What are you talking about? I can tell you are beyond bored given you have taken literally every single thread off topic.I'm just quoting him from another thread and it's took out of context but I think it said enough yet he's here posting...
By answering if a spawn is jack rabbits vs rabbits; that's switching sides? Probably should lay off the pipe, guy.@Keven2002 you show me a thread on topic? You said it. Not me and I said it it was took out of context... so you just post whatever OP thread is about to conform I got it. My bad. I like too switch sides too when convenient.
There is original post arguing rmt or whatever and then doubling back to here to act like your all about rabbits...I think saying "pay to win" for the totem is a bit of a stretch. What exactly are people "winning"; a colored rabbit with zero fighting ability and 2 slot max stats? Is the bar set that low for you guys to be considered "winning"?
For those that want to say "but you can sell it for gold"... yea and you can also sell everything else in the store (bought with cash) for gold. I see soulstones/xfer tokens/store mounts being sold everyday in GenChat for gold so you can say the same for literally any item in the store.
The rares can and do spawn without the totem. The totem just gives a better chance if done correctly. So it is more "pay to enhance chance" rather than "paPer my other thread if the rare ones only spawn with totem then it's "pay to win "
Log in, Kill a ton of rabbits and report back with your results. This guy does play about the same amount as I.I"m not into deco and not into colored rabbits that serve no purpose other than eye candy, but that said I would also like to know if the only way to get one is with a purchased item from the store, not just the claim from some random dude that they killed "a ton of rabbits".
Congrats!RNG Blessed me this morning in North Haven. Finally tamed an Orange/Red Rabbit without the use of a totem. So, yes, YOU CAN get it without a totem. I also tamed a Green one in Del last night WITHOUT the use of a totem.
3 days of about 2 to 4 hours a day. So, not too long. I was collecting eggs too.Congrats! How long did it take you to spawn with out a totem?
MURDERERThanks. I killed a lot of rabbits. I lost count after around 1k or so.
I was there when someone was using a totem and 18min into it they said they hadn't seen 1 colored rabbit spawn (unless that you was on ATL )The farmhouse by Gregorio the Brigand spawns two rabbits and they come back fairly quickly. There's another farmhouse to the south which spawns two as well but not as quickly. I tried placing a totem here, which it will allow you to, but from what I could see it didn't spawn a single colored rabbit. I only did one there so I'm not sure if that was the RNG hating me even more than normal or if there is some issue in that area.
Lol, not me! I'm on Baja. But good to know it wasn't just me noticing this.I was there when someone was using a totem and 18min into it they said they hadn't seen 1 colored rabbit spawn (unless that you was on ATL )
I got a green one in del. Never seen the red/orange one there though.Does Delucia spawn the Ubers?
At New Haven:Got my uber red/orange last night. Spent two days 2-3 hours killing every single rabbit on Haven. Had one charge left on a totem and realize most said it was not worth it there, but decided to place it. I do notice the area slows on respawn it seems when the totem is in place. For 18 long minutes it didn't spawn a single thing. Had made a comment to a guildie that it seemed a bust when she spawned. Tamed it and had to kill a couple mongbats that were interested in it (almost targeting the rabbit in my excitement). Guildmate came to save the day and open a gate to a safer spot. And my experience is yes that color comes as a rabbit and I have gotten 3 green that were jack rabbits.
Congrats. Just an FYI to others possibly trying to same thing in Haven... I think the spawn area is pretty large in Haven so it's very likely in order to "speed up" the spawn you might need someone else (or another account) killing the bunnies in other places. From what I've seen both rabbits and jack rabbits spawn all around the "dojo" and even down south near the tracking/hiding instructor. I could be wrong as I typically just do a pass or 2 without actually having set up shop but I see them all around that area and once I thunderstorm the screen I don't usually see them spawned in the same location on the second pass.Got my uber red/orange last night. Spent two days 2-3 hours killing every single rabbit on Haven. Had one charge left on a totem and realize most said it was not worth it there, but decided to place it. I do notice the area slows on respawn it seems when the totem is in place. For 18 long minutes it didn't spawn a single thing. Had made a comment to a guildie that it seemed a bust when she spawned. Tamed it and had to kill a couple mongbats that were interested in it (almost targeting the rabbit in my excitement). Guildmate came to save the day and open a gate to a safer spot. And my experience is yes that color comes as a rabbit and I have gotten 3 green that were jack rabbits.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed that when a totem is placed the spawn seems to slow (maybe it's a way to get us to have to use more charges faster lol)... it happens to me ALL the time I've placed probably 9 totems now and every place I go the spawn is pretty fast UNTIL I place the totem then I can sit forever with hardly any spawn for the whole 20 minutes... I just decided to stop using them. Grats as well on the orange!Got my uber red/orange last night. Spent two days 2-3 hours killing every single rabbit on Haven. Had one charge left on a totem and realize most said it was not worth it there, but decided to place it. I do notice the area slows on respawn it seems when the totem is in place. For 18 long minutes it didn't spawn a single thing. Had made a comment to a guildie that it seemed a bust when she spawned. Tamed it and had to kill a couple mongbats that were interested in it (almost targeting the rabbit in my excitement). Guildmate came to save the day and open a gate to a safer spot. And my experience is yes that color comes as a rabbit and I have gotten 3 green that were jack rabbits.
