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UO is a Sunk Ship

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Some might find this interesting, it was a thread started this morning on the Warhammer forums.

A lifeline for WAR? |BioWare Social Network
I believe this truly is the last window of opportunity, even considering how far gone things have become.

What we know:
- Initial cost's have been paid for (game isn't in red or bankrupt)
- Still the best PvP game in the market (debatable/nothing else in its class)
- roughly 10% of the game is only used by most players (much like the humans brains)
- EA is poised to make a sh!tload of money in 2012
- full cost subscription for 20k players doesn't make sense anymore.
- many many players want to come back (optimistic)
- leaving things the way they are means R.I.P. Might not hurt to have
better management around here, maybe someone from EA directly can take

I would think that investing in a passionate game like AoR would warrant increased spending/borrowing if previous costs have been absorbed. I'm talking a minimum $20 million re-investment. I know if you look at AoR subscribers that doesn't make sense at all, even if you calculate a $30-$40 yearly xpac (mandatory for new content). But, I think this model is different and you should consider not the amount of subscribers that are all at once subscribed, but the instead calculate the amount of players who ranked to T4 and then quit over the course of the years. This is the real potential amount of customers to consider to return and purchase new xpacs.

But anyhow, like suggested, a general game overhaul of existing content is feasable at reasonably low cost:

- new subscribtion model / endless pvp / much much better cash shop (buy new areas/zones/access to higher ranks)
- offer Live Events to create new battles in formerly PvE areas (there are literally hundreds of potential areas) : see Hypothetical WAR for example.
- Still numerous unfinished Scenarios and other exotic locations that would be great for PvP battles or scenarios
- spending money to progress might be more attractive if players can take smaller steps (intead of $0-$15 jump)

If money can be found, or perhaps the massive EA team of super developers can return their focus to AoR after SW release, a re-launch with BOTH revised existing game and content restructure AND paid new content expansion offering minimum 2-4 new city instances (for Campaign) battles, new purpose for Guilds and return to focus what makes WAR so great - PvP, playing with friends, Guilds, Keeps and Forts and other large battles.
There's been no advertising, and the WAR main website hasn't been updated since Aug 2010... because... Bioware wants ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to detract from SWTOR release, especially another MMO that they control. They want to squeeze out every penny they can for the initial release, until the hundreds of thousands of new subscribers lose interest in SWTOR and move on, or go back to their other MMOs.

It will be probably 3-6 months post SWTOR when they start losing subs en masse before WAR can hope to see any attention from Bioware. I'd prefer Bioware sell off WAR to a smaller independent gaming company that actually has passion for their games.

Look at Age of Conan for example... I played AOC hardcore about 6 months. The game had it's moments, but PVP was pretty weak and RVR/World RVR objectives were non existant. Somehow this niche game ran by a much smaller company has had several mini expansions and 1 massive expansion, to include introducing a new race. In addition Funcom continues to advertise AOC, and still I receive 2 to 3 emails a month with content updates, bug fixes, and much more.

Giuseppe Nelva of DualShockers.com wrote an updated review of the game in September 2011, praising the improved state of the game and awarding Age of Conan a 9/10, while writing: "With the arrival of the new game director Craig Morrison, and years of hard work behind the scenes, not only Funcom managed to straighten the many things that didn’t work in the game and polish it considerably, but they completely turned the tables, creating one of the most enjoyable, innovative and beautiful looking and sounding MMORPGs in the market. It’s not yet perfect, and some old flaws still occasionally resurface, but whether you are an old player that quit long ago, but is still hearing the wild call of Hyboria, or you’re looking for a new MMORPG to enjoy, Age of Conan is an extremely solid offering, that together with one of the best low-fantasy settings ever written, graphics of jaw-dropping quality and the innovative battle system, creates a game that every fan of the MMORPG genre should try."

How can Funcom/Eidos Interactive turn out a steady flow of improvements to AOC and Bioware can't do the same for WAR? I'm NOT an AOC fanboy, I'm just questioning how a much smaller gaming company can have the time and $$ to keep investing in AOC, yet EA/Bioware/Mythic cannot? Warhammer Online without a doubt has an infinitely better PVP/RVR platform than AOC, legions of WARHAMMER tabletop fans around the world, thousands, dare I say hudreds of thousands of former subscribers that are looking for a reason to come back to WAR, without a doubt the BEST RVR and PVP currently on the market, yet EA/Bioware/Mythic has "pulled the plug" on all advertising, expansions, and long term developement of Warhammer.

If AOC can make such a huge turn around, surely WAR can do the same.

EA/Biorware/Mythic, PLEASE, either sell off WAR to another company that has a passion for the Warhammer universe, or start making our monthly subscription fees worth the money.
You may also ask why FC can come up with a constant stream of patches and updates to Anarchy Online, a game that is going their 8th (?) year...
And they still try to get former players back into the game by offering free gametime and longterm subscriptions sweetened with goddies from their gameshop...

