*Pulls the babble thread up outta the basement*
Well, I have to apologize.
I haven't been worth doody ingame recently so I quit logging in. The bed, recliner, or couch usually is calling my name with a warm blankey.
Some folks know I've been sick an awful lot and it pretty much started in December.
I took voluntary layoff for seasonal lack of work at my job. Now, it looks like I won't be going back to work. At first it seemed I might, but then I remembered they changed procedures. Too much heavey lifting, twisting, stooping, bending, and you have to hurry, hurry, hurry doing it. Not very smart in my condition.
For those that don't know I thought I had the flu. Well, it degenerated into pregnancy.

From there it just keeps getting better and better.
Now, we have to squeeze two years worth of work on our house into six months on a super tight budget. New rolled roofing on our addition due to straight line 80mph winds blowing it off, finish our front porch that's taken way too long already, tear out whats left of a chimney and add on a closet.
Then we'll move the dining room out front, put my bookshelf out front, toys, playpen, etc. Dining room will become nursery with crib, computers, dresser, and room for second crib later. It's central in the house so easy access to kitchen and bedroom.
I am not worried in the least about making ends meet. It's my husband I'm gonna kill if he doesn't stop driving me insane!
To top off an unplanned pregnancy so far it looks like I'm having identical twins. I almost passed out.
So, I won't be in UO much till I feel better. Then I'll be too busy come August/September. I'm condencing my three accounts into one. Have to cut ends and stop stuff I'm not going to have time for anymore.