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Champ Spawn Pub 58 Fixes and Q&A


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This was initially going to be in the FoF but since it turned out to be much longer than expected, we decided to make a different thread altogether.

A number of issues have been identified since the implementation of the champ spawn changes, all of which should be rectified with Publish 58. Hopefully, the following Q&A will address all outstanding questions you may have about this system and how it should be working once Pub 58 goes live.

1. How do I receive SoTs?

You simply have to kill the spawn in the champ area. Each time a creature is killed, every player who did sufficient damage to the monster to earn looting rights has a chance of receiving a SoT. In Felucca, if you are protecting a player receiving a SoT, you will receive a SoT as well as long as you are within range.

2. How do I receive a Replica?

Only players who worked a sufficient portion of the current spawn have a chance of receiving the Replica. You earn points for working the spawn. When the champ dies, a list of all the players having met the minimum point requirement is pulled. A roll is performed to determine whether or not a reward will be given. If yes, the player with the highest spawn points has a 10% chance of automatically receiving that reward. If the top player loses the roll, he’s put back in the list and a random player in that list is given the reward. You MUST be in the area when the champ dies to receive that reward.

The bug which allowed players who didn’t work the current spawn to receive the replica has been fixed and will be in Pub 58.

3. How do I get Powerscrolls?

You must do sufficient damage to the champ to have a chance of receiving a Powerscroll. You do not need to have worked the spawn at all. Protectors receive a random Powerscroll each time someone under their protection receives one as well. Note that the protector must be within range of the protected player. Parking the protector halfway across the world for safety no longer works. You also have a chance of receiving a 105 each time you kill a creature while leveling the spawn.

The bug which allowed players to receive Powerscrolls for simply working the spawn has been fixed and will be in Pub 58.

4. How are the leveling points obtained?

The spawn is divided into 4 levels, each giving a different amount of points for creatures killed. Level 1 and 4 give the least points as level 1 is extremely easy and level 4 is usually extremely short and would unfairly benefit late comers. Each time a creature is killed, every player who did sufficient damage to earn looting rights is given points according to the level of that creature. It is not based on kill shot. Once the champ is killed and the reward has been handed out, the points list is wiped clean.

The bug which causes spawn points to carry over from one spawn to the other, thus allowing players who didn’t work the current spawn to receive the reward has been fixed and will be in Pub 58.

5. What about previous level spawn and left over spawn?

When the spawn levels up, killing creatures from the previous level helps advance the spawn and continues to earn you points. Once the spawn is over and the champion has been defeated, killing left over spawn does not earn you points as the points are only being tracked while a spawn is active and only for the creatures linked to that spawn. However, left over spawn can still earn you a SoT.

6. What is the drop SoT/105 rate?

The drop rate is approximately 3%. In Felucca, whenever a scroll is given, it stands a 50/50 chance of being either a SoT or a 105 PS. In Trammel, the scroll will always be a SoT.

As the RNG caused the drop rate in Trammel to be extremely low, we no longer perform the 105 roll in that ruleset. So whenever it is determined that a scroll would be given in Trammel, a SoT automatically is. This change has effectively evened out the overall SoT drop on both facets.

7. What is the rewards drop rate?

The drop rate is 30%. When the champ is killed, your chance of receiving a reward is broken down as follows:

5 % for unique reward
15% for decorative item
10% for shared reward

Shared rewards are equippables that at least 2 champions can give. In most cases, only 2 or 3 champs will share any given reward. Decorative items are almost always exclusive to each champ. The only exceptions are the lava, swamp and “water” tiles which are each shared by 2 champions.

8. What is the durability of these rewards?

All equippable rewards have a set durability of 150/150. You cannot use powder of fortification on them but they can be repaired using the appropriate skill or repair deed. Some of these rewards are currently spawning with 255/255 durability. This is a bug that has been fixed and will be in Publish 58.

Rewards with 255/255 durability obtained prior to Pub 58 will not be scaled back down 150.

9. What if I’m dead when the champ dies?

If you were chosen to receive the reward and are dead at the time the champ is killed, the Powerscroll or Replica will be placed on your corpse. This feature was not functioning properly for the Replicas but has been fixed for Pub 58. Note that both living and dead players that are overweight or have no room in their backpack or corpse will not get the reward. The heaviest item weights 10 stones so keep that in mind when spawning.