Question: When you are not using a totem do you sit in place and wait for the rabbits to spawn?every place I go the spawn is pretty fast UNTIL I place the totem then I can sit forever with hardly any spawn for the whole 20 minutes...
Good point! One thing I've never been very clear on is the effective radius of the totem. I know it's more than 1 screen but how much more I'm not sure. When I used the totems at Haven I too noticed the spawn in that area seemed to halt as well. I didn't camp at the totem though I ran around a bunch to keep killing spawn as far away as I could run without leaving the totem for too long unattended. I feared someone running by, casting thunderstorm and killing my rare rabbit on purpose or on accident.Question: When you are not using a totem do you sit in place and wait for the rabbits to spawn?
As I mentioned before I think spawn radius has much to do with the perceived rate. If you go somewhere; let's say outside Luna and sit in one place (one screen) and kill some rabbits, sure a few might end up spawning on screen and maybe even just off screen so you see the name but they could also be like 4 screens down as well. Sitting in the same spot (because the totem is there) might be the reason things seem slow. I helped someone a few days ago by running around the spawn area (away from totem) killing all rabbits I saw which in turn made them spawn closer to the totem. They would kill them from there. There were tons of rabbit corpses on the screen when I'd circle around the area so maybe try that approach?
I roam all around in every place I go, I've been to spots so much farming without totem that when I use them I know where the spawn radius is for each place so if I don't see a rabbit pop up I move around to find them and have still noticed after totem is place the spawn slow considerably from what it has been without one.Question: When you are not using a totem do you sit in place and wait for the rabbits to spawn?
As I mentioned before I think spawn radius has much to do with the perceived rate. If you go somewhere; let's say outside Luna and sit in one place (one screen) and kill some rabbits, sure a few might end up spawning on screen and maybe even just off screen so you see the name but they could also be like 4 screens down as well. Sitting in the same spot (because the totem is there) might be the reason things seem slow. I helped someone a few days ago by running around the spawn area (away from totem) killing all rabbits I saw which in turn made them spawn closer to the totem. They would kill them from there. There were tons of rabbit corpses on the screen when I'd circle around the area so maybe try that approach?
I noticed that as well thought it was just me. Kill the rabbits for like 5 mins then place totem and none spawn there for 10 mins lolI roam all around in every place I go, I've been to spots so much farming without totem that when I use them I know where the spawn radius is for each place so if I don't see a rabbit pop up I move around to find them and have still noticed after totem is place the spawn slow considerably from what it has been without one.
Where did you use your totem at on Moonglow? I haven't seen a spot with a good spawn of them where I figured it wouldn't be a waste to use one, still trying to get one after 9 totems and countless hours a dayI haven't seen a orange/red uber rare one spawn as a jack rabbit yet. But got the orange/red rare one on moonglow as a regular rabbit using the totem there. All the green, white, hotpink and blue ones have been jack rabbits.
you don't have to buy the totemI haven't bought the pay to win item, just searching 2 to 3 hours for 4 or 5 days over the course of the event, I've only found the yellow one. I haven't seen any other colors. Just checking in on the spawn rate question.
Honestly don't like the pay to win being added to monetize the game. It causes the odds for things to be set too high, and unless you have the time and endurance to "pull the lever" enough times, you miss content that could be genuinely nice and make the average/hobbyist player have more fun, to support the rare collector and gold seller communities.