Hail: There is nothing unclear about it . I play in the event, as i have 4 accounts. But my main account, and my main charater, 117 months old, chose to RPG as a Red and Bandit. Rember, Killing certain NPC's used to count as a Murder Charge also. Yesterday i saw 3 more former players i knew in Fel, Quit.
Why? Because we/they do not cheat, speedhack, dupe, script, use game hacks of any kind. So, it is impossible for a Red player, who will never be able to be blue, to continue in that play style without cheating.
The real options are this.
1. Start cheating.
2. Just go kill monsters, and stay away from the cheaters, if possible.
3. Transfer all his skills to a soulstone, transfer them to a blue charater, and delete your 10 year old main charater.
Punishment for being RED should be from the game mechanics, and in a RPG type way. Not, No access to events, no access to expansions, no access to expanded housing area's, almost NO NOTHING. Oh, btw, since we will not let you become blue, please choose one of the above 3 options. I have not, but as you can tell, a lot of others did choose one of those options.
What if the game took your main charater away, A Tamer" as example? Made it so any Pet Kill, no matter how it was done, makes the corps lootable by anyone, right after the kill?
You would cry your butt off. And if someone said, "Hey, you choose to let your pets kill for you", this is the penalty for that. And it does not matter if that was NOT the way it used to be, that is the way it is now, stop crying.......
Come on Tamers, respond to that>>>>>>>>