And the only thing they hand out here are locks to threads, or bans to people that financed their game for years.

How hard can it be to wrangle something up for WAR to show at least some interest to the people that are still paying for WAR?

People really want to play WAR, but all they get is the cold shoulder... or the **** of sign in the ea/origin store if they try to buy gametime or other stuff for WAR.

Seriously, how hard can it be to come up with working website for your products?

I'm mostly buying things on amazon.de or amazon.co.uk, and i never had any trouble with my creditcards, but when i try origin... when i'm lucky i will get my code after a full day, sometimes i do not even get feedback if my purchase was successfull or not.

How about you take some lessons from amazon how to handle those things...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Between all three games, I am not seeing 80 hours or 120 hours of community relations or PR work. I'm not even seeing 20 hours a week.

Just not seeing it.
I'm not trying to speak for anyone here, just giving my observance. I can tell you my average day as a volunteer is a full time day with gathering feedback, talking with Stratics staff, setting up behind the scenes things to benefit Stratics and the community. I would hope no one judges my dedication based on my posting history.

Again, I cannot say the issues aren't there. I know they are and I have a perception based on both sides of the issue. I feel frustration as a player, as a member of the Stratics team and when viewing disrespectful posts towards the team that I can only hope no one would say to someone's face, I can see one can feed off the other negatively or positively.

It is the responsibility of the UO Team to lead with the positive but without that energy back that doesn't poo poo every single detail *sheep* at the drop of a post then that energy gets drained.

Uhall has been a tool of communication for years and its history is one that has its ups and downs. I go through the entire forums and gather feedback from little corners of threads to help relay concerns. We make a concentrated effort to moderate more heavily when Uhall gets top heavy with negativity but at the same time we have to let the player's concerns be heard.

My mindset has always been one of being part of the solution not part of the problem. I would hope that from Jeff's Producers Letter on, along with some other things we can do to help, that we can clean slate it a bit and rebuild a better relationship.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I believe the primary reason for UO not evolving and gathering new customers is the game client. It's nearly 15 years old. A vast majority of gamers these days were not alive when this game was established. Kids between the ages of 10-20 years old have had great graphics their entire gaming career. Seeing Ultima Online is not going to make them want to play it. No matter how great it is.

I honestly believe UO needs to completely start over and work from the ground up. Create a new shinny client (think Rift,) fix the bugs, recode the entire database and reduce the amount of shards. All while maintaining the sandbox and open world feel. Everything about Ultima is amazing. From skill gaining to housing to rare collecting and player interaction. Not to mention the incredible player vs player environment. No other game has done any of this right. All these "new MMOs" put limits on what you can do and become. However, Ultima did it right. You can be a casual gamer or a hardcore gamer and still acquire the best rewards.

I love Ultima Online and will remain loyal till the end!

Edit: I also want to give a shout out to the current and past developers. They've done a hell of a job. They've made some mistakes, however, that's how you learn. 15 years later they're still pumping out content. Two thumbs up!


Something Big Is Coming Rather its Good or Bad Its Coming

(would be nice to hear from the rest of the team)

I would hate having to work for EA hats off to those that do ........


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now I cant say whats going on or whats being made BUT we do know that the team are working on something. Ok that may be the graphics upgrade but they are not all artists. I'm conforted that both Grimm and Logan have posted here. I stongly believe something is in the works but Mesanna has to stop the disallowing of communications. It dosnt support the community, it harms is and I'm sure you are aware of this. All we are asking for is a bit of securty and some comforting words, surely you can allow this? A sneak peek of whats to come? Be it graphics, additions etc etc.

Now what I do know is that Jeff is working hard behind the scenes. I've spoken to him recently and he has reignited some faith within me. He has told me that FoF will be returning shortly (Be it slightly differently) so he is listening guys, just please continue to be optimistic and respectful to the guys. The Dev's have thier own work plans and issues while we have our own. The GrimmOmen has alot of respect from me as he has consistantly posted on here answering questions and posting about work he is undergoing. As a result there isnt much complaint about the graphics upgrade, just rather a more silent expectation.

Im looking forward to the next big release of information, and I think it will be a big press release at that.


Rupert Avery

Stratics Veteran
I have'nt read all the replies so if I say something already said sorry :)

There are 3 things I think would Benifit Ultima Online... All three would need a cash injection but 2 of them not much at all (comparable to EA)

1. Communication with Current player: this wouldn't cost them much.. A little time out of their day just to show they still love us! 1 message a day that's new and informative on fansites, Twitter and Facebook.

