I can't believe I'm about to do this, but screw it, here it goes.
Former Stratics Reporter, Former Stratics News Manager, Former Stratics Content Manager, and perhaps the most important former title, Former Stratics PR Coordinator
Previous Community Manager/Forum Admin for Twin Galaxies International.
Current Forum Admin/Community Manager for an unnamed professional forum and UOForums. And let's throw in Owner/Manager of UOHomeDecor.
All of that said, the situation here sucks - not just for the community as a whole but the staff as a whole as well.
I think what everyone here is forgetting is that the staff, just like the community, are human beings and as human beings we err.
The leadership was, obviously, looking at ways to reduce some of their work load. Some of the reasons and justifications on some of the bans might not have been totally within the ROC, others were. Some of the people on the list have admitted that they probably deserve it. Not to throw anyone under the bus here, but
@Aran has been perma-banned (i doubt he'll deny that) in the past due to his behaviors and actions and that was lifted when the site moved from the ancient system Stratics had pre-2009 to VBB. He's cleaned up his act a lot since then, but still toes the line at times (I don't see all of his posts, so I'll assume he's probably crossed the line sometimes too).
Clops violated his volunteer agreement (no, I won't call it an NDA, because no where on the document did it state it was a Non-Disclosure Agreement and every NDA I've signed has clearly stated it was NDA and required signatures of both parties). I think, perhaps, in part, he did so because he felt that creating a list of people to permanent ban was wrong. While I agree that a list is wrong - it should be a thread per user, well documented with violations that shows their violations of the forum rules repeatedly - it happened by a group of people who are relatively new to running a COMMUNITY as big and volatile as Stratics.
As I mentioned earlier - everyone here - moderators, staff, board of directors - is human and humans err. There was an error made here, which I am sure they are learning from. And while I'm sure that everyone here has different opinions on how a forum should be handled, I'm also positive they are handling things to the best of their abilities - whether or not we agree with it. If you were in the same shoes, I'm sure there would be situations, that if released to the community at large, would be just as adamantly disagreed with.
While I don't agree with how things were handled, I understand that things happen and we make errors of judgement when we make decisions. I think everyone needs to step back and let things cool down just a bit.
Community, remember, staff and board members are human and make mistakes. Staff and board members, remember that the community members are human and make mistakes. At this point, apologies from both sides would go a long way to repairing this rift. Just something to think on.