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Third Party and Illegal Cheating

  • Thread starter imported_Mystra
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Great Lakes Forever!
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
my lord im agreeing more and more with BC, It is funny, I am not pointing fingers or pointing out anything but fact here, but it is really funny how one faction guild has a few folks who run circles around others allowing this one guild to drop 2-4 players when they are being targeted by a group of the same folks, also until Seig joined UOD they were decent and mysteriously once he joined them so far all teh uod i seen skips across teh screen and a couple players with teh same name seem to be able to survive no matter what is thrown at them


Great Lakes Forever!
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Please complain to the admins so they replace me and you get a moderator better suited to your liking.

[/ QUOTE ]

man if they replace you here, I am gone as all teh other mods here I have had run in's with are just like the natzi home owners assocoation for the neighborhood i live in.

wait err, ummm, is saying Natzi home owners assocoation allowed here




Well...I think your first line says it all. Rules are bent to allow freedoms to those who are, lets say "more popular" than others on these forums. Rules are rules - if they are bent then they are simply guidelines. If these "rules" are then bent...its pretty tough for "us" to know how far they are bent and just exactly what is allowed.


If you think people get treated differently because of who they are by me then you take that to the admins. I will ask them in a few days if you have and what proof you provided. be prepared to defend that accusation. It is ludicrous and I don't appreciate it . If the rules were followed to the letter you would hear Crickets on this forum instead of all of the strong willed posts I allow for the benefit of the community that do not cause harm or go against the ROC in such a way as to not be permitted.
Please complain to the admins so they replace me and you get a moderator better suited to your liking.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm...after going back and re-reading, I think, well I know, I didnt convey the message I was trying to send. I didnt mean that you were a bad admin at all, in fact, I even said you were a great admin in a PM I sent you concerning a different matter. You allow a great degree of freedom, I simply meant that is unfortunately how things get out of hand, because some people take the ball and run with it..leading to arguments then sticking you in the middle. Again, my apologies if I sounded as though I was accusing you of being a bad admin, I was speaking more in general terms of how I simply think either allow pic posting and discussion of illegal programs, or neither of the two. Thanks for allowing this discussion thread, and honestly, nothing negative was meant to be directed towards you.


Thank you Atilla i will continue to try and be fair as possible with authority is allowed to me



I agree with you, Mystra does a good job of policing these boards and allowing leniency.

[/ QUOTE ]

Let me restate that. He is not lenient with the RoC. He takes all aspects into consideration instead of just banning people left and right. Do you see much activity on any other shard forum? No. Because they take things to the extreme most of the time. Example: A Mod on a different shard forum told me to change my avatar or be perma banned because it was against the RoC. While my avatar might be a matter of taste to some it does not break the RoC. Some folks like to interpret the RoC to suit their personal opinions instead of just trying to do what is best for everyone by being fair and not jumping the gun and banning everyone to the point of making it a ghost forum.

I can't think of even once that it would have crossed my mind that Mystra played favorites. He has even had to send a flashy envelope to me, and I'm his favorite poster of all times. (this may be a slight exaggeration, but only a slight one).




I can't think of even once that it would have crossed my mind that Mystra played favorites. He has even had to send a flashy envelope to me, and I'm his favorite poster of all times. (this may be a slight exaggeration, but only a slight one).

[/ QUOTE ]

Shhh dont tell anyone Alvinho thinks he is my favorite!!!

Geoffery (Geo)



I can't think of even once that it would have crossed my mind that Mystra played favorites. He has even had to send a flashy envelope to me, and I'm his favorite poster of all times. (this may be a slight exaggeration, but only a slight one).

[/ QUOTE ]

Shhh dont tell anyone Alvinho thinks he is my favorite!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Am I at least in the top 5? Top 10?


Now Betty we all know you have no Taste...you are after all a Pittsburgh fan!

Geoffery (Geo)


Now Betty we all know you have no Taste...you are after all a Pittsburgh fan!

[/ QUOTE ]

I have no room to comment on that one... my hometown team would be the Lions.





