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NEWS [UO.Com] Publish 89 for TC1 Today

Captn Norrington

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i dont understand why you need a dock? you can place a boat along most shores...............
It's a roleplayer thing heh, those of us who live in Yew like our new docks, like MalagAste explained above

Arroth Thaiel

Seasoned Veteran
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maybe thats the point? i mean, even sitting at an idoc for 3 hours isnt a very healthy habit. by icreasing it to 20 hours, perhaps this "activity" (used in the loosest sense) is trying to be phased out. Yes the scripters will get everything, but i think its a good incentive for regular players to give up idocing and start enjoying actual game content.

This could also be a change to allow for GMs enough time (yes, 20 hours) to follow up on the reports of scripting at idocs (im sure there are many many pages of this nature)
This is about what I was thinking as well. Maybe there is some other planned action in addition to what is publically discussed?

What can I say, I still get my hopes up with UO. Kinda like Charlie Brown and the football.......

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Perhaps that's the idea... but it is not implemented yet... I don't know about on your shard but on GL's I can say for sure 100% that we did request them from the King. I know I mentioned docks for Yew as well as a bridge to the Yew Far Farm dozens of times. I'd settle for a teleport or ferry system like Skara to get from the one termination of road to the other across the bay. Farmers have asked for this on a number of occasions. Hard to patrol out that far when the road doesn't even go there... traveling all the way around the bay takes far too much precious time from our security patrols leaving the farms out there... unprotected.

But to have our Dock finally so we can bring in grain more easily from Britain to the Mill is wonderful! We will have to have a party to celebrate!
We had to donate l lots of ore and wood, etc, on Legends, to get a dock built at Zento. Maybe something like that.

The crossing to the western farm, Doesn't Atlantic have a crossing there like Skara? always wondered why the other shards didnt.


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Wish Yew and Minoc docks had been part of a large event, or something, rather than just showing up outta the blue :p
The idea for a Minoc Dock started back around January of last year and then @Bianca_CoD made a picture of it in March of last year found here: https://stratics.com/community/threads/minoc-docks.312939/ so it was part of an event as it went through much discussion in the Council meetings at that time, just not a huge arc.

I know she worked with other governors of other shards to coordinate ideas, etc. so really a BIG THANK YOU to those Governors that participated and worked together to make this idea a reality! And I am sure its the same all around for those that worked to get the Yew docks! Congrats to you all! :)


Lore Master
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How does this have anything to do with running a vendor house? Idocing has nothing to do with stocking a vendor, if you needed loot to do such your house was bound to fail anyways. Statements like this hold nothing in regards to changing the timer and only, IMO, show leeching in is purest form. I play a low pop server, when I play, and if I wanted to stock my luna house with stuff I could do it with anything I felt like. Make mules, nuff said.
HA! It has everything to do with running a vendor house. ALL of my items were IDOC loot. I've run vendor houses for a decade this way selling trillions in stuff over the years. I wouldn't exactly call that bound to fail when it only collapses after the Devs meddle with a fundamental game system in an errant attempt to fix another problem. With the new IDOC changes once I run out of stock that's it. No more vendor house. So yes it has everything to do with regards the topic at hand. 99% of what I sold is unobtainable through crafting. So all the mules in the world wouldn't help or provide the people of my server with what they want and what they were once able to obtain from me.

So now I need less houses, I am closing accounts as I sell off stock. I no longer keep extra accounts for houses for upgrading realestate. More people think the game is dead because they can't buy anything and get disillusioned with UO and quit. So tell me, how is this change GOOD for UO when they end up having even less of the already dwindling subs?


Stratics Veteran
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how about adding "spirit of totem" for gargoyles in blackthorn artifacts
add a count down timer on IDOC house sign so no one has to wait
can we imbue artifacts yet?
can i get a gold dragon or black,green...........
house search?
new castle and keep designs?
fixing durability for brittle on reforging (35?)
change "can not repair" on reforge
oh and can i have a dock and a lake next to my house for me and my 3 friends to sit at


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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maybe thats the point? i mean, even sitting at an idoc for 3 hours isnt a very healthy habit. by icreasing it to 20 hours, perhaps this "activity" (used in the loosest sense) is trying to be phased out. Yes the scripters will get everything, but i think its a good incentive for regular players to give up idocing and start enjoying actual game content.

This could also be a change to allow for GMs enough time (yes, 20 hours) to follow up on the reports of scripting at idocs (im sure there are many many pages of this nature)
While I don't think it's fair to say *Regular players* as IDOC'ing is something that some regular players do...it's a valid part of game play for some players...I do like the idea that they might be doing this to more easily catch scripters. It's a double -sided coin...on one hand it's taking away part of the game that people do enjoy.


