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The Husband Store...AKA OT Babble Thread!!

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And that's what bras are too!

[/ QUOTE ]Over-the-shoulder-boulder-holders.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ahem.. I beg to differ. If they were boulders guys wouldn't want to play with them.

Mama, I happen to like bras and rarely go without one(except bedtime)just for comfort sake. I have to buy the expensive ones for proper support, but you would not believe the difference an extra 25-30 dollars makes when it comes to the bustline. I always hit the annual sales, but it still kills me to spend that money. Once you do, it's hard to wear anything but the best. I'm just glad I am not like my aunt, she had to get custom bras because she was something like a GG cup(as in Geee are those real?). Can you imagine the cost? *shock*



my aunt, she had to get custom bras because she was something like a GG cup(as in Geee are those real?)

[/ QUOTE ]Okay, I have no idea why this is the first that came to mind... this reminded me of the comedy routine by Jeff Foxworthy called, ..."Bodacious Tatas".

"TIMEOUT! Jim, bring that bra out here... we need a measurement. FIRST DOWN!!!"



Faerr, I do buy the expensive ones (Victoria's Secret) but still hate having my body confined. *grin* My husband runs around without a shirt when we're doing house projects and I usually make a comment about how jealous I am that he can do that. Of course, he tells me that I can too but he forgets that there are still laws against indecent exposure.

Nok! You're naughty. *ROFL*


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

My husband runs around without a shirt when we're doing house projects and I usually make a comment about how jealous I am that he can do that. Of course, he tells me that I can too but he forgets that there are still laws against indecent exposure.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm with you Mama!! Burn 'em!! well ok not when i go out.
My hubby does and says the same thing....pervert lol.



My hubby does and says the same thing....pervert lol.

[/ QUOTE ]
Thank God, they're our perverts.

And you're welcome, Nok. How come I knew you'd like that backward compliment? *LOL* Birds of a feather???



You people are sick!

[/ QUOTE ]
That's why you love us! Once again....birds of a feather.


Now THAT is sick...though I couldn't help busting out laughing. What happened to that poor guy? *ROFL*



What happened to that poor guy?

[/ QUOTE ]

Prolly one of Faerr's art experiments.....



Prolly one of Faerr's art experiments.....

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I won't tell her you said that. *snicker*


LOL LOL LOL oh gosh!

Yes, you are right Shard. It's a life like sculpture of a bird that symbolizes how a person can become neurotic enough to be like a bird that pulls out it's feathers in response to the stress of dealing with those native to the bible belt.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

in response to the stress of dealing with those native to the bible belt.

[/ QUOTE ]

Having lived there too long, not by choice, and gotten away, that made me LOL IRL, big time!!!



Tweedle tweet.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think he says this sort crap to confuse me. *shakes head*



I think he says this sort crap to confuse me. *shakes head*

[/ QUOTE ]It's all part of Kafka's evil plan to take over... THE WORLD!!!


Actually, it's gravity that sucks.

Hey Faerr, I wonder if burning bird feathers smell like burning animal fur?

Where did that buzzard feather I found a while back get off to.....


Oh, speaking of animals and their fur, Jane Doe is in the yard this afternoon. Her coat looks kind of rough but she's probably shedding it before her winter coat grows in. Other than that she looks pretty healthy. Heh, she almost walked up on the back porch. The little dog just doesn't understand why we don't let her chase the deer. Little weenie dog thinks she is ten feet tall and bullet proof until something spooks her and then she runs and squeals bloody murder.

And yes, Faerr, Jane Doe left a nice sized pile of 'thank you' by the corner of the house.


how come school shopping is so expensive these days? I remember when I was a kid, 50 bucks and I got an ENTIRE years worth of supplies and extras "just in case". Went shopping for my two boys ... OMG .. 200 bucks later .. WTH ... (granted we got them new shoes, and one brand new "first day of school" outfit (from Kmart so it was cheap)) but I mean c'mon. Even after factoring out the cloths thats still 75 bucks (each) worth and that was for the first half of school. Not counting restocking the supplies after holiday break in Dec/Jan.

ok, so I am just a cheap ass ... .. oh yeah, the generic stuff (roseart ... well thats not generic anymore) instead of Crayola is more expensive then the 'name brand' (Crayola) these days. I don't get it .. I really don't.

And don't suggest the dollar store .. this one here is scary .. I went there twice in the 7 years I have been here and its just ... well scary.


Especially don't buy food at the dollar store. Ugh... stale Cheetos!


Young pups! Dollar store? Try a five and dime!

Bajeez! When I was a kid we had to ride the mammoth thru 10 feet of snow.....

OK, all funning aside, Pixie I understand your frustrations. We are pouring literally billions of dollars into schools that can't teach our kids squat.

I ran across a quote a while back that went like this:

In the last fifty years, our public schools have gone from teaching Latin and French in high school to teaching remedial English in college. Some progress, huh?



Remember when going to a Rexall Pharmacy or a Woolworth's with a soda fountain was a big deal?! I do.

