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NEWS [UO.Com] Next Round of Publish 97 Updates to TC1


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are KOTL Automatons allowed to go pet training?
I am not getting the button to start pet training on mine on TC1. I get it on tamed beasts, though.
That's a good question, will clockwork pets of the Tinkers be trainable now?

Great DC

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Doubtful as automations are controlled with just tinkering. Only pets that are taming controlled are trainable.

Grace of Minoc

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Once you done training and upgrades to final 5 slots (do not do any magic abilities or special moves!) and used all points, use pet training gate one more time to get 5k+ points
I gave a pet disco skill this way, but could not give him the 120 disco scroll I brought over. Only had the basic mage and combat options for scrolls.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Been messing around with the pet gate. For some reason when you train a 1 slot pet it goes from 1 to 3 slots after you finish training the first round. Pets that go from 1-4 seem to go from 1-2-3-4 regularly though, as well as pets that go 2-3-4-5.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
Giant Beetles & Fire Beetles will be the best over-all pets if the revamp goes live as is.

Mountable pets, with ~700 HP, 500 mana, & 24-33 base damage (same as a greater dragon), instead of "dragons breath" it'll have "rune corruption" (but you can choose not to have it...(no one would))
70s/80s in all resists and um, all of this at 2-3 followers each (2) pets. Yea no one will be using a Greater Dragon, when you could essentially have two of them.
nothing can be further from the truth.
i went and tamed a beetle and bonded it than ran it through the skill gate.
3 slots.
once you add the first wave of points it goes to 4 slots.
if you go through the gate again and use the points again it goes to 5 slots.

while it is a mountable beast with some hella nice stats it no more than any other pet you can trick out, of course it dosnt have magic like some other pets do.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Campaign Benefactor
ok, Skree's are fun!

having a small pet that drops Mysticism spells like a boss is fun!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
nothing can be further from the truth.
i went and tamed a beetle and bonded it than ran it through the skill gate.
3 slots.
once you add the first wave of points it goes to 4 slots.

You must have gone through the skill gate twice before adding stats, which is the only way to jump from 1-3 (or more) in a single round of points....

1 3-slot beetle with ~700 HP
1 2-slot~300 HP
both with 24-33 base damage (greater dragon damage x2), both with Disarm, Poisoning, & Rune Corruption, and 80/80/50/50/80 resist...

Giant Beetles & Fire Beetles would become "the best" for reasons I've already stated.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anyone know the slots for Phoenix's?
What are the stats/skills and is Pyre tameable?
Phoenix is 4 slots fresh tame. Phoenix can spawn with up to 300 DEX/Stam, so they move and strike incredibly fast. They can probably chase down and kill even a speedhacker. Here's their stat range. Phoenix (creature) - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia. Pyre is not tameable, i already tried.
Due to how fast a Phoenix moves, along with their incredibly aggressive spell casting AI, they can be difficult to tame without Honor. Even when damaged to near death, they still move fast, and will rapidly spam Greater Heal on themselves, and also tend to fly around when near death, oftentimes breaking taming LoS due to flying over normally impassable terrain.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
You must have gone through the skill gate twice before adding stats, which is the only way to jump from 1-3 (or more) in a single round of points....

1 3-slot beetle with ~700 HP
1 2-slot~300 HP
both with 24-33 base damage (greater dragon damage x2), both with Disarm, Poisoning, & Rune Corruption, and 80/80/50/50/80 resist...

Giant Beetles & Fire Beetles would become "the best" for reasons I've already stated.
that all looks hella cool until you think about it..... they have 50 dex so they are swinging so slow you can go make a sandwich and come back inbetween swings and couple that with the low STR and keep in mind they only have 300hp, so 2 hit kills.

as with anything in game you let them get lopsided.
what use is having something that can hit hard and hurt you if it dies in 2 hits?

i went and made one on TC just right now and it was 'meh'

as a pvp tamer i wouldnt use them.

