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Sonoma PvP thread, v. 3.06 - ENTER AT OWN RISK

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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
even number...
Good try kiddo...

Here's the EVERYDAY fight for us, something at Waka's level (like COP) will never imaging trying. And another CLEAN and LEGIT screenshot only from SCAM guild getting killshot while being zergged the crap out of us. Prove...

And here's what happen when it's 1v1 mage fight. (or any template fight actually)

Ok sorry kiddie, go make up more stories. Whatever helps you sleep at night. :thumbup1:

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
LOL...epic raid fail by SCAM tonight. Result: All SCAM in stat..including the coward WU..who tried to run away but displayed his usual form..utter and complete failure. What do you know about that!!!! :loser:




Again ur stupidity shines WU... Look at UOAM... Lots of SCAM names in ur UOAM either a screen away (running away or coming to assist maybe) We juss happened to stay together... Go figure... Everyone I said was at the fight all on one screen for us... Not my fault ur guildies weren't on the same screen making it "look" like it was way outnumbered


Hi Anulvar...hows it going?
hey ruffles it has been going pretty good i may be coming back to ultima like tommrow or somethin like that but how is it going hun and is calisto still playing???


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
War, You are Mike Lordstrom?

AND Joe Lord?

Didn't you tell me when I posted a picture of killin' Joe Lord, it wasn't you?

If these aren't you why are you posting the pictures of the kill shots and claiming them as your own?
No its screenshots from Hugo (Mike and Joe Lord)
He was a bit upset about blatantly untruthful comments from our typical waka members. One of the biggest lies theyve trying to convence people to blieve rightnow is "Waka do not field more than COP" (They field more than COP) and "Waka can win even number face to face against scam (they have never done it yet as scam have won all the even number fights or the fights where we have more). So he sent me the screenshots (again clean and legit) showing exactly how the truth differs from waka's claim.

Including today, we raided their coon, 4 on 4, 4 waka wiped zero scam casualty. And they called in 4 and cycled 4 more chars and make it 4 on 8 and praised on how much they are skilled (joke of the new century) even tho Waka has never beaten scam even number. Yes we all got killed because we were trying to push the bridge with 2 mage 2 archer against the 8 they have turtling on the island. We got killed first time and went back with 3 people and died again. Against we will fight even if we are facing over 200% of our number. Something waka level would have never in their right mind try... oh We have 7 char died but also stated 5. Solid Snake is the ONLY char we killed after waka pushed us with over double number. Good Job snake.


i miss you guys ruffles i miss uo and if any one can tell me my icq number that would be great


trin you do have a point btw does calisto still play?
My point is quite obvious... WarUltima is a moron... He puts words in peoples mouths and tries to paint an inaccurate picture and claims everyone else cheats cause he sucks... Oh well

and yes Calisto still plays... He's in Waka...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My point is quite obvious... WarUltima is a moron... He puts words in peoples mouths and tries to paint an inaccurate picture and claims everyone else cheats cause he sucks... Oh well

and yes Calisto still plays... He's in Waka...

Sorry no story needed like waka. I have clean legit screenshots. As well as my guildies sending me clean legit screenshots to prove who the liars are.

Oh again I kept a screenshot today to prove again Trinity is full of it. (Trinnnie if you want to lie about something ingame post something to prove it and perferably keep them clean and legit).

This is from today, screenshot missing 2 people Trinity and Mr.GRIMM (corpse as shown) but dont matter (Triniry was rezzing him on old East Bridge I cant cover in 1 shot), with the 6 in screen they still outnumbered us (as usual again).
As you see Solid Snake REALLY DID DIE just like what I said in my previous posts. Therefore I am surely not the one lying.

Trinity if you are going so ingame low-life and really want to lie about a win you never earned and/or want to lie about something even you know you are being very freaking obvious at least provide something. Ok. Kiddies thesedays, you guys zerged us and won, thats good. Why not just take the zerg win than lie about even number or lie about the obvious CLEAN, LEGIT screenshots from an honest player? Again just like I said if we take this to a court, and I will be ruled the winner because I have millions of evidence and you have zero, nada, 零, but your mouth claiming everything you said is the truth.