Oh don't get me started on schools. My parents never helped me with my homework, or drove me to or from school... I did just fine. Classes had 35 to 40 students... yet I learned to read and write. Schools then still had art and music... and could still afford to send kids on field trips without nickle &amp; diming the parent's wallet empty.

Yet if a parent doesn't do all that and everything else for their kids today... they're considered a bad parent.

Okay... I started. I better let this one go.


Okay Shard! Cute link, but why do people think I am into child torture and humiliation? *taps forehead and ponders*

Nok, those are all great observations. I am not sure when you went to school. The need for supplemental supplies kicked in in the very late 80's in some states and now is pretty much the norm.

I drive my children to school because there are no sidewalks and the traffic is insane. There is also no safety in walking since there are no other children walking(because there are no sidewalks along a 45 mph road).

With fewer people actually home during the day that safety network called a neighborhood where people are watching and know everything that is happening rarely or does not exist at all any longer. Communities are larger and society is more transient than in years past. Before when I was a child we knew to stay away from Mr. [insert name for town weirdo here] because he wasnt right in the head and wanted to play doctor with the neighborhood kids. You don't know your neighbors as well now. I do not know the name of each person that lives in each house on my child's route. I don't like that.

As for the school supplies, I agree they are ridiculous. We are now asked to provide dry erase markers,dry erasers, erasers, highlighters, sticky notes,markers, crayons, pencils, papers, brad folders, kleenex, ziploc bags???, construction paper, scissors, ruler, manilla paper, glue, glue sticks, spiral notebooks, water color paints.

The three items that really chap my ass that we are asked to provide are disinfectant hand gel, baby wipes and new on the list this year was 'clorox disinfectant wipes'. *blink*

Then you find out they put most of it in a school store room and even have the appaling nerve to share it with other schools within our district!

So now I just buy the obvious things and then skip on most of it and ask the teacher if they really really need this or that. By waiting until after the open house for most of the school supplies I figure I saved a good $50.00 on all my kids supplies combined. I swear, they never come home with stuff made out of half that crap I send each year. I mean exactly where is the manila paper mountain at? I had a teacher even tell me "ask before you buy, I have more manila and construction papers than I know what to do with."

In some ways I agree with the government when they talk about waste of funds and they want schools to be more accountable and use their funds wisely. It's just that the cutbacks are affecting us in our wallets since we are expected to provide the extra items that the schools are not getting funded for. bleh


what kills me is we now have to supply the fine arts program too .. I mean yes, its a good program .. but WTF ... what is happening to all the school funding that parents have to supply it??????

and yes, I put my kids name on EVERYTHING .. I expect them back if they are not used .. one teacher last year made a "communal" supply box, she basically took all the kids supplies and put them in great big tubs .. I was PISSED .. I told her I wanted my kids supplies back (he was moving to another class) and she couldn't even give me his damned 3 ring binder .. I was sooo irate .. I went to the principle and needless to say I get them all back. I have a feeling she paid out of her own pocket cause I told her that is the same and theft, I bought them for MY child, not for the teacher to do with as she pleases.

yeah I wasn't a happy parent.


What's so stupid about that is if she put them in a communal box then there should have been one there for her to take out and give you.

I don't mind putting the glue and crayons in a communal box. You know those things aren't coming home with your child. But their pencil box, scissors and ruler should come home with them.

If I buy my child a special sparkle dookie dinky doo, then they should get that. It shouldn't go to another child.

Kafka $TC$

Yeah, when they start taking the special sparkle dookie dinky doo's , thats where I gotta step up and say something.


Kafka's comment made me spit my coffee on the screen. Thank you sir. *LOL*

Nok, I also remember the Woolworth's, Tempo and White Drug stores that had the soda fountains and some of the best hamburgers you could find. *makes nummy sounds*

As to the schools...do kids even have the one assigned desk that we used to have? My supplies went in there and when school was over, we put everything in a paper bag and took it home for our mom to figure out where to put all those rulers, crayons, paper and pencils. I still miss those pencils that were so thick, they were like holding a tree branch. I'm aging myself but penmanship and deportment were also graded and I've never figured out why those were dropped. I tried so hard to get an 'A' in deportment but my love of chatting in school always seemed to merit a 'B'. *sigh* Granted, there were teachers who just didn't like some of their students but if Little Johnny or Jane were acting up, that low grade in deportment definitely got parents' attention. But then again, I guess I grew up in an age where children could be disciplined and parents didn't have to worry about someone calling the cops. I think I'm too freakin old for this world anymore. *grumble*


Mama Faith,
I didn't get a photo of my vorpal bunny this morning, however I did get a picture of the bull who apparently was late for the Dances With Cows event that was waiting outside my door. (I guess better him than the mountain lion that's been spotted in a residential neighborhood.) It took six people to move this bad boy to a corral where he could be loaded into a trailer, then returned home. I got this shot while I was waiting for the owners to show up. Once people started walking in my yard, this guy felt trapped, looked everyone over, decided I was the weakest link, and blew snot at me which caused me to teleport to inside my house.



Once people started walking in my yard, this guy felt trapped, looked everyone over, decided I was the weakest link and blew snot at me which caused me to teleport to inside my house.

