brown" stage & a crowd of players gathered around the snow patch.
The tree turned through all of the stages until it was completed.
It was truly amazing to witness this teamwork!
Well done to players on Izumo!!!! :heart: :grouphug:

Uriah Heep

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And with Legends Skara tree completed, I again would invite anyone from anyshard who has a char there to log on tonight between 7-9'ish, and holler in general chat for either DevilsOwn or myself. "Will be glad to give you a coupla bods to turn in for a gift..


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There's always some automatic fireworks from the tree with each stage jump

Tina Small

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Update on the trees in Skara Brae, as of approximately 8:00 p.m. EST:

  1. Great Lakes
  2. Hokuto
  3. Izumo
  4. Legends
  5. Sonoma
  1. Atlantic
  2. Lake Superior
  3. Siege Perilous
  1. Catskills
  2. Yamato
  1. Asuka
  2. Chesapeake
  3. Mizuho
  4. Mugen (in Fel Trinsic)
  5. Pacific
  6. Sakura
  1. Lake Austin
  2. Napa Valley
  3. Wakoku
  1. Arirang
  2. Baja
  3. Balhae
  4. Drachenfels
  5. Europa
  6. Formosa
  7. Oceania
  8. Origin


Lore Keeper
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I can't find what i was looking for .... did they adjust how many bods it takes to complete the tree from what it was last year?

Keith of Sonoma

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I can't find what i was looking for .... did they adjust how many bods it takes to complete the tree from what it was last year?
It seems to take less than last year. My understanding is that it is not the actual number of BODs that is the determining factor, but the total "banked value" of the BOD's. But, I haven't bothered to add up the total. I just put large BODs on until we get a star. :) Again, to complete a tree, don't bother with smalls. Once the tree is complete, then you can put one small BOD on the elf, and get some type of reward.

Tina Small

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Below is the status of the Skara Brae trees as of about 10:30 a.m. EST. NOTE: The elf on Origin already has a gift bag. Therefore, it might be wise to assume that other shards are going to get their bags sooner than expected today.

  1. Great Lakes
  2. Hokuto
  3. Izumo
  4. Lake Superior
  5. Legends
  6. Sonoma
  1. Atlantic
  2. Siege Perilous
  3. Yamato
  1. Asuka
  2. Catskills
  3. Wakoku
  1. Chesapeake
  2. Mizuho
  3. Mugen (in Fel Trinsic)
  4. Pacific
  5. Sakura
  1. Lake Austin
  2. Napa Valley
  1. Arirang
  2. Baja
  3. Balhae
  4. Drachenfels
  5. Europa
  6. Formosa
  7. Oceania


Slightly Crazed
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The Great Lakes Skara tree has popped--the bag is there now.


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Anyone know what the point system is for rewards? At first I thought better the BOD better the reward but thats not case On one character I dropped a 6 Part EXC Valorite Platemail LBOD and received a lantern from last year. Yet on another character, I dropped a 20 EXC Valorite SBOD and received a Tear Sculpture. Then I tried dropping a 20 EXC Aggy + 15 EXC Verite + 10 EXC Valorite SBOD per character (5 Characters) and the rewards were completely random.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Anyone know what the point system is for rewards? At first I thought better the BOD better the reward but thats not case On one character I dropped a 6 Part EXC Valorite Platemail LBOD and received a lantern from last year. Yet on another character, I dropped a 20 EXC Valorite SBOD and received a Tear Sculpture. Then I tried dropping a 20 EXC Aggy + 15 EXC Verite + 10 EXC Valorite SBOD per character (5 Characters) and the rewards were completely random.
Rewards are completely random...

Tree's which do not advance all the way to having the star on top can give rewards but it's again... random lotto on who gets a reward and again random lotto of what you get.

Trees that advance all the way to the star at the top give a random reward to EVERYONE who turned in a full bod. Again utterly random.

That said if your character has Good Karma you will receive a "Positive" item as in Virtuous... Green item. If you are "EVIL" or of Negative Karma and yes this can be a -1 Karma... you will receive an Anti-virtuous item... Red Item and again these are completely RANDOM from both years. I'll assume if we go on another 2 years of this it'll become increasingly more and more difficult to get all the "new" item sets as the pool of goodies to randomly get sorted is going to grow and grow... so unless you are some insane horder (like myself) and you have a crazy number of open active accounts (like myself)... then your odds of getting the "new" stuff with decrease dramatically.


Stratics Veteran
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Rewards are completely random...

Tree's which do not advance all the way to having the star on top can give rewards but it's again... random lotto on who gets a reward and again random lotto of what you get.

Trees that advance all the way to the star at the top give a random reward to EVERYONE who turned in a full bod. Again utterly random.

That said if your character has Good Karma you will receive a "Positive" item as in Virtuous... Green item. If you are "EVIL" or of Negative Karma and yes this can be a -1 Karma... you will receive an Anti-virtuous item... Red Item and again these are completely RANDOM from both years. I'll assume if we go on another 2 years of this it'll become increasingly more and more difficult to get all the "new" item sets as the pool of goodies to randomly get sorted is going to grow and grow... so unless you are some insane horder (like myself) and you have a crazy number of open active accounts (like myself)... then your odds of getting the "new" stuff with decrease dramatically.
I guess ill just stick to normal BODS.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Skara Brae trees as of Friday, December 15, 2017 at approximately 10:00 a.m. EST: (Unless otherwise noted, trees have a bag by the elf for claiming rewards.)

  1. Asuka (no bag yet)
  2. Catskills
  3. Great Lakes
  4. Hokuto (no bag yet)
  5. Izumo (no bag yet)
  6. Lake Superior
  7. Legends
  8. Siege Perilous
  9. Sonoma
  1. Atlantic
  2. Wakoku (no bag yet)
  3. Yamato (no bag yet)
  1. Mizuho (no bag yet)
  2. Sakura (no bag yet)
  1. Chesapeake
  2. Mugen (in Fel Trinsic) (does have a bag)
  3. Pacific
  1. Lake Austin
  2. Napa Valley
  1. Arirang (no bag yet)
  2. Baja
  3. Balhae (no bag yet)
  4. Drachenfels
  5. Europa
  6. Formosa (no bag yet)
  7. Oceania
  8. Origin

Tina Small

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These are the shards that already have an elf in New Magincia as of between 1:30 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. EST on Friday:

Oceania (no tree)
Origin (charlie brown tree)
Pacific (charlie brown tree)
Sonoma (no tree)
Lake Austin (no tree)
Baja (no tree)
Napa (no tree)
Legends (no tree)
Atlantic (charlie brown tree)
Lake Superior (no tree)
Great Lakes (charlie brown tree)
Catskills (no tree)
Chesapeake (no tree)
Siege (charlie brown)
Europa (no tree)
Drachenfels (no tree)
Mugen (Fel Skara Brae) (no tree)

No elves yet in Magincia on these shards as of about 2:00 p.m. EST on Friday (they do have a bag in Skara Brae now):



Slightly Crazed
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GL continues to rock it--Maginica tree now has a star :)

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
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Baja Update: In addition to Moonglow, Jhelom and Britain, Magincia has been added to the list! Come One! Come All!