Stratics Veteran
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You actually think 18 years later that NOW they are going to catch scripters? And do what to them? Take the trial account that they are scripting with?LOL c'mon people ,letting everyone know the exsact time it's going to fall is the best answer. And even if there is a Magical Developer that is going to sit at IDOCs waiting for scripters,he would know what time to check for them if they put a count down timer on the house sign.

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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please nerf mysticism's Rising Colossus too after this publish :/ 120 focus 120 mysticism enough to kill ancient wyrms, balrons etc etc. Its not fair for other skills.
Sorry, gotta vote no on this one - my thunter likes killing ancient wyrms and balrons with RCs - a tamer with a greater dragon can already kill them, so why not RCs?


Slightly Crazed
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GL's I can say for sure 100% that we did request them from the King.
But to have our Dock finally so we can bring in grain more easily from Britain to the Mill is wonderful! We will have to have a party to celebrate!
Same here! I've been running Governor events based on the Docks since the first Governor's Council we had with the King on Cheesy Peaks. I really look forward to any additional content that can be added to the game!


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
While I don't think it's fair to say *Regular players* as IDOC'ing is something that some regular players do...it's a valid part of game play for some players...I do like the idea that they might be doing this to more easily catch scripters. It's a double -sided coin...on one hand it's taking away part of the game that people do enjoy.
what i meant by "regular players" was those who dont script. i suppose in todays game, that distinction is unfortunately not clear anymore.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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what i meant by "regular players" was those who dont script. i suppose in todays game, that distinction is unfortunately not clear anymore.
I used to love doing IDOC's...I am a *regular* player and the thrill of finding one and hoping that it's got goodies inside is one of the joys of playing UO...now I don't get that enjoyment :(


Stratics Veteran
Condemned Houses will fall after five days unless prevented by vendors. On the fifth day the house will fall between 5-20 hours after the house enters the “In Danger Of Collapsing” state.
Why not 100 hours, even old period was bad. But it - simple madness.

And for what now need stone boots? If it will not work on Navrey?

a slave girl

Stratics Veteran
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Got the urge to play UO at work today, I try visiting UO.com , it's Drupaled, so I came here.

I read this god-awful stuff about Idocs and we can't dye this and that AND STILL NOTHING ABOUT REMOVING IDIOTIC NO PETS IN BLACKTHORNS CASTLE RULE, so I still can't get my 100 minax arties for a luck dress due to lurers luring in the dungon so guess I'm playing WoW tonight.

No money for you, Bs.

I guess the rest of the fixes are okay.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Oh and took one of Yew's docks too!!! Right next to the Mill.

~ Sue.
Totally awesome! I'm so excited! Can't wait to see it on GL's! Ooo And Deep water too! I know where I'm holding a celebratory net toss!!!!!


Stratics Veteran
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Went to the Zyronic Claw room in Doom on test and saw they added something new:

Gary the Dungeon Master - he rolls the D20 and casts a spell to the Arcane Circle and a mob appears.
So far I've gotten a Dark Guardian (4), a Void Wanderer (19) and a Skeletal Knight (2).


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Went to the Zyronic Claw room in Doom on test and saw they added something new:
View attachment 29009

Gary the Dungeon Master - he rolls the D20 and casts a spell to the Arcane Circle and a mob appears.
So far I've gotten a Dark Guardian (4), a Void Wanderer (19) and a Skeletal Knight (2).
Um.... that's been there far as I know since Gary died.


Stratics Veteran
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The stuff in the room has been, but at least on Legends, there isn't a Gary the dungeon master in there.


The Enchanter
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The Devs should change the IDOC rules every publish to keep everyone on their feet. People should be grateful they didn't do away with them completely, considering the amount of complaining about them. No one will EVER be happy about the IDOC rules, no matter what they are.

I agree, it shouldn't be nerfed. Magery instead needs a similar spell to compete so with just 120 Mage/Eval they can pop out a crystal Golem or something.
Leave both Mysticism and Magery alone. RC's aren't over-powered and Mages aren't underpowered. Mages make up for not having as strong of a summon as an RC with having a much deeper spellbook.


Grand Poobah
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This either needs changing back or a healer stuck inside the lair. That 9hr rez fountain simply won't do now.
Just bring a friend. No more static healers/ankhs everytime there´s a chance of dying.
Some things shouldn´t be easily soloable.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Went to the Zyronic Claw room in Doom on test and saw they added something new:
View attachment 29009

Gary the Dungeon Master - he rolls the D20 and casts a spell to the Arcane Circle and a mob appears.
So far I've gotten a Dark Guardian (4), a Void Wanderer (19) and a Skeletal Knight (2).
He seems to come and go. As Malag's pointed out it's related to Gary Gygax, the founder of Dungeons and Dragons and, thusly, of all RPGs.