I can't think of even once that it would have crossed my mind that Mystra played favorites. He has even had to send a flashy envelope to me, and I'm his favorite poster of all times. (this may be a slight exaggeration, but only a slight one).

[/ QUOTE ]

Shhh dont tell anyone Alvinho thinks he is my favorite!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Am I at least in the top 5? Top 10?

[/ QUOTE ]

I refuse to answer on the grounds that I would be accused of playing favorites


I am hiding from Betty because she knows I am a Ravens fan, at least you had a chance this year!

Geoffery (Geo)

lmao, Ok ok, I walked into that answer (which was good by the way, I'm still laughing).




Now Betty we all know you have no Taste...you are after all a Pittsburgh fan!

[/ QUOTE ]

I have no room to comment on that one... my hometown team would be the Lions.

[/ QUOTE ]

From 6-2 to 6-10. You gotta love to hate the Lions

Geoffery (Geo)


From 6-2 to 6-10. You gotta love to hate the Lions

[/ QUOTE ]

Hehe for them, there is no middle ground it seems.


Along with The Cardinals they are worst franchise in The NFL. Im 35 years old and they have won a total of 1 game in the playoffs in my lifetime. The sad part is there is no city in the country that wants their team to win more than Detroit does.


To the topic at hand anyway, the real reason for scripting and third party programs in the first place was that quite a bit of the neccessary tasks to get anywhere in this game were to say the least monotonous and repetitive. To say the least, anybody who has a smith that is over 6 or 7 years old remembers how much of a pain it was to get to GM, not to mention the resources. I would have to mine for days to have an hour or two worth of ingots when in the 90s. that and i had every smith shop in the realm marked to recall and hope there were ingots or ore in stock. EA/OSI whoever it was at the time missed the boat on this and did nothing to help us poor peons, so the more nefarious of us with scripting/coding abilities figured how to it. From there it escalated to what we have today, and I would dare say that there are really only a few people who know exactly how bad it is and what these folks are capable of. All have been touched by it in some way and I would dare say that a good portion of the peeps typing in this thread have tried it in one fashion or the other. Please do not come here and say that you have not, because you would sound just as genuine as Andy pettite denying his HgH and Steroid involvement. You can not disprove it, so leave that statement alone. Again the question is what can be done about it by the Devs? Can Punkbuster fix us? I love this game and the people that it has intorduced to me..well maybe not you BTH...hmm haven't heard him around here in a couple of days..oh well. Just my ramblings, later!


how does college football relate to the forum at hand?
Dont get me wrong, I enjoy all sports, but lets stick to the subject correct?
Maybe Ill start a college football thread so we can all bash each others teams!


1st off, college football was never mentioned in this thread and secondly, does it really matter if anyone writes anything relevant to the thread at hand? This is afterall stratics, the UO funnypapers.

Geoffery (Geo)

My appologies for the derail..(and I bash my own, I have no room to bash anyone elses!)

But as said, back to the topic at hand...

Teufel's statement is spot on. Scripting/Third party programs started within the crafting and resource areas in the beginning. And for anyone around the time frame he's describing, we know exactly how painful that was. Smithy was a nightmare, and I wont even go into trying to raise poisoning back then. I still have nightmares.

But as the code and programs for these things became more prevalent, they also became more user friendly. And in this I mean the ability and availability to modify, create, and distribute the scripts involved. This in turn provided people the ability to utilize them for other activities. And the downhill slide started...

To the point where people with only a very basic understanding of a program language could create thier own scripts.

As to what can be done about it? I wish I had the answers. Will Punkbuster be a solution? I cant say, but I know that processes can be hidden and masked. (I work in the IT industry, and while I'm not about to claim to be all knowing, I do know a bit onthe subject.)