10. Can I leave during the spawn or work multiple spawns at once?

You can leave anytime you want. As of Pub 58, as long as the spawn is active, any points you have earned during that spawn will remain until the spawn ends. Each altar tracks points earned for its own spawn, independently of the other altars. But keep in mind that if you are working Altar B when the boss at Altar A dies, even if you qualified for a reward at Altar A you will not receive it as you were not there. Also, you need to earn a minimum number of points to make it to the list of people eligible for a reward, with a non-negligible bonus for the player earning the most points at a given altar.

11. What’s the deal with some items not losing durability?

Some item slots traditionally weren’t affected by wear and tear. Some of the new Replicas equipped in these slots are therefore not taking damage. This should be fixed in Publish 58. Current items’ durability will not be affected retroactively but will start taking damage after the publish is released.

12. Why does Felucca get SoTs with higher points and dubs for Protection?

The champ spawns were created as an incentive to play in Felucca and to promote PvP. These latest additions are simply meant to breathe new life in a system getting a little stale. Making them available in Trammel as well is so players who do not wish to be involved in PvP can still have access to the new content while rewarding those willing to expose themselves to greater risks.

13. Are Ilshenar Champions supposed to spawn as Paragons?

By design, any creature spawning in Ilshenar has a chance of becoming a Paragon and currently, this is what is happening to champs as well. However, we feel this is making them way too difficult. So as of Pub 58, the Champions will no longer spawn as Paragons. However, the spawn throughout the four levels can still become Paragons.

14. What about ghost cams?

Fixing ghost cams is an ongoing concern and we are working on solutions to effectively rid us of the problem without unfairly punishing or nerfing the legitimate players. As part of a first step in accomplishing this, starting Pub 58, restrictions will be placed on Trial Accounts so they cannot be used in champ spawn areas.

15. How many rewards are there in total?

There are 55 rewards total. To this however, add the fact that the Detective boots have 3 different intensities with 3 different names. The Knowledge shrouds also come with 3 different intensities but similar names and the slimes come in two different hues. The decorative items will now come facing a single direction but the demon skulls, futons and water tiles can be turned to the other facing using the house deco tool.

16. Can I dye these Replicas?

Yes. All the equippable Replicas are dyable with the appropriate tub or with Tokuno dyes. If you are unable to do so with any of these items, please report this through the feedback form so it can be looked into. Make sure that the item in question has the [Replica] tag. Not to be confused with the original EM rewards which were, for the most part, non-dyable.

Please do not hesitate to post any further questions you need clarified.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sak you are such a fountain of knowledge :heart:

Heres a question ive seen asked lately (which i used to know the answer to.....)


Starting a Champ Spawn

2 3 4 candle start.

Whats the point? because the 4 candle starts just do two more candles anyways so it is always the same right?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
105 Scrolls should be removed from the game. Why should a Trammel facet get a SOT 100% of the time while in Fel it's only 50/50 because of 105s?


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
wow ty for posting that, lot of useful info right there that answered a lot of questions i had


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
105 Scrolls should be removed from the game. Why should a Trammel facet get a SOT 100% of the time while in Fel it's only 50/50 because of 105s?
agree 100%, no one needs 105s, people throw 110s on the ground all the time


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That was some good info....

If it would have been a FoF, it probably would have been the first time I didn't pancake about how uninformative it was.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
What about the bug where the player who kills the most champion spawn gets one of the 6 power scrolls from the champion. Is that bug being fixed as well? This is different from players receiving a 110/115/120 directly from spawn creatures.


105 Scrolls should be removed from the game. Why should a Trammel facet get a SOT 100% of the time while in Fel it's only 50/50 because of 105s?
Why should Feluccans get 1.0 scrolls and Trammel on get .05. "Because some one can kill you or steal form you", is not a good enough reason for most to swallow. It's only fair we get a better chance at the smaller SoT's. If they take away the 105 ps that are only in Felucca then we should get the same 1.0 Sot's that you enjoy.

Thank you Lady Sakkarh for the Information .


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why should Feluccans get 1.0 scrolls and Trammel on get .05. "Because some one can kill you or steal form you", is not a good enough reason for most swallow. It's only fair we get a better chance at the smaller SoT's If they take away the 105 ps that are only in Felucca then we should get the same 1.0 Sot's that you enjoy.
I disagree. If anything they should put the 105s on the trammel facets. Totally reverse the whole thing.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you very much for this post, Regine.

