No not really. It is very simple. This event works, and you can get drops if this is what bothers you.
Play the game, meaning grinding for hours to get items that aren't worth it? I actually have those characters, which even with the drop nerf isn't as effective as a template I won't elaborate on here.
Well, if that's how you like wasting your time, I won't stand in your way.
And that's part of the problem. Some of us pay, and wouldn't mind paying more, for a game that is a refined,
working product, not something we pay for as guinea pigs.
and if you use the correct temp, and do the right legal things you can STILL collect a few hundred drops in a few days.
if you grind for long enough, but had you bothered to check around this very forum, you'll see that drop rates were made absurdly bad.
But if you are BORED already about the same old grind I can understand.
I'm not "bored" about grinding. If you're going to respond to me, could you do me the simple courtesy of getting on the same page? Thanks.
The drops have been adjusted but they still happen. There may be some scripters but they are likely few.
Once in a blue moon qualifies as "still happen." A one in a billion chance qualifies as "still happen." If you grind for 10 hours and finally get a drop, that also qualifies as "still happen." The issue isn't whether drops are occurring, but how frequently.
The scripters don't bother me, not even a known multiboxer who for some unknown reason hasn't been doing Destard anymore (I'm being sarcastic there in case you can't tell). Actually I didn't mind his twin sampires doing the tanking at the big hotspot, because the rest of us could get our share. I don't mind having to run around a big pit, and I don't mind having to take down certain paragons (even if it's getting old that some effectively kill instantly from two big hits in quick succession). I do mind that the grind isn't worth the drop rate that got taken too far in the other direction for what the spawn was changed to.
Make an archer properly equipped, or a SW/Mystic with the right gear. You can buy the potions but really do not need them. If you play the game, you get drops.
Among six accounts, I have two archers, a thrower, and three mystics (two being spellweaving mystics). As a matter of fact, on my quieter home shard, I haven't found them as effective as one template I won't elaborate on.
Then we're back to the issue of not
drops per se, but
how many in a certain amount of time.
Also the fun in the game is not the drops and the rewards are not that earth shattering anyways. Playing the game is the fun and also working with others is.
If the fun is not about getting drops and rewards, then I'll tell you what: discard every drop you get, making sure to hit a macro announcing how happy you are just to play the game.
The Devs had 2 days of insane spawn/drops accidentally and they correctly fixed it, as it appears, and some people complained/spilled the beans to the devs about it and fixed it. The original insane spawn/drops was accidental/unintended, as it appears. So don't be so upset and play the game.
The BS Team didn't "fix" a damn thing. They did the same thing as every other dev team before them: nerf an excess to nothingness, and rely on cheerleaders like you to believe that some kind of balance was achieved. When fishermen were first able to pull up chests, I'd already had a GM fisherman/chef for some months. (Macroing fancy shirts was the big moneymaker then, and my tailor had free points.) That had to be nerfed. Fishing was also great for str/dex raiser when stats were very hard to gain, and that had to be nerfed too, as lumberjacking for str had been nerfed. "If players enjoy something too much, then it must be nerfed" seems to be in a developer's manual for the game.
Previous dungeon scenarios had basic design flaws that required too much thinking for these devs to fix, but this time it's a simple solution, and yet it still escapes them.[/quote]