Great DC

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
that all looks hella cool until you think about it..... they have 50 dex so they are swinging so slow you can go make a sandwich and come back inbetween swings and couple that with the low STR and keep in mind they only have 300hp, so 2 hit kills.

as with anything in game you let them get lopsided.
what use is having something that can hit hard and hurt you if it dies in 2 hits?

i went and made one on TC just right now and it was 'meh'

as a pvp tamer i wouldnt use them.
I suggest you test this before making yourself look bad. Just cause he only posted HP doesn't mean every other stat isn't maxed plus high resists. He is also referring to pvm not pvp. Right now on test if the pvp 50% reduction stays in no one will pvp with a pet ever again. LOL


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm disappointed that Reptalons can't learn Conductive Blast (which reduces victim's Energy Resist by half), since Reptalons do 75% Energy Damage, and really would've benefited from it. Was hoping they'd be able to learn Life Leech as well, since they were meant to be the Human equivalent to Cu Sidhes, which can self heal via bandies. Reptalons also had Nerve Strike during ML Beta, which got nerfed to Paralyzing Blow (which they immediately break with the next bite, making it pointless).


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I suggest you test this before making yourself look bad. Just cause he only posted HP doesn't mean every other stat isn't maxed plus high resists. He is also referring to pvm not pvp. Right now on test if the pvp 50% reduction stays in no one will pvp with a pet ever again. LOL
Eh I'm with poo on this one. PVM wise it makes little sense to use a couple beetles when you can ride in on a 900 hp cu that has the same resists and will hit just as hard. Even at 80 resists the top end mobs are still going to wack them for 40-60 points a pop. I'd rather have the cu. Nightmares are pretty sweet when maxed out as well.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
BTW, it seems with the new system we still cannot chose the damage type of the pet. Do new pets give us full spectrum of the damage types?


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
I suggest you test this before making yourself look bad. Just cause he only posted HP doesn't mean every other stat isn't maxed plus high resists. He is also referring to pvm not pvp. Right now on test if the pvp 50% reduction stays in no one will pvp with a pet ever again. LOL
test it?
dude im the only fella at Yew Gate Fel begging for people to come let me test pets out on them!
test it he says.

and did you miss the part where i said i imbued up a beetle?
and he is bang on with the control slots, if you go 1 point over what he posted the beetles go to 4 and 5 slot pets.

its kinda the same argument people use to have with packs of ozzies.
yes they do unreal damage but they are one hit kills and very hard to control, hence why you dont see packs of them in pvp.

the only way these weak pets would kill people is if by ambush and even then only once. once the word is out that your on with your pack of whatever people switch their defenses over to battle that and your done. every try to run a pack of ozzies or in this case beetles through fields, dosnt work.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Does the pets have the cap of max SSI => 1.25s per swing ? How many swings for Stamina 150 ?


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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I'm currently working on upgrading the Hunter's Guide section of the wiki to add in all the new mob info displayed via animal lore. Has anyone figured if paragons have their HPR, Mana Regen, and Stamina Regen affected when they're paragon?

Great DC

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
test it?
dude im the only fella at Yew Gate Fel begging for people to come let me test pets out on them!
test it he says.

and did you miss the part where i said i imbued up a beetle?
and he is bang on with the control slots, if you go 1 point over what he posted the beetles go to 4 and 5 slot pets.

its kinda the same argument people use to have with packs of ozzies.
yes they do unreal damage but they are one hit kills and very hard to control, hence why you dont see packs of them in pvp.

the only way these weak pets would kill people is if by ambush and even then only once. once the word is out that your on with your pack of whatever people switch their defenses over to battle that and your done. every try to run a pack of ozzies or in this case beetles through fields, dosnt work.
Idk what to say other then your ********!!. Congrats on being the dumbest poster in stratics history!!!!!! You havnt tested anything obviously.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm currently working on upgrading the Hunter's Guide section of the wiki to add in all the new mob info displayed via animal lore. Has anyone figured if paragons have their HPR, Mana Regen, and Stamina Regen affected when they're paragon?
Blood elemental in Ilsh lored - no hpr, sr or mr, paragon blood elemental lored - 33 each hpr, sr mr
Balron in ilsh lored - no hpr, sr or mr, paragon balron lored 45 each hpr, sr, mr.

