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Derragatory Comments


Former Stratics Publisher
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
The best way to get people playing UO would be to shut down the pancake forums. It gets really old to the point people really don't play much anymore.
Shut down one forum, another one pops up. This has been proven time and time again here and in other places. *sigh* People love to pancake. So if you don't wanna see the pancake threads, don't read them. :coco:

147,918,417 Proven, Known, BUGS the devs won't fix, most of which are imaginary, the bulk of the bugs are in the EC which should have died the same way the Third dawn client did. Ask people to post about bugs, you'll get most ashat EC problems.
The devs (of this and many other games) always request bugs to be sent directly to them via their official channels. although the UO team took their sweet time in implementing that practice, that is the OFFICIAL way to get bugs (real or imagined) to the devs' collective attention. Why people don't get this is beyond me.

As far as replies to pancake posts, if you were a Dev, would you put up with the crap you throw their way very long? Likely not.

The only way I'm going to enjoy playing UO more is to stay the bleep out of these forums until the next expansion comes along. What an f***ing impression these forums must give potential new players.

In the words of Dennis Miller, "I am outta here!"

There are so many other game boards that are so much WORSE than Stratics is now... this everyone must keep in mind. OFFICIAL boards are heavily moderated, and thus are clean of complaints and nastiness. UNOFFICIAL boards, as what Stratics is, tend to be looser in their moderation. There hasn't been an "official" forum for UO after the Origin Systems boards closed down - regardless of what people believe - there has never been an agreement of such between Stratics and the dev team. Yes, Stratics is a "favorite" for the devs, with their own dedicated bug-board upon which they "announce bug status" (whether fixed, user error or being worked on), but there is no written agreement that Stratics is the "official" UO forum.

Rumor is that Broadsword is working on their own official forum - which is awesome! They should have one!!! Does that mean Stratics' UO forum will die? I seriously doubt it. And I'm sure whatever official forum Broadsword has for their games will be tightly moderated, as is any game's official forum - so people will still come here and post as they wish.

And as a note, UHall has drastically calmed down over the years. Like an aged whiskey... UHall has gotten a bit smoother but still packs a punch. Was a time the UHall of Stratics was one of the most vile boards on the web.... believe me. Those old boards are indeed thick with it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here, here! I agree wholeheartedly! However pancakes, moanin, and bashin' have been raised to an art form around here.

It is a good thought.
You are one of the worst offenders "around here" . Every other week its a new thread with you complaining about how someone did something to you in game and about how you are going to quit, yet again.


Hannes Erich

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I remember when that happened to me years ago with "IIRC". I looked it up and was like aha, then started seeing it everywhere. Had to look up SMH a few months ago too.

More on topic, @Kirthag I'd probably be on the official forums if UO decided to have those, as has been rumored. No offense toward Stratics staff at all, but I would probably want to be wherever I felt the most direct connection to the studio. There is kind of a "$%@& the police!" vibe that has always been deeply ingrained in Stratics with regard to the devs, long before the current Stratics staff came into being. I never related much to that vibe, and despite many players being almost twenty years older, the vibe lives on, usually just for its own sake and tradition. It sometimes makes me cranky at posters and only the staff knows how many posts I delete a few minutes after my dignity takes hold.

That being said, I actually kind of hope Broadsword doesn't elect to have an official forum. I can only imagine what a time sink it would be, what kinds of drama it would lead to, and what it would take away from actual development hours. Since they are a small team, and the game has already outlived many expectations for the publisher, I hope Broadsword will use the resources they have to the greatest effect. As much as I would appreciate an official forum, it may be asking for trouble.


Old & Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
I believe I would rather see forum members speaking up aggressively against the UO staff and the work they do, when it necessary to get the point across. The staff probably values that information (even though they don't post any responses). However there is a line that can be crossed. But, I don't see that happening here too often.

As far as the squabbles between our forum members. It's like seeing a dead deer on the highway. You really don't want to look, but you always do. I find it quite enjoyable at times. Again, there is that line that shouldn't be crossed and hopefully that is what our forum moderators are for.

Deep Ellum Dan

Stratics Veteran
I remember when that happened to me years ago with "IIRC". I looked it up and was like aha, then started seeing it everywhere. Had to look up SMH a few months ago too.

