Depends entirely on the opponent.
Also, like I said, I have seen many people stand up to my Greater Dragon. They know how to play vs. Greater Dragons.
Why is it that any template any given PvPer doesn't play = gimp?
This whole thread is one great big whine-fest... I am out of it.
You have no idea what balanace in pvp is do you.. All templates that have the killing power of the GD Dragon (in the past) Have all been completely nerfed or changed because they are "Overpowered"
Yes some templates (Some lol) can stand up to a dragon.. but lets use this as a example..
Ninja Stealth Tamer is effective aginst all but what.. Three Skills? Peace Disco Chiv?
So.. you are saying that we all need to adapt correct? So lets break this down.. We all Gimp ourselves to fight tamers (Meaning we pick up Music Peace/ Music Disco/ Chiv) On all of our pvp templates.. inorder to fight ONE template.. strange.. Where as.. a Animal lore/Animal Taming is effective aginst All but 3 Skills in this game.. Thats a very strange "Balance"
Next.. Yes a Mage can do massive damage at once.. Even more so, A Necro Mage.. but lets Consider this..
Explosion (Interruptable)
Flamestrike (INterruptable)
Evil Omen (Interruptable)
Pain Spike (Interruptable and damage varries on a Skill, Magic Resist)
Now.. the kicker.. In order for this combo to be lethal, they have to be Corpseskin/Cursed.. which is 2 more spells which are ... interruptable, and can be removed each 15 Seconds by an item which requires 0 Mana/Health/Skill. or Chiv.
NOW!! the best part... Mages also stop to cast (Hard to believe i know) So at any point in that combo.. the person who is getting attacked can just.. move off screen. Use a Heal and Bam.. Combo ruined.. effectiveness destroyed.
Tamers though..
Bite (Non interruptable, though is affected by DCI/Parry, BUT dragons can get above 120 Wrestling.. 35-55 Damage)
Bleed (Which will be followed by the bite.. sometimes even if the bite doesnt land, Non interrutable, Can mess up All forms of healing, Confidence, mage heals, bandaids, chiv, spiritspeak, Except for potions. and will do At least 22 Damage unless removed)
Fireball (Non interruptable, can be used while someone is on screen, can be fired when someone is off screen, will do instane ammounts of damage for a Single Ability, Is based off of your suits resist, though being completely undebuffed will still do 60+ Damage)
As well as various other spells which are also.. Non interruptable, You cannot prepare for because the dragon doesnt use Power Words for Casting.. You cannot judge how many or how quickly the dragon will cast because it doesnt have 2/5 2/6 4/6 Casting like player casting skills require.
While On top of.. a 900+ Health Pool.. which is what.. 8x the ammount of a pvper with a *Sick* HP Inc suit on?
Now lets make it even more intersting.. lets say the Tamer is a
Archer / Ninja *For form only* / Healing tamer..
Able to use Ninja Form to Get away from anything, can use bandaids on the run While in animal form as well as potions.
Can use a Dismounting bow which will do very nice damage due to having Tactics/Anatomy.
And has a 900+ HP meat shield to keep himself alive.
Lets look at some numbers..
Dismount (Spell Proc / Anatomy / Tactics bonus / DI ) Around.. 35-50?
Bite (Due to dragons jumping on target when commanded to kill) 35-55? With Bleed? + 22 = *AT MINIMUM* 57 (With bleed interrupts)
Fireball *At Minimum* 55
And Spells.. but lets say it only does an 11 Damage lightning.. So whats that.
At minimum 158 Damage.. Which can *NOT be interrupted aside from bleed* Can *NOT* Be prepared for except Fireball (If you are lucky and catch the annimation)
All the while.. the tamer can ALSO moving shot you and the dragon can obviously cast more than 1 lightning.
No other template has this kind of killing power, No other template Has this kind of Defensive Power, No other template requires people to Run Certain Non pvp skills (Such As Music / Dicso / Peace) to fight.
All it comes down to is the people (Like Morgan) Who are enjoying this complete overpoweredness are oblivious to the fact that these dragons Alone are overpowered.. and when in conjunction with Any other Offensive/Defensive skills makes the GD tamer the most powerful template on UO Currently.
Yes mages/dexxers/necros ect ect all have Very nice Combos and specials which allow them to do sick damage, but ALL of these are affected in some way by A Damage Cap, Spell Interruption, Range Check, and can be stopped in some way by Items/Skills which are *Meant* For Pvp.. Unlike having to take up 1 to 4 Non Pvp Skills (Chiv/Music/Peace/Disco) in order to combat ONE Creature, The Greater Dragon.
Open your eyes..