Let me ask you about this one:

By design, any creature spawning in Ilshenar has a chance of becoming a Paragon and currently, this is what is happening to champs as well. However, we feel this is making them way too difficult.
How sure are you about that? When Paragons came out some years back, we were specifically informed that champs could not be Paragons, and indeed I've never witnessed a Paragon Champion.

Are you it's not just an issue with the Weald champ? I'd basically hate to see you all reach too deep into the code, to fix something that isn't broken, and have some unintended consequence.

-Galen's player


Trammel already gets less point Value Sots then Felucca. How does giving Trammel 105 PS that are almost worthless a fair exchange? The Felucca will just get more Higher end Sot wave in Trammel faces. Give Trammel all the PS just like Felluca with the lower Sot point value and then it may be fair.


Why should Feluccans get 1.0 scrolls and Trammel on get .05. "Because some one can kill you or steal form you", is not a good enough reason for most to swallow. It's only fair we get a better chance at the smaller SoT's. If they take away the 105 ps that are only in Felucca then we should get the same 1.0 Sot's that you enjoy.

Thank you Lady Sakkarh for the Information .
I play mostly Tram but I'm also pro Risk v. Reward... that said, Tram scrolls should not be the same as Felucca's. Tram's lower point in the SoT works well.


Awesome update. And yes, get rid of 105s.

Great to know about SoT protection though :p

I have gotten a replica when in star room, when despise boss died. Is this still considered the same dungeon/area? If not that needs to be looked into.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Trammel already gets less point Value Sots then Felucca. How does giving Trammel 105 PS that are almost worthless a fair exchange? The Felucca will just get more Higher end Sot wave in Trammel faces. Give Trammel all the PS just like Felluca with the lower Sot point value and then it may be fair.
A 50-50 chance for an SoT/PS drop in fel only seems like a very small concession. I mean the overall system (while very much appreciated) is completely geared toward PvP (as intended). PvM will wear down the useful replicas so much faster while they would last a good while longer in PvM.

It isn't a complaint on my part. Champ spawns always were... and still are very popular in fel. I don't think folks would choose a tram spawn over a fel one soley based on the fact that they might get 1 extra SoT at half the value. Fel spawns offer so much more overall.


Good and useful information. Can someone confirm, it looks like a change in the ability to walk into a champ spawn at the end, and get a chance at the drop. It seems more along the Doom artie drop system. If so. GREAT! Now if I can just get that ricken-fracken RNG to roll my way.. 100 spawns and counting.. NOT A THING!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
2 3 4 candle start.

Whats the point? because the 4 candle starts just do two more candles anyways so it is always the same right?
You will always end up having to kill the same amount of creatures. So yes, it's the same. The only difference is that you either get to work more of the lower creatures or more of the toughest ones.

What about the bug where the player who kills the most champion spawn gets one of the 6 power scrolls from the champion. Is that bug being fixed as well? This is different from players receiving a 110/115/120 directly from spawn creatures.
It was the same bug. Basically, any Powerscroll that was handed out was based on a combination of the people who worked the spawn and those who hit the champ. As it tried to give out the scrolls, when it didn't find some of the people on the list it just deleted the scrolls. As addressed in question 4, since the points were carrying over from one spawn to another, it was trying to give your scrolls to people who had worked the altar earlier that morning and who no longer were on the subserver. That also means that if you've been chaining a specific altar solo, you have raised such an insane amount of points over those spawns that no matter who works a spawn afterward, you will always be the top spawner and have an extra 10% chance of getting a reward (and because of the bug) a Powerscroll. So as of 58, only people who damage the champ (and their protector) should get Powerscrolls as was the case before 57. And this is also why the points will be wiped at the end of each spawn.

Are you it's not just an issue with the Weald champ? I'd basically hate to see you all reach too deep into the code, to fix something that isn't broken, and have some unintended consequence.
When I reviewed the code, none of the champions had the "no paragon" check on them. I saw no evidence that it was actually being handled elsewhere in one of the multiple scripts that govern champ spawns. But to address your main concern, no "unintended consequences" could come of it as this is simply adding a check preventing the paragon script from attaching to unique creatures. So even if there was another check done elsewhere, it will simply be reinforced.


Will this be posted on the herald as well so the people that don't read stratics will see it?

And I agree with whoever said up there about getting rid of 105's - I don't play fel at all, but it does seem unfair that they have as much chance to get a 105 (which even *I* admit are worthless, and I pay money for the apparently useless 110's =P) as a SoT.


all great info from the OP but could you do something about the drop rate of the crappy SoT's. you know like item id, forensic evaluation etc basicly any of the crappy useless skills that have no use to the game as it is


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
2. How do I receive a Replica?