As to his comings and goings, it's a good bet it's keyed to his death date, which the Wikipedia says is in early March. Assuming the Wikipedia is right, that's right around the corner.

-Galen's player


Crazed Zealot
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Got the urge to play UO at work today, I try visiting UO.com , it's Drupaled, so I came here.

I read this god-awful stuff about Idocs and we can't dye this and that AND STILL NOTHING ABOUT REMOVING IDIOTIC NO PETS IN BLACKTHORNS CASTLE RULE, so I still can't get my 100 minax arties for a luck dress due to lurers luring in the dungon so guess I'm playing WoW tonight.

No money for you, Bs.

I guess the rest of the fixes are okay.
Again, go to a corrupted crystal ball, say Dungeon Blackthorn and you will be teleported right to the entrance of the dungeon, skipping the whole castle and the no pet thing.


Grand Poobah
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stone boots.. i see how the pvp immunity from para fields for a bit is a big deal..

but now they don't work.in pvm either? i know its probably easier to just turn em off... but makes me sad.

back to trapped boxes. at least now my feet won't be cold.


Stratics Veteran
Sorry, gotta vote no on this one - my thunter likes killing ancient wyrms and balrons with RCs - a tamer with a greater dragon can already kill them, so why not RCs?
Greetings and thank you for replying and sharing your opinions in my post. Because please tell me 2 skills who can kill stronger monsters without having problem and risking characters survivability, miners, crafters, warriors and even thiefs took only 2 skills to destroy strongest monsters and even solo mini bosses like Red Death in Bedlam. Animal tamers must do that ofcourse becuase animal taming is hard skill to raise, its balanced and depends also dragons training, but you gain focus even you just walking and mysticism much easier than mage training. Why people needs other classes if 2 skill enough to kill every creature(contains paragons, mini bosses). It kills party playing, supporting players build and more. A new player wish to play as warrior but rising colossus surviving/damaging than him 10x better. So what is the point of his 720 points?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Devs should change the IDOC rules every publish to keep everyone on their feet. People should be grateful they didn't do away with them completely, considering the amount of complaining about them. No one will EVER be happy about the IDOC rules, no matter what they are.

Leave both Mysticism and Magery alone. RC's aren't over-powered and Mages aren't underpowered. Mages make up for not having as strong of a summon as an RC with having a much deeper spellbook.

I like how you are for Devs changing IDOCs and ruining how a lot of people have fun in UO but when it comes to changing something you don't want changed, Mysticism and Magery you want them to keep their hands off...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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Logged in to TC to check out the new clean-up items but didn't see them. Anyone have any info about them?
If you meant
  • Added silver bracelets, silver rings and crooks to the cleanup Britannia system

- I think those are items that now work properly for gaining donation points, rather than things you can collect as rewards?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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If you meant
  • Added silver bracelets, silver rings and crooks to the cleanup Britannia system

- I think those are items that now work properly for gaining donation points, rather than things you can collect as rewards?
Correct. Silver colored Rings and Bracelets have always been buggy even the Jeweler never wanted them. Jewelers still won't buy them from you... they only take GOLD ones. They won't even give you a gold coin for a silver bracelet or ring. And the same is true of throwing stuff away.

Could you add the picnic basket from the year we got those stuffed bears to the clean up points? Currently only the bear is worth turn in points the basket they came in are not.

Also since you are changing things on the static maps ...... @Mesanna, @Kyronix and company could you consider please making the Ankh in the Yew Abbey somewhere I can Tithe??? Having to run to Luna all the time is a royal pain. I would VERY much appreciate being able to Tithe at the Abbey where I bank.


Crazed Zealot
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Greetings and thank you for replying and sharing your opinions in my post. Because please tell me 2 skills who can kill stronger monsters without having problem and risking characters survivability, miners, crafters, warriors and even thiefs took only 2 skills to destroy strongest monsters and even solo mini bosses like Red Death in Bedlam. Animal tamers must do that ofcourse becuase animal taming is hard skill to raise, its balanced and depends also dragons training, but you gain focus even you just walking and mysticism much easier than mage training. Why people needs other classes if 2 skill enough to kill every creature(contains paragons, mini bosses). It kills party playing, supporting players build and more. A new player wish to play as warrior but rising colossus surviving/damaging than him 10x better. So what is the point of his 720 points?
If your warrior can't outdamage and outsurvive a raising colossus in PvM, I strongly suggest that you take a serious look at your build, armour and weapons.
And drop by the warriors profession forum here: https://stratics.com/community/forums/uo-warrior.422/ to get ideas on weapons, armour and builds.

