People moan the devs dont listen, I personally think they are listening too much at the moment to too few people and over reacting.
Some PvPers, 4 or 5 maybe, moaned here about an apparent avalanche of tamers in PvP which it seemed other PvPers had not seen at all, and how overpowered these trained pets are(the substance of which boiled down to teleporting pets and dismounts really), the specials that everyone said would be an issue in PvP, in response to this they use a sledgehammer to crack a nut and bust out a ton of nerfs which consolidate the tamer as an exclusively Trammel spec, your GD becomes a mongbat the moment you step into Fel.
Its not that Im personally upset about these changes, my prodo shard tamers dont go to Fel and as soon as pub 97 hit I dropped taming on Siege and turned the char into a dexxer as those are way better than a tamer for PvM and PvP(both before and after pub 97), I just think its a worry when a single forum thread with relatvely few individual participants making large numbers of posts can get something nerfed through the floor this way.
Both sides in the thread in question even seemed to agree that nerfs should only apply to PvP, but now we have this consume damage one piled onto the others which clearly affects PvM, a measured and sensible nerf would have been on the pet special abilities, then wait and see if there is still an issue for people in PvP in the weeks after, if so make another change, fine tuning is better than the sledgehammer approach as historically its always far harder to get a nerf reversed than to make it.