I transfer stuff for strangers all the time... I don't really use my shields except to bring home deco stuff from gifts. I will sometimes go to a shard to bring home a nice box I got on another shard or a special colored whatever the gift was... but as a general rule, I don't really use my shields at all.
I don't even do what lots of people do and I don't go to other shards hardly ever to do an EM Event as I feel it's not "fair" to go to their shard and get their drop and such... if I see some cool drop for sale at one of those rares fests and it's nice and cheap and cool I might buy it and bring it home... but more often than not I don't want drops from other shards as they have little meaning to me on GLs... I prefer to have the ones from my home shard that my character earned. I wish others would just stay on their own shard and not come to mine and take my chance at a nice drop but it is what it is. Personally, I'd prefer if they made them shard bound... but that's me.
So does that make me a cheat? Does that make me one of them? Don't lump everyone with shields in to some singular picture... I don't even really have any real vendors... the vendors on my Luna house aren't mine. The vendors on my house rarely have anything for sale on them and the only vendors I have hold gift boxes and are left out of vendor search as they have nothing for sale.
I almost never sell stuff if I do I give it to Melian for Auction at MOA... more to help them than me and more to just get crap out of my houses as they are too full... Once in a great while I'll sell something to someone to shut them up from spamming for it in gen chat, but only if they make it worth my while to stop what I'm doing and go get it for them... for friends and guildies and such mostly I just give them stuff or trade for things. I do more trading for what I want than buying things. If I can't get it myself then yeah sometimes I'll trade. I prefer to get things for myself. I prefer to make my own suits and get my own resources. Suppose that's why I like BDO because there is no trading in that game... you can only sell on the marketplace and you can't give anyone things more than food or a potion. Everything you get there you earn... either through gathering it or selling stuff to buy things but you do earn it.
You need to see it on a global scale, and not isolated.
I do agree on the EM drop thing, and i do find it somewhat unfair that some can xfer from event to event, while others dosen't have the same option unless they pay RL cash for xfer tokens. After all we all pay for our accounts to be able to do EM events in the first place.
Some players even train special throwers on various shard just to do events, i find this method a lot more fair tbh.
The damage VS+shield+cheats have done globally is enormous.
Only well function shards we have is siege+mugen.
Here is a silly example, i needed iron on atlantic, so i used VS..here i could buy a lot of 60k deeds ranging from 450k and up.
All is great from point of view A, i got the item cheap. And that made point of A happy.
But hey wait a minute, point of view B. how can it be this cheap ? When i roam around on atlantic, i don't see any miners anywhere !?
And hey how long does it take to actually mine up 60k ingots ?
With simple reasoning we can conclude that this iron deed, and the 20 others on the vendor i found it on, aient comming from happy joe the miner.
It's clearly scripted on some deserted shard, and then xfered to atlantic.
I did same search on serveral shard, and on around 95% of all the shard i could't even buy 60k iron deeds.
And again we have the same 3 mechanics involved.. VS+shields+cheats.
It fits perfectly in the loop.
- goto event get drop, or farm champs/*.*, or script or vacum shard for items to resell on atlantic.
- xfer to atl
- use VS
- sell items
- buy pots for paperboys friends.
- xfer back
- goto loop
I can give you 300 other examples if you really want.
Damage has been done, the question is can it be fixed.