Well a little bit of an update. Tanis has left me. We are no longer together. Dont know quite how to deal with him having a new girlfriend already. We have been apart for less than a week. Not really sure what to do any more. I mean, I love him and I agree with him I am not in love with him, But it still doesnt hurt my heart any less. I want him to be happy. So I am trying to be what he needs me to be right now. A friend. I just feel this great emptiness inside cause we were together for so long, I dont know how to be single. I have a lot of issues with myself to work out, its a long road to my recovery but just knowing I have his support in this even if just as a friend, makes it a little easier, but also seeing EVERY day him and his new girlfriend being happy together kills me inside as well. Dont know what to do .