Honestly, more people should take on Flutter and not be intimidated by her popularity and as-popular friend group.Yeah.. bashing Flutter will surely win you lots of friends here..(sarcasm)
I think murdering popular posters would fall under "detrimental to community", so you'd probably get infracted...Sometimes Stratics too-closely resembles the high school from the 80s film Heathers.
Uhh, get some rl friends and maybe you wont be worried about them here? ... (for real. no sarcasm)Yeah.. bashing Flutter will surely win you lots of friends here..(sarcasm)Not sure what your deal is with Flutter but she is allowed her opinion just as much as you. She has done many great things for UO and the community. Oh there may be some that doesn't like her for her pvp but thats life. She gives more then most know. There is not enough time for me to type all she has done.
I think this boils down to a couple of things:
Flutter makes valuable posts, Ahu does too. You don't have to like them, but be respectful for crying out loud. Rude!
Everyone's posts are their own opinions, this board would be crap without all of them combined into a discussion. the issue is that some don't discuss, they dismiss and belittle. Again, Rude! Our value is directly derived from the content you offer to your fellow players, so simmer down!
Finally, I firmly believe that JC's issue is a direct result of the 'communications cycle' that Petra referenced. It sucks and it leads lots of people to feel like there is no one in there working on the game. It's just a fact. Sure some stuff has rolled out, but none of it was huge until 73 was posted and then all the jaws were flapping. Well, they could have flapped a bit earlier and kept some hope going for the players.
We all know the game is old, but we still love it and sometimes it's helpful to hear that someone else does too. Especially if it's someone who works on the game.
Break the cycle!
LIKE KILLNG THE S^E GUILD ON CHESSY AND HAVING THEM CRY NUMBERS... THATS A RIOT"I would like to try to get down to one account" and "UO has been over for quite some time"
Those are Flutter's words in this very post.
What were you saying about "Our value is directly derived from the content you offer to your fellow players, so simmer down!" I'm sorry, what content is Flutter adding here?
Keep your popularity contest to yourself please if you arent going to make any sense.
IMO Flutter currently adds nothing to this board except anti UO nonsense. Call me rude for telling the truth. If you think I care about your feelings you are wrong, sorry.
I personally havent added much game content info to this board lately but I will be damned if I am gonna come here to do nothing other then bash the game. And thats pretty much all you see here lately.
I am certainly not a UO cheerleader but it still bothers me that so many people feel so cheated and vindictive that they now have to try and sink the game on the games own boards.
Half of the people bashing here admit that they dont even play anymore. Truly sad lol.
The funniest part is that the game is still as great as ever. I guess A.D.D. is more common then I thought and everyone just cant handle it.
Maybe if some of these peeps worried less about their characters fashion or their houses decos they would realize that the game still has a ton to offer.
Flutter was most likely commenting on what the OP said. I highlighted the most valuable part of your post. It pretty much says it all."I would like to try to get down to one account" and "UO has been over for quite some time"
Those are Flutter's words in this very post.
What were you saying about "Our value is directly derived from the content you offer to your fellow players, so simmer down!" I'm sorry, what content is Flutter adding here?
Keep your popularity contest to yourself please if you arent going to make any sense.
IMO Flutter currently adds nothing to this board except anti UO nonsense. Call me rude for telling the truth. If you think I care about your feelings you are wrong, sorry.
I personally havent added much game content info to this board lately but I will be damned if I am gonna come here to do nothing other then bash the game. And thats pretty much all you see here lately.
I am certainly not a UO cheerleader but it still bothers me that so many people feel so cheated and vindictive that they now have to try and sink the game on the games own boards.
Half of the people bashing here admit that they dont even play anymore. Truly sad lol.
The funniest part is that the game is still as great as ever. I guess A.D.D. is more common then I thought and everyone just cant handle it.
Maybe if some of these peeps worried less about their characters fashion or their houses decos they would realize that the game still has a ton to offer.
Flutter was most likely commenting on what the OP said. I highlighted the most valuable part of your post. It pretty much says it all."I would like to try to get down to one account" and "UO has been over for quite some time"
Those are Flutter's words in this very post.
What were you saying about "Our value is directly derived from the content you offer to your fellow players, so simmer down!" I'm sorry, what content is Flutter adding here?
Keep your popularity contest to yourself please if you arent going to make any sense.
