Wow TDR - Fun fight guys
One of the funnest 5 v 5's I've had the pleasure of fighting in a long time.
I am not **** talking in any of this, everyone played well. If I've skewed part of the story please correct me.
I don't know how many deaths you guys took, but I know we only took one (which was me, nice dump on me btw - we traded off 1 for 1 there).
I might be a little biased, but I'd say we won the fight. But it was fun for sure. I think you guys would have fared much better but Kill Shot seemed like he was afraid to go grey to be a target so he wasn't really crosshealing much. After he did he ran into the house a few times after he got holy lighted.
TB Alliance Line up- Kalas, Tank, Tails, Lore Denin, Cecil Harvey
J^W Line up - Mal, Sedric, Cashville, Oblivion, and KILL SHOT
Heres my screenies, Mal i'm sure you have some too please post them. I'll unignore you for this brief conversation.
These aren't all the deaths, just the ones I was on screen to see the name pop up in the bottom left or the kill shot. I had to jog to the corner of the screen a few times cuz I was pretty close to a dirt nap.
First Malador shot
After Mal went down Kill shot was flagged grey and he kinda bailed. Oblivion/Casheville teled up top to escape the holy light. 3 v 2 on the roof Cash got synced on pretty good. Oblivion did make an effort to heal but it was too late and he got a good tele down.
Couple more shots of mal.. I'll admit I may have called you as a target on purpose a few more times than others.
Heres Kill shot down after Mal went down and the other 3 teled into the sheep pen to escape the light spam.
This ones a res kill..
And Oblivian..
I know we got Sedric a few times but I have no screenies of it. *edit..** the res kill one was of sed, I missed the original kill.
Again, fun fight to all involved, I hope we can do it again soon.