Using an old adage from that I use in describing solutions to the floor management, 'you have to make it harder and less profitable to do something wrong, than do do it right.'

imported_lady michelle

We could all see it this way since we all our still posting on this forum Mystra likes us all equally, and if you get a flashy from him its his way of telling ya cool it. We should be thankyou to have a mod like him. or we come be in the doghouse like the one who always says Im coming back, and I'm going to own greatlakes, (over 2 years still waiting for him to own greatlakes) or the one who lol was gonna save us all from our sins. Mystra also know we are all human, and knows at times we might cross over the lines, but its not like any of us keep crossing that line once he warns us if we do.

Geoffery (Geo)

lol, My post was just in fun.

In all actuallity, I believe that Mystra does a damn fine job. I've read the other forums from time to time, and I wouldn't trade him.

While I might take issue with things from time to time, I understand that he has a job to do. One that I wouldnt want, running roughshod over the likes of us all.
Not a fun thing I would bet!

For some clarification, I've had a few issues, but as I once stated, if you go after my friends (I could care less if you want to fire away at me, I'm easily amused, so go for it!
), I'm going to go after ya. If you dont like it, dont open yourself up for it. Even with that, I still believe that Mystra is one of the top ranking Mod's I've had to deal with. And I take none of it personally.

This thread is a perfect example. I'd bet anywhere else, and it would be locked down in a heartbeat. But its a topic of discussion and concern, and Mystras given us an outlet for it.


My big problem is with programs that people use in pvp that allow players to do things faster than players that only use assist. Things such as speed enhancements and auto chug programs that take the place of skill have no place in UO. I could care less if a player is working tailoring with assist and has the means to just keep repeating the macro. It doesnt effect other players and doesnt even mean the player is afk. What EA needs to do is dish out some bannings to the biggest offenders. Lets say we have 2 of the biggest offenders on the shard, we will call them Max and Vic for the sake of the argument.EA needs to give both Max and Vic who have been paged on by many people on the shard no less than 72 hour bans. What will this do you say? Well for starters it gives 2 of the biggest culprits something to think about and second, it gives any of their buddies a warning that they could be next if they are using the same kind of programs. EA knows people are cheating and they can tell that they are, all they need to do is ban high profile cheaters and make it apparent that their is at least a decent chance of getting banned for cheating and a good chunk of the cheaters will fall in line. As it stands right now EA has given the appearance that UO is a safe haven for cheaters.

Geoffery (Geo)

I dont disagree. The only problem is the method of how the GM's/EA/etc detect this occurance. How do you accurately detect this?

Can the detection method tell the difference between the illegal programs, and something set up like an N52 gamepad or a G15 keyboard, where legal commands are chained and programmed to a hot key?

Outside of the obvious, the only way is to install snooping software along with the client. Punkbuster, etc. And then how do you keep it from being fooled/bypassed/whatever.

Either way, I'm all for the solution, I just dont know what it will or should be.


I believe EA can already tell if someone is cheating. They use to ban cheaters so why cant they do it nowadays? I think UOs subscriptions are at a fragile number and they dont wanna risk losing any. The problem with that line of thinking is how many people have quit UO because of the appearance that EA does not enforce its TOS? Like I said they dont need to do mass bannings, they just need some high profile bans.

Geoffery (Geo)

I remember a few of the bannings of old, and (I may be mis-remembering, always likely, or misinformed) I had thought they were caught directly by the GM's; where one was on the spot, witnessed the event and was able to track it down manually thru the system.

I do know alot of the old time scriptors (usually AFK'ers too) were caught in this method.

But to do this, you have to have a small (if not large) army of GM's running around monitoring the lands. And it can still open you up for interpertations and the reprecussions that would follow.

Mind you, I'm not saying it shouldnt be done. I'd love to see more instances of GM's showing up on the scene. Nothing would amuse me more than after having chased a scripter across half the land, and suddenly seeing him go *poof* in a ball of smoke and a GM telling me he's gone to a far away land that I wont be able to follow him to.



I think UOs subscriptions are at a fragile number and they dont wanna risk losing any.