But again whatever makes you guys sleep at night. You guys really needed them especially all the HARD, CLEAN and LEGIT evidences that everyone can see.


i miss you guys ruffles i miss uo and if any one can tell me my icq number that would be great
Heh...Ive been traveling back and forth to the states on family emergencies, so haven't been on much. I know how you feel though about missing UO.

If I knew who you are in UO and have talked to you in ICQ, most likely I would still have your number.

As for WAKA being the new Zerg, HAHAHAHAHAHA.

The only reason some are in WAKA is because they can field a large number of players. You guys know who you are and I know the ONLY reason you are in WAKA at this point in time is because of the numbers. You know nothing about loyalty or friendship.

As for Pip, Snake and bear? Didn't you three come to Sonoma to destroy the "Zerg"? HAHAHAHAHAHA and now you are in one? Not only THAT...most of those in WAKA are former SCAM...HAHAHAHAHA....the irony is pricelss. At least you three DO have some class, unlike many of the COP rejects and the former scam...then again...perhaps WAKA is now a perfect fit.


ok War, I give up...what is this?

LOL nevermind I asked my brother. however, if you took this to court you would be summarily dismissed due to lack of credibility...and that IS the truth!




Sorry no story needed like waka. I have clean legit screenshots. As well as my guildies sending me clean legit screenshots to prove who the liars are.

Oh again I kept a screenshot today to prove again Trinity is full of it. (Trinnnie if you want to lie about something ingame post something to prove it and perferably keep them clean and legit).

This is from today, screenshot missing 2 people Trinity and Mr.GRIMM (corpse as shown) but dont matter (Triniry was rezzing him on old East Bridge I cant cover in 1 shot), with the 6 in screen they still outnumbered us (as usual again).
As you see Solid Snake REALLY DID DIE just like what I said in my previous posts. Therefore I am surely not the one lying.

Trinity if you are going so ingame low-life and really want to lie about a win you never earned and/or want to lie about something even you know you are being very freaking obvious at least provide something. Ok. Kiddies thesedays, you guys zerged us and won, thats good. Why not just take the zerg win than lie about even number or lie about the obvious CLEAN, LEGIT screenshots from an honest player? Again just like I said if we take this to a court, and I will be ruled the winner because I have millions of evidence and you have zero, nada, 零, but your mouth claiming everything you said is the truth.

But again whatever makes you guys sleep at night. You guys really needed them especially all the HARD, CLEAN and LEGIT evidences that everyone can see.
Again noone said anything about even numbers at this Despise fight... My point exactly... U "claim" people say this and that... read every single one of my posts...

As for the Despise fight and me rezzing Mr. Grimm??? Hmmm I got there to the fight after u had already died... I saw u lying on the ground and said pancake DOWN upon entering the fight... I was there for the 2nd push from SCAM and only the 2nd push from SCAM... I logged for the rest of the night after that as my connection annoyed me...

But reguardless, u juss backed up my point perfectly with yet another post "claiming" I said something that was never said... gg buddy...

I've got an honest, serious question for u WarUltima... U can choose to answer it like an adult or u can choose to answer it in a childish manner...

Here it is: Why is it that u have sooooooo much hate/bitterness towards WAKA when u liked us enough to ask TurboTimmy 19 times if u could join us???


Here it is: Why is it that u have sooooooo much hate/bitterness towards WAKA when u liked us enough to ask TurboTimmy 19 times if u could join us???
Oh THAT is easy...it's called sour grapes. He's pissy cause you said no.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ok War, I give up...what is this?

LOL nevermind I asked my brother. however, if you took this to court you would be summarily dismissed due to lack of credibility...and that IS the truth!

Sorry girl, unlike the queen of hypocrisy I have prove.
And if Judge rule it as lack of credibility he will be in trouble. Maybe it works in YOUR country and quite possibly happened to YOU (i am so sorry that people dont believe you but i am not suprisied) but I living in the US.

Why are you quoting some french dude's words? It has nothing to do with anything. So your brother reads characters eh I am impressed... how about.. Ruffles you are a 說謊賤女人


Sorry girl, unlike the queen of hypocrisy I have prove.
And if Judge rule it as lack of credibility he will be in trouble. Maybe it works in YOUR country and quite possibly happened to YOU (i am so sorry that people dont believe you but i am not suprisied) but I living in the US.

