I'm sorry Matthew, I've seen you, Steb (of course I am fairly sure that is you also, not that it really matters) and George as well have this word "guro" tossed around all day, and to be perfectly honest I am 47 years old, extremely well read, 2 master's degrees, lots of life experiences, friends around the world and I have never heard that word till this today. Could you show some examples, because after looking up its meaning, and having it "explained" by a couple friends I can't for the life of me recall ever, since the inception of Stratics - the entire site, not just the OT forum, recall seeing what was described/defined, and trust me when I say I have probably read more posts here than some mods. Though I am sure there have been times when untoward things such as that made their way on more than the OT forum, and were as promptly as possible removed.
The same could be said about porn, again, I've seen you and/or Steb (if that isn't you) and George as well suggest that OT was overflowing with Porn, when in fact that was the one hard and fast rule that was kept over the years, I've seen folks who were best of friends snipe at one another over even the hint of a bit of areola showing let alone full blown porn.
Also, I am sure you are aware that in order to access the OT forum, one had to register aside from their normal Stratics registration - in order to show their age, so it's hardly as if anyone could have simply stumbled in here by accident without seeing that OT was a "horse of a different color". If I remember correctly, and it has literally been years since I had to click that special entry button, it is even suggested right there in black and white that one should not just dive into the OT forum, but should read the introductory - and may I say rather comprehensive - guidelines before dipping a toe into the water.
Of course you can't force people to comply, as you and Steb well know by now, don't you? I tried to warn Steb last night, and he was too busy being rude and obnoxious to me - from my very first comment to him, to take me seriously. Of course he probably edited all my posts for his entertainment - what he was doing when I went to do my dinner dishes prior to logging off for the night. This was a problem - part of the lumping us all together for the banishment... throwing the babies out with the bathwater so to speak... shooting first, asking questions - or trying to save face and blame everyone else later.
As frustrated as some folks could be in OT and in other areas of Stratics from time to time, I really must say that I am most discouraged, disgusted and disappointed in the two or three of you more so than even our worst OT poster... while I may pop in to see if friends are about in UHall from time to time, I think my posting days, for the most part are done here. (Of course this is assuming I don't get banned like most of the rest of us...).
Finally, I would like to request, somehow - you figure out how to do it, since you all are the ones who did the disappearing act... that any archived posts/writings you might have by a poster named Leandra be sent to me via private message or via email. Leandra was important to us, and she passed away. I will see that they are archived somewhere safe - so that nothing "happens accidentally" to them, so that they are available to those of us who might like to look back to them. That's just one tiny piece of "history" you've banished, it's the least you could do to help plant a seed of making things right again.