[/ QUOTE ]

Another excellent point here, how do you crack down without cracking down too hard. Whatever you do there is going to be some fallout. Some portion of the subscription base will be lost. Do you think they did not install Punkbuster because they knew just how large of a base was cheating?


hehe EA if they were to ban these people omg lol servers like atlantic chessy or pac would lose like i would say 20 Percent of there players thats alot of money gone instead of banning people FIX IT so they cant do it! like WoW the only hack in that game is u can farm AFK if u tride a speed program ro something ur insta disconneced with a 72 hour ban i mean INSTANT lol

imported_Damm Looter

UO,WoW,Diablo,Final Fantasy,Everquest ....... Its the same no matter what game you play there will always be programs being run just like the gold farmers will always be farming gold.About all we can do is adapt to it just like when they nerf a skill everyone says they are going to quit but they adapt and continue playing and this has been going on for years.

When you think someone is running something just leave and when enough people start doing it maybe they will get the picture when they can't find anyone that will fight them.That is the reason people dont see me at yew gate anymore it is nothing but a breeding ground for it.So I just stay away and dont have to deal with it,simple as that.



But as said, back to the topic at hand...

Teufel's statement is spot on. Scripting/Third party programs started within the crafting and resource areas in the beginning. And for anyone around the time frame he's describing, we know exactly how painful that was. Smithy was a nightmare, and I wont even go into trying to raise poisoning back then. I still have nightmares.

[/ QUOTE ]

THAT was the beauty of the freakin' game!!!! I worked my hiney off for what I had and still believe that is the way things should be done. The game is only worth it if you have to work for it. It's even that way in rl. You take better care of a car you pay for yourself than the one given to you. We live in a microwave, "I want it now" generation and people always want to take the easy way out instead of working for it. It meant something to have a gm smithy or tamer, etc. Now, EVERYONE has it with little effort. Sad.

YES, it was boring. But those of us that did work it, made a decent living in game WITHOUT scripting or unattended macroing. And now, it's not worth squat. THAT is what AoS did for us.

No matter how much complaining we have done, my beloved game is now something you almost don't recognize as UO. I miss my game. I miss my friends that have moved on to other games. Seems my time will be nearing for the same as things continue to be ignored.

Teufel, what can I say other than you have my sympathy. hehe
Go Steelers!!
I live in Wisconsin now, and I must say the Packers fans are just about like no other. They rank right up with Steelers fans and alike.


OK look! I am gonna have to defend UOD on yer broad statement about us. I

have a very respectful career that revolves totaly around trust and following the

rules and I do follow all the rules in life and in game. I cant say that nobody in

UOD uses anything, all I have is there word that they dont. Ask anyone, I have

very few rules in this guild but first and foremost I let everyone know that if

they are and I find out its either loose the program or get kicked. I have even

chewed asses and booted becouse someone has in the past mentioned the use

of illegal substances and or made racist comments and Used the C word towards

a woman in vent. I am always telling people to watch what they say in game as

far as vulgarity and any sexual inuendos. I know I have talked a lot of [censored] in

the past but its all in fun to me and at the time even though it was stupid

immature and irresponsible I thought it was fun. So in short I can say with 99%

certainty that nobody in UOD uses a speed enhancing program. If you feel they

are PLEASE by all means see me.



Whatever you say! You are the expert of all uo things good bad and ugly. Have you ever been to any of the town halls or meetings? Most likely no, if you had been to any where the subject was brought up then you would know that all of those things are possible and the devs admit that they know it happenes and have banned people for it. This is a personal opinion thread so you did voice yers.

[/ QUOTE ]

This made me laugh.

Did you know that the two major 3rd party apps were both made by former EA dev's? Did you know that the current dev team and the dev team for the past 2 years has not employed anyone who fully understood the game code?(the game been so old and the server/game code be so thick, they kinda just use a patch and hope for the best system.)

That being said this issue is moot. These programs will not go away. They will fester on the rotting corpse of UO until it is dead and buried.



These programs will not go away. They will fester on the rotting corpse of UO until it is dead and buried.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm just all warm and fuzzy after this one. TOO classic, Shadow! LOL

(And I do agree!)


