I cannot see how EA can afford to not create a classic shard.
See, Morgana...this is the part that is going to be the hardest for you to swallow, and the most difficult for you to grasp, due to your paradigms.
I will preface by saying that what you
do see is exactly what you
want to see, or what fits what you already know, just like me, and everyone else. We filter our stuff, and some makes it, and other stuff just doesn't. That's how paradigms work.
You cannot see how EA can't understand how huge the demand is for a classic shard...how people are standing in line, money in hand, if they would just do it. Since Free Shards do it...for
free nonetheless...why in the
world doesn't EA?
Think about it. Do you really think that after like 8 years of daily pleading, begging, and people on Stratics telling EA what an opportunity awaits them to the point of the Mods prohibiting such shards...that EA hasn't had it looked at at least a few times, particularly in light of what would appear to be declining subscriptions? I certainly would think they have, and probably in depth, at that.
But...unless they are delusional, absolutely averse to making money, even in modest sums...unless EA has chosen to completely turn it's back on doing what it is supposed to do, for it's shareholders, and make money...
Then they...EA...
do understand, at least one would hazard to guess, that the chance for profits doesn't exist in a large enough measure, in putting out a "Classic" shard to warrant the expenditures required to achieve it. They no doubt have crunched the numbers...weighed the variables...looked at models. How could they possibly not have done this?
And at the end of it all...with the
actual data like Focus Group results, actual shard and facet populations, and percent of population etc. etc. etc. that you nor I have, right in their hands, and they are able to be evaluate the data seven ways to Sunday...the real numbers...the ones that could make or break someone's livelihood if misinterpreted...
EA hasn't yet, and so far still can't see the reason to do it. And that is, after all, what really counts.
So, unless you are able to convince them with
your numbers and data, that whatever they are looking at, that is causing them to not act favorably can be overlooked, and they can take the dive because you and your fellow Stratics posters that are proponents believe, with all your hearts, that a Classic Shard will be a huge success....
I am thinking this Lead Zeppelin may not fly.
And, in closing, I will say again that if a Classic Shard would help UO, and bring in the revenues that proponents claim it would, I would say go for it, in a second.
But only if.
Nothing is impossible.
I will hereby hope that whatever data they are looking at gives them the impetus to undertake a Classic Shard for all of you that really want it, and that it would be wildly successful. Maybe Draconi and other could figure out a way that no one had thought of before, or something, and make it profitable.