I can assure you a bald eagle is larger than a parrot, and that they (phoenix) are described throughout the millennia as being very colorful birds often times said to be LARGER than an ostrich.Topic i'd like to see is.....
Mesanna to admit she was wrong to implement a new skin on a creature that nobody asked for and reverse said action and restore the Tamable Phoenix back to it's original design.
Leave the "greater phoenix" spawn looking like puke dipped giant turkeys but for god sake change the "phoenix" back to the way it was......
So technically, the developers (I can't believe I am saying this) were correct in both size and coloration. If you like we can attempt to persuade the team into making them BIGGER to fit the mythology more, but I have a feeling you wouldn't be very keen on that.
My suggestion would be to making them rideable, much akin to the chocobo from final fantasy...
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