Great Lakes Forever!
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

OK look! I am gonna have to defend UOD on yer broad statement about us. I

have a very respectful career that revolves totaly around trust and following the

rules and I do follow all the rules in life and in game. I cant say that nobody in

UOD uses anything,

[/ QUOTE ]

I Respectfully call bull manure, it is mighty, mighty coincidental as i said in my last post that you all (UOD) went from half decent to full decent just after seig joined your guild. Coincidence, sure knowing after he posts here on how he chooses to play Ultima defend him more make your guild loke more like Superstars.


Great Lakes Forever!
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

So in short I can say with 99%

certainty that nobody in UOD uses a speed enhancing program. If you feel they

are PLEASE by all means see me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Obviously you just happen to miss your guildies posts here that now are removed.



it is mighty, mighty coincidental as i said in my last post that you all (UOD) went from half decent to full decent just after seig joined your guild.

[/ QUOTE ]

You give Sieg way to much credit, he isnt that good! Thank you for noticing the improvements we have made. Its called relizing your weaknesses and correcting them via skill changes armor changes, practice, practice, practice. If you ask anyone they will tell you practice makes perfect. You are obviousely one of the many that believe if you cant beat other people they must be cheating. Anyway as Mystra stated I am off topic so thats it for me on that subject.

As for your question Mystra, you have had an unquestionable "Zero Tolerance" policy about this since you posted


Time to Clarify #7127638 - 03/08/07 02:12 PM

[/ QUOTE ]

leave it that way, I believe you are opening yourself up to worse trouble by allowing ANY discussion of it.

“It's asking for trouble. It's trying to make the highest mark and be king of the hill. When you go up, you disturb the surface of the snow and that can make the whole slide come down.”


So, by not talking about it we hide from it, and let it continue without at least trying to come up with a solution... Thats a GREAT way to actually let this game die in the next year or so. Allot of people only play this game for the pvp, but will not stoop down to cheating out of fear of a videogame, but we cant put up with this forever. I have been in game 102 mos. and over the last year the % of pvpers who perform feats fit for gods is much higher, I dont think its the majority of all users, because if your a stealth, scared, pop-shot archer, or just out for the dismount, you really dont need any cheats, just need guard zone within a screen or two.
*semi off subject, barely*

imported_still frame



So in short I can say with 99%

certainty that nobody in UOD uses a speed enhancing program. If you feel they

are PLEASE by all means see me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Obviously you just happen to miss your guildies posts here that now are removed.

[/ QUOTE ]

please enlighten us as to where a SPEED enhancing program was used. u mean the screenie of my "youtube hack" and whomp running into his house? avenged sevenfold on youtube is definetally the best hack out there, so amazing that it actually slows down your computer.... and incase you dont understand that, its called sarcasm

imported_Lady Narsil

Can you not read? This thread is not about you or your guild so either stay on track or keep out of the post the rest of us would like to be able to talk about this.



That has got to be the most screwed up thing I have ever heard. Its ok to post pics of doing something illegal, but then someone else mentioning it isnt ok???? How can you possibly justify that Mystra? And I suppose the answer is because it doesnt allow others to search for and find "said" program...no...lol...this just gives them visual proof that they do exist. LOL.

And to the guy that says these programs dont exist...dont feel like going back and looking...I believe it was The_Dude, if you dont think speed-enhancing programs exist, as well as another program that we all know that starts in an E and ends in an O, amongst a whole host of others...just who in the hell do you think you're kiddin? If people are accusing you of hacking, you're pretty defensive about illegal programs for someone who doesn't run them. I am NOT saying you do or don't...simply saying you're defending that side pretty heavily with claims these programs dont exist.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am with you on the first one. He should be banned for showing a pic before anyone is banned for pointing it out.

As far as Garret's post goes he was simply pointing out that most of the hysteria over cheats is nonsense. What we have are speed enhancing programs, UO Assist replacements and scripters mostly. For instance there are no hacks to make you drop your clothing but if your stupid a scammer might make it happen. All occurances of that are mostly a combination of a couple of bugs that have existed in this game for years, lack of insurance or lack of insuring and stupidity when dealing with scammers. Likewise there are no hacks that let you cast faster than the caps.