2. This woulld be the most expensive one I think but it is Key to my 3rd thiing. The new player experience to be 100% perfect I have had about 12 people start UO only for them to quite because they couldn't get the idea of it being open and sandboxy. The new player experience should from my point of view give you a taste of all walks of uo life. While explaning the path chosen can be changed/moulded and chosen by you as a player. Not sure if my way of thinking makes sence but what ever they choose for the new player experience it must be perfect and gripping!

3. This one would maybe cost some money... But not as much as it used to.
Online Banners, video, and image ads. That link to the free trial.
The cost of making the ads could be next to nothing... If and I have said this before. They could run a competition for players to design Ads and the winners get their ads used.
Interms of cost to brodcast the ads? Well Facebook as a simple ads feature, many of us on UO have personal websites I'm sure we would be happy to advertise a banner here and there if they gave us the code for it.
There are plenty cheap ways to spread Ultima around the internet. But it would only work if it linked back to a solid working free trial and NPE.

There that's my 2 pence!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well after 11 years this Rat is about to jump ship before it sinks. Once Starwars is up and running, My castle with 11 years of crap is going to fall and that will be that. It saddens me to just give up after all these years but i feel like the UO team have given up on us, so Gentlemen Its time to ring the bell and call it a day!


UO`s been dying for 14 years... "once DAOC comes out,UO is dead.... Once WOW comes out,its done....once SWG comes out,its over!.... Once Star Wars comes out its done!"

Whatever..... it`ll be going long after the naysayers are gone. Already proven that time and time again. Everyone seems to be out of touch on how things are funded and improved. We ain`t playing WOW here with a bazillion pl...payers. We are playing UO, a small sandbox game that some how is still around. It is deeper than any game out there and it will take one helluva game to even come close to the depth UO provides.

Be happy with whats here instead of insulting the few that keep the gears turning for us. We get content,we get additions,we get things fixt. Might not be to everyones WOW/Super mmorpg standards but at least it gets worked on by the few people that are there.

Get it thru your heads... UO will never be the massive thing it used to be and will never get the funding or manpower it takes to make all the "game killing" bugs ( I LOL at that) go away. It gets small improvements and small additions....for which I am thankful for. Have some understanding about the situation or it just makes you look naive.



UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd argue that any game which has past sale point revenue and upkeep costs is a ship with a hole in it. You just have to adjust the bail rate to keep it afloat. UO has managed to keep afloat for 14 years and is still chugging along. I've invested 14 years and probably more money than I've made this year working on UO, because I still think its worth playing, and worth improving, and I will continue to do it as long as they let me.
After having played, WoW, Eve, WHO, LoTR, Guildwars, Rift, Lineage and a few other titles, UO is the only one thats still in present tense.
Again i can tell you, what uses the biggest universe, the best sandbox, without a fundament and with the drop of Kingdom Reborn, you lost the future. I told this to devs so much also in beta don't do that and now you are running behind a too fast train.

It is sad but with that options also for the future development on the horizion, i have also said stop do anything for it and i agree 100% with JC. Iam also going to leave it. Maybe today UO is better in the hands of non offical devs, i know UO would never die also when EA closes the doors.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anyone else find it creepy when someone quits and spends a lot of time and energy in essence attempting to convince us we should quit too?

We've had a little mini-trend of these posts. JC, Ra'Dian, the UO travelogue guy.....

I have long made it a policy to not try and talk anyone into un-quitting when they quit. My reasoning is, it's not really any of my business what your hobbies are.

It seems, though, that some of those who quit don't have the equivalent policy.

These posts are not "this is what I no longer like about the game." These posts are arguments being advanced; some of the language seems to have little purpose other than to make those who do not follow their example seem stupid or lesser or otherwise in a negative light.

There has been a long and sad tradition in this game of disparaging those who experience content that you personally don't like.

"Hunting pirates is boring, and I know this even though I've never done it, come do this 4-hour RP trial over a comparatively minor point, even if it makes more sense that your character would be out hunting pirates."

"Hunting Peerlesses sucks, come PvP, noob."

"Factions sucks, who cares about Factions, come to champ spawns, noob."

"How can you fish? Fishing is so boring."

"Crafterz r n0oB5."

You get the idea.

And now it's this:

I mean, come on, let's not pretend that the past five years haven't been an unmitigated disaster for Ultima Online.
Translation....If you liked the last 5 years more than I personally did, you are deluded. However I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're only "pretending."

The same phenomenon as before, but now extended to the game in total, not merely particular aspects of the game that a poster finds displeasing.

Oh well.

It's entirely possible that UO will get shut down one day. Business ventures die for one reason or another every day. It's entirely possible that it'll still be raking in money when or if it dies, and is shut down for some other reason. It's entirely possible that it hasn't made money in years and is shut down for that reason.

When or if this game does die, the last person who proclaims its imminent death will look like a prophet, but it'll be mere coincidence.