More on topic, @Kirthag I'd probably be on the official forums if UO decided to have those, as has been rumored. No offense toward Stratics staff at all, but I would probably want to be wherever I felt the most direct connection to the studio. There is kind of a "$%@& the police!" vibe that has always been deeply ingrained in Stratics with regard to the devs, long before the current Stratics staff came into being. I never related much to that vibe, and despite many players being almost twenty years older, the vibe lives on, usually just for its own sake and tradition. It sometimes makes me cranky at posters and only the staff knows how many posts I delete a few minutes after my dignity takes hold.

That being said, I actually kind of hope Broadsword doesn't elect to have an official forum. I can only imagine what a time sink it would be, what kinds of drama it would lead to, and what it would take away from actual development hours. Since they are a small team, and the game has already outlived many expectations for the publisher, I hope Broadsword will use the resources they have to the greatest effect. As much as I would appreciate an official forum, it may be asking for trouble.
I totally agree with you on the subject of Broadsword making their own forum. As it stands, they are trying to "reinvent the wheel " in regards to their attempt at a "wiki".
I will always use Stratics for forums and UOGuide for a wiki first and foremost. It might not be a bad thing to have an official partnership with Stratics and UOGuide for each to respectively become supported by Broadsword so they can focus more on UO than these types of resources.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
I doubt I'll ever post on an official forum again if they tie posting accounts to game accounts like they used to.

Hannes Erich

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I believe I would rather see forum members speaking up aggressively against the UO staff and the work they do, when it necessary to get the point across.
It usually isn't. For instance a CR typically tracks forum feedback by reading through a suggestion's thread, and taking note of how many players agreed or disagreed with the suggestion, or fell somewhere in between. Players who came back five times to call the devs ruffians or to argue with other posters get their feedback counted once, just like anyone else. By the time those notes make it back to team leads, they are probably bereft of TimberWolf's requests for Mesanna to quit.

Frequent aggression, especially personal attacks, in a video game forum generally only skews the usable signal to noise ratio. So it's kind of like shooting yourself in the foot. You know the old saying, free speech isn't freedom from consequences? And if there is no CR, devs (who might rather be designing) may find time to wade through that noise, and may find the fortitude to bleach their brain afterward. But not every programmer has that kind of fortitude, and even fewer have the time (sometimes no matter how nice a community is). Them's the breaks!

I will always use Stratics for forums and UOGuide for a wiki first and foremost. It might not be a bad thing to have an official partnership with Stratics and UOGuide for each to respectively become supported by Broadsword so they can focus more on UO than these types of resources.
I'm ever grateful for UOGuide, but I've relied on UO.com's wiki more and more and in some ways it's giving UOGuide a run for its money. A big part of that is due to Petra's help, I recently discovered. I'm not too worried about their wiki being a time sink, because it's practical really--no game should be without an official instruction manual. Fan wikis should fill in the deeper secrets of play.

I would have loved to see Stratics and UOGuide team up, but it looks like we'll get three wikis instead. UNLEASH THE WIKIS.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I never got banned/suspended for in-game conduct, but you can bet your ass my game account was blocked for forums infractions two out of every three days.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I never got banned/suspended for in-game conduct, but you can bet your ass my game account was blocked for forums infractions two out of every three days.
LOL, you never learned how to play the forum game...la


Stratics Veteran
IMO people would be less inclined to get rude and upset and complain if there was some sort of indication that their "issues" were being heard and resolved or at least given an explanation of why something is the way it is.
This is why people shout or even why children lose their temper: they do not feel they're being heard.

One question I was tempted to ask during the recent Stratics buy-out campaign was how much Stratics was being paid each month by Broadsword given that, unlike EVERY MMO ON PLANET EARTH, they have no community site and no community managers. In this era community management ranks on par with development. Even the most detached online game publisher - the ones that become simple game site aggregators shoveling Korean games onto western audiences - have community managers and these folks shave every dollar, every Euro, every Yen. But NOT COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT and not in a single language, but in every tongue spoken by customers.

Community managers - good ones - exist for even the third tier online games on Steam. And the last guy let go from a Ukrainian offering (a decent game that never gained traction) like Epic Arena was their community manager. This is the online game business RIGHT NOW and we have not a one. Stratics does that for us. We do that for us.

Sorry for the speech. Sorry for channeling the late Christopher Hitchens. But people, even good people, when feeling powerless behave like fishes: they devour one another.