Why are you quoting some french dude's words? It has nothing to do with anything. So your brother reads characters eh I am impressed... how about.. Ruffles you are a 說謊賤女人
WU, I jsut got home from the states where I spent 6 weeks involved with the US court system and I am VERY familiar with credibility being a factor in winning a case. If you tell but one lie, then your credibility is compromised. You sir, would not win because lying comes second nature to you. BTW, I won...significantly so.

Perhaps the frenchman's quote was above what you can comprehend...

Try this one...


What the hell is a lying Jiannv Ren


hey hun just think of Calistos best friend ive played with him for years OnE EyE is a hint Beat is a hint so yah andulvar is just another char of mine hehe

Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry girl, unlike the queen of hypocrisy I have prove.
And if Judge rule it as lack of credibility he will be in trouble. Maybe it works in YOUR country and quite possibly happened to YOU (i am so sorry that people dont believe you but i am not suprisied) but I living in the US.

Why are you quoting some french dude's words? It has nothing to do with anything. So your brother reads characters eh I am impressed... how about.. Ruffles you are a 說謊賤女人
WU, I jsut got home from the states where I spent 6 weeks involved with the US court system and I am VERY familiar with credibility being a factor in winning a case. If you tell but one lie, then your credibility is compromised. You sir, would not win because lying comes second nature to you. BTW, I won...significantly so.

Perhaps the frenchman's quote was above what you can comprehend...

Try this one...


What the hell is a lying Jiannv Ren
Ok, exactly what the heck are you two saying?

I hate being stumped.


hey hun just think of Calistos best friend ive played with him for years OnE EyE is a hint Beat is a hint so yah andulvar is just another char of mine hehe
Gotcha....I banned you from contacting me on ICQ because of your behavior.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And Waka's coon just got raided 4 on 5...
Only one wasnt stated is Calisto (ran as soon as I killed Asha).
We had Jesse, Lego, Dean and Me.

We didnt protect, but we walked out with all 6 scrolls and I was lucky enough to get 120 magery and 115 eval (that completes my spellbinder).

Thanks for all the fun. 5 is way too little of a number for you guys to take 4 of us. You guys must be drunk/stoned/high if you think you had a chance... and as a result, you didn't.

Just zerg it up, for the 4 of us takes 6 of you to have a fair game, 7 to be challenging, 8 to be able to really go out and kill (even tho Snake would still die with all the meat shields). * as proven in the last legit and clean screenshot.

Edit: oh ruffles, I am so sorry you are so hugely mistaken about our system. A judge cannot rule anything against bluntly obvious evidence such as photos and videos. And besides if one sided that cannot even provide not even one (1) piece of evidence (waka in this case) to prove me wrong or him being right which I provided countless of them (all clean and legit)... there's no way I will lose. Of course in the movies you can try to sleep with the judge or T can do something for him if he prefers in order to get the judge to lie too.

Sorry if we are talking about credibility then waka is cop is probably the last to talk. Waka and COP both lack in the ability to provide legit clean proves. So if I should lose the case I will sure go again with the discrimination angle for any reason. Which I am pretty sure even the judge wont like. He will be the one I am suing for obvious reason. It's like Ruffrider stood there and trash talked the gate for 3 hours and Ruffles came in and said "It never happened all COPs are mature, because I said so."

I feel pity for you, since you seem to be very wrong about my country. You seem to believe that if you can lie and lie lie more Judge would believe you and think the other party with all kinds of clean legit approved evidences being wrong? Chances are even if he pity the liars and wants to help you out you still cannot win because you cannot even supply ANYTHING worth a damn and all your "evidences" came from "coz I said so". Sorry it just dont work like you think. I really dont think the judge will rule you right for making **** up nonstop. Sorry maybe where you are from but definitely not here.


And Waka's coon just got raided 4 on 5...
Only one wasnt stated is Calisto (ran as soon as I killed Asha).
We had Jesse, Lego, Dean and Me.

We didnt protect, but we walked out with all 6 scrolls and I was lucky enough to get 120 magery and 115 eval (that completes my soulbinder).

Thanks for all the fun. 5 is way too little of a number for you guys to take 4 of us. You guys must be drunk/stoned/high if you think you had a chance... and as a result, you didn't.

