[UO Herald] Beta Update

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No offense Dermott, I like your postings and value your opinion, and I know you'll do a good job testing, but no where in the application did it say "Have you helped create a Custom UI for KR?"...favoritism was used in this Beta just like's used in others.
I could be wrong here, but, I bet Dermott was asked to join a focus group, ie: the group before beta because of the help and knowledge he has given.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Apr 2, 2006
Sounds like SA Focus group + EMs = 25 person SA beta group :sleep2:

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008

No, but there was a specific call for KR UI modders for the Focus Group that preceded the beta test.

Other than that one actual targeted call, we have ZERO information on how the applications were processed, accepted, or denied.

And personally, I find it VERY humourous to see people who aren't in the FG and/or Beta claiming what player types are in or not in or how they determined who they accepted.

Now I do try to be fair (which means I'm just as harsh against the devs when they do something I don't like), and in this case, I have to defend the Devs on the issue (at least in terms of what's been said in this thread).

We don't know what the criteria for acceptance was (beyond the initial call for the Focus Group), so any attempt to say is simply ASSumption.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Apr 25, 2001
Austin baby!
I don't remember anything on the application page that would tend to specifically indicate who the player was (in relation to stratics or anything else), so I don't understand where concerns that there was favoritism or specific weeding (IE people who pvp) out of certain people. From what I recall it was basically system specs and length of playtime, but my memory is kind of shoddy.

At no time did anyone I know ICQ me or PM me or email me and say "want to get in on the beta?"

Possibly there were specific people they were looking for, as in the focus group, but I wasn't part of that group so I don't know.

If I were running a beta I would personally want people who are active players, who report bugs (which may be tied into account information), who post regularly and seem to be very interested in testing a new client and doing the gruntwork that goes along with it. I would probably not want admitted cheaters (hi petrify) because it would be my suspicion they would just test things out in order to find loopholes they could benefit from.

But like I said I don't remember any thing on the application that would tend to give them that kind of information. It was quite possibly just people grabbed from all ranges of the spectrum system spec wise to test for performance, then focus group people, EMs because they're already on the payroll, and then a few more random people.


Dermott, seldom do I disagree with you, and personally am very glad to see you're in focus and beta, but bear in mind please, that for each "celebration" there are hundreds sensing rejection. It's the very reason I object to public announcement until completion, not before or during! That's not to criticize you or anyone else who is elated to participate, my "beef" is with the decision to change the process serving us so well until this rendition. Whatever manner some choose to vent, should be left to each individual, IMHO :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Apr 2, 2006
It's the very reason I object to public announcement until completion, not before or during!
This PR had to be made because people were making noises about why there was no Beta yet when it was promised 2 weeks ago. So just to let everyone know, there is a Beta... made up of the Focus group and EMs.

There is no reason for not letting as many people that want to, pay to Beta test your product. So if a lot more people enter Beta soon, that will be a very promising sign because it means it is ready for release. If not, it is going to be KR redux.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jan 5, 2001
A lot of people in this thread are making a lot of assumptions.

1. No one who applied should be feeling too despondent, this was only the first wave, and it's normal to increase server load in increments.
2. There's an assumption that everyone who got in posted this thread. Why would they? It's not compulsory.
3. There's an assumption that no one who has posted pvp's. I don't know everyone who's posted, don't know their playstyle. But I do know at least 3 of them pvp regularly. One of them has killed my character several times in the past on Europa :D I think he plays Atlantic now.
4. There's an assumption that everyone who's posted this thread is telling the truth. It has been my experience on these boards that some people will quite happily lie through their teeth for the sole reason of creating a flame war on UHall.

Let's do a little less jumping to conclussions please?


How many of the ones who applied, but didn't make this first intake, waited for the secure page before applying? Ever thought they might have done it on a 'first come, first served' basis?

btw, yes I'm in, the focus group.
I didn't wait for the secure page, and I didn't get in. So I guess the first come, firt served basis wasn't really how they chose.


