I ate a whole pack of Chocolate Chip Cookies before Deal or no Deal on Saturday....My body was hopping all over during the show....lolAarp!!!!! Nashunul Chocolate Chip day!!!!!! Mez alzo hab ta menshun Nashunul Armd forzez day sooo mez tinkin say girkle ta yooz armd forze hummiez by makin demz Chocolate Chip COOKIEZ!!!!!
I thought gobbies were hatched in the cabbage patch.....meez birtfdaze
Make sense, you do not. Smell like pee, you do.Konfoozled befor all hummiez wuz. Headz will BOOM goblinz talkie lik diz too! Talkie like diz big headachiez yooz get. Uhwalyz talkie diz wayz forver meez will.