Just zerg it up, for the 4 of us takes 6 of you to have a fair game, 7 to be challenging, 8 to be able to really go out and kill (even tho Snake would still die with all the meat shields). * as proven in the last legit and clean screenshot.
LOL... again here u r with another lie... Calisto, Trinity, Flip, Asha does not equal 5 no matter how ignorant u can be... However u left out a name of a SCAM member that was there... Perfectly Sinfull... It could've just been Lego but either way stop with the lying... U forgot to mention that u guys cycled through chars again... more deaths on ur end than ours... but it's all good...

we lost... we can admit losing whereas SCAM simply cannot...

I did want to point out tho that ur little claim that SCAM doesn't player tamers with GD's is false... haylee earlier and then urs truly WarUltima came down on a tamer with a GD... go figure... FACT


Edit: oh ruffles, I am so sorry you are so hugely mistaken about our system. A judge cannot rule anything against bluntly obvious evidence such as photos and videos. And besides if one sided that cannot even provide not even one (1) piece of evidence (waka in this case) to prove me wrong or him being right which I provided countless of them (all clean and legit)... there's no way I will lose. Of course in the movies you can try to sleep with the judge or T can do something for him if he prefers in order to get the judge to lie too.

Sorry if we are talking about credibility then waka is cop is probably the last to talk. Waka and COP both lack in the ability to provide legit clean proves. So if I should lose the case I will sure go again with the discrimination angle for any reason. Which I am pretty sure even the judge wont like. He will be the one I am suing for obvious reason. It's like Ruffrider stood there and trash talked the gate for 3 hours and Ruffles came in and said "It never happened all COPs are mature, because I said so."

I feel pity for you, since you seem to be very wrong about my country. You seem to believe that if you can lie and lie lie more Judge would believe you and think the other party with all kinds of clean legit approved evidences being wrong? Chances are even if he pity the liars and wants to help you out you still cannot win because you cannot even supply ANYTHING worth a damn and all your "evidences" came from "coz I said so". Sorry it just dont work like you think. I really dont think the judge will rule you right for making **** up nonstop. Sorry maybe where you are from but definitely not here.
First, so little you know about me. I was born in the US and lived there until I graduated from college. I still hold my US citizenship. I just spent 6 weeks in a US court from Oct thru Nov. Unlike you, I value the truth in ALL things.

Second...your examples of "proof" are so lacking in credibility, that in a court of law, because by your own admisson it is a simple thing to edit them. That combined with your continual perversion of the truth would get you tossed out on your ears. BTW, have you found a judge that would sleep with you for admisson of faulty evidence? I wouldn't even think of it, let alone try.

Third, I have NEVER once said that no one in my guild trash talks. We have discussed this before and you could never find the "proof" I said that. Why? because I have never said that. Again, you are telling a lie. As for screen shots...I am in COP...I was in COP when I posted my screen shots...go back and look. I run UO, UOA, Vent and sometimes UOAM. So again, another lie from you that no one in COP will post a screen shot. You on the other had still post the cropped shots with the lame excuse that its easier to see. *coughbull****cough*


Hello, im not talking **** waka, but i noticed something interesting on myuo recently, cop has three more guild members than waka, so if three more join waka than waka will officially be the new zerg and i also noticed waka has alts just like cop and scam do whom are all active, again im not talking **** hell i havent been pvping on sonoma or any shard lately uo is getting boring and it may be time to move on but its not because of pvp, i really enjoying fighting waka when i play so keep it up and keep the numbers coming! Its just uo as a whole is getting old thats why i sold my keep to bambam, anyways ill still be on sometiems to fight with scam.


Hello, im not talking **** waka, but i noticed something interesting on myuo recently, cop has three more guild members than waka, so if three more join waka than waka will officially be the new zerg and i also noticed most in waka are not alts but seperate players whom are all active, again im not talking **** hell i havent been pvping on sonoma or any shard lately uo is getting boring and it may be time to move on but its not because of pvp, i really enjoying fighting waka when i play so keep it up and keep the numbers coming! Its just uo as a whole is getting old thats why i sold my keep to bambam, anyways ill still be on sometiems to fight with scam.
Well, again you do not play enough to know how many we actually field a night. Most of the chars are alts, some people in our guild have 3 or 4 accounts with most chars in guild. But since you know everything about each char and temp and skill, i'll let you think what you want:thumbup:


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good try kiddo...