I got in the first wave of testing and do not know any EMs, GMs or mod the KR client. Matter of fact, I have only been back four months after several years away.

Maybe they wanted specific harware configurations first to make sure it ran smoother for the next few rounds of invites. I have no idea and this is mere speculation on my part.

Too many people think they wont get in because they didn't get invited as part of the first group. Maybe it's a blessing to not have been picked first. Alot of the bugs will be fixed and most likely keep those devoted 2D client users interested long enough to give the SA client a real chance.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 26, 2008
Arkansas but travel a lot
Congrats to those who made the first round for the beta test. I did not get chosen but maybe on the next round or so. I realize not many people here know me as I do not normally post. for those who play on LS my toon is Sir Fred. I am not sure of how the team is chosen their invites but if it is based on post or computer specs than i will probably have to wait for it to be released as I only play on a lap top. Oh well just wanted to congrat those that got accepted. Everybody have a great day.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mar 18, 2003
In Abstentia
I got in the first wave of testing and do not know any EMs, GMs or mod the KR client. Matter of fact, I have only been back four months after several years away.

Maybe they wanted specific harware configurations first to make sure it ran smoother for the next few rounds of invites. I have no idea and this is mere speculation on my part.

Too many people think they wont get in because they didn't get invited as part of the first group. Maybe it's a blessing to not have been picked first. Alot of the bugs will be fixed and most likely keep those devoted 2D client users interested long enough to give the SA client a real chance.
Congratulations. I look forward to possibly shopping at yours and the others vendors in Luna II.


I have never played to get rich, and even less so to be a sheep in a flock. Luna never appealed to me and I avoid it. Skara Brae is my prefered banking location. My attempts at Imbueing wont reach past the guild most likely when the expansion goes live.

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Jun 17, 2006
just curious where people are getting there information that the focus group testers were the KR focus group?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jan 5, 2001
The same place as they got most of the rest of the 'information' in this thread, they made an assumption and leapt to a conclusion.


Just wanted to say

There is a Stygian Abyss Beta
I am in the Stygian Abyss Beta



An observation: 20% of those saying they are in the beta have direct ties to Stratics.

Coincidence? Realistic odds?

No dog in this hunt, just an observation.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sep 24, 2003
An observation: 20% of those saying they are in the beta have direct ties to Stratics.

Coincidence? Realistic odds?

No dog in this hunt, just an observation.
I dunno... A team dedicated to working with the devs co-ordinating issues from the boards to the game in an officailly unofficial forum... ya I'd probably let them in my beta. Kind of a no-brainer.

Warrior of Time

The same place as they got most of the rest of the 'information' in this thread, they made an assumption and leapt to a conclusion.
You right. There is a study group and I am in the study group. I was also in the original closed beta for KR. All I play is KR since April 2007.

I just like the others am waiting to get into the UO/SA closed beta. The key word here is wait. The last door has not closed.


An observation: 20% of those saying they are in the beta have direct ties to Stratics.

Coincidence? Realistic odds?

No dog in this hunt, just an observation.
Actually I'd say 100% of those posting on Stratics have direct ties to Stratics.


An observation: 20% of those saying they are in the beta have direct ties to Stratics.

Coincidence? Realistic odds?

No dog in this hunt, just an observation.
I think what Beastmaster is saying is that he believes that 20% of the people here claiming to be in beta are strartics mods, admins, etc. I am not sure that statistic is correct because I have not reviewed the post count.

I do believe that there may be a direct correlation between the type of person that Stratics looks for - and the type of person EA looks for. Both want:

1.) Community leaders. (Large guild leaders, fansite producers, etc.)
2.) People who are willing to volunteer time.
3.) People who have a positive attitude.
4.) People who generally want to help out others.