-Galen's player


I agree JC, they're too afraid to take risks. UO is just a big costume contest/chat room. I just cancelled my account. In the past month, I've logged on literally 30 seconds, remembered how boring it is, then logged off. I do plan to reactivate before my house falls though...got some unfinished business to take care of if I do officially quit.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If UO is a sinking ship.....I will go down with it! I dont believe it is though. I look forward to logging in today as much as I did 12 years ago when I first started playing. I dont have as much time to play these days but when I do I always have fun and can generally find something to do. Just this past week a new player showed me something Id never even seen before and we spent hours surveying what I didnt even know was there. I love this game and thank the developers for all they have done. Its an awesome game! (Thank you Grimm for the killer pumpkins) after 10 hours of working I still cant wait to get home and see how many I can find.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As much as UO may be sinking, there's still plenty of people willing to form a bucket brigade and run the bilge pumps.

Since I (and others) believe this thread has merit, I've de-trollified it a bit and re-opened it.

Try to be constructive.
For those who are confused by that, here's an example.

Trolling said:
OMG!!! EA sux!!!11!one!!1 They **** up everything they touch. They need to fix it or we should all quit and go play free shards. They're like 10 million times better anyway. They actually care about the game, unlike those jerks running UO now!!! That will teach those bastards to ruin something I liked!!!
Being Constructive said:
EA has done a horrible job with UO. They are killing a once great game, but it's not too late, they could improve things by... <insert helpful, well thought out solutions presented in a respectful manner>

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The only way TO get a change is to hit a big company like EA where it hurts, the wallet. They couldn't explain why so many subs ended so something would have to be done with customer relations or jobs would fully be in danger. It's not rocket science.
While you're at it, why not try shooting yourself in the foot?

When it comes to UO voting with your wallet will not make EA do an about face and fix everything. All it will do is make them pull the plug, and then where will we be?

As far as CS reps and their jobs, well the bigwigs that make the life or death decisions about the fate of a title probably don't really care about someone in the call center who makes less than $10.00 an hour. That's assuming UO even has dedicated CS reps anyway.

The more likely scenario is that each CSR covers all of EA's titles. You could call about UO one day and speak to Frank. Call back the next day about the Sims and speak to that same Frank, and call again on a third day about Fight Night and speak to that same Frank again.

UO closing is not going to put a ton of people out of work. A few yes, but the majority of them are already spread across multiple titles in their duties or are valuable or flexible enough to the company that they will be reabsorbed and moved to another game.

Do I know the proper solution to the state of UO? No, and I don't pretend I do either, but cutting off the money UO brings in is not going to make EA sit up and take notice. They'll say 'Oh well, on to the next thing.' and go on with their lives. Personally, I'll keep paying/playing until they turn the servers off.

Either way, I think it's a moot point. UO has been around nearly 15 years. How many MMO's can say that? UO has seen it's share of competition come and go in it's time. Clearly it has something that keeps it up, otherwise we wouldn't even be having this conversation.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Black Sun,

Thanks for the post, you do make good sense. Thank you also for reopening this thread, because I don't think it should die. Inbetween all the complaints and criticism there are valuable ideas that are being offered and they need to be seen.

From my perspective, having looked through the message boards as far back as I can and reading various websites, I think that the issue lays firmly in the hands of the company and not the players.

Please check back through all the posts. Sure there is a LOT of random complaining and personal issues with the game, but there is also a goldmine of new ideas and wonderful observations that have been offered. Of course not all could ever be implemented or utilized, but they are there and from what I can tell, most if not all have been ignored.

If they haven't been ignored, how is one to know?

Communication. It all comes down to this.

P.S. - 73 got posted this morning and just in time too. I think a rebellion was in the offing. What would have been so hard about leaking some general information about this and creating a buzz a few weeks ahead of an official post? GrimmOmen did on his part but where is everyone else? C'mon guys, we are here for you and we are starved for communication. If you don't like negative feedback on your work then communicate more. People will build up respect for you and it will be MUCH harder for them to criticize you. As it is now, no one knows you and they feel like they can hammer away; in fact they most likely do it to solicit a response... any response!

Anyway, thanks for the update. I'm not going anywhere now; I just got back. I'll be here until the doors close. Just don't ignore me. I don't look at myself as a paying customer. I like to think I am a contributor to the game.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Perhaps the number of posters endlessly pancakes in Stratics UO forums are such a tiny percentage of the number of paying UO customers EA just can't get worked up over whats bitched about.

"Hmmm.... 99.4% of our customers, many having more than one account, do not have any complaints they consider worth coming to the forums to complain about. There's just this very vocal tiny number endlessly sounding off. Obvoiusly what we are doing must be the right thing or far more would be sounding off. Good work people!"

There's what, several dozen posters who get in on these complaint rampages? It has to be a very small part of the customer base or EA wouldn't be making enough money to keep UO running. Might be time for us to just shut up and enjoy the parts of the game we enjoy.

