IMO Hailstorm & nether cyclone wouldn't need damage split if stoneform + protection was taken care of.
everyone's crying about hailstorm when it's Sync dumped on people, and they wouldn't be-able to do that as effectively if they were interruptable purge works... but there's a short cooldown on it & beyond the obvious... You NEED to be a MYSTIC to PURGE this is where the real problem is. simple fix to the whole mystic problem would be to make stoneform and protection not work together at all (Casting stoneform removes protection & vice-versa)
The one thing that Will not be changing, is the choke fights are still going to be 10+ stoneform/protection mystics, fighting another group of the same thing, and stoneform prot mystics will also remain Almost impossible to kill <--- so much worse than the way the bestial suit worked before it was nerfed to uselessness.
where are the other mage templates? dexer's have AI & mortal strike, non-mystic mages have nothing to stop a stone-form mystic from healing and cannot curse them, thus basically cannot kill them one vs one.
IMO These are the things that kill pvp in UO.. reducing the amount of effective templates to use in PVP. it's happened before the whole tactics required for weapon specs & spec toggling while casting spells killed pvp quite a bit... it eventually recovered from it (kinda) but it's dieing down again because there's a limited amount of viable temps to play or it's just not worth the effort to compete against these things.
I often wonder how amazing pvp would be if Throwing & Mysticism ceased to exist... (I'm pretty sure it would be FKing amazing... but it could just be me.)