You shouldn't be able to lock skills or mark them up or down. It was too much fun to run up to to people and start campfires and watch them curse as their GM skill went down because they gained in camping, heh.
Of course it would mean disregarding everything from Ren onwards which is why I say it's pretty much a guaranteed no, obviously one of the biggest hurdles there is the fact that everyone has paid for those expansions/content, theres really no way to reimburse that.
After paying my subscriptions for eleven years, I would say that a live classic shard would be reimbursement enough for me.
What would be interesting, is how they would implement it, given all the expansions.
Would they have stand-alone client access, or a publish with a "classic" ruleset within, allowing selection from within current client and shard listings. Will be interesting to see how that one's done for sure.
Just food for thought.
Amusing though it might be, many might see someone running around doing that as "grief".You shouldn't be able to lock skills or mark them up or down. It was too much fun to run up to to people and start campfires and watch them curse as their GM skill went down because they gained in camping, heh.
I don't turn to free shards for a simple reason, they never seem to recreate the community and most of them are filled with ranks of players who caused the majority of the issues in the old days.
This should also be before control slots, so tamers should be able to tow around 50 dragons at once, hehehehe.
I mostly remember tamers only running around with that many pets during SERVER WARS when nothing saved and if their pet would die or get lost they did not care. A tamer with a multitude of pets can be taken down if there are enough people with the skill and desire to do so. Just lead the dragons/drakes away from their master and he is vulnerable to being killed easily without his pets. Then start killing the dead tamers pets so that if and when he rezzes, he will have less overpowered pets to attack you with again. That is why tamers don't take out so many dragons at once except in server wars because they do not want to lose several high end pets at one time.This should also be before control slots, so tamers should be able to tow around 50 dragons at once, hehehehe.
I actually think I might enjoy the enhanced client on a classic server minus some small issues with some of the monster models, but just the thought of a classic relaunch box is awesome to me.
I also have all of my original collectors box items and will keep them until I kick the bucket someday.
Pretty sure you just won the thread, I award you one internet, if this gets done can we ship it to the front of the thread?Why doesn't some one put it all together in one post so people dont have to read through 1100 posts to try and figure it out!
Just saying kinda hard to disseminate the info!
It's been done a few times...but the discussion continues. I know that I post on this thread, at least sometimes, just to keep it alive and on the first page of UHall.Why doesn't some one put it all together in one post so people dont have to read through 1100 posts to try and figure it out!
Just saying kinda hard to disseminate the info!
He's right. We should have a thread that has the info we are talking about. Leave that one for discussing ideas and actual info relating to what the players on this forum want to see or think best fit a classic server and leave this one for the nonsense posts since there are 100's of them here already.
This^Also, if they did a Classic re-launch box, it would have to be the old school text book sized boxes PC games used to come in! Not these lame dvd cases you get with games now (like we are using Playstations or something
50 dragons? Exaggerate much? The most, MOST, I ever saw a tamer control at once was 6 dragons, and even then, he had a hard time controling them all. 2 of the dragons listened, 3 went wild, and 1 ran off in some random direction. The 2 tamed dragons got attacked by the 3 wild ones and were killed, then the three wild turned their attention to the tamer and attacked him. The 3 wild Dragons got lured to town and killed by the guards.This should also be before control slots, so tamers should be able to tow around 50 dragons at once, hehehehe.
Very nicely said.I mostly remember tamers only running around with that many pets during SERVER WARS when nothing saved and if their pet would die or get lost they did not care. A tamer with a multitude of pets can be taken down if there are enough people with the skill and desire to do so. Just lead the dragons/drakes away from their master and he is vulnerable to being killed easily without his pets. Then start killing the dead tamers pets so that if and when he rezzes, he will have less overpowered pets to attack you with again. That is why tamers don't take out so many dragons at once except in server wars because they do not want to lose several high end pets at one time.
Additionally, the shard that I currently play on has the old stable rules where the STABLE MASTER that you stable a pet with is the only stable master that you can retrieve that stabled pet from. You cannot stable your pet in Skara Brae and try to claim that stabled pet in Delucia. Also what happens on the shard that I play on is that I frequently go to stable my pet and get the message, "the stables are full". This is annoying, but actually quite realistic in a sense instead of each person being able to stable limitless amounts of pets at the same stable.
Keep hope alive.
Its going to be Second Age classic servers with The Second Age rules. One of those rules was, there were no control slots or pet bonding, whether people like it or not. Thats the way it was. If we want a server thats even remotely accurate, then being able to tame and control more than one dragon at once is what comes with it.Okay, someone in the new thread said something about making Dragons untamable.
I'd be okay with that, if taming can be made so that it is GM'able in like 2 days just like all the other skills.
The end reward for MONTHS of taming was that you could tame and control dragons.
I would not play on a shard that didn't allow dragon taming.
But, I recognize that this is not going to 'the Morgana LeFay shard' if the majority of players want that, I would still support the shard...I just wouldn't play there.
Yeah, thats why people have been saying make the Classic Servers in The Second Age......way before pub 16....Something else to debate...
Pub 16 changed taming, but it also changed bards (and lot of other things).
Bards were the most powerful PvMers before Pub 16. I have always thought that Pub 16 was too harsh of a nerf for bards.
Here are the details...
Really, I think our Classic Shard would just be better off WITHOUT Pub 16 in general.
Okay, someone in the new thread said something about making Dragons untamable.