Time to stop spending any time in these forums. I'll stick to the forums at the other place. The ratio of useful posts to useless posts is a lot better there.

old gypsy

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Although I sometimes go for long stretches without playing, when I do log in I always find something enjoyable to do (not always what others might consider enjoyable, of course). UO is still unique among online games, some of which have entered the scene with great fanfare and later folded. The small cost of keeping my original account alive is well worth it. Regardless of bugs or other perceived problems, we make our own fun in this still-amazing fantasy world of UO. Although I quit for a while in the past (and briefly considered it, for strictly personal reasons, a while ago), I've come to terms with whatever reasons motivated me to do so, and I don't foresee leaving it again of my own volition.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Anyone else find it creepy when someone quits and spends a lot of time and energy in essence attempting to convince us we should quit too?
I take issue with this post on two fronts. The first being I didn't spend a lot of time crafting it, it took about 10 minutes of typing and nothing more. The second being that I am trying to convince other people to quit. If you find UO enjoyable, by all means keep playing. Don't listen to anyone else if you are having a good time.

This topic was just an outline of what I think of UO's current state and how it got here. How other people take it and what direction UO moves in is up to them.

On the subject of the current publish it looks wonderful....................if it came out 9 years ago. The new loot system sounds fantastic, but I don't see how it would replace any of my current character's gear. I already have container after container of insane magic loot. Artifacts such as the Ornament of the Magician outclass everything else in the appropriate slot. Unless they do something about current equipment it is not going to change much of anything.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love everything about the game still, well everything that is except those riduculi garg suits that turn them into sherman tanks...


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My 2 cents. (Its not really worth that much)

UO has been over for quite some time. We haven't had a quality expansion since the good chunk of the dev team got laid off. We get little to no updates, nobody asks us what we want anymore. There's no communication except for a few people who have people like Mesanna on ICQ.
GrimmOmen is the only one who talks to us any more on any sort of user-level, and while he's a fantastic artist and very good at his job, I don't feel like his opinions mean much at those early morning "what are we going to do today" meetings at UO HQ.

Everything we have "gotten" for the game lately has been new art. No new systems, landmasses, or things to do.
When someone complains about how things are you will get a dozen or so people "happy with what they give us" or "glad we got anything". Easily quieted people who are thrilled to get a new item in their backpacks. No offense intended to those people, I just expect more because the game used to BE more.

You may not like a person, or agree with the things they say, the way they play, or any of that. However, when someone like JC calls it quits after literally years of supporting the game (so much so he runs a fantsite and wiki) that says something. Loud and clear to me. Sadly I don't think the people who really matter are hearing it.

I would like to try to get down to one account. I have accounts up that I don't play just for the houses. You have to ask yourself why you're doing something like that.

Why aren't we getting updates? Why aren't we getting expansions? Do we just not have the manpower to put into it anymore?
Most of all why don't we have the conversations. Devs coming to ask us what WE think would be fun.
I used to be one of the biggest UO cheerleaders of all time. They've taken the wind out of my sails. I'm just drifting now.

Sorry. Here's a funny colored dye.


Ships dont sink when they add plugs to the holes like they did with pub 73


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UO`s been dying for 14 years... "once DAOC comes out,UO is dead.... Once WOW comes out,its done....once SWG comes out,its over!.... Once Star Wars comes out its done!"

Whatever..... it`ll be going long after the naysayers are gone. Already proven that time and time again. Everyone seems to be out of touch on how things are funded and improved. We ain`t playing WOW here with a bazillion pl...payers. We are playing UO, a small sandbox game that some how is still around. It is deeper than any game out there and it will take one helluva game to even come close to the depth UO provides.

Be happy with whats here instead of insulting the few that keep the gears turning for us. We get content,we get additions,we get things fixt. Might not be to everyones WOW/Super mmorpg standards but at least it gets worked on by the few people that are there.

Get it thru your heads... UO will never be the massive thing it used to be and will never get the funding or manpower it takes to make all the "game killing" bugs ( I LOL at that) go away. It gets small improvements and small additions....for which I am thankful for. Have some understanding about the situation or it just makes you look naive.

Every time somebody says UO is dying, it's one step closer. The number of subscribers steadily decreases. Therefore it is closer to death.

Solution? Get more subscribers.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In your own words the community is still great & I agree with you there.

Since community is without question the most important aspect of the game I say that things are pretty damn ok right now then.

While I also agree with alot of the issues you posted I just dont let them affect my gameplay. I can still log in 24/7 and do whatever I want to do. Just like years ago.

I have never been one to whine about all the bs little crap. IMO if you have been playing the game a long time and have major issues with the little crap like house decos/storage & litter you are never gonna be happy no matter what(not intended towards the OP here)

Too many people spend their gametime pancakes about what should be done instead of just doing one of the billion fun things already present ingame.