Only players who worked a sufficient portion of the current spawn have a chance of receiving the Replica. You earn points for working the spawn. When the champ dies, a list of all the players having met the minimum point requirement is pulled. A roll is performed to determine whether or not a reward will be given. If yes, the player with the highest spawn points has a 10% chance of automatically receiving that reward. If the top player loses the roll, he’s put back in the list and a random player in that list is given the reward. You MUST be in the area when the champ dies to receive that reward.

The bug which allowed players who didn’t work the current spawn to receive the replica has been fixed and will be in Pub 58.
Awesome. Did that relate to follks fighting the champ only and getting a drop? I ask because I was always curious if using valor to advance the spawn could give you a chance at the replica. If so it seems like a mechanic that could be abused by hiding and wedging down the invoke virtue/last target macro.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Awesome. Did that relate to follks fighting the champ only and getting a drop? I ask because I was always curious if using valor to advance the spawn could give you a chance at the replica. If so it seems like a mechanic that could be abused by hiding and wedging down the invoke virtue/last target macro.
Using Valor will not help you in that regard. The points are only awarded for valid monsters killed. Valor only helps you finish the spawn faster.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
105 Scrolls should be removed from the game. Why should a Trammel facet get a SOT 100% of the time while in Fel it's only 50/50 because of 105s?
um ... protection gives double drop rate to negate that "disadvantage" and the Fel scrolls are 3 times as powerful to boot. If that's not enough carrots already, then perhaps the whole idea of carrots is flawed.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
105 Scrolls should be removed from the game. Why should a Trammel facet get a SOT 100% of the time while in Fel it's only 50/50 because of 105s?
It would be neat to see other uses for 105s. Using them as an imbuing ingredient to add a +5 skill mod to a piece of armor. Making their effect cummulative (adding +1 to the skill cap over 105). Slighly off topic I know. But the issue isn't that tram gets more SoTs. The issue is that 105's have lost their luster after so many years.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
See, that's what's wrong with this game.
My first suggestion, to get rid of the 105 ps, didn't adversely effect nor change anyones gameplay on the Tram facets, yet who are the first one's to object?
"Oh no people who do spawns in Fel should have to get those 105s!!", They say.
Just ureal.
If it doesn't affect you in any way, why do you care?


Greed my man.

Tram folks have no intention, even when pushed and proded to go to Fel. Yet they want to make sure Fel folks have little or no upper hand in the game.

They will always be fighting for the reward without the risk. It's in their blood.

Be gone with 105's


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
See, that's what's wrong with this game.
My first suggestion, to get rid of the 105 ps, didn't adversely effect nor change anyones gameplay on the Tram facets, yet who are the first one's to object?
"Oh no people who do spawns in Fel should have to get those 105s!!", They say.
Just ureal.
If it doesn't affect you in any way, why do you care?
Yes I see your point. But why not ask to make more use of the 105s? The whole mess didn't become an issue until SoTs were introduced. Drop'em or sell'em right? No big deal.

This very thread is solid proof of why things should be improved over abandoned. No one did ilsh spawns before this addition. Abandon it or improve it? Which worked out better for the game? Powerscrolls are a no brainer for an addition to imbuing. Think of how usefull those 105s could be if you could use 4 of them to make a +20 skill ring? Or... now don't laugh... letting cooks ue them to bake a +5 skill 30 min bran muffin (1 hour for exceptional).


3. How do I get Powerscrolls?

<misc stuff deleted>
Note that the protector must be within range of the protected player. Parking the protector halfway across the world for safety no longer works.
Good fix but care to clarify what "within range" means? Is this five tiles? Same screen? Five screens? Same dungeon?


2. How do I receive a Replica?

Only players who worked a sufficient portion of the current spawn have a chance of receiving the Replica. You earn points for working the spawn. When the champ dies, a list of all the players having met the minimum point requirement is pulled. A roll is performed to determine whether or not a reward will be given. If yes, the player with the highest spawn points has a 10% chance of automatically receiving that reward. If the top player loses the roll, he’s put back in the list and a random player in that list is given the reward. You MUST be in the area when the champ dies to receive that reward.

The bug which allowed players who didn’t work the current spawn to receive the replica has been fixed and will be in Pub 58.