I get accused of speed hacking everyday, i dont!!!! I just have a very fast computer and i pay 80 dollars a month to have my cable expanded to 15 mb compared to the standard 5mb that the normal cable internet gives you.
my ping average on gl is 39.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am not accuseing anyone of anything not you, noone else either with that said

I have fiber optic to my home, ping 31 to GL, but my understanding there is a serverside restrictor plate if you will, that caps teh connection speed, irreguardless of being on a t-1 or a 3 meg dsl it is supose to be the same with the cap in place. With my ping of average 31 there are still certian folks who seem to run circles around me on foot, I have optimized to play on my gameign pc and UO is the only one that folks are faster than me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Alvino there are many factors that control your speed. You might have an awesome ping for instance but be getting some unexplained packet loss. It does not matter if you ping 31 if 1 in ten packets are lost for instance. You might have a video card that is extremely expensive with tons of memory but sucks big for 2d gaming. You might have a slower rpm hard drive. You might have spent alot on your pc only to be finding out that any time of celeron sucks and usually has ****ting bandwith on the buss to things like video and memory.

I have recently upgraded my pc and got my own cable internet but for years I was running a 1 ghz Pentium III and for the last year and a half I have been err "borrowing" wireless internet. I have been accused of speed hacking many times and quite frankly I was fast. Most people could not outrun me unless they in fact exhibited symptoms of speed hacking i.e. skipping frames and so on. I did see lag at big events and in trammel in populated places but I dont pvp there so it did not matter.



To the topic at hand anyway, the real reason for scripting and third party programs in the first place was that quite a bit of the neccessary tasks to get anywhere in this game were to say the least monotonous and repetitive. To say the least, anybody who has a smith that is over 6 or 7 years old remembers how much of a pain it was to get to GM, not to mention the resources. I would have to mine for days to have an hour or two worth of ingots when in the 90s. that and i had every smith shop in the realm marked to recall and hope there were ingots or ore in stock. EA/OSI whoever it was at the time missed the boat on this and did nothing to help us poor peons, so the more nefarious of us with scripting/coding abilities figured how to it. From there it escalated to what we have today, and I would dare say that there are really only a few people who know exactly how bad it is and what these folks are capable of. All have been touched by it in some way and I would dare say that a good portion of the peeps typing in this thread have tried it in one fashion or the other. Please do not come here and say that you have not, because you would sound just as genuine as Andy pettite denying his HgH and Steroid involvement. You can not disprove it, so leave that statement alone. Again the question is what can be done about it by the Devs? Can Punkbuster fix us? I love this game and the people that it has intorduced to me..well maybe not you BTH...hmm haven't heard him around here in a couple of days..oh well. Just my ramblings, later!

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL when this game was introduced the devs and creators never intended for everyone to works skills to 100 before using them. THey litterally intended you to gain skills while using them otherwise you would not successfully produce anything until you were gm in that skill. In fact it was not necessary to where GM made armor back then or use a GM made weapon. It was not necessary to GM fighting skills to fight. A mage at 70 could cast a decent ebolt even though he might fizzle a bit. Scripting and real world greed ruined this game as well as a lack of any kind of preventitive measures by the devs.

They could fix this issue today easily if they wished it. Some simple code built in the server and client that prevented UO from running if it found any of the several more popular TTP's running would knock out 99 percent of the cheaters. If we knocked out half of them we would see a huge improvement. They wont do it on a grand scale because it would cost them tons of subscriptions. Meaning if the worst of the cheaters could not make real cash off this game they would not play it. I am still unsure why they do not target sped enhancers unless they find so many they think that too would hurt subscriptions.



I believe EA can already tell if someone is cheating. They use to ban cheaters so why cant they do it nowadays? I think UOs subscriptions are at a fragile number and they dont wanna risk losing any. The problem with that line of thinking is how many people have quit UO because of the appearance that EA does not enforce its TOS? Like I said they dont need to do mass bannings, they just need some high profile bans.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure they can. They put code in a long time ago that allows them when they activate it to get a run down on everyones system and what processes are running. It would be a simple extension of that to simply stop uo from running when it finds those programs running.