IMO anyone that says they are bored or they need new content just doesnt get it. They will never be satisfied no matter how much is added because they have no idea how to appreciate what they already have.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I still plan on staying here and making a fight of UO. Until EA shuts off the servers I will be here. Does EA need to do more? Yes of course they do. Do we as players need to do more? Hell yes. Tell your friends. If you don't have any friends make some and try and get them to play UO. Think of all that UO has and means to you. Its just different then other games and its worth us fighting for it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anyone else find it creepy when someone quits and spends a lot of time and energy in essence attempting to convince us we should quit too?

We've had a little mini-trend of these posts. JC, Ra'Dian, the UO travelogue guy.....

I have long made it a policy to not try and talk anyone into un-quitting when they quit. My reasoning is, it's not really any of my business what your hobbies are.

It seems, though, that some of those who quit don't have the equivalent policy.

These posts are not "this is what I no longer like about the game." These posts are arguments being advanced; some of the language seems to have little purpose other than to make those who do not follow their example seem stupid or lesser or otherwise in a negative light.

There has been a long and sad tradition in this game of disparaging those who experience content that you personally don't like.

"Hunting pirates is boring, and I know this even though I've never done it, come do this 4-hour RP trial over a comparatively minor point, even if it makes more sense that your character would be out hunting pirates."

"Hunting Peerlesses sucks, come PvP, noob."

"Factions sucks, who cares about Factions, come to champ spawns, noob."

"How can you fish? Fishing is so boring."

"Crafterz r n0oB5."

You get the idea.

And now it's this:

Translation....If you liked the last 5 years more than I personally did, you are deluded. However I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're only "pretending."

The same phenomenon as before, but now extended to the game in total, not merely particular aspects of the game that a poster finds displeasing.

Oh well.

It's entirely possible that UO will get shut down one day. Business ventures die for one reason or another every day. It's entirely possible that it'll still be raking in money when or if it dies, and is shut down for some other reason. It's entirely possible that it hasn't made money in years and is shut down for that reason.

When or if this game does die, the last person who proclaims its imminent death will look like a prophet, but it'll be mere coincidence.

-Galen's player


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My 2 cents. (Its not really worth that much)

UO has been over for quite some time. We haven't had a quality expansion since the good chunk of the dev team got laid off. We get little to no updates, nobody asks us what we want anymore. There's no communication except for a few people who have people like Mesanna on ICQ.
GrimmOmen is the only one who talks to us any more on any sort of user-level, and while he's a fantastic artist and very good at his job, I don't feel like his opinions mean much at those early morning "what are we going to do today" meetings at UO HQ.

Everything we have "gotten" for the game lately has been new art. No new systems, landmasses, or things to do.
When someone complains about how things are you will get a dozen or so people "happy with what they give us" or "glad we got anything". Easily quieted people who are thrilled to get a new item in their backpacks. No offense intended to those people, I just expect more because the game used to BE more.

You may not like a person, or agree with the things they say, the way they play, or any of that. However, when someone like JC calls it quits after literally years of supporting the game (so much so he runs a fantsite and wiki) that says something. Loud and clear to me. Sadly I don't think the people who really matter are hearing it.

I would like to try to get down to one account. I have accounts up that I don't play just for the houses. You have to ask yourself why you're doing something like that.

Why aren't we getting updates? Why aren't we getting expansions? Do we just not have the manpower to put into it anymore?
Most of all why don't we have the conversations. Devs coming to ask us what WE think would be fun.
I used to be one of the biggest UO cheerleaders of all time. They've taken the wind out of my sails. I'm just drifting now.

Sorry. Here's a funny colored dye.
1) You have a forum that is viewed by employees of the game. Why should you expect or get anything more? Regardless of what was given in the past?

2) You imply multiple times that you personally want to be asked/informed? Really?
Do you maybe think that you are taking a game way too seriously?

3) Uo has never needed or benefitted from "cheerleaders"
Cheerleaders are one-sided and not productive.

Many people call me a cheerlaeader simply because I am the first one to bash all the fools that whine about the game all day on these boards. But I only do so because I think it pathetic that anyone can play a game so long and be so miserable. 99% of the rants are about things that dont even affect gameplay.
I reply because I foolishly believe that the couple of new people that may be looking here for info about becoming part of Uo need to hear an unbiased perspective. Not just disgruntled vets that have bought every item ingame and now are bored.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think I'll sum it up - there's a hundred and fifty posts on a thread about how UO is a sunk ship - (if UO were sunk, then there would be 5 - hehe)


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1) You have a forum that is viewed by employees of the game. Why should you expect or get anything more? Regardless of what was given in the past?

2) You imply multiple times that you personally want to be asked/informed? Really?
Do you maybe think that you are taking a game way too seriously?

3) Uo has never needed or benefitted from "cheerleaders"
Cheerleaders are one-sided and not productive.