IMO Flutter currently adds nothing to this board except anti UO nonsense. Call me rude for telling the truth. If you think I care about your feelings you are wrong, sorry.
I personally havent added much game content info to this board lately but I will be damned if I am gonna come here to do nothing other then bash the game. And thats pretty much all you see here lately.
I am certainly not a UO cheerleader but it still bothers me that so many people feel so cheated and vindictive that they now have to try and sink the game on the games own boards.
Half of the people bashing here admit that they dont even play anymore. Truly sad lol.
The funniest part is that the game is still as great as ever. I guess A.D.D. is more common then I thought and everyone just cant handle it.
Maybe if some of these peeps worried less about their characters fashion or their houses decos they would realize that the game still has a ton to offer.
As far as UO being a sinking ship; I don't remember ever saying that. I did offer suggestions on how to improve it and what I feel are the most significant issues currently facing the game. I make an attempt to offer solutions and observations when I can. I don't frequently tear appart another persons posts to make my point. It's not worth it.
Someone earlier posted something that I completely agree with: The Dev Team needs to shift focus from existing players to finding and securing new players. I say it all the time; everyone who has been here an extended period of time has become very comfortable with the state of the game and their mounds of garbage. They threaten to quit at the hint of that mound being threatened. It's ridiculous, but there it is.
Great post.My 2 cents. (Its not really worth that much)
UO has been over for quite some time. We haven't had a quality expansion since the good chunk of the dev team got laid off. We get little to no updates, nobody asks us what we want anymore. There's no communication except for a few people who have people like Mesanna on ICQ.
GrimmOmen is the only one who talks to us any more on any sort of user-level, and while he's a fantastic artist and very good at his job, I don't feel like his opinions mean much at those early morning "what are we going to do today" meetings at UO HQ.
Everything we have "gotten" for the game lately has been new art. No new systems, landmasses, or things to do.
When someone complains about how things are you will get a dozen or so people "happy with what they give us" or "glad we got anything". Easily quieted people who are thrilled to get a new item in their backpacks. No offense intended to those people, I just expect more because the game used to BE more.
You may not like a person, or agree with the things they say, the way they play, or any of that. However, when someone like JC calls it quits after literally years of supporting the game (so much so he runs a fantsite and wiki) that says something. Loud and clear to me. Sadly I don't think the people who really matter are hearing it.
I would like to try to get down to one account. I have accounts up that I don't play just for the houses. You have to ask yourself why you're doing something like that.
Why aren't we getting updates? Why aren't we getting expansions? Do we just not have the manpower to put into it anymore?
Most of all why don't we have the conversations. Devs coming to ask us what WE think would be fun.
I used to be one of the biggest UO cheerleaders of all time. They've taken the wind out of my sails. I'm just drifting now.
Sorry. Here's a funny colored dye.![]()
Flutter and JC were both pretty positive about the game.Great post.
And to others: Flutter, like JC, HAS been one of the biggest UO cheerleaders around. It is worth listening to people like them because they are actually informed. So many blind circlejerking people like Arimid and Galen are missing the point and just distracting you from the important points made by people who actually have had their fingers on the pulse of this game for so many years.
Devs should listen to the majority of players less, and just a select few elite more, It's following popular demand that got the game in the state it is now.I feel like a dev team that asks our opinions on things shows that they care what we think, even if they don't always follow through with what "we" want.
I feel like a dev team that communicates with us (no, not just me) directly is more in touch with what it's like to be a player instead of a developer.
Never tried to convince anyone to quit.Anyone else find it creepy when someone quits and spends a lot of time and energy in essence attempting to convince us we should quit too?
We've had a little mini-trend of these posts. JC, Ra'Dian, the UO travelogue guy.....
Flutter I notice that you joined Uhall a few months after me and have a very similar location....?
To those wondering, I am not Flutter. My avatar displays me and Feanor, though I do enjoy the sig the poster uses.
LOL ummm yea NODevs should listen to the majority of players less, and just a select few elite more, It's following popular demand that got the game in the state it is now.
Please spare me the history lesson. As I mentioned earlier I do not care about what someone contributed in the past, no matter how great. We all contributed in the past.Great post.My 2 cents. (Its not really worth that much)
UO has been over for quite some time. We haven't had a quality expansion since the good chunk of the dev team got laid off. We get little to no updates, nobody asks us what we want anymore. There's no communication except for a few people who have people like Mesanna on ICQ.