Here's the EVERYDAY fight for us, something at Waka's level (like COP) will never imaging trying. And another CLEAN and LEGIT screenshot only from SCAM guild getting killshot while being zergged the crap out of us. Prove...

And here's what happen when it's 1v1 mage fight. (or any template fight actually)

Ok sorry kiddie, go make up more stories. Whatever helps you sleep at night. :thumbup1:
You seem to be pointing out that I make up stories... I have posted on hear less than 25 times in 2 years on Sonoma. Please point out the post where I made up a story. Yeah, Geronimo died. I could have not faught him. I could have told my guild members where I was fighting. I died.. I should die. I am one of the worst mages in Fel. At least I am trying. I could very easily get on an archer or a stealther. My mage is my first choice.

Congrats Hugo on the kill. Hopefully next time will be diffrent.

Bear (Geronimo)


Darth: I can assure u that looking at the numbers is a very false way of getting an accurate count. I for one have all the chars I play in Waka (Trinity, Melody Trucido, Riverwind, Tanis Half-Elven, Viola, Dezra, Bushwick Bobbie, Doogie Howser). Snake has a ton too. Everyone in Waka has at least 2 and most have 4+ with a few others having 7 or 8. U do the math. With all that said, we do have a few people who rarely play on Sonoma or UO in general (Desyre, Ron Fellows, Philos, WRINKLES, WORD, Shadow Whisper, Don't Shoot)

WU: Avoiding the question at hand again... Even when noone is even talking to u, we see the WAKA name come out of typings... Answer the question as to why u really hate WAKA cause it seems as tho u liked it enough in the past to try and get into the guild 19 times. U and Indrid Cold both tried and tried and tried to gain access in the guild. Is it because others gained access and not u??? R u bitter over that??? I'll tell u this, the reason u never ever got in is because quite frankly NOONE LIKES U... U only got into SCAM cause they needed someone who was disliked more than any of them in the guild so that u would be the target and they could have free reign at killing people while they were busy concentrating on the absolute biggest asshat in all of Sonoma... That right there is the cold hearted solid truth...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A few points.......

1) In a post a few above Trinity used the # of people in the UOAM as proof SCAM wasn't zerged.. Well that UOAM is the one being used for the SCAM members playing on NAPA as well (our normal one is a members laptop which is currently down atm)... Anyway, a bunch of the names shown in the UOAM referenced are NAPA people...

2) You guys all Rip on War for being a liar and spinning the truth etc.. Yet he's the ONLY one I see actually posting screenshots to backup what he says... That means he's supplying FAR MORE proof than the rest of you so unless your going to post your own screenshots pls shut it.....


2) You guys all Rip on War for being a liar and spinning the truth etc.. Yet he's the ONLY one I see actually posting screenshots to backup what he says... That means he's supplying FAR MORE proof than the rest of you so unless your going to post your own screenshots pls shut it.....
Excuse me? The ONLY one? I have posted some FULL screen shots. I have also seen WAKA post screen shots. WU has posted a few full screen shots but most of his are cropped, yet he continually pound his drum for others to post full. Don't you see a a bit of hypocrisy there? On another note...I am glad to see someone likes WU.

*starts humming the Barney song*


A few points.......

1) In a post a few above Trinity used the # of people in the UOAM as proof SCAM wasn't zerged.. Well that UOAM is the one being used for the SCAM members playing on NAPA as well (our normal one is a members laptop which is currently down atm)... Anyway, a bunch of the names shown in the UOAM referenced are NAPA people...

2) You guys all Rip on War for being a liar and spinning the truth etc.. Yet he's the ONLY one I see actually posting screenshots to backup what he says... That means he's supplying FAR MORE proof than the rest of you so unless your going to post your own screenshots pls shut it.....
I actually find fault in point #1 man... Before WU even posted I named the people Waka had... His Screenshot proves I had nothing to lie about... As far as that map being one that had Napa people on it... Hmmmm, I find it a bit strange that they seemed to be within a screen of the EXACT area as Joe Lord at the time...