Many people call me a cheerlaeader simply because I am the first one to bash all the fools that whine about the game all day on these boards. But I only do so because I think it pathetic that anyone can play a game so long and be so miserable. 99% of the rants are about things that dont even affect gameplay.
I reply because I foolishly believe that the couple of new people that may be looking here for info about becoming part of Uo need to hear an unbiased perspective. Not just disgruntled vets that have bought every item ingame and now are bored.
1) I expect more because we as paying customers deserve more.

2) Me personally, and every single other person that wants to be involved. Not sure how that is taking the game too seriously.

3) Not sure if you understood the meaning of "cheerleader" in the context of my post. Pretty sure from the paragraph that follows this bullet point that you do not.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think it is hilarious the sudden ramp up of activity in the last 2 months. Kinda makes you wonder WTF was happening in the the last 2 years.

Anyway better get off my butt and do some work.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1) You have a forum that is viewed by employees of the game. Why should you expect or get anything more? Regardless of what was given in the past?

2) You imply multiple times that you personally want to be asked/informed? Really?
Do you maybe think that you are taking a game way too seriously?

3) Uo has never needed or benefitted from "cheerleaders"
Cheerleaders are one-sided and not productive.

Many people call me a cheerlaeader simply because I am the first one to bash all the fools that whine about the game all day on these boards. But I only do so because I think it pathetic that anyone can play a game so long and be so miserable. 99% of the rants are about things that dont even affect gameplay.
I reply because I foolishly believe that the couple of new people that may be looking here for info about becoming part of Uo need to hear an unbiased perspective. Not just disgruntled vets that have bought every item ingame and now are bored.
1) I expect more because we as paying customers deserve more.

2) Me personally, and every single other person that wants to be involved. Not sure how that is taking the game too seriously.

3) Not sure if you understood the meaning of "cheerleader" in the context of my post. Pretty sure from the paragraph that follows this bullet point that you do not.
Ahhh, the old generic "paying customer" argument.
Have you ever read TOS? Obviously not. You are absolutely getting what you pay for every month.
What are you not getting that is promised you in TOS? Please enlighten me.

Btw, if you only got what was promised in TOS you prolly would have been gone long ago. TOS never promised you the awesome community that you have been part of for so long. Bonus.
TOS nver promised you all the amazing people you have met playing this game. Bonus.
I could go on & on. Things that btw are unique to this MMORPG because it was the first.

You would have to be an idiot to not realize that you have gotten ALOT more then your moneys worth out of this game.

You want to be involved? Then just play the freaking game. Thats involvement.
Cut the bs about how many accounts you are closing down.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not sure what your deal is with Flutter but she is allowed her opinion just as much as you. She has done many great things for UO and the community. Oh there may be some that doesn't like her for her pvp but thats life. She gives more then most know. There is not enough time for me to type all she has done.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ahhh, the old generic "paying customer" argument.
Have you ever read TOS? Obviously not. You are absolutely getting what you pay for every month.
What are you not getting that is promised you in TOS? Please enlighten me.

Btw, if you only got what was promised in TOS you prolly would have been gone long ago. TOS never promised you the awesome community that you have been part of for so long. Bonus.
TOS nver promised you all the amazing people you have met playing this game. Bonus.
I could go on & on. Things that btw are unique to this MMORPG because it was the first.

You would have to be an idiot to not realize that you have gotten ALOT more then your moneys worth out of this game.

You want to be involved? Then just play the freaking game. Thats involvement.
Cut the bs about how many accounts you are closing down.
If you are satisfied with what you're getting good for you! I don't understand why you are reacting this way because some people are NOT satisfied. They are allowed to have their opinions and voice them.

I haven't mentioned closing any accounts down. I said I have five open and I don't understand why because I'm not getting my money's worth anymore. That is my prerogative.

If you are happy and appeased by what you are getting then go play the game and stop worrying so much about what I (or anyone else) am posting on a thread about UO being a sunk ship.

It's sad to see that you find people's reasons for leaving a game they have paid monthly for for 10+ years irrelevant. Some of us don't.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
there hasn't been a booster expansion in 1 year despite them being every 6 months, game additions are few and far between, etc.
There have been 14 publishes this year so far (arenas and the recent Shame stuff on the backburner still), including the Brit Ship, Valentine's Day content, Blackrock Golems, the Bane and the Death of Queen Dawn, New Magincia, the Journey to the Athenaeum Isle, the PvP balance changes, Charybdis, the Honesty Virtue, Clean Up Britannia 2011, and the Halloween 2011 content. Not sure what I'm leaving out but the live team has provided plenty of content, and the EMs have several independent events going on per month. UO is far from a sunken ship as far as PvM goes. As far as PvP goes, well, that's a mixed bag. So many other games provide PvP with not only more players, but more skill, strategy, and ultimately, a company and game that can handle cheaters. UO PvP will never be great unless the client is more secure and the staff can deal with cheaters more efficiently. Still, arenas are a nice step in the right direction, as far as an controlled environment in which peers can PvP.

