An observation: 20% of those saying they are in the beta have direct ties to Stratics.
Coincidence? Realistic odds?
No dog in this hunt, just an observation.
I think what Beastmaster is saying is that he believes that 20% of the people here claiming to be in beta are strartics mods, admins, etc. I am not sure that statistic is correct because I have not reviewed the post count.
I do believe that there may be a direct correlation between the type of person that Stratics looks for - and the type of person EA looks for. Both want:
1.) Community leaders. (Large guild leaders, fansite producers, etc.)
2.) People who are willing to volunteer time.
3.) People who have a positive attitude.
4.) People who generally want to help out others.
If you have never been in a beta before, it can often be very frustrating as you can spend more time finding/identifying/reproducing/reporting bugs than you do actually playing! It takes people willing to cooperate and keep a positive attitude. It takes people willing to keep at it even though it keeps crashing. It also helps to have respected community leaders involved so that when the NDA is lifted, word of mouth advertising can kick in with a boost.
No proof to base my opinion on, but it feels right and seems logical to me...