If you have never been in a beta before, it can often be very frustrating as you can spend more time finding/identifying/reproducing/reporting bugs than you do actually playing! It takes people willing to cooperate and keep a positive attitude. It takes people willing to keep at it even though it keeps crashing. It also helps to have respected community leaders involved so that when the NDA is lifted, word of mouth advertising can kick in with a boost.

No proof to base my opinion on, but it feels right and seems logical to me...


I think what Beastmaster is saying is that he believes that 20% of the people here claiming to be in beta are strartics mods, admins, etc.

At the time of my posting that was correct. I then ventured over to UOForums and found the % there to be 37.5%, plus Adam is planning a contest for additional codes he was given by Chrissay. That begs the question, if Adam was given codes to do with as he chose, how many were given to Stratics?


At the time of my posting that was correct. I then ventured over to UOForums and found the % there to be 37.5%, plus Adam is planning a contest for additional codes he was given by Chrissay. That begs the question, if Adam was given codes to do with as he chose, how many were given to Stratics?
Let me clarify this no one is being handed codes. All Official Fansites (listed on the herald) are welcome to host contests and coordinate them with me. The fansites are NOT given the individual codes to hand out. Each site has to have a contest, provide proof of contest, and the winner's email addresses submitted to me (this must be the email address they used in signing up with the beta in order to qualify).


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mar 18, 2004
McMinnville Oregon
So are any of the sights having contests I would sure like a chance to get in? I have seen no posts about this!


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jun 13, 2002
Green Mt State - Vt
At the time of my posting that was correct. I then ventured over to UOForums and found the % there to be 37.5%, plus Adam is planning a contest for additional codes he was given by Chrissay. That begs the question, if Adam was given codes to do with as he chose, how many were given to Stratics?
Yes, I read this just now also. I'm a little upset, on one part only though. UO/EA can give codes to Whoever they want, it is Their Game, (no question on that). I can understand them giving "X" codes (Very Limited in #' lets say 5, No More) to Forum Admin players of UO. Only because they do play the game & if you have a Fansite like Stratics & UOForums it normally does have a Staff with yrs of playing experience of the Vet players. Which in all reality is good to get them players able to look at what they want the rest of the playing community to eventually go to. Get those Key players their opinon, get their feedback on what they think is good or not good, tell them if the like the new look, find bugs, find loop holes, etc. BUT now comes the part I do not like & that was posted there. Raffling off the codes via a Competion or whatever... That is wrong. Why should someone that belongs to a forum as "JUST" a member be allowed that little bit of advantage over someone that is a 10, 11 or 12 yr UO player & does NOT read any Forum ?? That is just wrong IMO. I personally could care less if I got a 1st round code or not (And NO I did not get one). I figured there would be more codes given out later in the beta, as there have been in the past. I myself won't test every little thing in beta, some do & to that I'd happily give up my invite to Beta to someone that is willing to go & do extreem testing as some do. To them Beta testers I tip my hat.

Old Man of UO

Plus there will be an open beta for all at a later date.
Tell you the truth, I am not that interested in the Open Beta, after most of the important decisions have been already made, unless the Open Beta is played on our home shards. Otherwise for me, it's just a waste of time. Just my opinion...


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jun 13, 2002
Green Mt State - Vt
Let me clarify this no one is being handed codes. All Official Fansites (listed on the herald) are welcome to host contests and coordinate them with me. The fansites are NOT given the individual codes to hand out. Each site has to have a contest, provide proof of contest, and the winner's email addresses submitted to me (this must be the email address they used in signing up with the beta in order to qualify).

But you're still giving out codes in an alternate method, that could be very Bias in handing out the codes (which can easily happen)... There are vet players that have NEVER read a Forum.... In fact one player that I have played with for years has never read a forum & he has played this game since the opening week UO went public! I'm sorry, But where is the fairness


I see a lot of sour grapes and whinging when, in fact, the game's not over yet, and this is only the first wave.

For pete's sake, it's beta. Even if you don't get in beta, you'll still be able to play it when it comes out.