The point that needs to be made here actually is based on one simple word... Integrity... If u were there admit it... it's a ****in video game for cryin out loud... R u really gonna lose face in admitting that u were in game at the time of question??? Really??? They were on and anyone with any bit of integrity would admit that they were on...

It's been established SCAM as a guild is in denial... They make excuses for every battle lost... They deny being there because none of us CARE to take screenshots... NONE of us... it's a waste of time... the time it takes to take a screenshot, take urself away from playing is pointless... I dunno about u but I don't play this game to take photo's of what goes on in the game...

I'll tell u what I will get UOSS and post pics for one week just to shut ur lying guild up... Full screen nothing hiding... I'm gonna post bodies everywhere. whether I get the kill shot or not... the carnage will be seen by everyone... I find it rediculous but wtfever... u chumps will get the truth force fed down ur throats...

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Including today, we raided their coon, 4 on 4, 4 waka wiped zero scam casualty. And they called in 4 and cycled 4 more chars and make it 4 on 8 and praised on how much they are skilled (joke of the new century) even tho Waka has never beaten scam even number. Yes we all got killed because we were trying to push the bridge with 2 mage 2 archer against the 8 they have turtling on the island. We got killed first time and went back with 3 people and died again. Against we will fight even if we are facing over 200% of our number. Something waka level would have never in their right mind try... oh We have 7 char died but also stated 5. Solid Snake is the ONLY char we killed after waka pushed us with over double number. Good Job snake.
LOL...Okay...So I have to say one thing on this man..if you are going to spin it WU spin it right. Waka actually had 5 there. 3 Blue Mages, 1 Blue Archer and 1 Red mage. When 2 members went to Terra and followed 2 SCAM they left without support. 2 more SCAM showed up to kill them with the other 2 (4v2). After that they ran onto the island where they killed 2 necros in wraith form and an Archery. We came back (minus asha) all on the same chars. Wiped SCAM off the island with ease (yes we had you by a few, but with your l33t skills, why didyou not win). SCAM then cyled through there 4 chars and came back with tamers and a bunch of archers. I think they actually came back 5 strong as well. We then killed the champ and killed them at the same time with ease. So WU, shut your trap unless you can atleast spin the truth partly. I did die twice. One was a legit kill. The other a guildmate locked up behind me on bridge and I was unable to move and got, OMG, AI spammed by the skilled SCAM archer, LMAO! So Ill even toss out that I did die. Now when you can spin the truth you can keep talking. Truth is Waka walked away with all 12 scrolls and statted atleast 8 SCAM chars. Have a good night dip****.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nope I have screenshots I dont have to spin anything. Sorry kiddo.
We just caught waka even number 5v5 and this is what happened...

Then Jesse and Goldberg and Hugo all got irratated and went to play Napa because waka wont fight us even number without the house (as seem in screenshot). Blue mage that we cant stat just doing fields from the house and basically its purely copish.

Peon dont matter as we are the only true lone wolf and the only guild that arent zerggy we will get pounded from both sides. Especially when they cant even post anything clean and legit. Waka and COP share same tactics/supportive fighting pvp style. Very different from scam. Not suprisied. I just feel pity for liars... oh well, the world is dirty room for us honest people is just getting smaller and smaller.

Zerg it up WaCOPs.


Nope I have screenshots I dont have to spin anything. Sorry kiddo.
We just caught waka even number 5v5 and this is what happened...

Then Jesse and Goldberg and Hugo all got irratated and went to play Napa because waka wont fight us even number without the house (as seem in screenshot). Blue mage that we cant stat just doing fields from the house and basically its purely copish.

Peon dont matter as we are the only true lone wolf and the only guild that arent zerggy we will get pounded from both sides. Especially when they cant even post anything clean and legit. Waka and COP share same tactics/supportive fighting pvp style. Very different from scam. Not suprisied. I just feel pity for liars... oh well, the world is dirty room for us honest people is just getting smaller and smaller.

Zerg it up WaCOPs.
Hey, honest question here... Snow was removed 2 days ago... Why haven't u patched yet???

Most of us already know the answer tho... U don't have to answer that one...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was snow removed? And clean legit UO client will not receive an update unless you restart it. (At least thats how mine works). Try it sometimes... and if you dont have to restart client to get patched you show me how to do it. Btw running with snow is heavier penalty due to the floating tiles (you probably have never seem them before). I dont even know why I would do that. Thanks for reminding me tho. Let me go get it patched.

