Because when something that people care about "dies", they get upset? Sure, we'll get over it in time, and thanks to our new home, that process will probably happen a lot faster now.
Yes and that is good, I am happy for you guys.
But no thanks to the *insert expletive of your choice here* who caused that loss in the first place.
You are assuming that OT wasn't being planed to be shut down/deleted anyway. They did say this had been under discussion for a while.
It makes me sad that a place I "lived" in for some 9 years got ripped apart by some hissy-fitting emo. I came to Stratics via a guy I was dating at the time who was a mod here. I became an admin and remained one for several years on the AO forums. I was also one of the ORIGINAL mods for the very first incarnation of OT (NHB) along with Viv, CJ and Zin (under a different nick).
Oh, I agree, its sad, it makes me sad too. And talking with some people made me remember many of the good times. But many people aren't acting sad, they're acting like devious 5 year olds who just had their mother murdered. The reactions from many are way way out of proportions. Heck the reactions towards me for not just supporting the invasions, the rampages, the hissyfits and over statements of importance is clear show of just how rabid this is. If you were sad about it and it hurts, then going ballistic like that is stupid.
I've forged some good friendships here. To see our "home" taken away in such a manner is hurtful. Yes, we have a new home. Yes, we will continue with those friendships. But you don't just simply "get over" such hurts within minutes.
I didn't say you should. Heck, I still am not over it myself. Every now and then I see things on the net, pictures or news articles and I find myself instinctively wanting to go to OT and post, and then I remember that its gone and I get a feeling of sadness.
And whatever I may feel (I left Stratics staff a while ago), it's going to hurt a lot more for those current staffers who didn't even get the courtesy of any reasons *at the time* for being discarded in such an appalling manner.
What manner? Only those with OT was let go and honestly, if you shut down a company immediately, you don't keep the employees around.
If you can't see that, I feel sorry for you. I truly do. People don't just switch off feelings. We're a family. A dysfunctional one, sure, but a family none the less. We argue, we b*tch, we throw insults, then we get on with being a collection of friends and acquaintances. That's what families and communities do.
You're a family of convenience. Heck, just see how quick I got thrown out of "the family" merely for disagreeing with your assessments. (not that it matters), some are friends sure, but a friend should last beyond OT.
OT only becomes a family when a unified front is needed to accomplish a common goal.
Your posts can attempt to demean how we feel as much as you like. It won't happen though. Because you simply don't *get it*.
Actually I get it just fine. Just because I don't agree with you on everything, doesn't mean I don't "get it".
I would hate to think that I might lose contact with many of those people who were regulars on OT... all I can say is thank god for places like FB where connections can still be held regardless of which hissy fitting emo is throwing his toys out of the pram this week on Stratics.
Most posters are on the new OT, yes? So the contacts should persist. But yes, it is sad to lose contact with people who might not come over to the new OT or aren't on your contact lists.
Yes, yes, we are fully aware or *your* feelings and how you look down your nose at the fact that some of us are more than just usernames on a random gaming site. Sorry that you never connected with people like many of us did.
Oh, I connected very well with many people. Mostly outside of OT. But honestly, how many OTers did you actually connect with?
I made a deliberate choice to keep connections to a bare minimum, considering the backstabbing and slimy nature of OT. This doesn't mean I don't understand community connections. But fortunately your connections remain in the new OT she was kind enough to set up. Heck it even has a color scheme to remind of the old.