On another aspect of the topic:
@Kyronix My skree died a few times on the first training section, it has now completed that section and almost the next, without use of the training gate. While it has regained combat skills and focus/meditation it has not had a single gain in magery, eval int or mysticism (or detect hidden). Is this as expected? I added a +10 scroll for myst.
Last edited:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does the pets have the cap of max SSI => 1.25s per swing ? How many swings for Stamina 150 ?
Yes, pets have a swing cap of 1.25 secs. After a certain amount of Stamina, their attacks stop increasing in speed, it's why a 300 DEX Phoenix doesn't attack faster than 1.25 secs. Their movement speed continues to increase with every 30 Stamina though, it's why a 300 DEX Phoenix is stupid fast.

Grace of Minoc

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So is the training to get more points even when your pet is now five slots supposed to be that way?

I wrote down all my stats of my best GD (maybe a 4.1?) and tried to mimic it with a white wyrm at five slots.
But stayed with lower fire resist and the higher cold resist. GD was 80-82-51-57-68 with 922 hp
made white wyrm 80-51-87-57-68 with 854 hp and bumped up base damage (to equal a GD) and stats.
Kept fire low/cold high in the spirit of a white wyrm. Had no points for anything special beyond hp, stats,
and resists. And the white wyrm has no dragon breath? was it always this way? I honestly don't
recall been so long since using one.

If cannot get training beyond that the white wyrm is very sub par to my GD. But if you can get
those 5k training points on live shards after it is at five slots, the white wyrm would blow away
a GD on a live shard.

Can this get a clarification? Can you really get more training points after the pet is at five slots?
Or was this just to test things on test?

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So is the training to get more points even when your pet is now five slots supposed to be that way?

I wrote down all my stats of my best GD (maybe a 4.1?) and tried to mimic it with a white wyrm at five slots.
But stayed with lower fire resist and the higher cold resist. GD was 80-82-51-57-68 with 922 hp
made white wyrm 80-51-87-57-68 with 854 hp and bumped up base damage (to equal a GD) and stats.
Kept fire low/cold high in the spirit of a white wyrm. Had no points for anything special beyond hp, stats,
and resists. And the white wyrm has no dragon breath? was it always this way? I honestly don't
recall been so long since using one.

If cannot get training beyond that the white wyrm is very sub par to my GD. But if you can get
those 5k training points on live shards after it is at five slots, the white wyrm would blow away
a GD on a live shard.

Can this get a clarification? Can you really get more training points after the pet is at five slots?
Or was this just to test things on test?
I am thinking that the 5K+ points will come at the "final" training even when it goes "live". Getting the 5K at once is the only way to be able to add some of the magical abilities that some of the pet can be "imbued" with. Just a guess though.

Grace of Minoc

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Methinks if people are into wanting to train their pets, they need to get on over to test to
try out what they are thinking of adding on pets.

You can't go back and adjust like you can on imbuing once you choose something....
...and there is one hell of a learning curve.

Don't want to see this go live and folks be clueless that they could screw up their hopes/goals on
their prized pet in the first round of training points.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Wiki Moderator
So...I overtrained my bullfrog..I remember what @Mesanna said at the Origin Meet and Greet about how she wanted a bada....frog ;) So here you go lady!

Funny things happened though...

After I took it down to slay some shadow wyrms ;)

I went back to New Haven to give him a rest..not like he needed one but hey..

Lored it and noticed that it is going DOWN in slots from a 5 to a 3.....

Also I think a lot of this stuff needs to be reduced..there's no way I should have a 1089 HP bullfrog that can take out multiple shadow wyrms ;)

It's been fun though while it's on test but it seriously needs the nerf stick ;)


Seasoned Veteran
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Yes, pets have a swing cap of 1.25 secs. After a certain amount of Stamina, their attacks stop increasing in speed, it's why a 300 DEX Phoenix doesn't attack faster than 1.25 secs. Their movement speed continues to increase with every 30 Stamina though, it's why a 300 DEX Phoenix is stupid fast.
great !