Thanks Regine for the detailed info.
So according to the above quote and assuming all players meet the minimum spawn points requirement,

If 10 ppl are doing the spawn, the one with highest spawn points will have 10% plus 90%/10=9%, or total of 19% of chance getting replica if it drops. Other players have 9% chance. Counting in the 30% replica drop rate, the top point earner will have 19%X30%=5.7% and the rest ppl will have 9%X30%=2.7% of chance getting a replica.

If 3 ppl are doing the spawn, the one with highest spawn points will have 10% plus 90%/3=30%, or total of 40% of chance getting replica if it drops. Other players have 30% chance. Counting in the 30% replica drop rate, the top point earner will have 40%X30%=12% and the rest ppl will have 30%X30%=9% of chance getting a replica.

Is that right?


While your reply was slightly amusing Maple... it fails to answer his question.

Why do you care if it is more beneficial for you to do a spawn in Felucca as opposed to Trammel?

You can earn SoT's MUCH more easily in Trammel without really paying attention. If you feel that the #'s are too low... you can always go to Felucca if you feel the risk is worth the reward...

The bottom line is this:

If you are complaining about Felucca having an advantage over Trammel, and you continue to play in Trammel... you obviously don't feel the risk in Felucca is worth the reward. IF that is the case, then you shouldn't be complaining about the reward level... because that is the POINT of the entire system... to reward those who take the risks.

note: I play the Trammel facet just as much as I play in Felucca. It depends entirely on my mood and whether or not I feel like concentrating enough to ensure my own survival while collecting resources/sot's/ps's etc. Sometimes I just feel like being lazy and mindlessly running around killing things at the Trammel spawns.

Cho hag

got some q's about champ spawning and points...

lets say someone days a champ up to lvl 3 then leaves and it lvl's down to lvl 2 does the ppl that has done the spawn up to lvl 3 then lose all there points or some points?

also eventhough the lvl 3 spawn now won't help u advance the spawn will it then still give u points towards getting scrolls/replicas?

von Beck

Using Valor will not help you in that regard. The points are only awarded for valid monsters killed. Valor only helps you finish the spawn faster.
There's been a rumor floating around my guild / shard that the powerscrolls from the champ won't be as good if you use valor to advance the spawn (after it has been popped). Can you confirm or deny? Thanks!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Umm getting SOTs only 50% of the time does affect people who play in Fel. I fail to see the point of your post.
If what happens in Tram "affects" Fel, then surely what happened in Fel "affects" Tram.

Would it then not logically follow that if it's ok for Fel spawners to be jealous of Tram that people in Tram would be allowed to be jealous of the protection bonus, increased power of scrolls and various other carrots in Fel?

I really don't want to derail this thread with this old flamewar, but I have a low tolerance for hypocrisy (give or take grudging acknowledgment of question 12 above)

Lord Kotan

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
105 Scrolls should be removed from the game. Why should a Trammel facet get a SOT 100% of the time while in Fel it's only 50/50 because of 105s?
Fail gets +.5 to their SoT... that is more than dbl in most cases.

Lord Kotan

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"those willing to expose themselves to greater risks."
EA means greater cheats; right?

But on a serious note; why is the Ari shroud only avalible in fel? I thought you said tram should get all the same content, just on a lesser scale?

Lord Kotan

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maplestone. I have to agree with you. SoT scrolls are already more than dbled value; and they get protection. So that is Greater than 4X rewards right there. So if you take off that 50/50 change.. you still have a more than dbl reward.


I soloed a spawn in ilsh and gotten a paragon coon. yeah they are not fun to deal with. you know how normally coon just kinds sits there if you are not hitting it with a weapon or pet, well this one chased me down every time i got close to it with paragon speed and super powerful spells. it was ugly. i never did kill that bugger.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Umm getting SOTs only 50% of the time does affect people who play in Fel. I fail to see the point of your post.
If what happens in Tram "affects" Fel, then surely what happened in Fel "affects" Tram.

Would it then not logically follow that if it's ok for Fel spawners to be jealous of Tram that people in Tram would be allowed to be jealous of the protection bonus, increased power of scrolls and various other carrots in Fel?

I really don't want to derail this thread with this old flamewar, but I have a low tolerance for hypocrisy (give or take grudging acknowledgment of question 12 above)
You're really not this stupid. You're just trying to start an argument. Have at it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good job catering to a couple massive guilds on each shard. Your thoughts that this encourages people to go to fel are totaly wrong. Maybe you should change it so that unless your in one of these massive guilds you cant go. it's pretty much like that now BTW.

