This was initially going to be in the FoF but since it turned out to be much longer than expected, we decided to make a different thread altogether.
A number of issues have been identified since the implementation of the champ spawn changes, all of which should be rectified with Publish 58. Hopefully, the following Q&A will address all outstanding questions you may have about this system and how it should be working once Pub 58 goes live.
1. How do I receive SoTs?
You simply have to kill the spawn in the champ area. Each time a creature is killed, every player who did sufficient damage to the monster to earn looting rights has a chance of receiving a SoT. In Felucca, if you are protecting a player receiving a SoT, you will receive a SoT as well as long as you are within range.
2. How do I receive a Replica?
Only players who worked a sufficient portion of the current spawn have a chance of receiving the Replica. You earn points for working the spawn. When the champ dies, a list of all the players having met the minimum point requirement is pulled. A roll is performed to determine whether or not a reward will be given. If yes, the player with the highest spawn points has a 10% chance of automatically receiving that reward. If the top player loses the roll, he’s put back in the list and a random player in that list is given the reward. You MUST be in the area when the champ dies to receive that reward.
The bug which allowed players who didn’t work the current spawn to receive the replica has been fixed and will be in Pub 58.
3. How do I get Powerscrolls?
You must do sufficient damage to the champ to have a chance of receiving a Powerscroll. You do not need to have worked the spawn at all. Protectors receive a random Powerscroll each time someone under their protection receives one as well. Note that the protector must be within range of the protected player. Parking the protector halfway across the world for safety no longer works. You also have a chance of receiving a 105 each time you kill a creature while leveling the spawn.
The bug which allowed players to receive Powerscrolls for simply working the spawn has been fixed and will be in Pub 58.
4. How are the leveling points obtained?
The spawn is divided into 4 levels, each giving a different amount of points for creatures killed. Level 1 and 4 give the least points as level 1 is extremely easy and level 4 is usually extremely short and would unfairly benefit late comers. Each time a creature is killed, every player who did sufficient damage to earn looting rights is given points according to the level of that creature. It is not based on kill shot. Once the champ is killed and the reward has been handed out, the points list is wiped clean.
The bug which causes spawn points to carry over from one spawn to the other, thus allowing players who didn’t work the current spawn to receive the reward has been fixed and will be in Pub 58.
5. What about previous level spawn and left over spawn?
When the spawn levels up, killing creatures from the previous level helps advance the spawn and continues to earn you points. Once the spawn is over and the champion has been defeated, killing left over spawn does not earn you points as the points are only being tracked while a spawn is active and only for the creatures linked to that spawn. However, left over spawn can still earn you a SoT.
6. What is the drop SoT/105 rate?
The drop rate is approximately 3%. In Felucca, whenever a scroll is given, it stands a 50/50 chance of being either a SoT or a 105 PS. In Trammel, the scroll will always be a SoT.
As the RNG caused the drop rate in Trammel to be extremely low, we no longer perform the 105 roll in that ruleset. So whenever it is determined that a scroll would be given in Trammel, a SoT automatically is. This change has effectively evened out the overall SoT drop on both facets.
7. What is the rewards drop rate?
The drop rate is 30%. When the champ is killed, your chance of receiving a reward is broken down as follows:
5 % for unique reward
15% for decorative item
10% for shared reward
Shared rewards are equippables that at least 2 champions can give. In most cases, only 2 or 3 champs will share any given reward. Decorative items are almost always exclusive to each champ. The only exceptions are the lava, swamp and “water” tiles which are each shared by 2 champions.
8. What is the durability of these rewards?
All equippable rewards have a set durability of 150/150. You cannot use powder of fortification on them but they can be repaired using the appropriate skill or repair deed. Some of these rewards are currently spawning with 255/255 durability. This is a bug that has been fixed and will be in Publish 58.
Rewards with 255/255 durability obtained prior to Pub 58 will not be scaled back down 150.
9. What if I’m dead when the champ dies?
If you were chosen to receive the reward and are dead at the time the champ is killed, the Powerscroll or Replica will be placed on your corpse. This feature was not functioning properly for the Replicas but has been fixed for Pub 58. Note that both living and dead players that are overweight or have no room in their backpack or corpse will not get the reward. The heaviest item weights 10 stones so keep that in mind when spawning.
