Well now I am curious..as brought up by my ~Glass is half empty~ counterpart
The people going to the actual party are going to have a chance as well....but they can also enter on test center....so does that mean that party-goers will have double the chance?? How will they distinguish between entries in game and entries in person?
And how exactly are they going to choose? Random e-mail generator?
Not only that, the odds of those winning who are going to party are a thousand times better if not 10 thousand times better.
I seriously hope that anyone who 'wins' a castle at this PARTY, that I might add, ALL OF US ARE PAYING FOR are not eligible to win another on TC. As it is they get two shots (one shot of which is, as I said, hugely better odds) while everyone else only gets the one shot per account.
Seriously just another poorly thought out 'contest'.
The castle giveaway SHOULD of been all 6 given away on the TC stone allowing everyone (party goers and non party goers) equal opportunity. But if they did that then the powers that be wouldn't get to big note themselves by being able to bestow on the lucky 3 party goers in person and get the fan boi 'love'.
I am still waiting for my 'prize' for winning the 16th anni cultural centre competition, so forgive me for being totally cynical.