By forcing people to join one of these massive guilds to advance past 100 is really one of the lamest idea's EA has ever came out with.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good job catering to a couple massive guilds on each shard. Your thoughts that this encourages people to go to fel are totaly wrong. Maybe you should change it so that unless your in one of these massive guilds you cant go. it's pretty much like that now BTW.

By forcing people to join one of these massive guilds to advance past 100 is really one of the lamest idea's EA has ever came out with.
samething can be said to tram... the lamest idea of all time. its literally a product of massive crying of a game being too challenging.

All that aside you dont need to be in a big guild to go beyond 100. Tell me in straight face that none of the players are selling ps on your shard... you know like how trammies farming doom and peerless all day and rip others off by selling them something like hair dyes, atrifacts ect ect. You already have it easy and zero chance to get raided on ALL facets other than fel. Thats a lot more playable facets than just one(1)... you really dont need more easymodes.

You know like you are pro anti-pvp anti-challenging and anti-risk but want it all lifestyle. The like style for fel players are PvP and stopping trammies from getting the ONLY thing they cant get unless they come to fel and work for it against other living human beings. you know like fel red players would have to get on a blue and put up with all the trammie settings if they want to get anything other than scrolls.

Felucians have scrolls and what do trammalites have? just about everything else...


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good job catering to a couple massive guilds on each shard. Your thoughts that this encourages people to go to fel are totaly wrong. Maybe you should change it so that unless your in one of these massive guilds you cant go. it's pretty much like that now BTW.

By forcing people to join one of these massive guilds to advance past 100 is really one of the lamest idea's EA has ever came out with.

The current system whereby those who worked the spawn and are chased off are still able to get powerscrolls was way more fair and balanced and much more of a carrot in drawing people to Felucca. The powerscroll system once again is utter BS and completely unfair. The system being introduced with Pub 58 is beyond stupid and unfair to those that are not in one of the dominant PvP Guilds on whatever given shard. Well done DEV's...your a bunch of geniuses.

Now once again a monopoly will be given to a small minority of anti-social greifers who get their in-game satisfaction by killing the 'weak' who are in no position to defend themself nor pay the outlandish prices associated with 120 Powerscrolls which are controlled and monopolized by said guilds.

WarUltima your posts have more holes in them than swiss cheese.

I have no problem with the promotion of PvP but everyone knows darn well that's not what happens at Felucca Champion spawns. What occurs the majority of the time is simply a massacre/genocide against players who have no chance to defend themself or any desire to engage in that type of playstyle. Yet players like yourself contend that it promotes PvP when nothing is further from the truth. There is a difference between PK'ing and PvP'ing.

And that's what's even sadder with today's state of PvP is the mentality amongst the vast majority of players is the thrill of the kill against players who have no idea what they're doing and don't present any threat or challenge whatsoever versus actually finding a competive fight in which to test your metal. A large portion of players that PvP have no desire for competive PvP they are simply happy and find satisfaction in killing weak players which is primarily what happens at Felucca Champion spawns.

And to boot if the DEV's want to promote PvP then it needs a major overhaul because it's a complete sham compared to what is was circa T2A era. PvP has been utterly butchered to what it is today which is totally item dependent and latent with cheat programs that do all your healing, targeting, and potion drinking for you. So I don't see how PvP can be see for anything other than what it is today...total garbage. Why would anyone want to engage within the current PvP system when it's totally unbalanced and fraught with exploiting/cheating?

Yet you and those of your mentality still claim that you want a competive fight which is nothing further from the truth.

And what risk is their in Felucca for the 1 or 2 dominant PvP guilds on each shard...absolutely none. They dominant and overwelm the casual players trying to obtain powerscrolls. So you argument about risk vs. reward is completely flawed when there is no more risk for feluccans than there are trammelites. "Trammels have everything?" There's nothing Trammelites have access to that Feluccans don't...the reverse cannot be said.

You can blow up as much smoke as you want but anyone with half a brain knows that just like in the real world this is about money/gold. It's about control and monopolization of one of the most lucrative aspects of UO's economy..120 Power scrolls.

Well done Dev's...If BS was snow I'd be in a blizzard.


105 Scrolls should be removed from the game. Why should a Trammel facet get a SOT 100% of the time while in Fel it's only 50/50 because of 105s?
Consider it balance since you can get 1.0 SOTs


a solution to the 105 scrolls would be to give Fel a 1.5% chance of spawning.