So I ask the question, always this question: how do I win from here? If Stratics is not getting monthly income from BS they need to demand it, along with very specific levels of developer participation. If they don't get it, go dark. Strike.

Long way of saying I agree with the orignal post. Remember such matters take a bit of discipline. And when a fellow traveler here inspires fantasies of pipe wrenches and facial bone fractures consider that circumstances are reasonably manipulating you. And resist.

We, all of us, have something in common with everyone else here that we will never find again in any online game.
Last edited:

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I rarely drop in on these forums these days and im sure you all miss me.

My two penneth worth ...

Every online gaming forum is pretty much the same. You get the whiners, the trolls, the blindly optimistic, the wildly clueless, the helpful, the haters, the sensible, the senseless. Its a community and every community in existence has a cross section and UHall is no different. Its normal.

I think part of the problem here is the state of the game. Its fair to say I think that over the years the game has been shamefully neglected by EA and some bad decisions made and little investment provided to point it in a positive direction. Its run down and on life support, which a Dev team of 5 just highlights. The remaining players are all pretty much addicts (and I dont mean that in a bad way), many of whom will be here when the lights eventually go out. The result is the remaining playerbase love the game and feel passionately about it and hence the level of criticism levelled at the Devs and the reason tempers often run high as people care. Thats not to say that this shouldnt be done in a respectful way. Either way the upshot is that yes, reading the forum doesnt inspire a new player to sign up. Thats not the fault of the forum though ... its the fault of the game. The state of the game causes the angst on the forum. If the game was in a better shape Im sure it would reflect hear on the forums and there would be far less negativity. But alas thats not the case.

As for the mods here Ive had a few run ins over the years. I have to say though the new crop of mods are all pretty good (bar one who is a bit of a pancake). They are light on the ban hammer yet will let you know respectfully if you have overstepped the mark. Theyre not too quick on the lock button and will let discussion flow. Favouritism seems to be a thing of the past. Best thing that ever happened was the old lot getting the boot ...

Anyway ... back to Albion Online now, which by the way has a forum with its fair share of all the types of character you see here. The difference there is that the dev team interact much much more and are accessible. And seem to understand their game.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wonder if the dev team would consider creating a behind the scenes type video (or let a gaming fan site do it)? So many of us have no idea what its like to work in a game developer office. What does everybody do while their in the office, what do their cubes (or offices) look like? Give those people who think it's easy to do their job with a limited staff really see behind the curtain.


Again, it's hard to take my marketing hat off...la

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wonder if the dev team would consider creating a behind the scenes type video (or let a gaming fan site do it)? So many of us have no idea what its like to work in a game developer office. What does everybody do while their in the office, what do their cubes (or offices) look like? Give those people who think it's easy to do their job with a limited staff really see behind the curtain.
EA probably has all 5 of them locked in a shipping container and are dropping gruel and water in through a hatch.

EDIT: seriously though Sandbox Interactive did this recently. A tour of the studio by the CEO and he introduced all of the developers one by one, showed them at their workstations and they discussed what they were working on. It was really interesting and gave a real insight.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL, you never learned how to play the forum game...la
Speaking of players that never learned how to play the forum game......

Anyone else notice it got awfully quiet at about 11 am today???
Coincidence??? or will it last for 24-48 hrs lol???



Ok, so there is plenty of talk about how to bring back old players or bring in new players. In my opinion, with all the bickering and flaming going on about the game and about the devs; if I was a new or returning player and were to read all of this, I would be very hesitant to come play. With these thoughts, it would seem that the players themselves, at least some of those posting here, would be the ones keeping anyone from playing this game that are either new or returning.
I have one suggestion: Let's stop trying to make UO sound so negative. While there are some issues currently (like no game has issues), they are not issues that will stop me from playing and certainly not things I will so vehemently bash the Devs about.
If anyone does not like this game that much, please just stop paying and leave. You are not contributing to anything and while we do pay to play, no one owes us and we own no one anything. If you are unhappy, make your stance by leaving and not paying.
I am happy with this game, while I do miss some of the things from the past. Eodon is not one of my favorite expansions at all but I will not be disrespectful to anyone over this like I see people on here being disrespectful.

In the end, if we all could be a little more respectful, it would be a much better experience.

I bet you live in trammel


Former Stratics Publisher
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
This is why people shout or even why children lose their temper: they do not feel they're being heard.