10. Can I leave during the spawn or work multiple spawns at once?
You can leave anytime you want. As of Pub 58, as long as the spawn is active, any points you have earned during that spawn will remain until the spawn ends. Each altar tracks points earned for its own spawn, independently of the other altars. But keep in mind that if you are working Altar B when the boss at Altar A dies, even if you qualified for a reward at Altar A you will not receive it as you were not there. Also, you need to earn a minimum number of points to make it to the list of people eligible for a reward, with a non-negligible bonus for the player earning the most points at a given altar.
11. What’s the deal with some items not losing durability?
Some item slots traditionally weren’t affected by wear and tear. Some of the new Replicas equipped in these slots are therefore not taking damage. This should be fixed in Publish 58. Current items’ durability will not be affected retroactively but will start taking damage after the publish is released.
12. Why does Felucca get SoTs with higher points and dubs for Protection?
The champ spawns were created as an incentive to play in Felucca and to promote PvP. These latest additions are simply meant to breathe new life in a system getting a little stale. Making them available in Trammel as well is so players who do not wish to be involved in PvP can still have access to the new content while rewarding those willing to expose themselves to greater risks.
13. Are Ilshenar Champions supposed to spawn as Paragons?
By design, any creature spawning in Ilshenar has a chance of becoming a Paragon and currently, this is what is happening to champs as well. However, we feel this is making them way too difficult. So as of Pub 58, the Champions will no longer spawn as Paragons. However, the spawn throughout the four levels can still become Paragons.
14. What about ghost cams?
Fixing ghost cams is an ongoing concern and we are working on solutions to effectively rid us of the problem without unfairly punishing or nerfing the legitimate players. As part of a first step in accomplishing this, starting Pub 58, restrictions will be placed on Trial Accounts so they cannot be used in champ spawn areas.
15. How many rewards are there in total?
There are 55 rewards total. To this however, add the fact that the Detective boots have 3 different intensities with 3 different names. The Knowledge shrouds also come with 3 different intensities but similar names and the slimes come in two different hues. The decorative items will now come facing a single direction but the demon skulls, futons and water tiles can be turned to the other facing using the house deco tool.
16. Can I dye these Replicas?
Yes. All the equippable Replicas are dyable with the appropriate tub or with Tokuno dyes. If you are unable to do so with any of these items, please report this through the feedback form so it can be looked into. Make sure that the item in question has the [Replica] tag. Not to be confused with the original EM rewards which were, for the most part, non-dyable.
Please do not hesitate to post any further questions you need clarified.
A number of issues have been identified since the implementation of the champ spawn changes, all of which should be rectified with Publish 58. Hopefully, the following Q&A will address all outstanding questions you may have about this system and how it should be working once Pub 58 goes live.
1. How do I receive SoTs?
You simply have to kill the spawn in the champ area. Each time a creature is killed, every player who did sufficient damage to the monster to earn looting rights has a chance of receiving a SoT. In Felucca, if you are protecting a player receiving a SoT, you will receive a SoT as well as long as you are within range.
2. How do I receive a Replica?
Only players who worked a sufficient portion of the current spawn have a chance of receiving the Replica. You earn points for working the spawn. When the champ dies, a list of all the players having met the minimum point requirement is pulled. A roll is performed to determine whether or not a reward will be given. If yes, the player with the highest spawn points has a 10% chance of automatically receiving that reward. If the top player loses the roll, he’s put back in the list and a random player in that list is given the reward. You MUST be in the area when the champ dies to receive that reward.
The bug which allowed players who didn’t work the current spawn to receive the replica has been fixed and will be in Pub 58.
3. How do I get Powerscrolls?
You must do sufficient damage to the champ to have a chance of receiving a Powerscroll. You do not need to have worked the spawn at all. Protectors receive a random Powerscroll each time someone under their protection receives one as well. Note that the protector must be within range of the protected player. Parking the protector halfway across the world for safety no longer works. You also have a chance of receiving a 105 each time you kill a creature while leveling the spawn.
The bug which allowed players to receive Powerscrolls for simply working the spawn has been fixed and will be in Pub 58.
4. How are the leveling points obtained?
The spawn is divided into 4 levels, each giving a different amount of points for creatures killed. Level 1 and 4 give the least points as level 1 is extremely easy and level 4 is usually extremely short and would unfairly benefit late comers. Each time a creature is killed, every player who did sufficient damage to earn looting rights is given points according to the level of that creature. It is not based on kill shot. Once the champ is killed and the reward has been handed out, the points list is wiped clean.
The bug which causes spawn points to carry over from one spawn to the other, thus allowing players who didn’t work the current spawn to receive the reward has been fixed and will be in Pub 58.
