Well, personally I find the vendors amazing for any server other than maybe Atlantic.
I like to farm artifacts, peerless bosses etc, and previously when I would get a crimson or whatever, it would sit on my vendor for weeks at a time. I always felt bad shipping off all of my stuff to sell on Atlantic, because even though the demand is not high, people on my home server will eventually be looking for these items that are never available when they need them due to the low demand and vendor fees.
Now I can stock up my vendors, and the items sitting there for weeks at a time does not impact me negatively with outrageous daily fees. In my opinion, more people are doing this, more items are available when people need them, and the small server economies will become a little more flourishing.
And... if for example, a commodity deed box eventually sells for 40mill, then I guess it was indeed "worth" that to someone who needed it. If not, it will just sit there forever, and more reasonably priced sellers will always be more appealing to buyers.