Whats the history behind it?So I was looking for some thoughts.. and also a general price check on this robe.
only one was given out, has a kind of neat history behind it from the new EM.
looking for some ideas, prices, thoughts.
Ut oh! If you are asking, that cannot be good.Whats the history behind it?
Oh, man. Sooo busted... again.Whats the history behind it?
I dont see that as cool at all. This is a bad thing IMO. Whats to say this EM will abuse his powers and only do this for people he knows in game or IRL for personal gain? It was also stated by an ATL EM that they are not allowed to do this at all. Mesanna is asking about it for a reason I am sure. Also, isn't this the reason EMs only make signed clothing named same was as any tailor name would appear?that's cool a EM creating unique items to everyone yay!
Whats the history behind it?
Ut oh! If you are asking, that cannot be good.
I dont see that as cool at all. This is a bad thing IMO. Whats to say this EM will abuse his powers and only do this for people he knows in game or IRL for personal gain? It was also stated by an ATL EM that they are not allowed to do this at all. Mesanna is asking about it for a reason I am sure. Also, isn't this the reason EMs only make signed clothing named same was as any tailor name would appear?
Who doesn't bring up destroying Luna? I mean, people have been begging for it to be destroyed for quite awhile now... Heck, I have a vendor in Luna and I wouldn't mind blowing it up once in awhile.Last night was the meet and greet and he wants to bring up invading and destroying Luna. I will not attend any events held by anyone who has little or no respect for the time i have spent in game to get to this point and for a market place that the players have created.
sounds like Mesanna is gonna throw her evil hands on an EM.....That's completely against the rules for what they're allowed to do. From my understanding, they're not supposed to hand out items directly to players, unless they have earned it through some tangible method (for example, what the EMs did tonight on Chessy and the many RBGs attendance). Else how can you disprove that it was not favoritism?i dont think its favoritism.. i think it was dumb luck lol. The guy happened to randomly pop his cloak on the EM and he had 1 special item for a certain person, that person was who got it.
hehe that luna idea is not HIS, it's a rumour that's been going around for quite some time.. And from what I've heard it's just an invasion, not a destruction of a town thing.
As of right now this item is 1 of 1. I did not see anyone else get one, nor have I heard it.. if anyone else has one I would appreciate them adding to this post to confirm it.
nice robe, but mines a deathrobe
only one was given out, has a kind of neat history behind it from the new EM.QUOTE]
AAAANNNNNDDDD I explained in detail how I acquired my robe...Where is the "neat history behind" the robe you got????????
I agree with Nightly, but instead of deleting just this one, delete all of them. If the robe was created by mistake because the EM didnt know better because he is new, or he just didnt pay attention to the rule book there is to much "drama" behind the robes and tbh i dont know if anyone out there knows exactly how many robes are out there. I got there 2 hours after the Meet and Greet started (didnt see post on EM site), and he was dropping stuff with his name on it,Mesanna should just delete it and be done.
Is it still on Napa? If so I'll bid 25mil.
Sorry to nit-pick here.... BUT,the robe is 1 of 1.
theres no other deathrobe signed by him.
FYI, protocols were put into place to keep programs like this in line. Don't blame the player base for pointing out a big no no. If you weren't aware, items stopped getting properties when a rouge EM created super powerful items outside the confines of events without approval.Well it IS controversial. I would have at least held on to it for a bit longer. Now there is a chance that this new EM will be fired, and your item deleted. Of course this wouldn't be because you are selling it next day, but because he's creating wealth for other players outside of the confines of an event.
I don't know the rules for these kind of things, but it sounds like he has broken at least one...or two of them first day, and the few of you making a dime off of it simply brought it to their boss's attention.
I need to write a book on how to create $$$ out of mistakes. I put blame on the player if he gets the item deleted. What I was really wanting to say was, hold onto the item for a month or two, let the happenings leave the minds of most, and THEN sell it. That's what I would do in his shoes any way.FYI, protocols were put into place to keep programs like this in line. Don't blame the player base for pointing out a big no no. If you weren't aware, items stopped getting properties when a rouge EM created super powerful items outside the confines of events without approval.
The more you know.... *rainbow*
And I wasn't on ATL (Was it ATL? Wasnt the EM named Ironfist or something??) back then with that rogue EM making super powerful weps for friends and himself on another account, so the possibility that I may not know every detail is understandable.Now there is a chance that this new EM will be fired, and your item deleted. Of course this wouldn't be because you are selling it next day, but because he's creating wealth for other players outside of the confines of an event.
If this is the case, then it looks like Prom is the proud owner of a 1 of 1 robe, lol.The robe(s) are not going to be deleted. I dont think the devs/GMs have the tools (special commands) to located any item by certain properties like graphic id, name, color, etc.
On the last leprechaun event on baja, everyone received a dagger that was crafted by a char named "Drunk Leprechaun Knife Co." with 35 DI but I received a dagger -renamed- to "Crafted by the drunk leprechaun knife factory". It was a mistake that Ive received that dagger, it was probably created to be displayed by the EM but since I messed up the trade window (Ive canceled it the first time) well.. i end up with the other cool dagger.
That EM is going to be fired ?? i dont think so lol
The EMs that forgot to lockdown items *supposedly* by mistake when decorating.. are going to be fired too? that will end the EM program lol. (someone got a piece of a big Yew Tree on LS this way, and as far as I know he sold it to manicore)
Another item (its on ATL for sale if anyone is interested ) is a wooden bench crafted by [a well known? collector] and the rarity comes because its marble dyed. AFAIK, messana dyed it.. so she is going to be fired too? lol, no
Like I said, it is not 1 of 1. I don't make comments without proper investigations.who knows what'll happen, but the robe is 1 of 1.
theres no other deathrobe signed by him.
I think people are creating entirely too much drama about it lol.
Anyone who got the robe themselves would not be complaining about it.
The robe(s) are not going to be deleted. I dont think the devs/GMs have the tools (special commands) to located any item by certain properties like graphic id, name, color, etc.
On the last leprechaun event on baja, everyone received a dagger that was crafted by a char named "Drunk Leprechaun Knife Co." with 35 DI but I received a dagger -renamed- to "Crafted by the drunk leprechaun knife factory". It was a mistake that Ive received that dagger, it was probably created to be displayed by the EM but since I messed up the trade window (Ive canceled it the first time) well.. i end up with the other cool dagger.
That EM is going to be fired ?? i dont think so lol
The EMs that forgot to lockdown items *supposedly* by mistake when decorating.. are going to be fired too? that will end the EM program lol. (someone got a piece of a big Yew Tree on LS this way, and as far as I know he sold it to manicore)
Another item (its on ATL for sale if anyone is interested ) is a wooden bench crafted by [a well known? collector] and the rarity comes because its marble dyed. AFAIK, messana dyed it.. so she is going to be fired too? lol, no