One question I was tempted to ask during the recent Stratics buy-out campaign was how much Stratics was being paid each month by Broadsword given that, unlike EVERY MMO ON PLANET EARTH, they have no community site and no community managers. In this era community management ranks on par with development. Even the most detached online game publisher - the ones that become simple game site aggregators shoveling Korean games onto western audiences - have community managers and these folks shave every dollar, every Euro, every Yen. But NOT COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT and not in a single language, but in every tongue spoken by customers.

Community managers - good ones - exist for even the third tier online games on Steam. And the last guy let go from a Ukrainian offering (a decent game that never gained traction) like Epic Arena was their community manager. This is the online game business RIGHT NOW and we have not a one. Stratics does that for us. We do that for us.

Sorry for the speech. Sorry for channeling the late Christopher Hitchens. But people, even good people, when feeling powerless behave like fishes: they devour one another.

So I ask the question, always this question: how do I win from here? If Stratics is not getting monthly income from BS they need to demand it, along with very specific levels of developer participation. If they don't get it, go dark. Strike.

Long way of saying I agree with the orignal post. Remember such matters take a bit of discipline. And when a fellow traveler here inspires fantasies of pipe wrenches and facial bone fractures consider that circumstances are reasonably manipulating you. And resist.

We, all of us, have something in common with everyone else here that we will never find again in any online game.

I do concur.. but there never has been any formalized agreement between Broadsword in Stratics. I suspect there never will be any sort of formal agreement between Broadsword and Stratics simply due to the nature of the ownership now - by the community and for the community. A private owner (or one driven by profit) would be wanting to work out a formal agreement... and yes, I remember it being attempted quite a few times. Never happened, in part, due to the nature of these boards and the toxicity found within. In another part due to funding.

I belong to quite a few other official gaming communities and the moderation on their boards are very heavy - WoW is even to the point where your post will NOT even be submitted if certain key terms are in the post. Honestly - Stratics would flail around like a fish out of water if it were to become the formal and official boards for UO. Instead, Stratics has the freedom to do with as it wishes, as dictated by the community - not a bunch of penny counters who don't even touch a game in some office somewhere (meaning corporate offices like EA).

Does this community even think it would be welcomed by the corporates at EA? Will the corporates even glance at Stratics as something viable?
Seriously, no.

I fully agree Broadswords needs to "get with the times" and develop their own community site/forum. They are kinda starting to with the wiki and faltering newletter. Wthout a professional managing the PR and such fulltime, and ONLY the PR and such (Mesanna, you are just so bogged down - you need to let some of that go), they will fail as they have in the past.
Last edited:


If a waiter serves me fish when I have ordered and paid for Steak of the menu, I will send it back. If they continue to bring me fish everyday I eat at the restaurant after ordering steak, I will ask to speak to the manager and the cook and start telling people thinking of patronising the restaurant about the poor service I have had and would eat elsewhere.

You obviously have never been through one of the reverts.


Former Stratics Publisher
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
*shivers* reverts.... augh....

Deep Ellum Dan

Stratics Veteran
If a waiter serves me fish when I have ordered and paid for Steak of the menu, I will send it back. If they continue to bring me fish everyday I eat at the restaurant after ordering steak, I will ask to speak to the manager and the cook and start telling people thinking of patronising the restaurant about the poor service I have had and would eat elsewhere.

You obviously have never been through one of the reverts.
If you are suggesting that it is so bad in UO... Stop paying and find another experience to get your kicks. Your unfounded attack is odd but I have thick skin so LOLZ


What attack? its a fact jack! its the buggiest, laggiest most unplayable thing ever created. Poor to no service, scripting, griefing running riot. Even something as simple as creating a subscription is a nightmare.

If it wasn't for all the hot woman playing I wouldn't even bother.


Former Stratics Publisher
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Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Can we keep the convo to topic pls? This is a good topic and the pissing match can be better experienced in game... perhaps around the Fel-yew-Gate?


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord

Deep Ellum Dan

Stratics Veteran
If a waiter serves me fish when I have ordered and paid for Steak of the menu, I will send it back. If they continue to bring me fish everyday I eat at the restaurant after ordering steak, I will ask to speak to the manager and the cook and start telling people thinking of patronising the restaurant about the poor service I have had and would eat elsewhere.