I'd be okay with that, if taming can be made so that it is GM'able in like 2 days just like all the other skills.
The end reward for MONTHS of taming was that you could tame and control dragons.
I would not play on a shard that didn't allow dragon taming.
But, I recognize that this is not going to 'the Morgana LeFay shard' if the majority of players want that, I would still support the shard...I just wouldn't play there.
There are some things that most of the people here agree upon that were not present in T2A...bug fixes, harsher penalties for PKs (stat loss on death), stat/skill I think it is safe to assume that not everything will be exactly like that era. In fact, it might not be possible to make it EXACTLY like that era if they are working backward using existing code.Yeah, thats why people have been saying make the Classic Servers in The Second Age......way before pub 16....
Well, things like the stat/skill lock controls were needed back then due to campfire griefers. (Yes, those guys were greifers)There are some things that most of the people here agree upon that were not present in T2A...bug fixes, harsher penalties for PKs (stat loss on death), stat/skill I think it is safe to assume that not everything will be exactly like that era. In fact, it might not be possible to make it EXACTLY like that era if they are working backward using existing code.
That's the primary reason we are all discussing this, instead of just saying we want a T2A shard exactly like it was back that.
I personally think that ROT on Siege is a joke. It is one of the big reasons that I decided to quit playing Siege. It basically is a Guaranteed Gain System. Yes on one hand, it limits the amount of skill points that you can gain each day. On the other hand it GUARANTEES instant gains every 15 minutes or whatever the time limit is. You gain on fails at high levels and every 15 minutes on top of that. So you can GM every crafting skill with ease. Becoming a GM tamer is simple. What I loved about Classic UO from 1998-1999 was that there were few GM tamers or GM blacksmiths. That made things unique. I remember going for DAYS without even gaining 0.1 in taming. It was frustrating, but rewarding because you were set apart from those who did not put the time in to be at the skill level you were at.One more thing, what do you guys think of the RoT skill system that siege used? Could be a good way to get people "playing" more then macroing in their houses and would slow down skill gain/money ect. There are a lot of negitives to this system like players who start late being stuck behind the curve (for pvp) longer then they might of been without it.
Wow, my brother got married yesterday so I had to be away for a day... 160 odd posts later I've almost caught up on whats going on! Jesus you guys are quick![]()
I don't believe you could bond tamed creatures in t2a nor do I think that should be put in. If you want to run around with Dragons, #1 they need to be hard to tame, #2 (pretty sure there was a cap on how many followers you had) #3 if there wasn't a cap I'm sure it wasnt possible to hold a lot of dragons and #4 you should have to play with the risk of losing your dragon.
Let's not forget an old school ruleset was a lot harsher then whatever the newer one seems to be. Need to keep it true to that.
And who wants to play on a shard where there are no changes and no updates anyway?
Like Delerium said thers no way to know 100% if it will be a sucess or not, were just talking from experience on things like player run shards, people we know who are excited and intend on returning to uo if a classic shard is made and things like this...I really don't see that many players will play on such a shard (maybe even less than on Siege), nor that the developers will really build another variation of UO for a minority.
But for the past 10 years there has been updates that us, the classic shard wanting community didnt want... Resources have been spent in every way shape and form on things that really dont interest us. Why is it okay that it gets spent on all these updates but nothing is ever spent where we've been asking for 10 years for it to be spent? Whos choice is it really to say where they should or should not spend their resources? I think 10 years is a long enough wait to get something sent our way.I completely understand that some players are wishing back the old days of UO. But many of the changes of the past 10 years were really cool, and I never would want to miss those. All the new skills. New dungeons and quests. All the cool changes on old skills. Custom housing. All the crafting enhancements. Those are things 99% of the players really dig.
To build and maintain such a shard will be another pain in the back of a developer. Because I am convinced that such a shard will require maintaining, because players will constantly ask for updates, fixes, add-ons etc. It is an illusion to believe that you can build a shard and just let it run for years without touching it. And who wants to play on a shard where there are no changes and no updates anyway?
If this were the case there would be a seige ruleset free shard out there with a high population. But there isnt. All the high population free shards are classic rules one way or another either T2A or UO:R kinda rules without tram.I am convinced that even fewer people than there are on Siege will play on a classic shard. I would rather play on Siege, and I don't even like Siege much.
Tramel/fel split was bad... But people still played and subscriptions continued to increase, AoS is where things started going down hill. Item based playstyle... Theres enough clone games out there that rely on items, and most people that wanted to play this style went to them.Honestly, I think the biggest problem of UO today is the Trammel/Felucca split and what it caused to the community and to PvP. This issue should be solved on ALL shards. Building a classic shard with the described restrictions out of nostalgy is not the right way to go.
The poll is stickied at the top of the UHALL page.
P.S.: While some people claim that the majority desires a classic shard, I can find no poll where people have been asked whether they would play on a classic shard with the suggested ruleset in a long term.
Like Delerium said
Oh I remember stopping and just listening to the Vesper music, it was great. I loved the city just for that.I don't think anyone is advocating no taming, I actually don't care if bonding is in but slots I think are really important, seems like a small tradeoff. I really like the idea of this Classic Era thing coming as a CD/Box/etc with the original treasure chest login and the mp3 versions of the original music as found here for example just hearing it brings back memories wow.
I dont think anyones arguing which came first, the idea is just that they are all the same one game after the next relying on items above skill, something that wasnt a problem in classic UO.How can AOS be a WoW clone, when AOS is older than WoW?