The people who like Mesanna are either 1) Mutli-boxers who play 5 AI'ing archers/throwers at every single event or 2) Item farming scripters who do the same thing to super high end monsters and Exodus. They are very, Very glad
@Mesanna changed the game's armor system to where the only way to get a top end suit is to pay $500...
It's an event item farm, legendary armor farm, and script-mining gold farm. It's hard to believe the Devs are not in on it when they refuse to do anything to "Idoc-man" after 400 reports. I give them the slightest slimmer of hope; they did change the Idocs to private and blocked young players. But I don't even care for the most egregious of older Idocers any longer since "Idoc-man" came around. I still Idoced when the 2-3 players you all know brought in 10-15 bots. I paged on them... but I still Idoced. "Idoc-man" in particular though is the worst of the worst. If he see's someone he doesn't like show up to an Idoc he will gate the whole shard. He destroys the game's feel in general chat with antics like "Want you want? Com get your ****!" He treats the game like trash and calls it a trash game openly and says he is there to make money and pay his bills, and also that Mesanna and the Devs let him script even; (not true but he says that in general chat!) and absolutely nothing is done when people copy/paste that log and send it to Mesanna and the entire team. So basically it is true, which is what has people so sick of it.
The game's not trash; it was the greatest game ever. Inaction and wrong-action have ruined it. They constantly pump up the game making old stuff useless. Have a 5x 120 blacksmith, tailoring, imbuing, carpentry, fletcher now? Well... you better go buy some gold and get a new suit. That excel spread sheet doesn't help make the best suit any more... you just have to "buy it" now. Don't worry... there's 20 bots somewhere farming 24/7... Want to transfer between your home shard and Atlantic to buy stuff? Well, you can either buy a super old account for super high or buy the transfer tokens from us, the UO Store! We can't let you transfer, even if the other shards are dead and players return / quit because they think no one plays. Want to deco? Well go get some event items to sell... don't worry, you can do it. You're just up against 20-40 normal players and 20-30 super multi-boxing decked out scripters who are professionals and go to each and every single event. I'm sure you'll get one, someday! We have a guaranteed drop system now! (Shhh... that's why those guys with 10-20 multi-boxers get 6-7 items sometimes!) Hope you make some gold to deco!!! Welcome to UO. Better get a pet for pvp. If you're Japanese, forget about it! We certainly don't care about your Japanese shards!
Action to take: 1) Stop "Idoc-man" now. He's treating the people and game like trash and ONLY here for money. 2) Scale up imbuing/reforging since you destroyed the armor system. Make legendary armor craftable. You should be able to make the same items the monsters can carry... 3) Stop the gold farmers and multi-boxers and scripters. 4) Allow transfers for everybody once in a blue moon, the game won't be around when my account gets to 14 years old! 4) Be nice to the Japanese, they are our friends. We don't support Hillary or China and are not Dumping Trump or screaming Love Trumps Hate. Most UO players are smart and in on the "truth," and everybody dislikes agendas being pushed anyway.