See, I thought I had a pretty darn good chance at getting in. I run a less-than-optimal system, and I've been a beta tester before. I didn't get in the first wave. Am I disappointed? Sure! I'm not owed entrance, though. I'mnot trying to figure out how EA is discriminating against me. I'm just going to wait for the next wave. And the one after that. And any other wave they throw.

And if I don't get in at all? who cares? I'll play it when it comes out. I didn't get anything special for beta testing Samurai Empire. I doubt I'll get anything special for testing SA, if I get in.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mar 18, 2004
McMinnville Oregon
I agree old man ..... I am very disappointed though! I have played 10 years and have applied to every beta test, I actively participate in events, I play everyday, I help out others on my shard and here everyday, have never had a mark against my accounts and still not made it in to a beta at least not yet ! but congrats to the ones I know did most of them I know will do a good job but I am discouraged I cant deny that....
so to fix my depressing I went stergion fishing this weekend :) my buddy hooked the biggest fish i have ever seen was about 12 foot almost as big as our boat!


Let me clarify this no one is being handed codes. All Official Fansites (listed on the herald) are welcome to host contests and coordinate them with me. The fansites are NOT given the individual codes to hand out. Each site has to have a contest, provide proof of contest, and the winner's email addresses submitted to me (this must be the email address they used in signing up with the beta in order to qualify).

Stratics where's your contest?


so to fix my depressing I went stergion fishing this weekend :) my buddy hooked the biggest fish i have ever seen was about 12 foot almost as big as our boat!
I went Memorial Day with a few friends and caught 375 lbs. of dolphin. Planning another trip shortly for tuna. Bluefin and Bigeye are biting good right now.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Jun 7, 2008
Great computer system, 4 ACTIVE accounts, Online and in game EVERY day, posted BEFORE secure sign-up, NO black marks what-so-ever on my acct. NO derogatory posts here or anywhere else...and....

Is there a SA Beta??
I DIDN't Get in..

So...It wasn't first come, or based entirely on play-time.

The only thing I have read here that makes it SUCK, is some ppl not active for months getting invites..while I have been plunking down my $40.00 per month for my accts to play.

oh well...

Considering the questions in the beta application, this part of the beta test has as purpose to test if the client is working correctly on various system.

Remember the problems they had with UOKR burning some graphic cards? This test is the answer.

Warrior of Time

An observation: 20% of those saying they are in the beta have direct ties to Stratics.

Coincidence? Realistic odds?

I don't think your math is right.

How do you know anyone is tied to stratics?
On top of that you should look at the other 80% Where did they come from?

As for a person with a low end system. They want them in there. You are not the only one out there with one. They want everyone's kind and type. Why would they only want one system work and not another?

As for the ones in there not checking everything. They are in there to help everyone in the game. Beta means broken, and they are in there to fix it for the betterment of all that play. Where else would you get to tame and ride a blood ele. (Incorrect ozzy art)


But you're still giving out codes in an alternate method, that could be very Bias in handing out the codes (which can easily happen)... There are vet players that have NEVER read a Forum.... In fact one player that I have played with for years has never read a forum & he has played this game since the opening week UO went public! I'm sorry, But where is the fairness
Any fansite listed as an official fansite (on the herald) can hold a contest for access to the beta. These sites are NOT given the individual codes as we would like to keep track of who has been accepted into the beta. Each fansite that would like to hold a contest will have a maximum number set to their contest not exceeding 3 for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place. Each fansite has to show me the contest prior to listing it, proof of the completed contest, and it must run for at least 7 days. The winners of these contests have to provide the email they used to apply for the beta.

Remember we are still accepting beta applications.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Pacific Shard
lol and the fisherman take over the post :)

I was halibut fishing out of La Push, Washington Saturday. 3 of us on the boat 73, 69, 58 were the three we took home. Lot's of throw back 20-35's.

Glad to see the other folks that didn't make the beta test made the most of their weekend as well.