Electronic Arts - If it wasn't for Richard Garriott fighting so hard for this brand new genre of game, we wouldn't be here today. It is unfortunate that he ended up leaving the UO team and left everything in charge of a company who has no idea what they are doing when it comes to games other than Madden.
I'm sick of people blaming EA for the failures of UO. Dragon Age, The Sims? Come on, saying all EA is good for is Madden is not only misguided, it's simply not true...Madden has sucked for quite awhile now. Nothing as bad as NBA Live, which in fact died, but still. And it's funny because NBA 2K isn't all that great either. There are more bugs in 2K games--regardless of the sport--than any console games I've ever played. It's a ****ty time for sports gaming.

I remember when you could die to a Headless One and a Troll was an 8 out of 10 difficulty according to Stratics.
Troll an 8 out of 10? When was that, pre-alpha? lol anyway, just solo a Stygian Dragon or try to complete the Minotaur spawn by yourself if you need something tougher than a troll ;P. But it's funny since the latest publish semi-addresses this concern.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, I'll just say--I called Customer service (within the last 2 weeks) and the Rep on the phone asks what game I needed help with and I tell them UO--and they comment, "Oh, I did not know UO was still around!" It makes one wonder! Wonder, just how close to being on the mark JC actually is! (Thanks for UO Guide--it has been an Awesome tool!)

I think at this point--after 11 years, I just keep my accounts active with hopes of something happening that will make me want to keep playing. I find it was easier to send my kids off to collage than it is to close my UO accounts. 1 account down and 3 to go.....I will give it another 6 months and see if there is any change.

In the mean time---Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on 11-11-11 will keep me busy!


Well, I'll just say--I called Customer service (within the last 2 weeks) and the Rep on the phone asks what game I needed help with and I tell them UO--and they comment, "Oh, I did not know UO was still around!" It makes one wonder! Wonder, just how close to being on the mark JC actually is! (Thanks for UO Guide--it has been an Awesome tool!)

I think at this point--after 11 years, I just keep my accounts active with hopes of something happening that will make me want to keep playing. I find it was easier to send my kids off to collage than it is to close my UO accounts. 1 account down and 3 to go.....I will give it another 6 months and see if there is any change.

In the mean time---Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on 11-11-11 will keep me busy!
Obviously wasnt the rep you needed to speak to then, EA is a massive company with hundreds of customer service reps for hundreds of games within many many seperate departments which probably reside in many different buildings in many different countries. EA are mostly just publishers, just because 1 person from these thousands of employees says that, means absolutely nothing.

I think the truth is, if your keeping your accounts open for the sole reason of something 'happening' then you may aswell just close them because in all likelyhood even if something did happen it wouldnt be enough.

I must admit I came back about a month ago and all I've seen in this forum is mostly a small number of people complaining relentlessly, even when something does 'happen' they continue thier pessimistic rantings to the point where it make no resonable sense or after complaining about lack of communication, then start pounding in the demands towards the devs/producers within hours of them showing up.

Stratics needs an attitude check imo, UHall is becoming a troll/whine forum, i bet alot of people either dont bother posting or dont bother even coming here anymore due to the QQ.


Ignore activated..... Ahhhhhhhhhh.

Somehow I don't think you are the only one :)

The good Ship Ultima Online has not sunk and is not going to sink. You don't round out a month with a huge patch full of new systems, new mobs, new loot and new graphics on a sinking ship.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not sure what your deal is with Flutter but she is allowed her opinion just as much as you. She has done many great things for UO and the community. Oh there may be some that doesn't like her for her pvp but thats life. She gives more then most know. There is not enough time for me to type all she has done.
Yeah.. bashing Flutter will surely win you lots of friends here..(sarcasm)

Capn Kranky

... <snip> ... The good HMS Titanic has not sunk and is not going to sink. You don't round out a month with a huge patch full of new systems, new mobs, new loot and new graphics on a sinking ship.
Fixed ...

Actually, look at DAoC ... they're adding new stuff, areas and altering play somewhat. Would you call that a bustling MMO? They consolidated servers some time ago as well.

There needs to be more than pixelcrack to tell me UO isn't going the wrong way on the sales graph. Like advertising! New, decently crafted and usable client that the majority of players CAN use without eyestrain from graphics (seems to be started). Yes, catch-22 ... need graphics to lure players, need players to justify investing time to improve game ...

ARG! For the first time since Tram came into being (fiasco that it was), I seriously feel let down by EA. The Devs have taken a lot of guff from us over the years but they don't always or necessarily make the decisions. The boardroom does and they frankly seem to have little care for this MMO or the others in their stable. Pffft.

I need some coffee.
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