You obviously have never been through one of the reverts.
IDK what you are trying to make a point of because when I order steak, I get steak. Then again, I get what I want and no one looks at me like I should get less. Lol jk. Was trying to sound big ya, let's keep this in the best interest of UO and our community. Attacking others has nothing to do with UO or our community. Respect is what it all revolves around. Let's work as a team to better everything and not attach those that try to see the brighter side.
I love all aspects of UO as I was kinda a big deal back in the day on Great Lakes as a perma red but changed how I play. Then again, we didn't have fel and tram then. So anyone wishing to attack me over pvp or non pvp, please learn who you are taking about first. I don't wish anyone to end up looking ignorant.


It's a game "forum"
noun: forum; plural noun: forums; plural noun: fora
a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

If people have opinions about a game either positive or negative they use a forum like stratics,
If you only want positive feedback put up a bulletin board on your trammel house delete or edit the ones you don't like.


Former Stratics Publisher
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
It's a game "forum"
noun: forum; plural noun: forums; plural noun: fora
a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

If people have opinions about a game either positive or negative they use a forum like stratics,
If you only want positive feedback put up a bulletin board on your trammel house delete or edit the ones you don't like.
Dictionaries are all fine and dandy.
But don't forget this: Rules of Conduct | Stratics
And this: Terms of Service and Rules | Stratics

So... share your ideas and views, but do so respectfully and without trolling or derailing the subject. That is what this thread is about, yeah?

Deep Ellum Dan

Stratics Veteran
Yes. Is it really that hard to be respectful towards each other? IRL, I also try to be respectful but I grew up in a life where you don't tolerate being disrespected so I try to be nice here since I know none of you in real life. You think Fel PKs are tough.. Lol... I'm a real world fel PK. I come to UO to get away from the realities of life and I do realize everyone online is so tough in their own reality, till the real world pays then a visit so I just have to say, everyone be respectful and nice because you never know how anyone else lives or how good or bad their lives are.

Deep Ellum Dan

Stratics Veteran
My main point, you never really know who someone is and if you have certain abilities, best that things do not get stupid. This why we should all be respectful. We can disagree every time but don't be that guy.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Takes 5 seconds. Honestly... Stop making excuses for them. Kyronix while he does try I think is the only one who really understands.

They NEED a PR person. How about this..... You go to see your doctor he probably has 2000 patients or more... he has time to send you a note saying he got your xrays and everything was fine. You go to your service company to have your car fixed they take the time to call you and tell you what is wrong..... they work on how many cars?

I'm not talking about writing a freaking thesis on it. I'm talking about a simple acknowledgement. One 2 second line, even if it's a cut and paste... Don't make excuses for poor customer service. It's bad enough we don't even have a GM cue anymore to tell you every once in awhile that they got your message... now you send a PM for a GM and you get NOTHING... for days, weeks months... finally by the time you've forgotten you even paged a GM you might get a response. God forbid you might need actual timely assistance.
Yup. I purchased Diablo 3 & Reaper of Souls yesterday. Entered my code for RoS properly, but when I went into the game, it said I wasn't upgraded. E-mailed Blizzard support, got a response earlier. They wanted more info on my issue, so I linked to a thread that answered my problem, and told them I'd contact them again if that didn't work.

If I have issues in UO, which aren't very often, I don't even GET help. In one t2a spawn, my sampire got stuck in some trees while in war mode. Went to help/stuck, entered my problem in the text window, then tabbed out while waiting to do it again, and zapped myself to Papua. While whacking away at the spawn after coming back, the GM came. I talked for a min & thanked him anyway, but I was shaking my head the entire time during the conversation.

Is this the only game forum you have visited? Honest question. :p
Been a regular (off and on) on gamefaqs since 2001, along with a few others. A few months ago, gamefaqs turned off the long-standing profanity filter (but you can't go overboard on it); for the most part, everyone that posts there is, at the minimum, 18. On certain forums over there (let's say the Anime/Manga portion of the site), the posters have been there for several years (at least a decade.) There's debate & some smack talk throughout the site, but it's civil for the most part. On another, which I haven't gone to in a while...well, let's just say egos run rampant.


Stratics Veteran
I do concur.. but there never has been any formalized agreement between Broadsword in Stratics. I suspect there never will be any sort of formal agreement between Broadsword and Stratics simply due to the nature of the ownership now - by the community and for the community. A private owner (or one driven by profit) would be wanting to work out a formal agreement... and yes, I remember it being attempted quite a few times. Never happened, in part, due to the nature of these boards and the toxicity found within. In another part due to funding.