[/ QUOTE ]
*ROFL* Isn't that disgusting when they do that? The other is when they slobber their cud all over your shirt or pants. I've even gotten head-butted by one of those bad boys. That'll leave you seeing stars!



Yeah, when they start taking the special sparkle dookie dinky doo's , thats where I gotta step up and say something.

[/ QUOTE ]

Someone has to!



*ROFL* Isn't that disgusting when they do that? The other is when they slobber their cud all over your shirt or pants. I've even gotten head-butted by one of those bad boys. That'll leave you seeing stars!

[/ QUOTE ]

Have some self respect and stop bragging about your Urban Cowgirl bar fly days! Geez, folks are trying to read a babble thread here.



Urban Cowgirl bar fly days!

[/ QUOTE ]ROFL'ing!


LOL OMG you just reminded me of something that happened at a rodeo in Georgia. I was back with my boyfriend at the time and he was getting ready to get on his 3rd bull for the night.... Well I was the "chosen" one and was 'tieing' him in and the bull decided to jump up and sideways. Not only did he get me with his hoof, but he sent spit and slobber flying all over me ...

Needless to say, I never 'tied' the boyfriend in again. EVER. Not that I was scared of the bulls (I wasn't) I threw up for hours after that cause the flying spittle went all over my face. To this day I gag when I think about it.



Have some self respect and stop bragging about your Urban Cowgirl bar fly days!

[/ QUOTE ]
More like Farmer's Daughter days.
I'm showing my ignorance here but I don't even know what a 'bar fly' is.
I'm sure you can help me out on defining that for me.


bar fly

a drinker who frequents bars

I'm only able to tell you that term is because I watched Mickey Rourke in The Bar Fly. It was a good movie. As for being a bar fly, I never really did much of that because it would not be conducive to a healthy married life considering my husband can't stand bars or clubs. On more than a few occasions some big drunk redneck would think I'm the one. I have been told it's because of how I speak my mind, and for some weird damnedable reason it's like a mating call for huge rednecks... "Hey Billy I like that unnn, she told me to get the hell out of her way, she's got bigguns and she's spunky".

I guess that always provided my husband with plenty of incentive to not take me bar hopping.
I had three brothers, I can take care of myself if I have to but why put myself in that situation. lol

But ya know Mama, you were the one that brought up head butting and cud rubbing. You set yourself up for it! You know it!



But ya know Mama, you were the one that brought up head butting and cud rubbing. You set yourself up for it! You know it!

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, but I was talking strictly farm life. Though I've been away from it for 28 yrs., the memories will last forever. *grin*

And I don't know what bars you've ever frequented but the few I've gone into have never had bulls in there that head butted me or rubbed cud on my shirt and pants. *ROFL* Your mind is definitely creative dear woman.


bwahahaha my kids started school today .. *does the happy momma dance*



Yeah, but I was talking strictly farm life. Though I've been away from it for 28 yrs., the memories will last forever. *grin*

And I don't know what bars you've ever frequented but the few I've gone into have never had bulls in there that head butted me or rubbed cud on my shirt and pants. *ROFL* Your mind is definitely creative dear woman.

[/ QUOTE ]

*shakes head sadly* I wonder what things may have happened to you on the farm. You never said anything about a bull doing that. But you did mention a 'bad boy'. tsk tsk

As for never having anyone head butt you or rub their cud on your shirt, you musta never shopped at Walmart or the Dollar Tree! Pffft.



As for never having anyone head butt you or rub their cud on your shirt, you musta never shopped at Walmart or the Dollar Tree! Pffft.

[/ QUOTE ]
*ROFL* True, true



But you did mention a 'bad boy'.

[/ QUOTE ]Your honor... at this time I would like to invoke my rights under the Fifth Amendment and request a DNA test!




But you did mention a 'bad boy'.

[/ QUOTE ]Your honor... at this time I would like to invoke my rights under the Fifth Amendment and request a DNA test!

[/ QUOTE ]
*shakes head* The way all of your minds work just blows me away. Keep it up!

Hold down the fort for me as we head out of town to attend our oldest son's graduation at which time he'll receive his Bachelor's degree. This is a huge milestone for this guy and we're so happy for him.
P.S. And Nok....you're not my baby's daddy!


*rushes in in a frantic, caffeine deprived state*

Searching for my morning dews... Europa lured me into their babble thread.. not sure how, I thought it was this one! Oh my gooses, I really need some dew!!

*flees somewhere else*



You callin us "You're a' peein?'"

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Darnit.. I keep seeing your posts and thinking wth I didn't write that...


Anyone else ever notice there is an udder on this male cow in this kids show Barnyard? Don't get concerned as I am not like obsessed with it to the degree of some diagnosable psychotic disorder... but it really bothers me!


I'm missing something. How do you know it's supposed to be a bull? I don't watch cartoons anymore so I've never seen the show. And don't worry; we all know you're not psychotic.

Kafka $TC$

Nickelodeon hasn't been able to get anything right since "You can't do that on Television."


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