Where to begin...
Well..you know how they announce when stuff is gonna be on TC?? Yeah...LOG IN AND TEST STUFF! There were 6 of us there, we did around 3-4 full rounds, Kyronix tweaked the spawn a bit..drop rate was good...and yeah the disrobing and calming? Kinda supposed to do that? Deal with it.....I have...liches stealing stuff? Haven't they always? Deal with it...
It's really not that bad....had about 6-7 of us on Origin a few nights ago did 2 full runs, easy, lotta deaths yes, lotta calming, yes..run off until it wears off?
People don't log onto TC1 in droves to help test because there is no incentive to. That's a problem at this point.
6 people may be representative of Legends or Origin, but not Atlantic or Great Lakes. Have you seen the pictures from Atl? Every free tile is filled with fields, a reaper, a player, a pet, or all of the above
at the same time.
Players don't like the disrobing and calming because they are really ****ty mechanics that
only add annoyance. There is no method to defend against them or ward them off (unless your character is female in regard to the disrobing). They are likened forced-emote RP, where someone else says what your character is doing, regardless of your wishes/motivations.
Why the hell would someone find a tree lady (or fairy (really a changling) in this case)
so attractive as to rip off half their clothes? (I can cope with the calming, but there should really be a resist check and bards should have increased immunity)
Everyone has hated corpse rummaging for 20 years. I know of no one who looks at that and goes "Wow, that's awesome! That lich just dry looted my corpse and now I'm screwed! YAY!" Coupled with fast corpse decay, the mechanic is simply sadistic. Rummaging adds nothing good.
Rooms too small? They can't make the dungeon bigger! I like the concept....upping the spawn isn't a solution because it would have to be shard-wide and the smaller shards would have issues....it works fine imo.
They can't make the dungeon bigger? That's just silly, of course the devs could make rooms larger, smaller, or cease to exist entirely should they wish! Notice all the black area between rooms and such? They could utilize that to change room shape and size, though that was clearly well outside the scope of this project. (Rooms 2 and 4 are the ones most people think are too small, with the design of 7 being somewhat problematic. Rooms 6 and 8 are workable, but can get appropriately dicey. Room 1, 5 and 9 are fine.)
The spawn rate works fine? Seriously? No, it really, really doesn't. Please stop saying that.
On GL, in rooms 2-4 (sometimes room 1) we get tiny, pathetic spawns of 2-3 things at a time - rarely anything more threatening than a lich. That's with 12+ people and their attendant pets/summons. When the number of players goes down, the spawn number and strength wildly increases. That's a problem.
Something is wrong.
Spawn rates aren't shard-wide, they're region specific. They simply need better management of that system. Code already exists to vary spawn rates based on the number of players in an area, it really needs to be (better) used here.
Also, if what Bleak said about dramatically increasing the spawn in the dungeon is true, that it would crash the sub server, that's a problem. Though a solution might be to stop spawning mobs in Ilshenar (with exemptions for the champ spawns, Exodus Dungeon/Ver Lor Reg and Twisted Weald).
Having the corpses decay faster was a much-needed change which Kyronix happily fixed.
In hindsight, this was an awful change. Corpse pile-up is manageable. Having your items go poof on a corpse that fast decayed
is not. Use All Names/Incoming Names to see when things spawn, target with an area effect. Another option would be for these mobs to 1) NOT PANCAKING RUMMAGE 2) leave no corpse unless its a miniboss. (If you used the EC and you would instantly know when something spawned and have no problem targeting specific things
It's great to be an optimist and all; really, it is - don't stop. But you can't let it blind you to actual issues, that just makes it seem like you're wearing rose-colored glasses.