I just posted this on another thread...but what the heck...if I post it on this one two I have even a better chance that a dev might read it
why not make 2 threads here happy???
Seems to me there are a LOT of people BEGGING for more stable slots!!!
Seems to me there are a LOT of people BEGGING for another item turn-in/clean up Brit event!!!
Let me see.....when we did the blackrock turn in we got items we could actually USE and USE UP.
I myself got some very nice agapite and verite runic hammers, I got some Tok Dyes, I got scourge, putrification, eye of travesty and a TON of other ingredients, AND GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!
All of that stuff has been used and is now GONE and OFF the server.
let me see...I got rid of a TON of blackrock I had been saving (over 200 pcs) I got a LOT of kewl items, and with the exception of a few armor items, I have USED everything up...gone...poof...200 pcs of blackrock turned in, and I have about 10 items left....saved the server some space...multiply that by the amount of people that turned in from 1-500 pcs (and I know that a LOT of people did turn in, AND had that many pcs) of blackrock and we saved the server a LOT of space!!
How many people are hording 100's of blackrock again??? (I KNOW I am) How many people are sitting on 100's of Ophidian rations, orders, etc??? How many people are sitting on 100's of rubble??? How many people have a bazillion strips of bacon, gingerbread cookies, cards (for EVERY occasion) Halloween candy, and all the other things we have been given for gifts through out the years???? I KNOW I AM!!!
Even if you make the turn in at a 5-1 ratio..I PROMISE I will turn 95% of my blackrock, orders, rubble, cards, cookies, etc. in!!! (yes, I would keep 1 or 2 of each just incase...) but I sure dont need to be hording the collection of 300+ blackrock (and growing daily) that I am now.
What are we supposed to think....you gave us a bunch of GREAT items for our blackrock...you DIDN'T turn the blackrock spawn OFF...so...either we are hording blackrock again for another turn in or you blew it and left the blackrock spawn turned on for nothing. As long as there was one turn in, and the blackrock keeps coming, people are going to keep on collecting it!!!
Give us another turn in on ALL of our junk...make the items we turn in for useable resorces that will be USED up and go away..think of the TONS of server space you are going to generate...THEN you can give us MORE STABLE SLOTS!!!
Let me turn in my blackrock and ALL of my other junk to the Stable master for STABLE SLOTS!!!! I would happily give up 10pcs of blackrock for ONE stable slot! I bet a LOT of other people here would as well....Let the stable master offer me 10 scourge OR ONE STABLE SLOT...or a Verite runic hammer OR ONE STABLE SLOT...or 10 putrification...OR ONE STABLE SLOT! This way those of us that want a STABLE SLOT can get it, and those of us that want a shot at a Verite hammer or other such fine turn in item can get one!
Give us a clean up brit, and item turn in and you will gain enough server space that everybody here could have a dozen more STABLE SLOTS and you would STILL save server space!!!!
whew...to much coffee to early in the morning for me
...making a edit here to add one more thought Devs....
I would hazzard a guess here that most everybody that plays this game for at least 6 months or so, has figured out that the more chars they have the more gifts they get..so most of us probably have 5-7 chars per account, and just incase you give really GREAT gifts we have 5-7 chars per account with 5-7 chars PER SHARD. So figure the low end here 1 account for each player (and a LOT of people have multi accounts i myself have 3 accts) but we are figuring the LOW end here, 1 account for each player... 5 chars per account...25 shards = 125 chars per account. 7-10 items given per "gift basket" = 875 items per account...gifts given 3-4 times per year = 2625 total items each account has... per year.... multiply that by the number of active accounts and you have a BAZILLION items!!! Let us turn all that stuff in for "useupable" resources. Don't worry... if you make it so we can turn it in for things we can use... WE will worry about getting it Xshard traded. Guess what??? You just saved a TON of server space, more then I can even imagine....then
wait for it.....
wait for it.....
wait for it.....
We can have MORE STABLE SLOTS!!!
think I am done now...I either need more coffee...or need to go back to bed for awhile.....
Edited by Toptwo (03/10/08 06:04 AM)