I belong to quite a few other official gaming communities and the moderation on their boards are very heavy - WoW is even to the point where your post will NOT even be submitted if certain key terms are in the post. Honestly - Stratics would flail around like a fish out of water if it were to become the formal and official boards for UO. Instead, Stratics has the freedom to do with as it wishes, as dictated by the community - not a bunch of penny counters who don't even touch a game in some office somewhere (meaning corporate offices like EA).

Does this community even think it would be welcomed by the corporates at EA? Will the corporates even glance at Stratics as something viable?
Seriously, no.

I fully agree Broadswords needs to "get with the times" and develop their own community site/forum. They are kinda starting to with the wiki and faltering newletter. Wthout a professional managing the PR and such fulltime, and ONLY the PR and such (Mesanna, you are just so bogged down - you need to let some of that go), they will fail as they have in the past.
You make excellent points. And I'm guilty of a rant ;)

I too have been driven NUTS by official forums in too many online games to list. Plus, when I got my start in the business, running community and PR was the job of the online game's producer (and designer in my case) and you weren't going to get anywhere at all with any censorship or active moderation aside from certain words and, of course, racism. Again, it was the service approach in those days. Nowadays many community managers act as if they're in charge :(

Yet the simple fact is that without a direct and open pipeline to developers, no matter the nature of the channel, communities go toxic. But we agree on this.

Origin once was a leader in this. Developers and community and support shared the same (large) office space. I still have some of the forms from that period. What's interesting is that feature proposals needed community manager review and sign-off. And Jon Hanna - the head of community - had developer status.

Perhaps it does no good at all to recall this because there is no way BS can match those sorts of resources. But they can, however, match the organizational pattern. Or, given that UO now has both the resources and the subscriber numbers of an online game from the '80s or early '90s, they need to designate a member of the current team as community lead.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Been a regular (off and on) on gamefaqs since 2001, along with a few others. A few months ago, gamefaqs turned off the long-standing profanity filter (but you can't go overboard on it); for the most part, everyone that posts there is, at the minimum, 18. On certain forums over there (let's say the Anime/Manga portion of the site), the posters have been there for several years (at least a decade.) There's debate & some smack talk throughout the site, but it's civil for the most part. On another, which I haven't gone to in a while...well, let's just say egos run rampant.
I honestly feel like this is the best board I visit in terms of how people behave, not coincidentally it's the only forum I use regularly anymore. Most people here are adults, and mature, the forum is well modded, and there are tools to regulate content you don't want to read. If you want to see a horrible message board, visit a MLB forum. Unmodded and full of infantile and idiotic man-children, and trolling dedication that borders on psychosis. It's annoying when you just want to talk about baseball, and a cadre of misfits busts in and derails every conversation with what I can only refer to as fantasy. :/

Around here there are only a handful of people who make an effort to be trolls, or be dramatic, or whatever, and then not even constantly. I've only put like three people on ignore, and only two were because of being bad posters. The third was due to a certain poster's (wouldn't be shocked if people knew who I was referring to here) diligent adherence to their in-game persona here on the boards, and I simply found the form exceedingly grating, and tiresome. I think the worst thing you get around here commonly is hard-headedness, something I'm guilty of constantly.

I use IMDB, Reddit, Gamefaqs on rare occasions, and mostly just reading when I'm seeking info on something specific.

Generally, I think online forums/communities (for me) are sort of a waste of time, so I pared it down to this forum only, and I try to only check it once or twice a day.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Well having been in the Alpha and Beta of Landmark as well as doing things with Diablo I can say that they have FAR better customer support and their forums are much like these. There is some negativity... and I'll say on Landmark since it got sold to Daybreak Games the negativity there is actually 100X worse than it is here. Infact nearly every post for awhile after their announcement that they were putting Landmark on the "back burner" so to speak while they concentrated on EQN was fairly negative and really inflammatory. And yes I did give them hell... Since I have ZERO interest in playing EQN my interest was in my investment into Landmark... which is turning out to be FAR from the ideal they sold me on. What they sold me on was a new Sandbox game... what I've gotten is a way for them to get free development by talented artists to build EQN... and apparently it works for them.