GrimmOmen is the only one who talks to us any more on any sort of user-level, and while he's a fantastic artist and very good at his job, I don't feel like his opinions mean much at those early morning "what are we going to do today" meetings at UO HQ.
Everything we have "gotten" for the game lately has been new art. No new systems, landmasses, or things to do.
When someone complains about how things are you will get a dozen or so people "happy with what they give us" or "glad we got anything". Easily quieted people who are thrilled to get a new item in their backpacks. No offense intended to those people, I just expect more because the game used to BE more.
You may not like a person, or agree with the things they say, the way they play, or any of that. However, when someone like JC calls it quits after literally years of supporting the game (so much so he runs a fantsite and wiki) that says something. Loud and clear to me. Sadly I don't think the people who really matter are hearing it.
I would like to try to get down to one account. I have accounts up that I don't play just for the houses. You have to ask yourself why you're doing something like that.
Why aren't we getting updates? Why aren't we getting expansions? Do we just not have the manpower to put into it anymore?
Most of all why don't we have the conversations. Devs coming to ask us what WE think would be fun.
I used to be one of the biggest UO cheerleaders of all time. They've taken the wind out of my sails. I'm just drifting now.
Sorry. Here's a funny colored dye.![]()
And to others: Flutter, like JC, HAS been one of the biggest UO cheerleaders around. It is worth listening to people like them because they are actually informed. So many blind circlejerking people like Arimid and Galen are missing the point and just distracting you from the important points made by people who actually have had their fingers on the pulse of this game for so many years.
Who gets to decide which player(s) are considered "elite"? I know that the pvper's consider themselves the 'best players' in UO. We all have our own opinions on that which I will not bring up at this time. So yeah,who gets to decide who is "elite"?Devs should listen to the majority of players less, and just a select few elite more, It's following popular demand that got the game in the state it is now.
Your posts on this matter make comparatively little sense save as an argument for why others should quit.Never tried to convince anyone to quit.
Nice try though.
Always love coming back into threads and seeing tidbits I missed the first time through.
As usual, you insert your own opinion into the arguments of others.Your posts on this matter make comparatively little sense save as an argument for why others should quit.
Since I'm fully aware of what I wrote, and you seem to be putting your own special little spin on it, feel free to take it how you wish. However, given that I have, indeed, commented specifically in multiple places that due to the account system being in the state that it was in, I was on my way out the door. That pretty much says what I feel is wrong with the system at present. IE: I'd love to give them money but presently can't.They are, for example, phrased objectively, not as your preferences and showing how the game no longer meets them. Your language makes it rather clear that you weren't only writing about things that could reasonably be described as objective, such as poor customer service or the account system (which is little else but snazzy-looking and if it has decent functionality I've missed it). (Having said that I didn't have the horror stories some did, but still.) You were also clearly writing about content you didn't like. "Unmitigated disaster" is not the same things as, "you know what, there's just too many ****ing negatives for me, I'm out."
Never said you did. My statement was exactly at face value. I love coming back in and finding stuff I missed the first time through. I suppose there's some additional meaning there that I've missed, but since I speak at face value, I'm not going to bother looking for additional meaning in what I post.As to you missing my post at first? Well I can't help that.
I surely did not hide it.
On the EA Jobs website, there is a brief description of the role of a Community Manager:I'm sorry if some of you are SO BUTTHURT that there isn't a community monkey to come post on Stratics and tell the 15 people who post here that they're special snowflakes.
As usual, you insert your own opinion into the arguments of others.
Since I'm fully aware of what I wrote, and you seem to be putting your own special little spin on it, feel free to take it how you wish. However, given that I have, indeed, commented specifically in multiple places that due to the account system being in the state that it was in, I was on my way out the door. That pretty much says what I feel is wrong with the system at present. IE: I'd love to give them money but presently can't.
I'm not quite sure how you manage to dig far too deeply into things that displease you, but I've come to understand that's how you function. Fair enough.
Never said you did. My statement was exactly at face value. I love coming back in and finding stuff I missed the first time through. I suppose there's some additional meaning there that I've missed, but since I speak at face value, I'm not going to bother looking for additional meaning in what I post.