North Carolina.

And just to stay on topicS... Maybe Stratics needs to hold a big fish contest!


But you're still giving out codes in an alternate method, that could be very Bias in handing out the codes (which can easily happen)... There are vet players that have NEVER read a Forum.... In fact one player that I have played with for years has never read a forum & he has played this game since the opening week UO went public! I'm sorry, But where is the fairness
As Chrissay has already confirmed, I'm going to be running a contest on UOForums, but I personally, won't be getting the codes

I'm making sure there's no unfairness by letting Chrissay see the whole process (such as competition entries and who is eligible for the prizes etc)

As far as the Vet player and it being unfair, not really, there's no doubt going to be an extensive open beta for all players sooner or later, so no one's missing out, we're talking about three codes, that's all.

It's just a reward for fansites who dedicate themselves to the UO community.


I was halibut fishing out of La Push, Washington Saturday. 3 of us on the boat 73, 69, 58 were the three we took home. Lot's of throw back 20-35's.

Glad to see the other folks that didn't make the beta test made the most of their weekend as well.
Where in Wa do you live (or do you live in Wa?) I grew up in Port Angeles, been fishing at LaPush MANY times!!!



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jun 11, 2008
I applied before the secure page was in place, have very good system specs, played for 11 years, no marks.

Did not get in. Yet. They probably met their quota for that demographic this time round. Curses...


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jun 13, 2002
Green Mt State - Vt
But you're still giving out codes in an alternate method, that could be very Bias in handing out the codes (which can easily happen)... There are vet players that have NEVER read a Forum.... In fact one player that I have played with for years has never read a forum & he has played this game since the opening week UO went public! I'm sorry, But where is the fairness
Any fansite listed as an official fansite (on the herald) can hold a contest for access to the beta. These sites are NOT given the individual codes as we would like to keep track of who has been accepted into the beta. Each fansite that would like to hold a contest will have a maximum number set to their contest not exceeding 3 for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place. Each fansite has to show me the contest prior to listing it, proof of the completed contest, and it must run for at least 7 days. The winners of these contests have to provide the email they used to apply for the beta.
Remember we are still accepting beta applications.
Please clarify what is in red Chrissay for Everyones sake, Who are they to give their UO email address to, the Forum they win on or ONLY to EA/Mythic, that you will contact them directly if they are the winner ..

For it is Posted here http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=96394 On UO Account Security to Never use or give out your UO Email address to any other Web sites

4 Use a private E-Mail Address.
* Do not use this email address at ANY other web sites.
* Do not give it out to Anyone.
* Use it ONLY for Ultima Online
5 Protect your E-Mail Account too.
* Use a Strong Password too

I'm not trying to argue with you here, I'm trying too look out for players accounts that could be fall prey to bogus email account notifications that they have won.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jan 5, 2001
Forgive me, it takes me more than 24 hours to come up with a contest idea. Especially when I'm totally out of my depth, never having run a contest before.

However I just had a quick look at Adam's board, since he's asking for suggestions for the type of competition to run, I think I can ask for suggestions too.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jul 13, 2005
Staly Vagas
A Gargoyle Lymeric competion. The winner could also perhaps have the Lymeric place into a special 'book' and placed in the EM's reward hall on their given shard?

Warrior of Time

How is that fair to the ones that have no idea what limerick is.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 14, 2008
Nth NSW Australia
How is that fair to the ones that have no idea what limerick is.
This is a 'similar' limerick competition I ran with EV-Vents a yr or so ago.


Limericks are actually one of the 'best' type poems for anyone to write and also the easiest, scroll down in the above event report for a definition, and also how we ran that particular event.

The list of Limericks performed on that night is HERE

So Petra if you are interested in something like that they are pretty easy to run. Only the 'selection' of the winner would be difficult but you could always shove them up and get people to vote for the 'best' by poll.

Other event idea,s if you are stuck, are in my EVE archives HERE