5. What about previous level spawn and left over spawn?
When the spawn levels up, killing creatures from the previous level helps advance the spawn and continues to earn you points. Once the spawn is over and the champion has been defeated, killing left over spawn does not earn you points as the points are only being tracked while a spawn is active and only for the creatures linked to that spawn. However, left over spawn can still earn you a SoT.
6. What is the drop SoT/105 rate?
The drop rate is approximately 3%. In Felucca, whenever a scroll is given, it stands a 50/50 chance of being either a SoT or a 105 PS. In Trammel, the scroll will always be a SoT.
As the RNG caused the drop rate in Trammel to be extremely low, we no longer perform the 105 roll in that ruleset. So whenever it is determined that a scroll would be given in Trammel, a SoT automatically is. This change has effectively evened out the overall SoT drop on both facets.
7. What is the rewards drop rate?
The drop rate is 30%. When the champ is killed, your chance of receiving a reward is broken down as follows:
5 % for unique reward
15% for decorative item
10% for shared reward
Shared rewards are equippables that at least 2 champions can give. In most cases, only 2 or 3 champs will share any given reward. Decorative items are almost always exclusive to each champ. The only exceptions are the lava, swamp and “water” tiles which are each shared by 2 champions.
8. What is the durability of these rewards?
All equippable rewards have a set durability of 150/150. You cannot use powder of fortification on them but they can be repaired using the appropriate skill or repair deed. Some of these rewards are currently spawning with 255/255 durability. This is a bug that has been fixed and will be in Publish 58.
Rewards with 255/255 durability obtained prior to Pub 58 will not be scaled back down 150.
9. What if I’m dead when the champ dies?
If you were chosen to receive the reward and are dead at the time the champ is killed, the Powerscroll or Replica will be placed on your corpse. This feature was not functioning properly for the Replicas but has been fixed for Pub 58. Note that both living and dead players that are overweight or have no room in their backpack or corpse will not get the reward. The heaviest item weights 10 stones so keep that in mind when spawning.
10. Can I leave during the spawn or work multiple spawns at once?
You can leave anytime you want. As of Pub 58, as long as the spawn is active, any points you have earned during that spawn will remain until the spawn ends. Each altar tracks points earned for its own spawn, independently of the other altars. But keep in mind that if you are working Altar B when the boss at Altar A dies, even if you qualified for a reward at Altar A you will not receive it as you were not there. Also, you need to earn a minimum number of points to make it to the list of people eligible for a reward, with a non-negligible bonus for the player earning the most points at a given altar.
11. What’s the deal with some items not losing durability?
Some item slots traditionally weren’t affected by wear and tear. Some of the new Replicas equipped in these slots are therefore not taking damage. This should be fixed in Publish 58. Current items’ durability will not be affected retroactively but will start taking damage after the publish is released.
12. Why does Felucca get SoTs with higher points and dubs for Protection?
The champ spawns were created as an incentive to play in Felucca and to promote PvP. These latest additions are simply meant to breathe new life in a system getting a little stale. Making them available in Trammel as well is so players who do not wish to be involved in PvP can still have access to the new content while rewarding those willing to expose themselves to greater risks.
13. Are Ilshenar Champions supposed to spawn as Paragons?
By design, any creature spawning in Ilshenar has a chance of becoming a Paragon and currently, this is what is happening to champs as well. However, we feel this is making them way too difficult. So as of Pub 58, the Champions will no longer spawn as Paragons. However, the spawn throughout the four levels can still become Paragons.
14. What about ghost cams?
Fixing ghost cams is an ongoing concern and we are working on solutions to effectively rid us of the problem without unfairly punishing or nerfing the legitimate players. As part of a first step in accomplishing this, starting Pub 58, restrictions will be placed on Trial Accounts so they cannot be used in champ spawn areas.
15. How many rewards are there in total?
There are 55 rewards total. To this however, add the fact that the Detective boots have 3 different intensities with 3 different names. The Knowledge shrouds also come with 3 different intensities but similar names and the slimes come in two different hues. The decorative items will now come facing a single direction but the demon skulls, futons and water tiles can be turned to the other facing using the house deco tool.
16. Can I dye these Replicas?
Yes. All the equippable Replicas are dyable with the appropriate tub or with Tokuno dyes. If you are unable to do so with any of these items, please report this through the feedback form so it can be looked into. Make sure that the item in question has the [Replica] tag. Not to be confused with the original EM rewards which were, for the most part, non-dyable.
Please do not hesitate to post any further questions you need clarified.