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
@Kyronix @Bleak so I've been running around stupid on multiple different creatures with my kitsune. I gave it Arcane Pyromancy and I can't necro or spirit speak to gain at all. I've heard from others that mysticism and spellweaving are doing the same thing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So...I overtrained my bullfrog..I remember what @Mesanna said at the Origin Meet and Greet about how she wanted a bada....frog ;) So here you go lady!

Funny things happened though...

After I took it down to slay some shadow wyrms ;)

View attachment 64377
I went back to New Haven to give him a rest..not like he needed one but hey..

Lored it and noticed that it is going DOWN in slots from a 5 to a 3.....
View attachment 64378

Also I think a lot of this stuff needs to be reduced..there's no way I should have a 1089 HP bullfrog that can take out multiple shadow wyrms ;)

It's been fun though while it's on test but it seriously needs the nerf stick ;)
I would say that getting the pet to 5=>3 is a bug! it's not supposed to be possible - unless you were only able to do that by taking it through the advance gate? In which case it won't be possible when the publish is live.

@Caitlyn Snow, how did you give it Arcane Pyromancy? I thought that needed the 'additional training points' which we don't yet know how to get legitimately?

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
What Drowy said. Spent all points on first level to resists Regens and stats and then on last it gives 5k and spent those on abilities. Problem is that AP does not let you raise Necro/SS and when you order your pet to kill something it takes on the AI of the summoned air eleys and runs around like a paragon on PCP.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So...I overtrained my bullfrog..I remember what @Mesanna said at the Origin Meet and Greet about how she wanted a bada....frog ;) So here you go lady!

Funny things happened though...

After I took it down to slay some shadow wyrms ;)

View attachment 64377
I went back to New Haven to give him a rest..not like he needed one but hey..

Lored it and noticed that it is going DOWN in slots from a 5 to a 3.....
View attachment 64378

Also I think a lot of this stuff needs to be reduced..there's no way I should have a 1089 HP bullfrog that can take out multiple shadow wyrms ;)

It's been fun though while it's on test but it seriously needs the nerf stick ;)
I don't think that extra 5k bonus is going to be on live shards. I think it's just for testing stuff out. It wasn't going down in slots, you just leveled it past it's max, which I would bet highly you won't be able to do, because if you can, maxes on creatures are pointless.

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I don't think that extra 5k bonus is going to be on live shards. I think it's just for testing stuff out. It wasn't going down in slots, you just leveled it past it's max, which I would bet highly you won't be able to do, because if you can, maxes on creatures are pointless.
This only works on certain pets though. The 5k only goes from 4=>5. My pets that are 1=>3 didn't get the 5k bonus. So we'll have to wait see how they will scale this.

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Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
When you go through the pet training gate with a level 5 pet you get 5k points.
It's not just level 5, any pet at it's max will get +5k after its done training to it's max level. I can't believes it's not just so people can try stuff out.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
This only works on certain pets though. The 5k only goes from 4=>5. My pets that are 1=>3 didn't get the 5k bonus. So we'll have to wait see how they will scale this.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Mine did. The above mentioned frog did. I had a 5 slot direwolf cause of it.

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Mine did. The above mentioned frog did. I had a 5 slot direwolf cause of it.
May just be a side result from the gate. Who knows? But I trained a turkey to level 3 and didn't get it. Was quite satisfying watching take down an ancien wyrm though.

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UO Software Engineer
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Pets going pass their max cap was a bug on TC when the advancement gates first came out which has be resolved. Pets will not be able to advance past their max slot level.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pets going pass their max cap was a bug on TC when the advancement gates first came out which has be resolved. Pets will not be able to advance past their max slot level.
How does hiding work on pets?

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is all pretty worthless if I can not train any of these pets to the best of any greater dragon. Imo the whole point was to give us some choice other than a GD, I guess the point was lost on the dev's.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
When you go through the pet training gate with a level 5 pet you get 5k points.
Yes - but there won't be a pet training gate on live shards! There is, or will be, ( I think) some way of getting 'additional points', because some abilities require them in the menus. I don't think it will be the 5k points folk are getting from the training gate however. I'm in 'wait and see' mode till the next update on test center.