I find it slightly amusing to see the way the people who play on Trammel object to anything that Felucca gets and they don't.

If any of you managed to look at it objectively, you'd see that this game is FAR more geared toward your play style than it is toward those who prefer the Felucca ruleset. It's not even close. Complaining about Felucca getting higher SoT's is so sad it's almost pathetic.

Even complaining about 120 scrolls being monopolized doesn't really apply. By and large, 120's are not needed in order to make most templates (especially in Trammel) viable. You can typically accomplish just as much at 115 as you can at 120... there are very few skills where that is not the case. 115's are also typically much less expensive.

Arguing that Felucca shouldn't have 105's removed is sadly narrow minded as well... because it not only helps you... but it probably doesn't hurt you either.

Let me explain:

1. Most Felucca players do not have a need for SoT's in regard to their own accounts. They don't use crafters as much, they have (generalization) probably scripted most of the skills on the players they do have already.

2. The opposite is true for most Trammel players. Many of them either do not hold with scripting skills training... or they simply don't know how. They also have many characters that they have been GGS'ing for a long period of time.

Endgame: Most of the extra SoT's that the "big guilds" get in Felucca will simply end up on vendors. Guess who will get to buy them instead of spending hours trying to find them at spawns and hoping that the right skill pops up? That's right, Trammel players that need them.

I'm sure you'll say that simply makes the big guilds richer... but other than your personal jealousy... why does that matter? In the end they will simply put the gold back into the market to buy something YOU are selling... or they will hoard it pointlessly. Either way... as long as you mind your own business and worry about YOUR OWN account, if the SoT is worth the gold you're willing to spend on it, then it's worth it, regardless of whom the seller might be.

I don't mind if some of you want to argue with me, but think about it logically and give me a legitimate response/counter. I'll even admit it when I'm wrong... or if you bring up something that I hadn't thought of... but it's at least more useful than the typical arguments on these forums.

In Addition:

I'm sure many of the Trammel players have written my post of by this point simply because they are narrow minded and hate the "cheating big guilds" that control "everything", but I also think that they are going about fixing the current powerscroll system in the wrong manner.

I think they should leave it as it is now... except they should restrict the area in which you can receive a powerscroll... perhaps similar to the area of effect that protection has now?

1. Killing the lower level spawn SHOULD put you in the running to get a powerscroll... regardless of whether you hit the champ or not, meaning you should have a chance at all 12 scrolls.

2. Protection scrolls should only apply in regards to hitting the champ. In other words, if the people who are protected do not hit the champ, the protector does not receive scrolls. If that doesn't make sense... think of it this way. If (by the old rules) the protector is in line for 6 scrolls, he should always get all 6 scrolls... but the chance for people who simply did the spawn to get a scroll should still be rolling on a 12 scroll basis. If someone who did not hit the champ ends up getting a scroll, it should remove 1 "hit" scroll from those who hit the champ, not 1 "protection" scroll.

This gives an incentive for raiding and finishing the spawn (because you'll be in line for a few hit scrolls and most of the protection scrolls). It also gives an incentive to start the spawn (because even if you get raided, if you stick around you'll have a chance at least 1 of 12 scrolls). This would mean that you wouldn't need to be part of a big "guild" right?

Thoughts? I wrote that fairly quickly... I'm sure the idea itself would need some slight adjustments... but the premise is that the current (bugged) system is actually better than the older system in certain ways... so why not compromise...



The current system whereby those who worked the spawn and are chased off are still able to get powerscrolls was way more fair and balanced and much more of a carrot in drawing people to Felucca. The powerscroll system once again is utter BS and completely unfair. The system being introduced with Pub 58 is beyond stupid and unfair to those that are not in one of the dominant PvP Guilds on whatever given shard. Well done DEV's...your a bunch of geniuses.

Now once again a monopoly will be given to a small minority of anti-social greifers who get their in-game satisfaction by killing the 'weak' who are in no position to defend themself nor pay the outlandish prices associated with 120 Powerscrolls which are controlled and monopolized by said guilds.

WarUltima your posts have more holes in them than swiss cheese.

I have no problem with the promotion of PvP but everyone knows darn well that's not what happens at Felucca Champion spawns. What occurs the majority of the time is simply a massacre/genocide against players who have no chance to defend themself or any desire to engage in that type of playstyle. Yet players like yourself contend that it promotes PvP when nothing is further from the truth. There is a difference between PK'ing and PvP'ing.