You hit the nail on the head. THey think they will loose subscriptions but they dont need to ban to fix this. They simply need to make the client refuse to coexist with programs that enhance performance. Meaning when the client starts up if it finds a program with the footprint (just like checking for virii) of a performance enhancer it refuses to start and tells you why.


I believe the whole point that Mystra was trying to make is that it's ok to talk about 3rd party programs being a problem without making accusations or naming those programs.

Even if someone posts a screen shot showing a 3rd party program, why would you need to continue talking about it or pointing it out? Why not just page the moderator to give him a heads up and get it removed so that noone else is tempted to search that out further. Quite frankly, I never even noticed it until everyone started to talk about it and then I had to go back and look again.

Just because someone posts a screen shot incriminating themselves, does not make the RoC invalid and open the door for folks to accuse or mention those programs. Two wrongs do not make a right and certainly pointing the finger and saying, "but, but, but they were the ones using the program, I shouldn't be in trouble for accusing and naming the program" does not make you exempt either.

And Malador, WHY ARE YOU NAMING PROGRAMS WHEN WE WERE ASKED AND TOLD NOT TO? GOOD GAWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok.. before this gets worse. What I think most of you have stated and what I will try to do is allow the discussion of something that affects so many. You MAY NOT name programs that can be used to hack the game or any illegal third parties. You may not post any screen shots showing you or any other using such programs, If someone does may MAY NOT point it out by name. Any post here that has named such a program is now being deleted from this thread.
Thanks for all the opinions and I am glad we were able to get it off our chests , we now return to your regularly scheduled programming.

imported_lady michelle

Maybe you should say what my mom would say. What part of don't name programs, how they work, or Pics of such programs did you not understand?



Maybe you should say what my mom would say. What part of don't name programs, how they work, or Pics of such programs did you not understand?

[/ QUOTE ]

Lol.. I was thinking that before my last post , Sarcasm is one of my favorite things!

imported_lady michelle



Maybe you should say what my mom would say. What part of don't name programs, how they work, or Pics of such programs did you not understand?

[/ QUOTE ]

Lol.. I was thinking that before my last post , Sarcasm is one of my favorite things!

[/ QUOTE ]
Basicly whats there really to talk about its not going to change anything unless such programs all of a sudden aren't used anymore. Which I won't hold my breath for, and to hear EA isn't doing anything about it not true. KR is What they did for it granted they did a bad job on the release of it, but they are working on fixing things, but if none of us vets use it, and put our imput in ya our UO will be lost forever eventually. So far to please us vets they have put in users settings options use legacy containers legacy chat and legacy art, but right now only changes your houses and whats locked down in it, I have to say its a step in the right diretion for the graphics for us. they even have where we can remove the foilage from the trees, remove shadows, etc. the macro system is alot of work to set up, but if you take the time to go threw it set up the macros to the keys you use on your keyboards you still have the same macros youve been using. One of the best things I like about the new macro system is you can take your pots, your aids, your regs, your scrolls place them in a macro window, and set up a macro key for them. those macros I havent figured out to save yet I have to set them up when I log in, I will figure it out one day LOL, plus the new macro system even seems to make it easy for anyone to use a mage lol yup. So I would have to say they are thinking of us vets, but us vets need to start getting on trying things out and voice our opinions of what we want, or we will be either stuck in 2d with such programs that we dont want. after the holidays Im going to make a list of what I think is wrong, and what needs to be improved on the graphics,Ugh!! log sleeves on a doublet * sees Zynia shudder* and I know you PVPers um don't want me to make a list on what could be improved for PVP for KR but if none of you will I will yes yes lets call it black mail MAUHAHA!!!!
seriously give KR another chance I did with more fixes Im liking it more in more. * waiting on the legacy landscape, characters, and pets to be put in*