Which is why I get annoyed here that we can't actually do things to assist the team like submitting art etc... If Landmark/Daybreak Games can do it why can't we? I mean honestly it's been proven that many of us can update and improve the graphics to be higher rez... So why can't UO offer to allow us to do that and reward those who contribute with in-game crap like Landmark does?

Could you imagine how much we could improve things? Of course everything would be subject to approval by the team but still ... it could happen.


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@MalagAste - the artwork and such has been brought up time and time again... kinda not on this topic... and I believe the Dark One said several times it won't happen.... of course times change (as we all know too well).

I think a lot of it has to do with EA - despite Broadsword doing the development, EA still owns the title (and thus the rights) and having "contributing artists" will kinda muck up the legalities.

Back to the topic at hand though (how people act/react on the boards specifically) - was having a conversation with a person about the professional aspects of running community sites, and how (as mentioned by others) Community Liaisons (or Community Managers) tend to think they "are in charge". Technically it is a discipline of Customer Service merged in with Public Relations and a dash of Marketing. It is the mentality that "the customer is always right" that gives the paid community managers that giant chip on their shoulders. Basically, I think that is just plain bull-dookey. A Community Manager needs to know the balance between good service and company needs, and communicate it to all parties in ways that don't anger the customer base WHILE helping to keep the boat afloat in the office.

Overall, it is communications - which I think we all agree that Broadsword (and prior to them, Mythic) is really bad at doing. You see it in the videos, interviews, Meet & Greets and more. On one hand the dev team want to answer - but then they are gagged due to development concerns, then make promises they cannot keep for whatever reason, and never say anything about it...

not just ingame stuff either.
still waiting on my monthly newsletter....

Now the team from Origin who were, quite honestly, pioneers in all this, have splintered off and are doing other things - and imho Portalarium is doing a damned good job - BUT - their boards are controlled. (I should know - I don't post there anymore due to certain interpretations of the rules) but I do lurk and read. Go visit Shards, and they are rather open right now, but again, the boards are well monitored and controlled (considering they are also in early development - is understandable). Several boards from those "shards-we-won't-name" are pretty loose in moderation, but woe is you if you discuss their taboo-topics.

Point is - only the really funded have that special Customer Service/Public Relations/Marketing type of evangelist on staff. For the most part, they rely on word of mouth and the community....

The "big games" control their stuff and demand a certain level of decorum - and have paid staff to manage their communities. There are the "rogue boards" - of which Stratics was in that small school of "special rogue boards" for several other games.... maybe that can come back. *shrug*

We (as members of the community) need to remember that Stratics is not "official" nor will (or should) it ever be. The admins & mods are members of this community - not paid lackeys - and they take care of these boards for nada... as has been historically the case. We already saw what monetizing and for-profit has done to this site (not just forums, mind you).... so best let the Board (Stewards?) get things rolling, eh?



Grand Poobah
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It's a game "forum"
noun: forum; plural noun: forums; plural noun: fora
a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

If people have opinions about a game either positive or negative they use a forum like stratics,
If you only want positive feedback put up a bulletin board on your trammel house delete or edit the ones you don't like.

Isn't it sad. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone when I come to this site.
There seems to be a near unanimous belief on this site that open and honest discussions are bad.

I would like to understand what attracts this knuckle dragging way of thinking?
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Grand Poobah
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I use .. Reddit,
I don't use or know much about Reddit. Never been there other then reading this article but articles suggest accounts at EA were hacked through Reddit.
The article is 2 years old it may have been patched (as apposed to fixed)
Though I know one person that this has happened to in the last month.
EA closed his accounts for investigation.

Origin accounts getting 'hacked' as gamers find fraudulent purchases | GamesBeat | Games | by Jeff Grubb

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My main point, you never really know who someone is and if you have certain abilities, best that things do not get stupid. This why we should all be respectful. We can disagree every time but don't be that guy.
I agree 100%, now come here you big trammie and lets hug it out.

Back on topic I think people being derogatory in chat and game makes it more interesting, there's too much PC bs irl already why drag this into a game.


Crazed Zealot
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I agree 100%, now come here you big trammie and lets hug it out.

Back on topic I think people being derogatory in chat and game makes it more interesting, there's too much PC bs irl already why drag this into a game.
"Nice die", "You suck", "quit pvp", "nice dodge" (all of which I use, unless provoked) etc. is fine, IMO. When people go overboard on the sh*t-talking and get particularly nasty, it should be dealt with by the GM's...which isn't happening.