Does anyone else ever wonder why in some of WU's pics there's leaves on the trees and in some there aren't... Only 2 logical explanations for this that I can think of...
He is indeed playing with "altered" files on his client thus forfeiting any of his LEGIT CLEAN client...
Or someone else is sending him some pictures thus he's not actually ASS UPPING everyone he says he is...
Ya see, we can't see his full screen so we dunno who's actually taking the screenshot when there's a bunch of u standing in the same spot...
Which is it WU??? Care to explain ur way outta this one???
Apperently you dont know how UO works.
My client is so clean beyond you lowlifes imagination. Some people dont need hack to PvP/Kill/Survive. Your guild cant do it just a clean legit player like me I understand. But here's how you do it to make Fel look like tram. I did this legal alteration according to EA staff and DEVs and GMs and I paged on a GM and told him and he said it's like toggling "Always Run" on and off.
I only did this to my Archer (my mage still see the desolation) to test the difference.
Here's how to make you Waka's client to be CLEAN and LEGIT YES AND LEGAL like me if you think trees with leaves make you run faster (desolation off actually makes you slower because client is now loading extra pixels). I will do a step by step setup walk thru since you guys think it's impossible for someone to play UO clean and legit. Again you will see my mage with desolation and archer with it off.
For you wakas to try my client.
1. Remove your existing clients because it's more likely not legal.
2. Reinstall a clean legit copy of UO client from
3. Go to and download the classic client
4. On your HD go to C:\Documents and Settings\"User"\My Documents\EA Games\Ultima Online Legacy\User Data\"Acct Name"\Sonoma\"Char Name" this is the folder to your characters. And locate uo.cfg. Open it with notepad and please locate: and change if you want Fel to look exactly like tram (which is what I did on Ii)
(This turns on leaves)
(This is the dafault)
There you go. Clean and legit as best as it can be.
Here's the OFFICIAL LINK on how to modify
[email protected]
Sorry, you are an idiot if you think my client is not legit. Sorry for ASSING U UP AND DID IT PURE LEGALLY. (unlike some people that cant even post screenshots without being suspended).
Oh today is again another WaCOP ass up day. Clean and Legit screenshots to come.
Try the desolation settings tho its interesting.
I feel sorry for ingame ******* that has no skill and think people have to get enhanced gaming client like they do.