Back in 1997 i didn't even know that UO existed.
So yes please punish people like me hard, because we really deserve it.
Damn you for not paying to UO for 20 years, WE US THE BETTER PEOPLE WHO PAID, will **** on you any day, and we are so happy that we have something that YOU CAN NEVER HAVE.
But seriously guys and girls, noone really give a ****. You guys and girls need to change your attitude, and that includes EA as well.
I have never in my entire life met any company who is this stubon regarding almost every aspect of their product.
EA **** on their players, how many times haven't you been waiting for a GM for hours or even days, and when they finally come to fix your'e problem, they just say, sorry can't help you EA dosen't replace lost items.
Here is some flashing news that you didn't know..
2000 soviners for an xfer token really EA ?? is this 2017 or is it 1997 ??
If i need anything xfered i just ask a friend, and guess how many of your tokens i buy ??
I know its a tough question, so here is the answer...ZERO
And yes before you had the brilliant idea of giving away shard shields as rewards, i did buy alot of xfer tokens for real $$$.
At the very same moment, i closed 2 accounts, and said to myself bye bye xsharding, it was fun while it lasted...Merry xmas and FU EA.
aaaaah now i feel better.
Merry christmas everyone.