And that's what's even sadder with today's state of PvP is the mentality amongst the vast majority of players is the thrill of the kill against players who have no idea what they're doing and don't present any threat or challenge whatsoever versus actually finding a competive fight in which to test your metal. A large portion of players that PvP have no desire for competive PvP they are simply happy and find satisfaction in killing weak players which is primarily what happens at Felucca Champion spawns.

And to boot if the DEV's want to promote PvP then it needs a major overhaul because it's a complete sham compared to what is was circa T2A era. PvP has been utterly butchered to what it is today which is totally item dependent and latent with cheat programs that do all your healing, targeting, and potion drinking for you. So I don't see how PvP can be see for anything other than what it is today...total garbage. Why would anyone want to engage within the current PvP system when it's totally unbalanced and fraught with exploiting/cheating?

Yet you and those of your mentality still claim that you want a competive fight which is nothing further from the truth.

And what risk is their in Felucca for the 1 or 2 dominant PvP guilds on each shard...absolutely none. They dominant and overwelm the casual players trying to obtain powerscrolls. So you argument about risk vs. reward is completely flawed when there is no more risk for feluccans than there are trammelites. "Trammels have everything?" There's nothing Trammelites have access to that Feluccans don't...the reverse cannot be said.

You can blow up as much smoke as you want but anyone with half a brain knows that just like in the real world this is about money/gold. It's about control and monopolization of one of the most lucrative aspects of UO's economy..120 Power scrolls.

Well done Dev's...If BS was snow I'd be in a blizzard.
Take it from a pvp'r not from a zerg, nor running anything illegal. If you are not properly equipped or do not like pvping or being pk'd then don't come to fel, simple solution. As for those top two guilds dominating... we of smaller numbered guilds still get ours. Just less frequently and the fight is more intense since we are always outnumbered and certainly slower than our opponant. Not all of us join one of those alleged top two guilds. You obviously read their jibberish. ALOT of fel guilds / people post on stratics displaying a totally different story than what actually happened in game. They've been doing it for years. The premise is once they say it on stratics, well its true then, especially since Mystra didn't delete it. When one of the smaller guild people post the actual happenings, it gets deleted, so even stratics is tainted on such matters. This leaves the tram side cluelss as to whats really going on. And as for pvp ever being fair, well not until EA actually fixes the obvious blatant abuse of their system. I didn't sign on to be cheated against, and I refuse to d/l those cheats. I also refuse to be as spineless to need the zerg to back me. I do not like what the game has handed me but I am of Fel and shall continue my gameplay in such a way. I do however wish they would fix obvious issues in pvp and I would have alot more of my own guild playing. ALOT have quit this game because of what is not being attended to, I hope some day they realize this. EA's memberships would increase if they would give a huge fix to the blatant cheating, it would take time for word to get around, so given the fix and some patience, their memberships would boost beyond their imagination. Some very loyal people would return to this game. But most business's as people are only worried about the instant reward, instant gratification. This hurts the game.
There should always be a less reward in tramset as this felset is not an easy task by any means. Unfortunately for me, pub 58 is only going to hurt the little bit of evening out I have been able to accomplish, giving those major numbered guilds (zergs) the advantages . Soon, for me anyway, what will be the use in logging on at all


Based on some of the fixes to be deployed in the next Pub it sounds like we are moving in the right direction but, total bliss won't be realized until people using unapproved 3rd party programs are vaporized. If that day ever comes we can get rid of Trammel rule set altogether (hopefully followed closely by insurance - bring back true risk v reward :)).

Also, fair is fair. Trammel was set up to accommodate a certain play style, within the SAME game, which was different from the one in Fel. If Risk vs reward is the justification for rewarding one facet over another then build a better monster but don't perpetuate a pansy mentality because someone plays a facet created for a player base opting for a PVM play style.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
10. Can I leave during the spawn or work multiple spawns at once?

You can leave anytime you want. As of Pub 58, as long as the spawn is active, any points you have earned during that spawn will remain until the spawn ends. Each altar tracks points earned for its own spawn, independently of the other altars. But keep in mind that if you are working Altar B when the boss at Altar A dies, even if you qualified for a reward at Altar A you will not receive it as you were not there. Also, you need to earn a minimum number of points to make it to the list of people eligible for a reward, with a non-negligible bonus for the player earning the most points at a given altar.
Does dcing also apply for this? Seems like it would but I wanted to be sure. As long as I am back on and at the alter before the champ dies (and I earned the points) I should be ok yes?