And this is Ruffle's credibility. Since you said COP is the best "PvP Guild" and also you claimed (last page of the last pvp thread and beginning of this one) that COP still wreck people the most and this is the score of the best PvP guild versus the only lonewolf none zerging pvp guild on Sonoma.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And patched up

Sigh... you should go talk to woowoo about his funky screenies tho.


Was snow removed? And clean legit UO client will not receive an update unless you restart it. (At least thats how mine works). Try it sometimes... QUOTE]

rofl what??? ok, so you never restarted uo in the past 2 days??? Sssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee!
moron for the win:thumbup1:

In case you did not understand that, i'll try to explain it a little more. When you restart uo your client will patch, unless you stop it. And i think most know why scam would stop that patch, same reason why most never show up for a couple days after one.


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LoL Trin.... If I had to guess I'd say that War got the infamous "error applying patch" message (@ which point your typically screwed till you do a fresh install). I mean we both know that he's not client editing bc he's posting so many screenshots so what exactly are you implying? (Actually don't answer that bc I'm pretty sure Hunter would give you an infraction if you did). Anyway... perhaps it's as simple as launching UO.exe instead of the patcher??? lol.. I know I had that setup for awhile when they were doing 300 mb patches that I wasn't forced to DL to play.. so why waste my PvP time till I have to??

PS. Trin... I love how Taking screenshots in game (what ? maybe 0.1 seconds?) is "Wasting Time" yet you still bother to post here? Why not simply hit printscreen and actually have proof of ohhhhhh how leet you are?


LoL Trin.... If I had to guess I'd say that War got the infamous "error applying patch" message (@ which point your typically screwed till you do a fresh install). I mean we both know that he's not client editing bc he's posting so many screenshots so what exactly are you implying? (Actually don't answer that bc I'm pretty sure Hunter would give you an infraction if you did). Anyway... perhaps it's as simple as launching UO.exe instead of the patcher??? lol.. I know I had that setup for awhile when they were doing 300 mb patches that I wasn't forced to DL to play.. so why waste my PvP time till I have to??

PS. Trin... I love how Taking screenshots in game (what ? maybe 0.1 seconds?) is "Wasting Time" yet you still bother to post here? Why not simply hit printscreen and actually have proof of ohhhhhh how leet you are?
I post here when there's downtime... I'm not going to stop in the middle of a fight to print screen go in and paste it in paint and edit it mid fight... Sorry... not my cup of tea so yea I refuse to waste my time doing so... But hey whatever floats ur boats guys... If u can live with urselves knowing that ur not being entirely true then hey more power to ya... give urselves a cookie...


Good Job Scam!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on **** talking me and talking about how the numbers are never even.... Once again tonight, Jesse dueled me at the farms (His mage 5 rules), He got wasted.... Then eli told me to use necro mage because he was a scribe mage who omen poisons and lethals me.... Yet again eli lost miserably. So before any SCAM wants to post ANYTHING about numbers you guys can't be me one on one.... So just stop talking end of story. Oh... Lego wouldn't duel... he bailed out of there, after his 15 second duel last time, he didn't want anymore. :(


Hello, im not talking **** waka, but i noticed something interesting on myuo recently, cop has three more guild members than waka, so if three more join waka than waka will officially be the new zerg and i also noticed most in waka are not alts but seperate players whom are all active, again im not talking **** hell i havent been pvping on sonoma or any shard lately uo is getting boring and it may be time to move on but its not because of pvp, i really enjoying fighting waka when i play so keep it up and keep the numbers coming! Its just uo as a whole is getting old thats why i sold my keep to bambam, anyways ill still be on sometiems to fight with scam.
I suggest you get your facts straights, or do some research. I personally have 3 characters in Waka, and so do countless other Wakas, if not more than 3.


The character list for guilds on uo.com should only be a gauge for how many actual people are in that guild. Every guild has people with multiple characters. Waka shows 73 I would bet there is about 14-18 actual people (not all active). Scam show 52 so maybe 10-14 (again not all active) .

I have no idea what to make of the two cop guilds showing 87 and 73 plus being allied to mofo.
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