All my warriors shine over my mystics in PvM, and with warriors, you don't have to bother with the headaches that monsters with dispel cause to mystics.
RCs also have a very short duration and cost a lot of mana to cast. Even with 120 focus, good mana regen, studded armour for 55 LMC and plenty of mana, you will run out of mana middle fight with some monsters, causing you to have to rely on invisibility (a mage spell) to break aggro and regen mana to cast it again. For several monsters, you better have spellweaving along to cast arcane empowerment and word of death, because your RC will get dispelled a lot, and it lacks speed to deliver the final blow.
It is specially annoying against greater dragons and ancient wyrms. Frost dragons are just plainly out of the equation without spellweaving.


Stratics Veteran
If your warrior can't outdamage and outsurvive a raising colossus in PvM, I strongly suggest that you take a serious look at your build, armour and weapons.
And drop by the warriors profession forum here: https://stratics.com/community/forums/uo-warrior.422/ to get ideas on weapons, armour and builds.

All my warriors shine over my mystics in PvM, and with warriors, you don't have to bother with the headaches that monsters with dispel cause to mystics.
RCs also have a very short duration and cost a lot of mana to cast. Even with 120 focus, good mana regen, studded armour for 55 LMC and plenty of mana, you will run out of mana middle fight with some monsters, causing you to have to rely on invisibility (a mage spell) to break aggro and regen mana to cast it again. For several monsters, you better have spellweaving along to cast arcane empowerment and word of death, because your RC will get dispelled a lot, and it lacks speed to deliver the final blow.
It is specially annoying against greater dragons and ancient wyrms. Frost dragons are just plainly out of the equation without spellweaving.
Greetings and thanks for reply. You said Rising Colossus cost too much mana but its equal for EV and mages often spams it 2x. Ancient Wryms have special ability what deals +50 damage player and sight like a fireball. If we took 2 ancient wryms, reptalons, Gd's etc, it will instantly kill strongest player in a second but RC is endured a lot even its cost equal to Energy vortex. If we calculate, its power equals nearly 10-12 energy vortex in same time. I understand peoples doesnt wish to change their builds, I have T hunter with mysticism too but i have other characters and my T hunter farmers better than my pure necro with unique items. My Necro have 120 magery, 120 medi, 120 ss,120 necro,120 rs(sometimes swapped with spellweaving) 120 eval, but my t hunter have only 120 mystic 120 focus and better farms money than my necro (espically killing stronger monsters). My friend tried to solo Navery with RC and he succeded. Isnt it fair? People took a lot of skills for combine, searching for templates for hours but mostly peoples just add 120 mystic and 120 focus, and its equal to strongest players. Its just killing common templates, a new players playing style. Thats why i am complain. If you thing about it you will see. Thank you.


Crazed Zealot
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My dexxers kill Navrey much faster than my mystic/mage/necro does, and often die far less too.
The firebreath from greater dragons and ancient wyrms can be managed easily as long you are leeching back some good life. You won't kill them with a katana that has low damage and low leech values.
Also, you have sound cues before the firebreath is used, so you can use evasion from bushido for a chance to evade it completely.

RC is a powerful summon, sure, but mysticism doesn't offer a good summon for you until that, so you can't hunt properly while training. And you need to have 120 mysticism and focus for it to be any decent.
But it only does physical damage and mysticism lacks on really good direct damage spells (bombard is physical only as well, ice storm is useless after the nerf, the other one uses chaos damage, so it is not reliable).


Babbling Loonie
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Pets/mobs no longer follow attackable players when stealth.
Ok, a quick request to whoever writes these notes... Please include details for items like this so we all know who is affected and in which circumstances. One sentence per change just isn't enough, tell us exactly what is changed please :)

Have you just made it so a tamer's pets won't follow them while they're stealthing?


Did you stop pets from following a player they were attacking even if that player was hidden and stealthing? And the same for mobs who sometimes follow you around when you stealth.

Or all of the above?

I can see why you'd fix the mobs following stealthers, those were nasty. But at least tell us why you're changing pets and what changes you've made to them.



The Enchanter
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I like how you are for Devs changing IDOCs and ruining how a lot of people have fun in UO but when it comes to changing something you don't want changed, Mysticism and Magery you want them to keep their hands off...
In my opinion, those skill classes didn't need to be changed and IDOC's did. What's difficult to understand about that? If you have a different opinion on either of those topics, then share it - don't make it personal.