Look Cal I know how you hate Facts! OMG that's so funny when you say your the best pvper in UO history HAHA! Lets look at some facts shall we?
#1. You claim you are the best pvper in uo history, but how is it I beat you for a whopping 50 mil (that you never Paid ;P)
#2. Here is a small list of people I seen mop the floor with you that is NOT me, Hacker Prodigy, Willy Wonka (LS), Jerry Austin, Just to name a few. (by the way that was 1v1's or 1v2's in your favor)
#3. Get to Googleling see what you find sir

#4. You continue to call me a liar, but you have nothing to say that I am. Just your words, I have shown proof.
One other difference between you and I, you use programs and speed hacks and I DO NOT meaning it will be all to sweet when I win!
Last but not least PLEASE prove me wrong, come here and fight me? If you beat me 1v1 post the pic and I will never post on these boards again. Please come shut me up! You wont though cause you can't beat me. Come and we will fight! After I beat you in a 1v1, I will post the screen shot and that must mean I am the best pvper UO has ever seen right?
You're an absolute moron, and someone who isn't really clever whatsoever.
Listen mwchounknown... I'll readdress this monstrosity of chronic lies and deception one more time since you are obviously to slow and stupid to comprehend my first couple posts, seeing as how they destroyed the very fabric of your twisted and hollowed reality.
Now, grab my hand, and we will walk slowly through the tormented and sick ways of some socially inept fat loser whom lies about beating players on plateaus he couldn't reach with a helicopter.
@ # 1. You never beat me for 50m kid. First off, you've never killed me once. Produce one single screenshot of you killing me and I'll gladly throw 100m towards you now. I know it didn't happen because well, I'm the greatest player in the game, by a large margin that you couldn't begin to comprehend junior.
Still with me? I know that is alot of reading for 'yall down n da countryz' but I'm going to assume we both still hand and hand are traveling through this well written and cleverly put together train of absolute incredible thought that is me and all my glory. Let us go to number 2 now.
@ # 2. Hacker didn't mop the floor with me period. Wonka and Lynx used to lose 2v1s to me all day and night, even on their bokuto evade ep mages. Yeah, they were alot better than you though, seeing as how... wait... did you even play 2 years ago? ROFL. Jerry/Paith is just terrible. Again, he's alot better than you [thats not saying much].
Assuming you haven't already suicided and are still breathing after reading all of these facts and coming to the conclusion that you are borderline insane and require medical attention, we shall move onto number 3.
@ # 3. It took about 3 minutes to use 3 different search engines to correlate your char names with mine. Isn't it suprising that the ONLY thread in existance on the internet right now from 2004-2009 that contains both of our names is... THIS THREAD? I guess I sabotaged the world wide web just to prevent you from telling the world of your alleged 50m win right? Talentless clowns like you make me giggle so much with your inbred stupidity, it reassures me why I support abortion.
OMG! We are totally approaching the end. If you've made it this far through the read than I am now sure you have atleast the education of a typical american 5th grader. This is probably the only thing in your life you've actually completed from start to finish so I will sure to award a big happy face at the end if you do indeed complete this epic task.
@ # 4. I have just proved you a liar once again you inbred trash. You have posted no proof. You haven't produced one single thread, or screenshot of you ever beating me in any aspect of the game.
Now since we've been through all of this stupidity and what not, and I've reassured you that you are a mental nutcase, lets move on to more prudent and important matters.
I'll come 'fight you' [I'm assuming we're field fighting, with a certain limit on resources to avoid a 3 hour runfest/debacle.] for 200m. You only need put 100m, which is HALF of what I'm putting up. Now you could say 'ZOMG D00D YOU WONTZ PAY CUZ I LIES BOUTS BEETIN YAZ'... but I'm putting up DOUBLE of YOUR INVESTMENT. I mean I haven't played for about 6 months and I'm positive I'll dispatch of you quickly.
We can use any reputable broker... YES I SAID REPUTABLE. His name cannot be 'mwochhemai ownzd00d'. I'm sure it'll end up being 'mweochema is da bomb' instead but it is whatever. You zerglings are all the same.
You're bad as hell at the game. So quickly spin together another web of lies as too why we can't fight for gold, and how brokers aren't legit and whatnot.